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Siren Song

Author's Note:

Warning: This chapter gets dark at the end scene depicts bodily malfunction Pestilence hunger and lust Famine and finally War and yes I killed the sirens Death, if you don't want to read skip part the 3rd person POV if you want to skip read the spoilers if you want to read continue at your own risk and be warned I might have to move this story up to T for teen

Rarity POV:

In the past two days I've had people complain about the dresses and suits I've made. They keep saying that what they've bought has given them hives and I've been forced to completely close my sales and destroy the beautiful creations I've made. Mostly because they've also given me hives, I've also done a lot of thinking and talking with Applejack during the destruction process. We've both agreed we need to apologise to Sunset and Fluttershy and right now I was on my way to Applejack's farm so we could go to the hospital together.

As I pulled into her dirt driveway and up to her house my mind was on why my clothing gave everyone hives and how Sunset was doing now that she was awake. I parked my car next to Applejack's truck and shut off the ignition and got out, as I headed to her door I was asking myself how we'd go about apologizing to our friends, especially after what our sister's did, after I knocked her mother came to the door.

"Oh Rarity, how nice to see you" Pear Butter said.

"Hello Mrs. Butter, I was wondering where I might find Applejack?" I asked 'hopefully I won't be bothering her during her chores' I think to myself.

"She's in her room, you can go up if you'd like" she said. "And please Rarity, you girls know you can call me Pear" she finishes as she opens the door for me.

"Of course Pear, thank you" I tell her as I walk through the front door. I walk through the living room to the stairs, as I ascend I keep asking myself how we'll go about restarting our friendship, if we can even get it back. I turn left at the top of the stairs and head down the left hallway to where I know Applejack's room is, and as I stand in front of her door, I feel conflicted. She's lost a lot more of her family because of this whole Anon-a-miss tragedy and we almost lost a caring friend and I realize that this must be done. I take a deep shaking breath as I knock on her door.

"Go away, I told y'all I didn't want to see nobody" I hear Applejack say from behind her door.

"Applejack, darling, it's Rarity please open up" I ask her hoping she'll let me in.

"Go away Rare I just wanna be left alone" she says, I can hear the hurt and depression in her voice.

"Please darling, I know you're hurting but you can't shut me out, I really need to talk, please?" I beg her to let my own depression and sadness into my voice. I hear a chair being pushed back and slow foot falls on the hardwood floor, and at last her door unlocking. As she opens her door I decide to be uncouth and push my way into her room, mostly to make sure she won't push me away. As I turn around I see her close her door again and just look down to the floor.

"I don't know why you're here. Rare's their ain't nothin to talk about, we messed up" she says, sounding even more dejected.

"I know Applejack" I say walking closer to my friend. "But that is the past, we have to push forward and forgive them, and ask forgiveness ourselves" I say, sounding even more dejected than her.

"But how, we messed up, me more than you, mostly because I refused to see the truth in front of my own eyes." She starts, "I can't face either of them, not Twilight, not Fluttershy and most certainly not Sunset. I don't think my shame or grief will let me" she says, finally breaking down.

I wrap her in a hug and just hold her, letting her cry on my shoulder. "I know dear, it's going to be hard but the only thing we can do is go see them and not ask complete forgiveness." As I say this Applejack just looks at me, I raise my hand to her cheek as I continue, "I'm not saying we ask complete forgiveness, we will never get it darling, all I'm saying is that we ask to start over to re-earn their trust and this time, actually listen, I know it will be hard but it must be done." I finished wiping away her tears.

"Ok" she says in the quietest voice I've ever heard. "Can you dive us, I don't think I'm up for it."

"Of course darling let's go see them" I say as I lead her out of her room and to my car.

Krieg POV:

I walked through the halls of the hospital with purpose, I had felt an unnatural amount of distrust and anger. The reason I walked with the purpose of these two feelings was because they are attributes of war, as I walked into Sunsets room I saw my brothers, Fluttershy, Twilight, Nightmare and one of Sunsets ex friends, Pinkie I think her name was. But none of that mattered especially since what I felt was so strong.

