• Published 9th Jul 2020
  • 2,458 Views, 9 Comments

Sunset's Love Life - The Beginning - Lil Sunny

Sunset Shimmer, forgiven for her past mistakes, and with a new friend to boot, why does she have to be so cute?

  • ...

The Set Up

At lunch, Rarity and Applejack excused themselves from the group after eating and headed for the soccer field, behind the bleachers Rarity looked around to ensure nobody would listen in on them.

“So Rarity, what’s so important that we had to talk privately?”

“Our dear friends Applejack. Sunset and Twilight. Twilight cares deeply for Sunset, but the poor dear is too timid to make a move. I told her I would find out what kind of partner Sunset wanted but I don’t know where to begin.”

Applejack smirked. “I have the same problem. Sunset told me she loved Twilight but wanted to be sure she would be interested before Sunset made her move. She didn’t want to risk ruining their friendship. I think we both got our answers. But even if we tell 'em, that don’t mean they’ll do anything about it. We need to get them together somehow, alone.”

“What If we set them up at Sweet Snacks Cafe? Pinkie could serve them a romantic dessert while we slip away together and leave them alone. If we invite them out individually then they won’t suspect a thing until it’s too late. Rarity said with a scheming look on her face.

“A mite sneaky there Rares. But it could work, we’d need to get Pinkie in on it though and we left her back at the cafeteria.”

As if by magic a poofy mess of pink hair popped out of a nearby bush with a badger on her head.

“My ears were burning. I think I might be allergic to badgers.” She sneezed. “Oh, and I heard my name too.”

“Well if ya heard us Pinkie then you can help with settin’ up Sunset and Twilight. You workin’ after school today?”

“Yep, and I know just what they need. Get 'em to Sweet Snacks and I’ll get you a distraction to sneak out then you just leave it to momma Pinkie.”

After lunch Applejack walked alongside Sunset towards their next class. “Hey Sunset, wanna grab a bite after school with me and Rares? Sweet Snacks does some mighty fine pastries.”

“Sure, why not. If Pinkie’s on we might get a discount.” Sunset chuckled.

Meanwhile at the lockers.

“Darling you simply must come with us, it’ll just be a snack with 2 friends. Myself and Applejack.”

“Rarity I already told you twice already, no! I have homework to do.”

“Homework for next term knowing you.” She muttered. “Come on dear Twilight, can’t you take a break for one afternoon? For us?”

Twilight sighed and relented. “I suppose sugar can provide a temporary boost to brain functionality. Alright fine!”

“Splendid dear, now off to class we go.”

After school the pairs walked separately to the Cafe, as Twilight and Rarity arrived, Sunset was already seated.

“Oh Sunset, hey. What are you doing here?” Twilight asked.

“Applejack invited me, I guess we’re all here together then?”

Moments later Rarity left to "powder her nose" and snuck out a back window while Pinkie called on Applejack in the kitchens and let her out the back door.

“Ya think we should’ve stayed to chaperone their date?”

“It’s hardly a date dear, maybe it will turn into one. I for one hope it works out for them, goodness knows love is a wonderful feeling.”

Applejack smirked. “And who pray tell would you be feeling love for that you would know Rares?”

Rarity blushed. “Well, I have my eyes on a strapping young lady. She’s hard working, honest and far prettier than she gives herself credit for. But I do wish she would notice my advances.”

Applejack pulled Rarity around to face her. “Maybe this lady is a bit more observant than you give her credit for.” She said before leaning in and giving Rarity a quick peck on the lips.

The reaction was instant, Rarity practically melted into her arms and she had to carry her back to her own home which was thankfully not far.

“Was wondering when she’d admit it.” Applejack said to no one in particular with a smirk.

Back at the cafe Sunset and Twilight sat alone in the booth together as Pinkie rolled up with her pad and pen in hand.

“So, what can I get you two lovebirds?”

Both of them blushed and awkwardly recoiled.

