• Published 16th Jul 2020
  • 575 Views, 14 Comments


Two mortal enemies must put their differences aside in order to save their world from the malicious queen of the Changelings.

  • ...

We're on the edge of greatness

Nearly an hour later, every member of both the Resistance and what was left of the Horde was gathered around a round table in the council chamber of the Bright Moon castle.

In addition to the primary members of the Resistance, there were two additional princesses who had not participated in the rescue operation in the Fright Zone: Spinnerella and Netossa.

Spinnerella was a wide-hipped woman and had a larger build than most of the other people in the room. She had blue eyes and light pink skin that contrasted her regular long lavender purple hair held in a ponytail. She wore a dark purple/magenta leotard over a light purple jumpsuit as well as sandal-like boots, a light blue cape, and a silver choker with a blue gem in the middle around her neck.

Then, there was Netossa, who had black eyes and dark skin with silver hair. Her hair was fluffy and wavy and cut shaved on the left side. She wore a short-sleeved full white shawl that covers her otherwise exposed shoulders. On her fore-arms, she had on grey metal vambraces with blue stars that matched her chest plate and boots. She also wore tight blue leggings with some sort of belts around hips and a purple choker around her neck.

Needless to say, the overall situation in the room was rather tense due to the fact that neither side was completely ready to choose the other. It was the main reason why they were sitting at the opposites sides of the table, trying to avoid eye contact with each other, and repeatedly whispering amongst themselves.

This tension continued until Queen Angella suddenly entered the room and took her seat at the table. She then cleared her throat and announced, "Greetings, everyone. Sorry for the delay, but I had to check in with the guards stationed at the castle entrance. Anyway, let us start the meeting, shall we? I think the first order of business is acknowledging the presence of a few Horde members sitting at the table today. Let me assure everyone else that their stay here is only temporary. Once the current situation is resolved, they shall be dealt with in accordance to our laws. Speaking of the current situation, we need to come up with a strategy on how to repel the Changeling incursion into our lands as soon as possible. If anyone has a suggestion on this matter, please speak up immediately. If we ever hope to save the remaining kingdoms and restore order, we simply must move quickly."

Instead of speaking up, everyone silently pondered on what to do, looked at each other for support, and even continued to exchange whispers with the other members of their respective factions. This went on for several seconds until Adora took a deep breath and declared, "Your majesty, I think I do have a plan. A direct assault on the Changeling hive would be suicide. Even though Catra, Scorpia, Shadow Weaver know the Fright Zone like the back of their hands (in Scorpia's case, claws), Queen Chrysalis would've surely increased security around the place since our escape. Especially, inside her castle. So, I suggest we draw the queen out by attacking another stronghold and by another stronghold, I mean the occupied kingdom of Plumeria. When we take it back and free the cocooned citizens with a small invasion force, the Changelings will surely inform their queen and when she comes there, we'll launch a full scale attack on her. Without a queen to lead them, the rest of the hive won't stand any chance whatsoever."

After everyone took a few moments to quietly discuss this plan amongst themselves, Angella replied, "Hmmm... This does seem like a sensible strategy, Adora. However, it also raises a question. Who exactly will participate in this small invasion force you speak of? You can't take everyone in this room as some of us will have to stay here and help with the defense of Bright Moon in case Chrysalis decides to attack during your absence."

"Well... uhhh... I know that Bow and Glimmer will come for sure, but I don't really think just the three of us will be enough for a mission like this", Adora revealed with uncertainty. "So... I'm not really sure who-"

"I'm coming too", Catra suddenly interjected while standing up, causing the entire room to both gasp and stare at her in utter disbelief.

A few seconds later, Angella asked, "You? Why would you of all people gathered here today would want to go on this mission? As I remember correctly, you and your soldiers have tried numerous times to eliminate Adora."

"Two reasons", Catra determinedly began to explain. "One, I really want to avoid jail time and this looks like a good opportunity for me to prove to you that I can be trusted. Two, She-Ra is the most powerful weapon we can use to take down Chrysalis and she has a way better chance of staying alive if I'm around to keep her away from any harm."

The moment she said that, the entire room erupted in yelling as everyone started arguing with each other on Catra's proposal. While most of them were heavily against her joining Adora's mission, there were actually some (including Adora herself) who were willing to give her a chance.

As for Angella, she both facepalmed and let out a deep sigh before banging on the table a couple of times in order to silence everyone. Once she succeeded in doing so, she announced, "While it's true that a single good deed can't make up for all the crimes you've committed, helping us accomplish this task can indeed reduce your sentence a bit. With that said, you have a long way to go before you can earn the complete trust of anyone in the Resistance. That's why I'm sending your associates with you just in case you had been planning to take over Bright Moon during Adora's absence."

Right before Catra could object to this plan, Shadow Weaver stood up and said, "A most sensible decision, your highness. After all, your daughter has not yet mastered her abilities and thus, she would definitely need my assistance for it."

Upon hearing that, Angella shot a brief glare towards Glimmer, who sheepishly giggled for a few seconds. Then, Adora interjected, "It's settled, then. I'll take Bow, Glimmer, Catra, Scorpia, and Shadow Weaver to Plumeria and liberate it from the Changelings. Once that's done, we'll send a message here and request reinforcements for the final fight with Chrysalis. The rest of you should stay here and defend Bright Moon until then."

Immediately afterwards, she gave a fierce look to all three of the former Horde members and declared, "Remember. Out there, there's no Horde. Not anymore. So, we do... NOT... kill."

Although they gave each other uncertain looks, Shadow Weaver eventually nodded in approval, prompting Adora to nod back and announce, "Let's go, then."

While everyone else left the room in a matter of seconds, Catra came close to Adora's face and revealed with a menacing tone, "I don't care what you say. As soon as we beat Chrysalis, I WILL finish her."

Comments ( 2 )

Cool chapter,i can't wait to see continuation

Thanks for the support. Really appreciate it :raritywink:

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