"Everyone, I have some disturbing news," I say. Walking right up to my brothers and managing to get everyone's attention without waking Sunset.

"What is it, Krieg?" Twilight asks.

"Yes brother, what has you so riled up?" Zaraza asks as everyone just stares at me.

"I'm afraid that someone, or something has tapped into the power of war" I say, making everyone but my brother's eyes go wide.

"What...do you mean Krieg?" Nälänhätä asks seeming sceptical.

"I mean I followed Rainbow Dash, watching to see if there was an outside force at work" I say.

"Outside force?" Twilight asks. "You mean like mind control?"

"No," I say, looking at everyone. "I mean emotional control, distrust, anger, greed, someone or something is playing off from the element of loyalty" I finish as Twilight's eyes go big.

"But nothing short of Discord could change an element and even then, he couldn't use magic here" she says as she closes her eyes.

"I didn't say they changed the element, I said that their playing off of what the element represents makes her loyal but only to those that she's known the longest, whoever has done this" I say looking at everyone. "Has the ability to play feelings" I finish as Twilight jumps out of her chair, eyes bigger than they were before.

"The only creatures capable of messing with feelings, especially dark feelings, are an ancient race from Equestria known as sirens," she says as she starts pacing. "But all known knowledge of the sirens says that they were banished by Star Swirl the Bearded" she finishes looking at us.

"It seems...Twilight" Nälänhätä starts as he coughs. "That this Star Swirl...banished these sirens to this world...and the reason Krieg here...can feel them is because he is war and this sirens."

"Are using emotions more than leading to war" Twilight finishes, but how do we combat the sirens without the elements of harmony?" She asks as me and my brothers look at each other and smile.

"You're forgetting something Twilight" Fluttershy says.

"Oh my word I forgot something, what?" Twilight asks, seeming paranoid, like she failed a test.

"Who exactly is in this room?" Fluttershy coyly.

"Well let's see" Twilight starts. "Theirs me, you, Sunset, Nightmare, Thanatos, Krieg, Zaraza and Nälänhätä but I...don't…" she starts as the gears start to turn in her head as she stares at Fluttershy and then to me and my brothers as we smirk.

"That's right Twilight" Thanatos starts. "You have the horsemen of the apocalypse at your disposal and those 'sirens' are the true reason my daughter is in that bed. You won't need the elements" he says as we hear a gasp from the door. We all turn to see that we forgot someone who wasn't in the loop was still in the room, plus two new arrivals.

"Y-you mean t-to tell me t-t-that your" Applejack starts.

""F-four Horsemen of the apocalypse" Rarity continues.

"I t-thought that was just a horrible nightmare," Pinkie finishes.

Me and my brothers smile widely as lightning cracks the sky and we let our eyes burn with power. "Afraid not girls" I start.

""Krieg is...right young ones" Nälänhätä continues.

"And we will bend the earth," Zaraza says.

"And we will make these Sirens beg for the mercy of me" Thanatos finishes as a loud boom of thunder sounds.

3rd person POV:

Three girls are sitting around a lunch table at Canterlot High school waiting for a fourth to show up. Everyone around them is arguing and bickering, but instead of school or sports it's about one single person's Sunset Shimmer. Threats are hurled through the lunch room as the students attempt to test at each other's throats, as a girl with rainbow hair sits down at the table.

"Your friends are turning on you," the first girl says. She has blue shin with blue hair and dark blue stripes.

"They aren't loyal to you anymore, they've left you behind. Even your oldest friend has forsaken you, they don't deserve loyalty." The second girl says she has yellow skin and orange hair with yellow stripes running through it.

"They need to be destroyed, starting with the one who has taken everything from you." The final girl says she has pulled skin with purple hair and an aqua stripe running through it.

"I know" the rainbow haired girl says, her eyes shining red. "Sunset will pay and when she finally rests in death will my friends come back and their sister's will be free from her torture."

