• Published 27th Aug 2012
  • 699 Views, 1 Comments

When a Derp Has Too Save The Day - derpyhoovesstories

Derpy Just Want To Come Queen Of Muffins But When The Spell Goes Wrong, Everything Goes Wrong.

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Joining The Army

Derpy flies over to the castle and walks inside, goes to the princess ad asked to become a guard. Dinky doo look at derpy shocked. Dr.whooves walks up to the princess and asks to also be a guard. Dinky doo ask to be a spy. Mississippi also asked to be a spy. Leah asked to join so she can drive a tank, and Luna asked to be the brain like the computer guys. The alicorn says fine but call me toothbrush. Derpy goes the army training site. The general had green eyes and green hair and darker green hair and an army outfit. 3 month later there ready for anything. Dr.whooves controls the computer because he is good with a computer. Derpy is a swordsmen, dinky doo is a spy, Leah and Luna the guns. Derpy looks in the mirror and her eye patch and picks it up and there just skin no eye. Derpy but it back down. The alicorn takes the microphone and she yells into it “everybody report the eating room right now” so they all fly and run to the eating room. The alicorn looks at everybody and says” guys we have a problem, I started a war with the muffin ponies and boy they aren’t happy. Derpy flies up to the pole where he alicorn was and says “I WILL NOT LEAVE THIS PLACE TILL PEACE IS RESTORED!” Derpy: ARE YOU WITH ME? Them: YA! Derpy stalks back to where she was and sits. The general flaps her wing and flies to the pole and says “everpony listen to me we don’t have much time to hide” the gun ponies line up and the swordsmen line up behind them and the computer people behind them and the spies where at the last line. The genral tells everpony to follow her so they do and they end up in the meeting room. The general tells everpony to sit down and they do and she puts down toy soldier and a map and says “we will come in holding bomb under our suit and we will come in like were regular people set the bomb under the benches all around the place and when all our team is out of the village. Then we all meet in this room and I will set the bombs off. The general gives everpony a suit with a badge on it so we know who is who. She skips the swordsmen line and goes on to the other lines. She says “go everpony but the swordsmen.