• Published 8th Jul 2020
  • 1,348 Views, 12 Comments

Winter is coming to Ponyville - Foal Star

Winter a mysterious pegasus has come to Ponyville during their Winter Wrap Up for some unknown reason

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Chapter One: Rainbow Dash's new friend

It was a cold winter day in Ponyville with light snow blowing through the air. A strange white-coated pegasus with a light blue mane which was gracefully flowing in the wind over her head with her dark pink eyes scanning the area carefully as she continued flying through the sky. The pegasus was oddly not wearing any kind of winter clothing; she didn't seem bothered by the cold wind or the snow falling around her in the least. The mysterious mare continued on her way, flying through the skies eventually coming down onto Ponyville and saw that everypony was out and busy planting seeds, clearing snow, and singing this "Winter Wrap Up" all around her. She tilted her head with a gaze at the crowds of ponies and had this odd look on her face and is quite unsure of what to think about this whole "Winter Wrap Up" idea making her giggle, but also feel a pang of sadness go through her as she looked at Winter being packed away by the grouped ponies around her. Nopony noticed her as they were going about their assigned duties, and she just sat their kind of admiring everything. She stood up and turned to see that one strange blue-coated pegasus with a short rainbow-colored mane and tail trailing behind her. The pegasus zoomed across the sky and crashed down onto the snow, blasting it across the ground. Rainbow Dash eyed the strange white-coated pegasus with a suspicious look and asked in an inquisitive tone. "Hey, who are you?"

Winter's eyes flashed as she felt a bit surprised at the sudden question and exclaimed, "Oh m-me!? I'm nopony I assure you."

Rainbow rolled her eyes and responded, "What I mean is what's your name?"

"Oh...um...m..my name is Winter." The mare responded as she blushed, looking down a bit embarrassed, seeing that this pegasus was quite a cute one.

Rainbow Dash's hard demeanor suddenly disappeared as she snickered at the pegasus and joked. "Winter, huh? Well, that's funny considering we're wrapping you up right now?"

Winter giggled at the joking remark and chirped back. "Oh yeah!? Well, I hope they don't wrap me up too tightly?"

Rainbow couldn't help but roll around the snow and laugh out loud again, "oh man, that was a good one!?"

The blue-coated pegasus then got up and looked to Winter who’s cheeks were now flushed red as she asked, "So um.. I’m curious.. who are you? If you don’t mind me asking?"

"I'm Rainbow Dash, of course! How could you not know who I am!?"' The blue-coated mare exclaimed with a peeved tone."

Winter snickered as she replied, "Oh s-sorry, I'm new. I just came down from Cloudsdale to admire the famous Winter Wrap Up in Ponyville this year?"

Rainbow shrugged as she responded casually. "It's nothing special, just a bunch of work with singing to keep us from being bored out of our minds."

The white-coated mare looked around with a sad smile on her face. "I don't know? This is kind of nice but also kind of sad...I mean, I do love winter a lot."

The daredevil paused for a second as she was unsure of how to phrase her next question and asked, "so..um…do you want to join in? Or would it be too weird to ask you to help wrap up the season you're named after?"

Winter chuckled as she replied, "N..n~no! It's fine, I wouldn't mind helping out at all! I mean.. we need to have four seasons or the snowflake workers would work themselves to death."

"Good point! So how about we clear some of these clouds out of the way?" Rainbow Dash asked, getting a bit excited.

Winter gave a nod and a cute smile as she flew after the pegasus, and they went about the air. Rainbow slammed her hooves against the clouds busting them into puffs of air after what seemed like an hour or two of cloudbusting. The daredevil turned to see that a good chunk of the clouds were already gone, and Winter was standing by fluttering around one cloud then simply tapped it with a hoof as it poofed into a flurry of snowflakes. The pegasus was stunned and was quite embarrassed to see that this Winter was quite adorable in more ways than one. Rainbow Dash had a surprised expression on her face as she quickly flew over and asked, “How did you do that?"

"O..oh um it... it’s just a trick I learned." Winter responded nervously as she fluttered over to Rainbow. The pegasus flew back a bit and turned her head away blushing lightly, seeing the mare's cute face up close.

The white-coated pegasus paused as she saw Rainbow's expression and got a little flustered. "Hey!? Stop doing that!"

"Doing what!?" Rainbow Dash cried out, now feeling self-conscious about herself.

Winter sighed as she turned her head. "Oh it's nothing, I just... I don't like it when ponies look at me that way. As if I'm cute or something."

