• Published 17th Jul 2020
  • 1,943 Views, 28 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: Out of the Shadows - AmethystMajesty25

The Rainbooms and Ninjas take on a new, most dangerous foe before their world becomes his to take over.

  • ...

The Takeover

Minutes earlier, after the ninjas escaped from the Shadow King’s clutches, they panted for air and rested at the alleyway.

Mikey complained, “Man, this situation just got a whole lot worse now.”

Then, Leo and everyone else heard footsteps coming right behind them. “Hold up, we got company.”

The footsteps that the ninjas heard turned out to be the goons of the Purple Nightmares.

“Well, well, well, look what we got here fellas. The ninja brats are right in our doorstep.” Night Terror called as the Ninjas growled. “And now we can finally end you...,” He then noticed someone standing alongside with the ninjas, “...Master?!”

The Ninjas were alarmed and gasped, “MASTER?!?!”

Night Terror stuttered, “G-Good thing you're here, these are the meddlesome turtles and children I told you about...”

“I'm aware of who they are.”

“Great, now let's get rid of them of them at once, sir!” Night Terror suggested.

“No. Not right now. Stand down. All of you.”

Night Terror quickly became surprised by his boss’s decision. He replied, “What? But boss...”

“I said stand down! NOW!” The Purple Nightmares’ boss demanded as his rings on each arm magically glowed.

The Purple Nightmares gulped and stood down, obeying his orders.

Mikey thanked him, “Thank you, Mr. Nightmare Boss, sir.”

“The name's Hardened Stone, little boy.”

Night Terror called, “Let’s head back to base and regroup. Follow us.” The Purple Nightmares entered the building next to them quickly as the Ninjas and Rainbooms followed them.

“Anyone else think this could be a trap?” April whispered.

“I don’t know, but let’s keep an eye on the Purple Nightmares in case they decide to betray us. Right everyone?” Leo whispered and the ninjas nodded.

Inside the building, everyone took a lift down to the Purple Nightmares’s base of operations.

Donnie quipped, “You guys seriously make the Purple Dragons look like amateurs by comparison. Your base has got some state-of-the-art equipment.”

Night Terror replied, “Well, our boss gave us the state-of-the-art equipment and the needs to survive. So, you're welcome.”

Then, the ninjas and Rainbooms noticed someone who was not affiliated with the Purple Nightmares. He had black hair, blue eyes, and wore a red shirt, jeans, shoes, and a karate black belt.

“Have you found my student yet?”

Hard Stone replied, “No.”

“And who in blazes is this dude?” Switchblade asked, twirling his blade.

“This dude you're looking at is Sensei Quickstrike. Founder of Fushigi-Do Karate. Your boss invited me to come down here. Do you have a problem with that?”

Switchblade shook his head as Hard Stone sat down on his chair next to his desk.

“You’re a karate sensei? That’s awesome. We had a sensei too.” Mikey said.

“And who are you all suppose to be?” Sensei Quickstrike asked.

“We are Amethyst’s classmates from CHS,” Sunset answered as the rest of the Rainbooms nodded.

“Are you friends with him?” Sensei Quickstrike asked again.

“Absolutely!” Pinkie answered.

Leo informed him, “And right now he's in trouble.”

“I know. Solid Stone told me about it.” Sensei Quickstrike answered, referring to Amethyst’s father.

Raph whispered, “Are you sure we can trust Solid Stone.”

“What other choice do we have left, Raph?” Leo questioned his brother.

Sensei Quickstrike questioned the ninjas, “So, tell me exactly what happened to Amethyst?

Leo started explaining, “Amethyst has been possessed by some dark entity known as King Sombra.”

Rainbow added, “Plus he's calling himself, Shadow King.”

“And right now, he's getting ready to take over Canterlot and he’ll do the same to New York next,” Sunset informed him.

Hard Stone replied, “Huh, interesting.”