“Cut it out Pinkie, we’re just here as friends, right Sunny?”

“Right Twilight, friends. Knock it off Pinkie.”

Pinkie smirked and rolled away as Sunset finally processed that yes, Twilight had in fact given her a nickname. Pinkie returned moments later with a slice of red velvet cake for both of them and a single red rose between the plates, she knew just the right amount of push they needed.

Sunset blushed. “Y’know Twi, Rarity and Applejack left a while ago and I don’t think they’re coming back. It’s almost like...”

Twilight caught on. “You think they planned this?”

“Could’ve done Twi. So I saw you leaving with Rarity yesterday. What’s up with her?”

“Oh you know, same old Rarity. She just wanted to talk to me, thought I needed help with someone...thing! Something! I said something!”

“Help with someone eh Twi? Tell me about them. Maybe I could give you a little advice.” Sunset’s heart sank slightly but her brain told her “No you idiot, she could mean you.”

Twilight’s eyes widened. “Well uhh. She’s beautiful. And strong. She makes me feel safe just by being near her, and her hair reminds me of bacon.”

Sunset gave a look halfway between admiration and “Seriously?” Before responding.

“Well I think this person might appreciate it if you just told them how you feel. I know I’ve been struggling to tell someone about my feelings too. A girl who’s shy, cute, has adorkable glasses and a dorky cute polo shirt. Who makes me smile just by sitting near me.”

Twilight’s cheeks heated and a clear blush could be seen. “Sunset, do you like me?”

“I do Twilight. And I’m guessing you like me too?”

“More than you could ever know Sunset.”

“Why me though? I’m just a bad girl bully who blew up the school and became a demon.”

“I didn’t know you then Sunset, I’ve only seen you as you are today and I love who you’ve become. I turned into a demon too. And I don’t deserve someone as great as you. But I always secretly hoped.”

“Don’t say that Twilight. That wasn’t your fault and you’ve moved on to be a better person. I don’t need my geode to tell me what you’re thinking. You love me, and you do deserve me. Or anyone else you want to be with. But I’d love to give us a shot. How about Friday night? I’ll get us some reservations and text you where to go.”

Twilight sniffed, shedding a few tears she said. “Y-yeah, I’d like that Sunny. I’ll check with my mom but I don’t think it'll be a problem.”

Sunset moved out of her side of the booth and sat beside Twilight, embracing her. “It’s alright Twi. Cry if you need to, I’m here for you. I know this is a lot of emotion for you all at once, but I need you to be strong for me, can you do that Twi?”

Twilight sniffed some more and let Sunset dry her tears as she nodded meekly. “I-i’ll try. Thank you Sunny.”

After returning home. Twilight’s mother rushed over as she saw her daughter’s eyes were red.

“Twilight! You’ve been crying, are you ok dear?”

“I’m fine now, thanks mom. Sunset held me while I let my emotions out. I’ve never felt this way before.”
“Sit down dear, tell me all about it.”

Twilight sat down beside her mother on the couch. “Well, our friends set us up together at Sweet Snacks Cafe and we kinda admitted that we both had feelings for one another. She’s asked to take me out on Friday night and I kinda already said yes, I know I should’ve talked to you first. Please don’t make me cancel on her.”

Twilight Velvet embraced her daughter. “Your first real date. Of course you can go, maybe that Rarity girl can help you doll up a little tomorrow. You have then to figure out what you’re going to do the following evening with her. I think this is good for you. As nice as that Timber boy was, I could see for all the times you hung out together, you never cared much about him.”

“He asked me to dinner a few times. But I kept saying no. And eventually yeah, I realised I didn't care for him and dropped it. He understood.”

“Well whoever you choose to be your partner, I’ll support you honey. Come on, I’m making your favourite.”

Twilight smiled but then realised her mother was right, she’d need a lot of help getting ready for her date and Rarity was the best choice, which could mean a nightmare for her.