Rainbow threw her hooves across her chest and scoffed, "Of course you're not cute!? I mean your...um..well..your awesome would be a better word."

Winter giggled and threw a hoof as she responded. "Ok, I can definitely accept being called awesome...so...ponies call you cute too?"

"What, of course not!" Rainbow snapped back turning her head away with her cheeks flushed red.

Winter smirked and blew some snowflakes towards Rainbow Dash's face landing them on her muzzle forcing the daredevil to scrunch her nose in response. She scoffed, "what was that for?"

"Oh, nothing." The white-coated mare chuckled a bit and asked, "Anyways, now that we're done with busting clouds, maybe wanna get some food? I'm starving.” She stopped and seemed to remember something and said. “Well actually, I’m going to need to find a place to stay first. Any idea where I could go?”

Rainbow shrugged, "I guess you can stay at my place for a bit. And as for food well I’ve got the goods! Come on!" The blue-coated pegasus exclaimed flying off while Winter trailed behind her. The two eventually came upon a small nice small house in the clouds. The blue pegasus opened the door, and Winter walked in with a cute smile on her face admiring the Wonderbolt paraphilia all over the walls and eventually made her way to the couch. She waited for Rainbow Dash to finish fixing up something to eat in the kitchen. The mare looked over to see the blue-coated pegasus bringing out a platter of cookies and some hot cider. "I had this all made before I left to help with the wrap-up."

Winter smiled excited to eat as rainbow sat down next to her then began to eat the delicious cookies and drink cider together. The white-coated mare was unsure of what to say and looked down at the hot cider sitting in front of her. Winter wasn't a fan of hot drinks and spotted Rainbow not paying attention then sent a breath of cold air from her mouth cooling the drink down a bit. She continued to drink her cider nonchalantly as Rainbow yapped about how she can't wait for spring to watch the next Wonderbolts show. Winter couldn't help but listen to her cutely ramble on and notice interesting things about Rainbow Dash, how the mare's eyes glistened with this look of excitement when she talked, how her hooves were kicking, and how the mare's wings were flapping vigorously as she talked about the Wonderbolts.

Rainbow Dash looked over and asked, "So...um...how you doing? You've been quiet for a while."

Winter blinked, shaking her head as if she was escaping a trance and responded, "Oh N-no no no, I just didn't want to interrupt you."

"Oh, stop being so nervous, you remind me of Fluttershy!" Rainbow snapped back with her cheeks glowing pink.

Winter snickered and asked, "Wh-who's Fluttershy?"

Rainbow looked up from her drink and explained, "Oh, she's my best friend..the mare's a scardy cat, but she is no doubt the kindest pony in Ponyville."

"Oh.. I see…" Winter whispered as she sipped her drink, wondering if Rainbow had a crush on this Fluttershy, but didn't want to say anything more. Rainbow Dash asked, "So...your from Cloudsdale, huh? You work at the weather factory?"

Winter was a bit unsure of what to say as the mare wasn't ready to tell Rainbow anything about herself or past and decided to lie. "Y..yes...I love making snowflakes. It's my job at the factory."

Rainbow nodded as she asked, "huh? Did you always like Winter?"

"Well yeah, of course I did! Ever since I was a little filly, I loved and still love watching the snowfall around me every time winter comes around. I got so interested in the perfect beauty of all the different snowflakes and patterns, I decided I wanted to design and create my own!" The pegasus exclaimed as she clapped her hooves together attempting to act excited. The story was a half-lie, but it was believable enough to keep Rainbow Dash inquiring too much else about her past.

Rainbow Dash snickered at the story as she placed her cup down. "I don't think I've ever seen a pony so excited about snow before."

Winter blushed now feeling a bit self-conscious and threw her wings across her face. Rainbow squeaked, a bit stunned at the other mare's reaction, and exclaimed, "Oh I didn't mean to embarrass you! I think it's rather cute you love snow so much."

"No stop, I told you not to call me cute! " Winter snapped with a pout on her face.

"Sorry, jeez!?" Rainbow scoffed as she rolled her eyes and finished her hot cider. "Hey, so are you planning to stay in Ponyville the whole Winter Wrapup?"

Winter pondered and sat back to think it over a while then replied, "Well, to be honest, yeah I think I’d like to stay till it’s over, but… I will be needing a place to sleep for the whole duration of my stay..." The mare was a bit nervous as she continued to ask" So.. um… w..would it be ok if I stay here with you? At least until it’s over?"

