• Published 18th Jul 2020
  • 808 Views, 69 Comments

Aryanne gets Executed - Hardcover

A nazi faces Equestrian justice

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Comments ( 64 )

lmao you really are salty, huh?

LMAO he blocked me, haha. True fascism at work, blocking people he disagrees with. Hardcover, you're so weak lmao.

Soaring #2 · Jul 18th, 2020 · · 9 ·

Fucking lmao so salty he has to write a story about his salt.

EDIT: Hardcover blocks everyone who disagrees with him, imagine that.

ponebot #4 · Jul 18th, 2020 · · 2 ·

Why are the ratings disabled?

Because ratings barely matter on serious stories, let alone something like this

Not the original Author.
Disables Ratings on a story specifically written to try and kill off another Authors OC.

This story wasn't proofread very well. Almost every proper noun aside from character names was incorrectly formatted, while phrases that shouldn't be rendered in capital letters (My Little Ponies) were rendered that way. The story also veers fairly close to breaking the rule of no stories that are around a certain level of meta (generally about the site and users).

It's one thing to write an anti-Nazi story, but this isn't a particularly well-written one. Basic rules of writing are forgone and the execution is fairly flimsy. This makes key moments, like Derpy's speech feel awkwardly delivered.

[EDIT]: (This would have been my reply, but apparently I was blocked.) Not really. I'm glad to see an anti-Nazi story. I just would like it to have enjoyable delivery and character interactions. Fuck Nazis is a great message, but this wasn't the best way to drive it home.

So that last bit went right over your head huh

Some A grade salt here.
Almost better than my Yogscast Salt Mine investment.

It's not, which is why ratings are disabled. If I really want to know how a story landed, I'd turn them on

Wydril #12 · Jul 18th, 2020 · · 9 ·

If they didn't matter, you wouldn't have blocked them. You have learned nothing from this entire ordeal. Aryanne didn't matter to anyone until people sharing the same views as you decided it had to go, and you're repeating it.
Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.

Also, your story is badly written. You stopped trying to do the accent after the first use of it, you used a trial setting where the judge is also the prosecutor and where the defense attorney is accused of being as guilty as their client, you're so laughably bad at arguing your case that you had Celestia resort to physical violence because she couldn't win an argument with a lawyer who she was already threatening with death, and of course every character is a lifeless mouthpiece.

You wrote a fascist Equestria under Celestia's sun and you think you accomplished something with that. You nonce.

I'll block whoever I like, thank you very much

I bet you like the parts of The Sound of Music with just the Nazis.

EDIT: The Man With The Unwashed Ass has blocked me. RIP, much like his ass.


2Merr #15 · Jul 18th, 2020 · · 1 ·

Can you block me too? I don’t like feeling left out.

Edit: big mcthanky

I sincerely hope you're having as much fun as I am

Pretty sure they were talking about the disabled ratings, I don't think you needed to come off that hostile to someone who only really offered genuine constructive criticism....

EDIT: Apparently I've been blocked because I was nice to someone other than the Author?

It's absolutely mind boggling how people can somehow draw a connection between finding a cartoon character someone made up with no real backstory besides what everyone else made up cute and or adorable into them being an actual "Want to stuff people into camps to watch them suffer" Nazi's. Everyday that goes on I become more ashamed to be an American. What the fuck is this nation devolving into? When did having an differing opinion on something make them an enemy? What ever happened to civil debates?

Edit Edit: Gotta give Hardcover this much, he's not deleting comments that contain things he disagrees with. Don't think I could do that.

I can already tell the comments section is going to be the funniest/saltiest shit I've seen in years.
Come back in a few more hours and have fun folks, its gonna be a doozy.

Comment posted by kbsfnk deleted Jul 18th, 2020

:twilightsmile: Wonderful satire. I hope it gets banned.

I've never been blacked before! Can you be my first? Be gentle

Finally, a good story with aryanne! A story that doesn't personify Nazi's as cute and cuddly and whatnot, but it shows them as they actually are! Some of histories greatest monsters whose legacy lives on today!

You realize that a Nazi ban à la Derpibooru would remove this story as well, right? Just checking.

You know, Ice Star, this is the second time I've seen you argue a story is badly written if the antagonistic alt-righter/Nazi isn't fleshed out.

