• Published 8th Jul 2020
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Winter is coming to Ponyville - Foal Star

Winter a mysterious pegasus has come to Ponyville during their Winter Wrap Up for some unknown reason

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Chapter two: The tale of Winter

Soon enough, Winter and Rainbow flew after Twilight in an attempt to console her. The daredevil pegasus decided to fly directly in front of the unicorn and snapped. “hey, what gives!? You giving up already!”

“Wha...no! That’s no-” Twilight stammered, being quite distraught.

“Oh, come on! You can’t let the fact that you suck at Winter wrap up to get in the way! You gotta keep trying!” Rainbow shouted at her, trying to do her best not to sound angry and be more motivational.

Twilight paused as she thought things over and gave a small nod then sighed, “alright...maybe I’ll consider it…”

The unicorn feeling embarrassed about her actions turned to Winter, “Sorry, I didn't mean to act so weirdly around you.”

“No, no! It’s fine, I don’t think you're weird in fact..y..you are quite interesting…” The white-coated pegasus squeaked, being a bit unsure if Twilight could sense her mysterious power.

Twilight looked up and whispered under her breath. “Yeah, I can feel something strange about you as if you possess some kind of power or ability…”

Winter blushed nervously as she stepped back. “Oh stop, y-you're just saying that.”

The mare then saw Twilight come over, feeling her horn tingle. She slowly explained, “Seriously, there’s something about you I can feel. It’s as if you have some strange power… I’ve heard of pegasi having an uncanny ability to control certain forms of weather or have some kind of power, and I bet you’re like some sort of super-powerful pony of Winter.

“No, no, I’m really not!?” Winter whimpered behind her hooves before Rainbow dash interrupted, “That's just an old pony tale, seriously, she probably just really likes snow, and that's all there is to it.”

“Y..yeah! Rainbow is absolutely right.” Winter whimpered, feeling a bit embarrassed.

“Oh, don't be so modest; maybe you can help me! I'm trying to find a way to be of assistance with Winter Wrap up.” Twilight explained.

“More like she came here to make things worse!” Applejack explained, interrupting them as she stomped over to them through the snow.

Winter was flanked by the apple family, Apple Bloom, Granny Smith and Big Mac altogether. Granny smith gasped “It's the ancient spirit of Winter! We have to stop her!”
“Yeah! She’s here to ruin our Winter Wrap Up and cause a hundred years of Winter!” Applejack shouted out loud in a concerned tone.

Big mac simply nodded “ey’ yup.”

Apple Bloom rolled her eyes. “Ugh Applejack, you seriously didn’t learn everything from the Zecora incident did you?”

Twilight blushed as she explained, “Apple Bloom’s right Applejack, please don't go assuming things of ponies until you get to know them first.”

Applejack stood back a bit and responded, “Fine, there are a few tests we gotta do! The first thing we need to see is if she can survive a boop. If she faints, that proves she’s the spirit of Winter.”

Rainbow dropped on to snowy ground bursting out in laughter as Twilight snickered. “Oh, Applejack, I don't know what you’ve been reading, but nopony can faint from just being booped. It’s just ridiculous.”

"Well, I guess there's only one way to find out." Applejack trotted through the snow straight up to Winter. The pegasus whimpered as she stood there shaking in fear as the farm mare picked up her hoof and gave Winter's snout a little boop. The small mare then immediately fell to the snow and blacked out.

Winter woke up a few hours later, sat up, and sneezed quite cutely. Completely confused about where she was and what was going on, she found herself in a bed with a few blankets placed over her, which felt quite warm and comforting. She then turned her head to see Rainbow standing over her with a smile, “Hey, you’re awake, how ya feeling? I was so worried about you.”

She was hoofed a warm cup of lemon tea by the blue-coated pegasus, and she slowly cooled it down as she drank the tea with a light blush. “Wh...what happened?”

“I don’t know? You got booped, then simply fainted!” Rainbow exclaimed.

Winter blushed not knowing how to explain what happened to Rainbow Dash without delving into her past and simply stammered, “Oh s..sorry ..it...it’s a condition.”
“Well, I’ve never heard of a condition like that before.” Rainbow sighed. “Well, to be fair, you probably should stay inside for right now. The Apples are all going crazy telling everypony they need to kick you out.”

Winter squeaked out loud and exclaimed, “Wait, are you serious!?”

Rainbow turned her back as she poured another cup of tea, accidentally showing off her rump. “Yeah, trust me. I'm gonna try to knock sense into her later, but you probably should just bunk with me tonight, ok?”

Winter’s face turned beet red, seeing Rainbow’s rump and turned away. “O-oh uh ok...it...it's rather late I should probably get some sleep.”