"That would be awesome! I wouldn't mind another pegasus from Cloudsdale bunking with me!" Rainbow shouted, getting a bit excited to get to know this pegasus some more. Winter then also jumped up with a cute smile on her face and chirped, "Oh thank Celestia! I can’t wait! So now that I’ve got a place to stay, could I possibly meet the other ponies now? If you don’t mind?"

"Of course! You have got to meet my friends, they're going to love you!" Rainbow exclaimed holding out a hoof. Winter giggled as well taking her hoof, and the two flew through the front door and zoomed towards Ponyville below.

Winter flew down to Ponyville and lightly landed onto the snow with Rainbow and turned to the first pony they saw who happened to be Rarity. She was busy, sitting at a picnic table, crafting dozens of bird nests for all the various birds coming back for the spring. Winter couldn't help but be quite impressed with the unicorn's work and saw that each one had cute laces tied across the branches with gems embedded in pockets of the nest itself. Rarity looked up with a smile and waved a hoof. "Hello, darlings, did you come to help?"

Rainbow Dash made a "bleh" sound as she stepped back. "No way! I'm not into this arts and crafts stuff!"

Winter giggled as she came over, admiring the work. "So...do birds actually nest in these?"

"Oh yes, darling by the dozens, but I'm very far behind schedule!" Rarity exclaimed as she continued to work furiously on her nests.

Winter smirked and looked over at the nests and blew some ice magic, forming little diamond-like icicles all over the nests with snowflake patterns, glistening in the sunlight. Rarity looked over to the nests after noticing a chill pass by her. Her eyes widened in surprise, "my goddess! How did that happen!?"

Rainbow looked over and burst into laughter at the sight of it. "Rarity, you seriously need to be paying more attention to your work."

"I didn't do this! I mean yes, the designs are quite beautiful!? But it's not spring-like I'll have to redo these ones!" The white-coated mare cried out, annoyed, stunned, and impressed.

Winter couldn't help but chuckle as she walked over. "I think it’s fine Raritys, and besides, since when do birds care about how nice their nests look.”

Rarity paused hearing this new voice and turned to face Winter. Her cheeks flushed red, seeing those deep pink eyes staring back at her as she stammered. "Oh...my!? Rainbow, is this a friend of yours?"

Rainbow Dash walked up a bit and explained, "Well, she's more like a new friend I just met. Her name's Winter, and she's here too…" The pegasus snickered before continuing. " To watch us wrap her up!"

Winter rolled her eyes this time and replied sarcastically. "Wow.. real original."

Rarity couldn't help but giggle before responding, "Oh darling, you have a lovely name, and we're happy to have you here for winter wrap up. But I must ask? Are you cold? I can get you a scarf or a coat?"

Winter gulped, knowing that this would come up eventually and hesitantly replied, "Oh no no no! I’m fine really. I have a natural tolerance to the cold."

Rainbow rose up with her wings flapping and excited wide eyes. "Wow! That's so awesome! Is that like a superpower or something!?"

Winter blushed, seeing how cute Rainbow looked when getting all excited then meekly mumbled. "Oh no, it's nothing like that, heh..."

Before Winter could react, a beautiful bright blue scarf embedded with diamonds was wrapped around her neck. Rarity then exclaimed, "Oh, please, it's not just because their practical, winter wear can also be quite fashionable!"

Winter was a bit stunned by the gesture, but she did seem to like the feeling of the soft scarf wrapped around her neck. Rainbow Dash looked over to winter, and her wings shot outward in shock being aroused by what she saw. The pegasus gulped and stammered, "Wi...Winter..um..that scarf looks so cu.. I mean looks so awesome on you!"

Winter was quite embarrassed by all this sudden attention flashing her wings across her face again, and she could hear Rarity “dawww. Oh, she's just adorable!?"

Winter was upset by this then decided to react in a cute and peeved manner by stomping a hoof. "No no no no no! I’m not cute!"

Rainbow ruffled Rarity's mane. "Come on Rarity, don't be rude to our new friend!"

"Me rude!? How absurd!" Rarity scoffed as she went back to her work. The daredevil then flew back over to Winter. "Hey, come on! We’ve got a few more ponies I want you to meet!"

The white-coated pegasus looked deeply into her new best friend's magenta-colored eyes and couldn't help but whisper, "Sure lead the way~" They then flew off again to meet Rainbow’s next friend.