Oh boy, here comes the nazi propaganda! Right on schedule!

You realize that villains can be badly-written, right? A one-dimensional villain is still a one-dimensional character.

As someone who despises Aryanne, thank you for writing this, even if the legal procedures aren't accurate.

A one dimensional character doesn't mean they're a bad character, especially since the stories less that two thousand words. Plus, why do ya gotta make the straight up nazi a sympathetic character, I thought the literal point that people are arguing for this character was that she was to make fun of nazis?

Did you just equate "well-written villain" with "sympathetic"? I'm honestly asking, because I'd have to reorganize my worldview to accept that someone might actually seriously have said that.

Not gonna lie, this is pretty homosexual

I took a guess that's what you meant, usually that's what people mean by fleshing out a character. Plus in a <2000 word story there's little you can do to flesh out a character, and while all the characters in the story are completely one dimensional, you only bat for the nazi.

I sincerely hope I am not.

calestia: brings back discord and is praised. aryanne: wants to kill jews and gets the death scentance even though the lawyer is right because everything discord did in season 9 was because of calestia.


I took a guess that's what you meant, usually that's what people mean by fleshing out a character.

No, it really isn't what people normally mean when they talk about fleshing out a character. Either you've been misunderstanding that phrase for a long time, or you just formed an opinion of what it should mean as a post-hoc rationalization for your unsubstantiated accusation.

and while all the characters in the story are completely one dimensional, you only bat for the nazi.

I don't recall doing that myself, and upon looking back through the thread... nobody else did, either. Ice Star criticized a number of story aspects, then someone accused him of "batting for the Nazi", and then I criticized part of their statement as a flawed argument, and then you come along and... also accuse me of defending the Nazi, when at no point did I do any such thing. You're tilting at windmills, mate.

based and super redpilled

So then how would you make aryanne, less, one dimensional then? Apparently I'm very stupid to think that rounding out a character usually means giving them more than one side like prince zuko, he's a pretty well rounded character that you can sympathize with because he's not just all edges.

Joffrey in A Song of Ice and Fire is one of the most despicable, least sympathetic, least likable characters I’ve ever seen. He’s also extremely well-written. His purpose was to make the reader hate him, and that was achieved tenfold. This, on the other hand... this is just lazy. Pointing that out doesn’t mean you want the bad guy to be portrayed as the hero.

And you. You’re the problem if you think Ice Star of all people is simping for Nazis. Fucking Ice Star, man. Really? You’re seeing Nazis in every shadow, and it’s making you point your guns at people on “your side.”

if you've never seen a well-rounded evil character, I have to wonder what media you've been consuming. Have you ever seen Heath Ledger as the Joker in The Dark Knight? Or... well, any good movie that has a villain?

Vogue #45 · Jul 18th, 2020 · · 3 ·

Excellent work of parody. Really illustrates how ridiculous these people are. Good satire of the censorship crowd.

...wait, you mean to tell me that this isn't parody?

10338901 I have seen good villains, but it takes time to develop them, you can't just magically *poof* into existence a perfect villain, plus I'm still waiting for you to tell me, the absolute idiot, can make a short story with a villain with the same depth as uh, the joker? One of the most well fleshed out villains ever?

10338897 ah yes a <2k word shitpost can have just as much depth as a several thousand page saga, of course makes total sense

So you've conceded the point that a fleshed-out villain doesn't need to be sympathetic, then? Or do you find the Joker sympathetic? Because if that's the case... I'm kind of concerned about you.

If we are talking the newest Joker film, i found him very sympathetic. He constantly reached for help, tried to be a good person, but was kicked down the whole way until he stopped giving a fuck and snapped.

Me about 15 minutes ago: "Huh. Aryanne Gets Executed. I... guess I'll give it a read? I mean... a story's comment section can't be too bad, can it?"

Me 5 minutes ago: "Well, now! I did... NAZI a shitstorm of this caliber appear on this site, before! Heh... heh... Ah shit, man, now I just have to read this story and see what all this crap is about!"

Me right now: "Not a porn addict, but please, for the love of all ponies, may this iteration of Celestia not find out about Deepthroat Cockslut, next... the shitstorm will only double in power!"

Guys is it gay to execute Nazis?

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