Rainbow came back over sipping some tea and asked, “Hey...um I only have one bed...and well it’s rather cold..so...would it be ok if we slept together? I...I mean, if you're not comfortable with that, I don’t mind sleeping on the couch.”

Winter’s face was now flushed pink as she squeaked, “No, no, no, it’s fine! I.. I don’t mind at all.”
Rainbow wiped some sweat from her brow. “ok, thanks. I’m just gonna do some stretches before bed.”

Rainbow then flexed her wings and did some poses, not realizing again her rear was facing Winter, who did her best to not look in order to avoid arousal by Rainbow’s toned body. Eventually, the Daredevil pegasus snuggled into bed, squirming next to Winter. She asked, “Hey, I’m not taking too much space, am I?”

Winter shook her head “n..n-no.” as she was speechless, seeing herself next to this beautiful new friend of hers. Rainbow squirmed about until she was nestled next to Winter. Despite looking like she would be cold, her body heat was quite warm and comforting with the added bonus of Rainbow’s left-wing flapped over Winter like an extra blanket. Rainbow gave a cute yawn and mumbled softly, “Love ya, Winter....”

The mare blushed beet red, hearing what Rainbow said, not knowing for sure what the daredevil meant and layed there just soaking in the moment. After what felt like an hour, Rainbow Dash was snoring and was now sound asleep, with Winter still too excited to even think about sleep. She slowly turned to face Rainbow only to see how cute she was up close with her rainbow mane draped over her face, her eyelids closed, and seamlessly peaceful. The mare then looked to Rainbow’s muzzle and noticed it twitching. Winter being curious, suddenly had the urge to boop her. She had never done it to another pony before and wondered what would happen if she did? The mare slowly brought a hoof out from under the blanket and gently gave the snout a little boop. Rainbow giggled and kicked in reaction mumbling, “That tickles~”

Winter snickered, seeing how cute Rainbow was acting in her sleep and couldn’t help but give in to her urges once again and booped the blue-coated mare for a second time. This time Rainbow’s snout scrunched up, and she gave the cutest little sneeze and brushed her nose with a hoof. “Hmmm, who’s doing that?”

Winter giggled as she whispered, “It’s me, Winter~ ”

“Oh, did you bring me presents? Is it a wonderbolt flight suit?” Rainbow murmured in her sleep.
Winter chuckled, continuing to play along. “Oh of course, but first, I need you to be a good little filly and let miss Winty boop your cute little nose.”

“Oh, That’s all? Bring it on, I can handle all the boops.” Rainbow mumbled under her breath.
Winter suddenly couldn’t hold back any longer, then took her hoof and quickly gave her new adorable friend a third boop. Rainbow then suddenly woke up. “Huh!? What’s going on?”
Winter eeped as she covered herself with the blanket, and Rainbow looked down, wiggling her muzzle. “Hey, were you booping my nose?”

“N..no!?” Rainbow then gave Winter a silly glare and didn’t let up. “Ok, ok!! I may have booped you a couple of times…” She said in an effort to stop Rainbow’s glare. ”I just wanted to see what would happen if I booped another pony.” The white-coated mare whimpered, fearing that Rainbow might be angry at her.

But the daredevil pony simply scoffed, “oh really!? Well, considering your condition, I can’t boop you back, but I can do this!”

She took out a wing and started tickling Winter’s exposed belly making her start giggling. Still, soon it turned into rancorous laughter as Rainbow continued her little tickle session. “There! Got ya back were even.”

Winter nodded, breathing faster, still giggling, and loving how Rainbow’s wings felt to the touch. The daredevil mare then snuggled up next to her again. She whispered, “You know, you're super awesome, right?”

Winter blushed was a bit embarrassed knowing that Rainbow just changed the meaning of “awesome” to mean “cute.” Still, considering how well they’ve gotten along, she didn’t want to insult her host. “I think you're super awesome, too, especially when you're sleeping.”

“Hehe, well, maybe we can be awesome together and show Applejack is overprotective as usual.” Rainbow yawned.

Winter nodded as she snuggled up next to her new friend and slowly fell into a blissful sleep.

The next morning came, and Winter and Rainbow Dash quickly grabbed a bite to eat then promptly flew off towards the Apple’s farm. There Applejack came out, standing her ground in the snow, looking quite angry as Rainbow flew right in front of her face. "Ok, we need to put an end to all of this! I mean, come on! Your freaking Winter out and pissing me off!"
Applejack threw a hoof in the air and scoffed, "And I can't believe ya can't see that she's gonna ruin all our efforts made towards Winter wrap up."

"Well, to be fair, she isn't, and I think that you're overreacting. Now yeah, she fainted when you booped her on the nose, but so what? That doesn't prove anything!" Rainbow snapped back, getting right into her friend’s face.