After a while, they flew across some snowy hills to find an odd sight. There was a pink coated mare ice skating on the lake below with a purple coated unicorn also "attempting" to ice skate, but kept slamming into the snowbanks. Winter followed Rainbow Dash down the slopes and helped the purple coated unicorn out of the snow. The purple mare spat some snow out and grumbled, "thanks Rainbow and…" she turned eyeing the white-coated pegasus before Rainbow held out a hoof. "This is Winter; she's new from Cloudsdale."

"Ah, Cloudsdale! Nice to meet you. I'm Twilight Sparkle and recently moved down from Canterlot to study friendship!" the unicorn chirped as she held out a hoof.

Winter slowly took her hoof out and shook it with this odd unicorn who's horn suddenly lit up. "Oh, wow!? I felt a weird tingle did that co-"

Winter eeped, not realizing that this Twilight could sense her power, and before the unicorn could say anything else, a pile of snow fell on top of her. Rainbow Dash burst into another fit of laughter. "Oh, wow, Twilight!? winter wrap up does hate you!"

The mare lit her horn and shot out from the snow, grumbling, "Yeah, I get it I’m terrible at everything."

Rainbow and Twilight continued their conversation while Winter turned her attention to see Pinkie Pie skating by, who exclaimed, "Hey guys!? Why are you all just standing around and not helping break up this ice?!"

Rainbow crossed her hooves and snapped angrily. "I already did my job Pinkie, I'm just showing my new friend Winter around."

Pinkie Pie's mouth dropped as she gave an overdramatic gasp seeing the mare and shouted, "Wait, you moved into Ponyville and nopony told me!" She then sped off as Winter blinked a bit confused about what exactly just happened. "H..hey um...is she ok?"

Twilight giggled remembering when she first stepped into Ponyville, "Trust me, she's just fine, so let's just say your in for a surprise later."

Rainbow rolled her eyes and scoffed, "Yeah, we can have fun with Pinkie Pie later come on ya gotta at least meet the Apples."

"Hey! I'm going that way as well would it be ok if I join you two?" Twilight asked as she got up, shaking the snow off her body.

Winter bowed her head a bit embarrassed as she whispered, "Oh um.. sounds good to me."

Rainbow gave a nod and exclaimed, "Yeah, sure. Now come on, we're burning daylight!"

Rainbow and Twilight rushed off while Winter stood back for a bit only to send a wave of magic freezing the lake again then decided to add a few cute ice sculptures of swans for fun. She blushed a little knowing that Pinkie put in a lot of work, but also wanted winter wrap up to last a bit longer. She then quickly skipped off to catch up with her new friends.

Winter flew over with Twilight and Rainbow Dash to Applejack, who was busy trying to clear the fields of snow with other earth ponies. She was quite busy with the plowing that she barely noticed the group coming over. Applejack was quite astounded seeing the ponies coming over. The farm mare looked up to see the three, and her gaze widened, upon being curious and asked, "Hey, what gives? Are we all going to a party or something?"

Rainbow Dash flew towards Applejack some more and waved a hoof. "Pinkie Pie is throwing a party or something, and I'm just showing my new friend Winter about. As for Twilight, I think she's trying to be helpful?"

Twilight was already running off to hitch a plow to herself. The farm mare looked over to Winter, and her eyes widened with a surprised look on her face. "Huh, your name's Winter? Have we ever met before?"

The pegasus was a bit shocked at this response and shook her head. "Uh no? I mean.. I don’t think we have?"

Applejack eyed the mare, and something in her face slowly changed. The farm mare seemed to be reflecting on something as she stopped plowing, and her gaze became something of a mix of horror and surprise as she ran off leaving Winter scratching her head. "Wait huh? What was that about?"

Rainbow shrugged completely confused by Applejack's behavior and simply responded,"I have no idea?"

"Well, at least we can try to help you-" Rainbow and Winter both suddenly looked away in Twilight’s direction and saw her and the plow had somehow caused a ton of snow to cover the previously emptied fields. The two mares laughed as Winter nuzzled Rainbow. "Well, there goes all that hard work huh?"

Rainbow sighed, seeing Twilight running off in tears and shook her head. "Oh, Twilight, you just had to use your magic, huh?"

Winter blushed and responded. “If you think about it though, both earth ponies and pegasi are using magic too."

Rainbow laughed and slapped her wings. "Ok, come on you and egghead can talk about magic to make her feel better." She then flew off after Twilight as Winter fluttered behind unsure of how to help and whether or not being around this Twilight was a good idea.