“So what's the plan here, boss?” Night Terror asked.

Solid Stone explained, “Our plan is to split up and find whatever resource we can find to stop my son.”

“You mean King Sombra?” Leo corrected him.

“Whatever,” Hard Stone sighed.

Sunset suggested, “We know a couple of folks who can help us.”

“I hope you heroes know what you're doing because if my son is not alive, the last thing you will all see is death itself.” Solid Stone warned the heroes and Sensei Quickstrike as Night Terror and his gang wickedly smiled.

Sensei Quickstrike assured the ninjas, “In the meantime, let's defend our homes from this "Shadow King" sort of speak.”

“You mean my son?” Hard Stone corrected him.

Sensei Quickstrike replied, “Yes, your son.”

Leo whispered to his team, “Donnie, Rainbow, you two keep your eyes on Solid Stone.”

Donnie and Rainbow nodded as Leo continued, “Me and Sunset will go find an old friend of ours to help stop Nightmare Rarity and her new friends. The rest of you will stay here and protect our cities.”

Sensei Quickstrike agreed, “You got it, Leo.”

“Do we really have to defend our town, boss? I mean, we can just take advantage of these poor citizens and take whatever we want. Right?” Night Terror suggested his boss.

“No. All we're doing right now is to get my son back. Defy me, you will be dead in seconds. Do you understand Night Terror?” Solid Stone threatened him with an icy stare at his general.

Night Terror bowed to him, “Yes, sir.”

“One more thing, Solid Stone. If you or your group betrays us, we'll make sure you regret it,” Leo warned him.

“…Alright then. That's no concern of mine, anyway.”

Back in the mansion, Shadow King grabbed his staff and pointed it right at the old Foot Bots. He levitated them all, and the dark magic reconfigured them into different modeled ninja bots. Much like the foot bots, they were colored in black and the wardrobe was purple, including their optics. However, some of the ninja bots were big as brutes, some were small and have wings, and the rest were normal sized. The Diamond Dogs and Nightmare Rarity were in awe as the droids and marched forward to their king, awaiting their command.

Shadow King chuckled evilly, “Behold, my own ninja army.”

Nightmare Rarity chuckled too, “Wonderful, my love. What are you gonna call them?”

Shadow King smirked, “Oh, it's obvious my dear. Since the Shredder and his forces have developed these Foot bots and the curtesy of teaming up with the Kraang, they have been completely destroyed by the Ninjas and the Rainbooms. But this will not happen this way. No! I have given them the power of my dark magic. Together with the Dusk Ninjas, they'll be an unstoppable force. And if they ever get destroyed, my magic will summon more of these guys. Nothing will stand in our way as we attack our enemies. Yes! I think I'll call them... Shadow Bots.”

“ALL... HAIL... SHADOW KING” Shadow Bots bowed.

“Yes! OH YES! That's what I like to here!” Shadow King complemented as he marched back and forth to his army, “You will be unleashed throughout Canterlot and New York City. You will all take hostages, bring them to me, and they will all be under my control. We are going to make this world suffer. If those pesky ninjas or Rainbooms are out there, find them. And if you find them, destroy them.”

Their eyes lit up bright purple and stood tall and proud, “As you command, your Majesty.”

Shadow King gave an evil smile, “Good. Now go. Do what needs to be done for the glory of your royalty.”

As the the Shadow Bots went out of the mansion.

King Sombra complimented from the Shadow King’s scepter, “Very impressive.”

“Yes, yes, indeed mi amigo. Because once we've taken over this world, we'll take over every other dimension in the multiverse and ALL WILL BOW TO THE SHADOW KING!” Shadow King wholeheartedly and wickedly laughed while King Sombra laughed as well.

Sunset and Leo head to the statue in CHS and entered the portal to meet their old friends in Equestria. Meanwhile in Princess Twilight Sparkle's Castle, Blade Swipe was reading a book in the library until he saw a portal open. He saw his ninja friends from the other world they stepped out, “Sunset? Leo? What are you guys doing here?”