"Good" the three girls say in unison as the fighting between the students starts to calm all of a sudden. The four girls at the table look around confused at the stopped chaos, as it grows quite enough to hear a pin drop. The three girls let power from the red gems near their hearts shine as red power flows into their eyes, as they try to feed off the anger and distrust in the room, finding to their horror there's none left and it almost seems to have completely vanished within seconds. As the silence persists the other students in the cafeteria start backing away from the table with the four girls, squeezing themselves as close to the far wall as they can possibly get.

The sounds of three sets of feet falling into the hallway outside with the sounds of chains and wheels filled the quiet cafeteria. The four girls looked around as the sounds of ominous music began to play from nowhere and everywhere at once. As the sounds of the foot falls and wheels got closer, the eyes of every student at the back of the cafeteria got bigger as they started to tremble. The four girls weren't affected by whatever was going on with the others and that set off the little warning bells inside of their heads, but when these alarms sounded it was too late.

Thunder boomed from overhead as lightning struck close to the windows of the cafeteria, almost like it was demanding entrance. The doors to the cafeteria flung open with an invisible gust of wind as the eerie music played it's haunting tune. The rainbow haired girl felt the effects first, she started coughing, and retching on her own bike, as it felt like a thousand hammers were pounding into her head. The purple skinned girl started looking around frantically and once her eyes found her prize she kept for it, her prize being the random bag of candy left behind by one of the students and it would never state her hunger.

The blue skinned girl, she felt all the hormones of a thousand teenage girls all pent up and looked for anyone to quell the itch in her loin. When no one in the room grabbed her fancy, she improvised, making any none horrified teenage boy hot and jealous. The yellow skinned girl got it the worst, at first hives started to break out on her skin, that she itched at with fever until they bled, then her stomach started to gurgle as she protested against her colon and bladder. Finally she lost the losing battle and she felt a horrible pain in her lungs, like a thousand needles poking and prodding, forcing her to cough until blood came up and her throat felt raw.

Finally the sounds of footsteps and wheels stopped at the door to the cafeteria and the four girls forced themselves away from what they were doing to see four men in suits, three were standing and the fourth was in a wheelchair.

"Good job getting the students to stop their miniature war" the man with a pale ring said.

"The man on the outer left answered "it was no problem Thanatos, these girls couldn't hope to have more power over war than war himself. And good job forcing two of these sirens to feed their hunger Nälänhätä."

It was...no problem, the only issue was...not infecting everyone" the man in the wheelchair wheezed out. "Zaraza...did you have any issues?" He asked the lady man next to him on the right most side.

"It was difficult, Nälänhätä, but I found a way to make different diseases infect just these two here" he said pointing at the rainbow haired girl and the yellow skinned girl. "The only question I have is, how to break their hold on the element of loyalty?" He asked the three men as they all seemed to contemplate his question.

"You...will never free them" the yellow skinned girl said retching. "We will defeat you" as she said this her gem started to shine, only for the red power from her gem and the other twos gems to fire into the one introduced as Krieg. "How?" The girl questioned coughing and retching more.

"Easy child" Krieg said, stepping forward letting his eyes turn crimson with power. "I am war."

"And now" the one announced as Thanatos said as his eyes glowed pale and he twisted his ring. "You sirens will never bring harm to anyone again, or attempt to abuse the powers of war again. Besides it's our job to end the world" he said as the red from the three girls' eyes died out and they slumped to the ground. Breaking the magical hold they had on the students and teachers, the four brothers turned and left the school lifting their powers as they left.

Leaving very shaken and dazed children to huddle on the back wall of the cafeteria and to let a rainbow haired girl catch her breath. And as her breathing normalized she realized that her dream became reality and everything she had done under the sirens came back to her. Running Sunset off the road, telling her friends they were traitors and that she hated all of them. Telling Fluttershy she was worthless and as she laid there on the floor of the cafeteria soaking in her own blood and bike she could only ask herself one question. "Why would they spare me? After everything I've done why would they let me live?"