Winter blushed as she came over and replied, "um...look, I know this may sound weird, but can I talk to you and your family? Maybe I can prove that I’m not what you think?”

Applejack pondered the idea and then shrugged, "alright, maybe ya don't know about your powers. Come on now, Granny Smith will explain everything."

She took Winter inside the house, and the white-coated pegasus blushed a nervous look as they came into the main living room. There, Big Mac, Apple Bloom, and Granny Smith were all sitting in the living room. The large red stallion’s face turned pink once he caught the eye of Winter and quickly turned his head. The white-coated pony squeaked, seeing the massive stallion herself as she stammered, “Woah! h..he’s so big!”

Applejack turned to her brother and snickered, “Oh, don’t be scared of Big Mac. Trust me, he’s as harmless as a spring bunny.” The stallion groaned as he hid his face behind his hooves. “Seriously, Applejack!?”

Any fear Winter had of Big Mac had faded seeing the cute behavior of his. She then turned to see little Apple Bloom looking at her with big wide eyes seemingly full of questions as she shouted, “Wow! Ya can control the snow! Can ya make a blizzard come so they cancel school! Or maybe make it snow ice cream!”

“Apple Bloom calm down, even if she’s the spirit of winter, that’s just nonsense ya spouting.” Applejack scolded to her sister.

Winter giggled at the remark and soon sat down with Rainbow Dash and Applejack pondering if she really could make it snow ice cream before Granny raised her hooves dramatically and exclaimed, "Ah yes, the spirit of Winter has arrived and has come to bring upon a year-long winter! It has been predicted since I came to this valley as a filly."

Everypony then turned to face Granny though Winter struggled to do her best to respond to the old mare. Winter blushed feeling a bit embarrassed seeing how this “spirit of winter” stuff sounded crazy but was curious and wanted to see what these ponies honestly thought about her. Applejack spoke up and asked.“So, Granny, can you give more details about this story of yours? Maybe I can explain some things.”

Granny rubbed her hooves as she continued, “Alrighty then! Get ready; this story is a doozy! A long time ago, there was a very long winter! So long ago, Winter Wrap up was impossible all because pegasi still didn’t control the weather like they do today. Now at the time, we thought it was just some crazy weather that blew in from the Everfree forest! But in truth, I’ve learned from some of the older ponies they saw a mysterious pegasus flying about causing the bad weather! And worst of all, if she caught you, she’d freeze you to death!”

Everypony blinked, hesitating to say anything. Applejack blushed in the realization that this story might not be as credible as she first thought. She then cleared her throat before responding, “Um...granny ya sure they saw a pegasus? Or were they just seeing things…”

“No, I’m certain they saw a pegasus causing the blizzard!” Granny stomped a hoof. “Too bad all them old folk are probably in the great stable in the sky now. But I do remember them stories, alright.”

Winter rubbed her head, blushing lightly and exclaimed."Look, I don't want to be rude, but I do think you got this all wrong. I'm not here to cause a year-long winter...and even if I did… did those old ponies say anything about a way to stop this winter from happening?"

Granny Smith seemed to ponder the question before she responded. “From what I was told, I believe that they said somethin’ about trying to turn you into Spring, and that would stop the curse."

"Ok...so how would we perform such a transformation?" Winter asked, being quite concerned about where this was going.

Granny Smith stood up and explained, "It will take a few days to prepare, but first, I'm going to need flowers!”

Applejack slammed a hoof in her face as she replied, "Granny, there are no flowers in Ponyville in the middle of winter."

"Nonsense, we have the Everfree Forest, there are tons of flowers there! Now come, we must gather flowers!" Granny exclaimed as she stomped off. Applejack blushed as she sat up and turned to Winter and apologized. “Hey...uh sorry for assuming things about you, I should’ve realized that Granny’s stories were just stories.”
“Oh.. um… no, it’s fine.” Winter whimpered behind her hooves. Big Mac sat up, seeming to be oddly nervous, simply nodded and responded with a quick “Ey’ yup.” before running off with Applejack chasing after their Granny.

Apple Bloom seeing she was finally alone with Winter jumped and asked in excitement. "Ok, that’s enough of that! Ya guys hungry?"

"Sure squirt, I'm starving! Ya got any apple cider?" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, hopping from a couch and stretching her wings.

The little filly chirped, "of course we have apple cider! And it'll taste great with fritters and apple pie."

Apple Bloom then scurried back over to Winter and asked, “Hey!? While we're making apple fritters and apple pie, is it ok if I ask ya a bunch of questions?”

“Yeah, of course! You can ask me anything you want.” Winter replied with a genuinely happy smile knowing she just can’t help but love this cute little filly. Soon enough, the three were chatting away as they started getting out baking supplies for their anticipated lunch.