Leo stated, “We have a big problem back in our world and we need you and Princess Twilight to help us.”

Blade Swipe grabbed his sword and placed it aside, “Sure, how can I help?”

“Do you know where Princess Twilight is, Blade?” Sunset asked.

“She's in the Council Chamber with Spike,” Blade Swipe answered.

Leo nodded, “Good; Because I hope you're ready for a fight, Blade.”

Blade grabbed his sword and put it aside. “I'm always ready with you guys.”

Leo, Sunset, and Blade Swipe entered the Council Chamber to see Princess Twilight and the rest of her friends. A warm smile grew on Twilight’s face, “Leo! Sunset!” She ran to her two friends and hugged them, as they returned the gesture.

“Good to see you, Twilight.” he greeted her.

“Same here,” Sunset greeted.

“Hey y'all,” Applejack greeted as the rest of the Mane 6 entered the chamber.

“Group hug!” Pinkie cheered as the rest of the Mane 6 and Spike hugged Leo and Sunset.

Sunset greeted them, “The feeling's mutual, my friends.”

After the group hug was done, Princess Twilight asked, “So, what brings you here today?”

Leo answered, “We have a big problem back in our world. No offense, but this is about Rarity.”

“Rarity?” Her friends said in unison and turned their attention to Rarity, who felt nervous.

“What? Me? What in Celestia's name did I do to deserve this?!” Rarity questioned loudly.

Sunset calmed her down, “Whoa! Easy there, Rarity. It's not about you, but this is about your counterpart from our world.”

Rarity calmed down, “Oh. That makes sense. Sorry that I overreacted, dear. But overall, none taken. Continue.”

Sunset continued, “Anyway, she's gone dark. Turned evil to be exact and called herself Nightmare Rarity.”

Princess Twilight and her friends gasped as Blade Swipe widened his eyes, “What? You've heard that name before?”

Spike frowned, “Unfortunately, yes.”

“Great! So, how do we stop her?” Sunset asked them.

Princess Twilight answered, “We'll explain everything when we go visit the Princesses in Canterlot.”

Alright then. Let's go to Canterlot.

Minutes later, the heroes arrived at Canterlot Castle to meet the Princesses.

The Mane 6, Blade, Leo, Sunset, and Spike walked into the throne room where Celestia and Luna were.

Leo spoke to Celestia, “Princess Celestia, it's good to see you again.”

Celestia came down and hugged him, “And it is good to see you too, Leo,” she smiled at Princess Twilight and spotted Sunset, “And you as well, Sunset.”

Sunset hugged her back. “Princess, there's trouble happening back in our dimension, and we need your wisdom again please,” Sunset told her former mentor who looked more than happy to help.

“Sure. By all means. How can we help?” Princess Celestia asked.

Sunset explained to the Princesses, “Our friend has been consumed and mind-controlled by the dark magic of our new enemies. As a result, she was turned into Nightmare Rarity.” The Princesses gasped as Sunset continued, “And now, she and her new "friends" are planning to take over our dimension with the use of dark magic.”

Leo continued, “And what's worst is that they're using the Dusk Ninja Spell.”

Princess Luna replied, “Impossible. Dark Codex can only use that kind of spell.”

“Ah, yes, the Dusk Ninjas. Dark Codex created those monstrosities before when I was… with him. But, how is it possible that the Dusk Ninjas can be summoned by someone else?”

Leo explained, “Well, a new enemy of ours might summon the Dusk Ninjas in our dimension.. However, he is not alone. He is working with a name you might be familiar with.”

“Who?” Princess Celestia wondered.

“King Sombra.”

Everypony gasped, shocking the entire room except Sunset, Leo, and Blade Swipe.

Blade Swipe “I don't like the sound of that.”

“That's impossible. He was destroyed by the Crystal Heart. How in Equestria did he survive?” Spike said.

