• Published 16th Jul 2020
  • 287 Views, 2 Comments

The Misadventures In Ponyville - MyAwesomePony

You play as a new pony who had just moved into Ponyville

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Tap! Tap! Tap! Tap! Tap!

Your hooves tap gently on the platform as you wait impatiently for the train to Ponyville to arrive, after all, you plan on moving there. it gets kind of cramped in Manehatten. You whip your head around to stare at the clock on the wall. It was 1:55, the train was supposed to arrive at 2:00. You feel relieved as it will only take 5 minutes for your train to arrive as you think that a small amount of wait would be fine enough. You've been planning to move to Ponyville for quite a while now, but you never got enough bits to achieve that goal of yours. You try to look for jobs in your old town, Manehatten, but it didn't seem like anypony was hiring, or at least from what you could tell without straining to walk an extra mile, just to find no jobs available. As you continue to ponder about why the ponies in Manehatten weren't hiring, you hear an iconic train whistle in the distance and the wheels thumping on the tracks as it lets out a rhythmic sound. The train had finally arrived as it approached the platform and makes a halt right in front of you as steam indicated out of the locomotive, like somepony had taken a fog machine with them. When the steam evaporated into the clear, blue sky. The doors opened and ponies of all shapes and sizes started pouring out the doors in a quick manner.

"All aboard for the train to Ponyville." The conductor announced to the station, proudly.

Finally managing to break free from the sea of ponies, you grab your saddlebag and trot into the bustling locomotive. You look around for a vacant seat. You've always liked the window seat cause you could look at the breathtaking scenery sliding by you. Luckily, you find a free window seat at the very rear end of the carriage and as you walk up to your seat, you overhear two other ponies' conversation.

"I can't wait to see Ponyville."

"Okay, Sunlight, calm down."

You can't help but laugh a bit at their conversation as you finally reach your required seat and sit down, reaching into your saddlebag, you pull out a book and start to read. Just as you were about to turn the page, a big thump was heard, so big that the carriage shook slightly, you look up from your book to find a grey Pegasus with a butterscotch yellow mane and tail and with a bubbles cutie mark and a saddlebag with a muffin on it, stumbling around the carriage like she was dizzy, she might of face planted into the floor of the carriage and she was now woozy from the fall. With a small shake of her head, she sustained her balance and makes her way towards your direction and sits next to you.

"Are you alright?" You ask the ditsy Pegasus.

"I'm fine, just a little stumble, that's all." She then notices your book. "Ooh, whatcha reading there?"

"Oh this is a classic book. "The Elements Of Harmony." A true classic."

"Neato." She says.

"So, what's your name?" you ask the pony.

"Well, I'm Derpy Hooves, but you can call me Derpy for short." Derpy replied.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Derpy." you continue to read your book and Derpy reaches into her saddlebag, presenting a fresh muffin and downs it before you can say anything else. You're shocked that she managed to eat it so fast, she must've been really hungry. To be honest, you were feeling quite hungry yourself. So you tap Derpy on the shoulder and she looks at you with her cross-eyed expression.

"Hey, do you have any extra muffins in there?" You ask, though it was a little bit rude to ask people to give you free food, but you were just so hungry. Surprisingly, she's okay with it as she reaches into her saddlebag once again, revealing to you a muffin. So you take it and eat it while you read your book.

"Thanks." You say with a mouthful of muffin as she nods.

As you continue to get engrossed in your story, you can faintly hear the sound of the breaks squealing on the tracks as the train comes to a complete stop. However, when the train stopped, you are jolted into the back of the seat in front of you. Derpy laughs at your moment and your cheeks turn bright red as you gingerly sit upright and depart the train.

"Next stop. Ponyville." Cried out the conductor as the doors opened and everpony in the carriage zoomed out like it was on fire. You manage to get off yourself as you wave goodbye to your ditsy friend.

"Well, It was nice meeting you, Derpy." you cry out because of the large crowd forming.

"You too." She replied and flew away into the bright sky, leading yourself to explore Ponyville.

You get off the station, breaking free from the enlarging crowd forming. As you landed on the soft grass, you look up. Ponyville, you were finally here. After months of planning, you were here in Ponyville. You let out a small sigh.

"Finally, the train ride took about two hours, but it was worth it." You state out and walk up to your new home.

Everypony in this village were very welcoming to you, waving at you, saying things like. "Hello" and "Welcome" You feel like a celebrity as you got a lot more recognition than in Manehatten. As you continue to stroll lazily through the peaceful town, you feel a small droplet of rain on your back. You look up and see a dark and gloomy cloud right above your position. Then all of a sudden, you are drenched by a bombardment of rain as you look deadpanned. Then it finally clears and you shake yourself to get clean.

"Seriously" You ask, frustrated by who caused the mini storm.

Then you start hearing chuckling from above the cloud. The pony responsible for your shower flies down in front of you. She had a light blue coat, magenta colored eyes and a messy mane striking all the colors of the rainbow, laughing at your drenched mane.

"Aw man, that was just gold." She giggled out, happy about her prank, but you're not.

"Why would you do that, I just got this saddlebag." You groan and shows her your soaked saddlebag.

"Calm down, new guy. It was just a prank." She said in a cocky tone.

"Yeah, but you got all of my belongings wet." You moan once again.

"So what? You can just get new ones." She suggested.

'Yeah, but still." You shout, you were about to give her a lecture, but then you see the shock in her face, probably by you losing your temper at her. You let out a frustrated sigh.

"Listen, I like pranks and all, but soaking up all of my belongings was just uncalled for. You should know better." You sigh again and try to change the subject. "Look, we might have gone out on a bad start and I'm sorry, so can we start over?" You put your hoof out for a hoof shake. She looks at my hoof and then looks and me and then looks back and forth between my hoof and my face. Then she finally approved of my gesture and shakes my hoof.

"Okay great, let's start over." You clear your throat. "Hey there. What's your name."

"The one and only. Rainbow Dash." She says while she strikes a pose.

"So you like to fly? You ask your new rainbow friend.

"Heck yeah. My dream is to be a Wonderbolt." She said.

" That's cool. Well, catch you later. Rainbow." You say and walk off.

"You too, new guy." She replied from behind you.

Stay tuned for next chapter: Off To A Great Start

Comments ( 2 )

Look like the start of a good story

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