• Published 9th Jul 2020
  • 2,458 Views, 9 Comments

Sunset's Love Life - The Beginning - Lil Sunny

Sunset Shimmer, forgiven for her past mistakes, and with a new friend to boot, why does she have to be so cute?

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Sunset Shimmer. Once a pony from a place called Equestria in another world she now stood as a human in Canterlot City. A troubled past involving her mentor Princess Celestia and power that she had kept a secret caused Sunset to grow jealous. She left her old world behind and never looked back. As a bully she forced her way to the top, but from there the only way was down.

Twilight Sparkle, there’s a name Sunset is all too familiar with. It’s the name of Equestria’s Princess of Friendship who defeated and humbled her, and the name of her human counterpart who attended Crystal Prep Academy before transferring to Canterlot High after the events at the Friendship Games.

As much as she was friends with the Princess, it was this Twilight Sparkle that she felt something different with. When she thought of Twilight’s sweet smile, cute glasses and adorkable social awkwardness. She couldn’t help but smile. Her cheeks warmed and her heart beat faster, she knew what it was but she also didn’t think to act on it. She thought Twilight wouldn’t be interested in her, or that she would be moving too fast even though they had known each other as friends for a couple of years now.

With a sigh Sunset awoke to her alarm going off that morning. She still had a bit of school left before she could decide what to do with her future. She made her mind up long ago that this world was to be her home. She owned a modest apartment consisting of a living area and kitchen, a bathroom and a single bedroom with a large queen sized bed. Big enough for two, not that she ever had anyone else in it.

“Same old same old I guess. Another day of school, another day with the girl of my dreams, another day wasted staring at her without making a move. It’s not that I don’t want to, I just don’t want to embarrass myself by confessing to someone I’m not even sure likes me that way.” She said to her mirror while brushing her hair straight, she sighed again and made some toast.

“If there was some way, somehow that I could figure out how she felt about a potential relationship with, well anybody. I might be tempted to talk to her. But for all I know her plans for the future are purely academic.”

She changed out of her pyjamas and into what could be considered a normal outfit for her. A pink t-shirt emblazoned with what was her cutie mark as a pony. A leather jacket, an orange skirt and knee high boots. She hopped onto her bicycle, hoping someday to trade it for a motorcycle but that day had yet to come. Riding to school she tried to make sure she wasn’t late. As she stopped outside the school gates, she chained up her bike and checked her phone,
It was 8:40 AM, she was early and her friends were waiting at the steps to Canterlot High.

She spotted Rainbow Dash and Applejack arguing while Fluttershy sat beneath a tree petting a squirrel and Rarity was inspecting her nails. Pinkie Pie nowhere to be seen but was likely somehow nowhere and yet everywhere all at once.

“No way AJ. Mr Cranky Doodle is the worst teacher in this place, he’s so, well. Cranky!”

“Listen here missy, at least he tells it how it is and makes sure some of us ain’t just slackin’ off and rockin’ out instead of paying attention. Miss Cheerilee is too soft on us if you ask me.”

Sunset rolled her eyes and walked over to Rarity with a smile on her face.

“Oh Sunset, darling. How delightful to see you. Honestly those two are always bickering about something, you’d swear they weren’t even friends. How are you today darling?”

Sunset giggled. “Thanks Rarity, I’m doing alright. Yeah those two always have something to say. Is Twilight here yet?” She asked, looking around.

“Well I haven’t seen her so...Oh look there she is now.” Rarity pointed to the gates where Twilight Sparkle was walking into the school grounds.

Sunset just couldn’t help but smile at the young lady before her. She saw an inner beauty radiating from her being, something she doubted anyone else would care to look for given Twilight’s usual choice of attire and pastimes. Her heart practically begged her to do something. But her mind told her it was best not to say a word.

“Hi girls, how is everybody this fine morning?”

“Howdy Twilight. I’m fine thanks for askin’. Though little miss speed demon here could use a slap upside the head till she starts talkin’ sense again.”

Rainbow Dash scowled at Applejack. “I’m fine Twilight, but maybe miss country bumpkin over there could stand to shut up every now and then!”

Twilight recoiled a bit. “Ooh, a fight? That’s not good. What was it about?”

“Dash thinks Mr Cranky is too strict, and I think Miss Cheerilee is too lenient.”

“Because he is! He took my soccer ball away for an entire day last time I was dribbling it out at lunch.”

“Because ya broke a window Dash! Good gravy, do you ever think about anything but yourself?”

She flashed a quick glance to Fluttershy which went unnoticed by the group. “Sometimes, but not usually. Why would I? I’m the star of the soccer team, I’m going to graduate and get into Canterlot College and go on to be an amazing athlete, people all over the world will know the name Rainbow Dash!”

Applejack practically seethed, but she knew this would just keep going until someone backed down so she decided to be the bigger person.