“I don't know. But no matter what, we're going to stop him too,” Leo vowed, clenching his fist.

“So, without further ado, can any of you tell us how this whole Nightmare Rarity event started?” Sunset questioned the Princesses, Mane 6, and Spike in the throne room.

“Do you want the short version or the long version?” Pinkie asked.

Leo answered, “It doesn't matter. Just tell us what you know about Nightmare Rarity. From how it all started to how you defeated her. Again, No offense, Rarity.”

Rarity nodded, “None taken, darling.”

Back in the human world, on the rooftops of CHS, Rover rocked out with his guitar to start the song while the Shadow King asked through his scepter like a mic, “Do you know who I am? Do you know who I am? I am… All of me.”

From there, the Shadow King used his scepter to summon portals above in the skies of Canterlot City and New York while Nightmare Rarity and the demon-formed Diamond Dogs rocked out with their instruments. Then the rest of the Ninjas and Allies arrived to deal with an army of Shadow Bots and Dusk Ninjas, falling from the sky in Canterlot City and New York.

Back in Canterlot, Mikey shouted while dealing with a couple of Shadow Bots, and Dusk Ninjas. “This is going to take forever, yo!”

Twilight then had an idea. “Retreat to the museum! Quickly!”

Then, the heroes rushed towards the location of the portals to fend off against the Dusk Ninjas, and Shadow Bots. After that, the Ninjas, Dazzlings, Casey, and April entered the museum and locked the doors.

April stated, “Locking the doors isn't going to stop them.”

Casey then saw a vase next to him. “You break it, you buy it.” He used his baseball bat to break the vase and the bars were automatically closed shut.

Sonata sighed in relief, “Phew. That was close.”

“Seriously Casey?!” Twilight groaned, facepalmed as well.

Casey shrugged, “What? It can be replaceable, you know.”

Then, a familiar voice rang out.

“What have you done!?”

Everyone turned their attention to three familiar faces in the museum. They were Belle Harmony, Lip Sinker, and Lightning Crash from the band, Color Strikes.

Raph answered, “Uh, saving your butts. That's who.”

“So what are you guys doing here?” Raph asked them.

Lightning Crash replied, “Funny. We should ask you the same thing.”

“And why in Equestria would you break this vase?! This is irreplaceable you know!” Belle Harmony vented.

April explained, “We are very sorry that my pal broke an artifact, but what other choice do we have left in order to survive from the Dusk Ninjas.”

“Dusk Ninjas?” Lip Sinker questioned, confused as well.

Mikey answered, “It's a long story, girl.”

The Ninjas, Dazzlings, Allies, and Color Strikes were officially stuck in the museum while the Shadow King and his shadow army continued to enjoy their takeover.

Author's Note:

Happy Halloween everyone!


  • Casey breaking the vase in the museum is a reference from a scene in TMNT (2007), where an adult Casey Jones broke the vase to lock the doors of the museum from The Foot.
  • I am... All of Me was the main theme song from the video game, Shadow the Hedgehog. Performed by Crush 40.
  • Sensei Quickstrike and Hard Stone are both original characters created by me. Hard Stone is inspired by Xu Wenwu/The Mandarin from the MCU movie, Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings while Sensei Quickstrike is an inspired amalgamation of Daniel LaRusso from the 1980s’ Karate Kid movies (and Cobra Kai) and actor, Jackie Chan.
  • Fushigi-Do Karate Academy is a parody of Miyagi-Do from the 1980s’ Karate Kid movies and Cobra Kai.
Comments ( 5 )

Wicked job, especially with the new Shadow Bots and Dusk Ninjas. Happy Halloween to you

Wow, been a long time since I read this one. Do you think you'll be able to finish it?

Happy Halloween!!!

Glad you added my idea of the Shadow Bots, Amethyst. A King must have an army of his own to conquer and rule.

This is getting intense

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