• Published 27th Aug 2012
  • 699 Views, 1 Comments

When a Derp Has Too Save The Day - derpyhoovesstories

Derpy Just Want To Come Queen Of Muffins But When The Spell Goes Wrong, Everything Goes Wrong.

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The Alternate Universe

Meanwhile with derpy, she reapers in a land with 3 castle she walks up to a gate that’s says toothbrush castle another gate says the muffin castle. She runs right through the gate and saw a statue of an alicorn with sharp teeth standing on a dead pony with ponies bowing down to her. Scared and shocked slowly she walked in the village and a sign that say obey and on the sigh there was a scary pony. Derpy walks in the first that happens a guard walks up to her and gives a suit any demands to put it on so she does. It’s a gross green outfit that’s greenish gray. Derpy didn’t like it so she asked for another one but instead of giving her another one he said buy a not grayish one yourself! She was not very happy wondering around with ponies shoving other and all the ponies were being rude, and it wasn’t very pleasant to watch a pony get beat up and almost killed. Out of the blue a pony called her to come talk to her. That pony had green hair, red headband, and black spots this time derpy realizes that her eyes are different so she asked: miss but what’s with your eyes. The girl looks at her confused and asked what with your derped up eyes? As also ways derpy blushed but the blacked spot pony also asked what’s up with the black dots? Derpy answered: it normal where I come from. The only didn’t really seem to mind but she asked what are you doing in the open? Don’t you know that it’s safe for all new comers to hide in the shadows first, and it’s not safe for new comer to walk in the open? Derpy looked at her the derpy way, one eye facing up and on facing down. My name is Luna knighthood but call me Luna.

Derpy smiled and said’ I’m derpy hooves mother of dinky hooves!” Luna looks at derpy and asked very surprised: you’re a mother? Meanwhile with dinky doo… mommy she yelled looking everywhere for her mother. Later that day she realized her problems all started with melody. Dinky doo marches up to melody and yells for the unicorn at once the unicorn walks up and asked what the trouble my dear? Dinky doo scream at her at the top of her lungs. It was so loud that her uncle (a gray unicorn), her aunt (cloud kicker), her other aunt (raindrop), and her dad (Dr.whooves) all running to the place where they heard her scream. Soon after the scream all six of them got into a heated argument about whether derpy is alive or dead and it was also about can she bring her back or not. Meanwhile back with derpy. Derpy walks into a very small cottage with a pony waiting to buy something. Derpy then asked do you live here or are you guys renting and what’s with the uniforms. Luna answer back that the first floor is our store and the second floor is our home and we need to wear these uniforms because the queen makes us. Derpy walks up stairs with Luna and sees a pony with super dark purple and black hair. Luna says that the pony you’re looking at is my mom. Luna then shows her to her sister. A black pony with red hair and purple spots and a horn. Then she shows derpy to her friends who are a pony fairy and an Asian pony. Derpy lights of like a light bulb. The Asian pony gets scared because of the way derpy is looking at the pony fairy. Then all of a sudden derpy bombarded the pony fairy with so many questions like, where are you from, what your name, how do you have fairy wings, how you so colorful, why are you- stop scream the fairy!

First my name is Mississippi my dad did it with a fairy so that’s very odd for me but I still love them, and I’m colorful because I’m a much bigger version of my mom, and what your last question? Derpy looks at her and says muffins…. The Asian pony says and who are you Miss Derped eyes. Derpy screams I’m derpy hooves. The Asian girl sings out: sister hoof sister the most we got the talent and the sting! The four ponies giggle. After a couple hours the pony they finally come to a stop of talking about themselves. The Asian pony tells derpy her name is Leah Brohoof. Mississippi asked everybody in the room “did you know that the pony devils are coming to this house tomorrow?” Derpy was very confused “pony devil?” She asked. Yes pony devil Luna answered. “It’s a pony with bat wings and red and orange hair. She always comes with a vampire pony that can kill you in one bite. They go the every store in town and pick out one free thing from each pony they find in the stores, but if you’re not in your stores they will kill you, and also if you leave anything out they will take it.” Derpy looks outside remembering the shoving and the push and the running. That’s why she says in her head. Derpy ends up sleeping in the guest bed.