“Alright, I admit Mr Cranky can be a bit too harsh sometimes. I’m sorry we fought Dash. Maybe I am a mite stubborn.” Applejack said sheepishly.

“And maybe you’re right that Miss Cheerilee is a bit too nice sometimes. I’m as stubborn as you are AJ. I’m sorry too.”

Sunset smiled as the bell rang and the group made their way into the school.

After their morning classes the group got together in the band room after eating lunch. None of them had any real musical aspirations but they still enjoyed spending time together and practicing their instruments. Twilight had a similar voice to the Princess just with slightly less confidence. And she would never have the guts to perform on stage. But when that time came, Sunset and Rainbow Dash had her covered. All while they practiced, Sunset couldn’t help but sneak glances over at Twilight. Her skirt and short socks exposed long slightly toned legs. She thought her polo shirt with its poofy shoulders was adorkable just like her glasses. And she loved hearing Twilight sing. Applejack however had noticed every peek and cornered Sunset after practice.

“Hey Sunset. I couldn’t help but notice you were a mite distracted during that there practice session. Anything you ain’t tellin’ us?”

“What? No. Me? I’m fine, really Applejack. There’s nothing to tell.” Sunset was trying to lie, and doing a bad job at it. Applejack smirked at her.

“Yeah, right. Sure. Wanna come over to the farm after school and talk about it? The others don’t have to hear a word of it if you don’t want em’ to. But I want to help you if I can.”

Sunset sighed. “Fine, maybe talking to a friend could help me.”

After school was done for the day Sunset followed Applejack back to her family’s farm and helped her with a few chores. Once they were done they headed up to Applejack’s room and sat down on her bed.
“Alright Sunset, shoot. I’m happy to listen to whatever’s ailin’ ya. I saw you lookin’ over at Twilight the whole time we were practicing. You still done good with your guitar too so I don’t know if the others noticed anything. So what’s up?”
Sunset looked down at the bed, then at the ceiling and walls. She tried to look everywhere but Applejack’s face as she struggled to come up with an answer.

“I never had friends before I met you girls. Even then I was mean and if Princess Twilight hadn’t helped me see the light. I’d probably still be causing misery at our school. So I wasn’t great at friendship, I’m glad I had such patient teachers. Naturally not being good at friendship means I never considered anything beyond that, a real relationship. None of the boys looked appealing to me, and none of the girls did either. Princess Twilight was kinda cute but again, I didn’t feel anything.

But then our Twilight came along. My cheeks got warmer, my heart beat faster, I lost my breath. She may not be the most beautiful woman in the world, but to me, she was perfect. I was really happy we could be friends. But at the same time, my heart wanted more. It still does, I know I feel something for her, but I don’t want to ruin our friendship. And I just don’t know what I can do.”

“Well Sunset, let’s take it slow. How does she make you feel, right now whenever you see her?”

“My heart beats faster, a smile never leaves my face and I just feel… Right. Like standing beside her is where I should be.”

“And do you ever think about her outside of school?”

“All the time. I have dreams about her, some I wouldn’t be comfortable discussing with anyone. I imagine her and I walking through the town hand in hand. At a restaurant or kissing under the stars. Sometimes even more.”

“Well then it sounds to me like you know what you need to do. So what’s the problem?”

“The problem is I don’t know if she likes girls, never mind if she’d be interested in a relationship with me. And I don’t want to ruin our friendship by asking her an awkward question and being rejected.”

“There it is. I knew it. You’re scared she’ll say no. Well I can’t promise anything but I can try to talk to her, see what she thinks of you. Maybe if you knew she did feel somethin’ you might be a bit more encouraged to make a move. You know even if she did like you that she’d never ask you first.”

Sunset at this point was crying and hugged Applejack.

“Thank you so much Applejack, I’ve been holding this crush in for a long time. Getting closure would be amazing.”

Applejack hugged her back tightly. “It’s alright sugarcube, cry if’n you need to. I’ll do what I can. You just focus on keeping yourself stable alright? You can stay for dinner, Granny always makes somethin’ nice and hearty. Then git on home and play a video game or 2. Somethin’ to take your mind off things. Alright?”

“Alright Applejack, I-I’ll try.”

As the family plus Sunset sat down to delicious bowls of stew, Granny Smith knowing from school that Sunset was vegetarian made sure to not give her meat. They enjoyed the hearty meal and Applebloom shared her latest escapades with her friends which caused everyone present to laugh. Big Mac took Sunset back home in the family’s truck since it was beginning to get dark and after saying goodbye she went back into her apartment and played New Super Star Pony, a game series she always loved since she came here. It made her smile and before it got too late she shut down the console and changed into her pyjamas ready to sleep. She dreamed the night away of her as yet unrequited crush. But knew she would soon finally have an answer.

Author's Note:

Re-written in its entirety. Re-released on 17/08/2023