• Published 9th Sep 2012
  • 680 Views, 7 Comments

Bigger Than Us - GaiaLives

When a Pegasister and two Bronies are suddenly the last of their kind, how will they manage?

  • ...

Just Another Day

Bigger Than Us

Written By: GaiaLives

Featuring: BlackMirage and TheHighlander

The shower of water beat down on my body as I washed the soap from my hair, running my fingers through it gently but swiftly. This was my time of peace, the one time in my day where I could think and not be interrupted. The shower was like some kind of mental dojo for me, a place where I could do almost anything if I used my imagination. At this time, I thought about life, what was its secrets? What did it keep from us? Was life just some kind of merry go round? Something that repeats over, and over, and over until there is nothing left?

I thought of many childish things in there as well, like things only used in fiction, human flight, things like that, sometimes even Equestria. It was a place I could only go to through words and imagination, rarely my dreams. Something that was so far from possible it was foolish to even think about. I know I am not the only one who dreams about that place, all I have to do is look on a few websites and I would already find hundreds of people sent to Equestria, transformed into ponies or Griffins or Diamond Dogs, but through all of the joy that these things bring me just comes crashing down when I read that last chapter, whether it says happily ever after or not. I know that truly, nothing could ever get me out of this world.


A noise from outside of the shower snapped me back into reality, washing my imagination down the drain of the shower I stood in.


Another noise brought me out of the shower, drying off and wrapping the warm and now damp towel around my naked body. I slowly opened the bathroom door to reveal my bedroom, clean and normal, my bed stuck out among everything because of the failure of making it hours before, I had never been able to make my bed look nice for some reason.

Voices... there were voices inside of my house, just outside of my bedroom door. My first thought was to go and confront whoever was out there, but fear made my hand stop when it was inches from the door. Something, or Someone unknown could be waiting for me on the other side of this door, wielding a knife, or a gun or god knows what!

I backed away from the door slowly and quickly dropped the towel off of my body and dug through my dressers and closet, looking for clothes and something to defend myself with, the last thing I wanted was for the person to see me half naked and get a bad idea.

I finally settled with a blue t-shirt and faded and ripped skinny jeans, I managed to work up some courage and swing the door opened wildly, instantly remembering that I hadn’t grabbed any type of weapon. I remembered something a friend had told me a few weeks back,

“Awesomeness is a weapon” He said,

I can’t even remember how he had got onto that conversation about a weapon though.

At that moment though, I was kind of fearing for my life, so I immediately ran back into my room and grabbed a hammer that my boyfriend had used to put my dresser together a few days before.

I peered out into the hallway that led to my room, it would take a few seconds to get down it and get to the living room and whoever was here could jump out of one of the doors on either side and grab me, pull me in and do whatever he or she wanted.

A corridor, freaking awesome.

I took a deep breath and made a mad dash down the hallway, passing each door with equal speed, until I got to the end and stopped dead in my tracks, I looked back to see if anyone had made a grab for me, and was relieved to see nothing.

I sighed and continued on my quest for the intruder, walking quietly to the kitchen, which connected to my living room.

“Hello?” I called out in the calmest voice I could muster,

Two voices sprang up, speaking so softly that I couldn’t make out what they were saying.

“Who’s there?” I asked, my voice was trembling now.

The voices stopped, as far as I could tell.

I slowly crept into the kitchen, checking my corners so I couldn’t be startled by anyone.

I looked around the wall that connected my kitchen to the living room, shooting back behind it when I made out to figures sitting in front of my Tv awkwardly.

“I- I’m coming in!” I called out, tightening the grip on the hammer.

And with that, I sprung around the corner and stopped when I saw the two staring at me,

“What is THAT?!” The pink haired one asked,

Both were young women, maybe a bit older than me. One had big, puffy pink hair accompanied by light skin and bright blue eyes, she looked slightly heavier than her rainbow haired friend, her hair caught my attention but her deep magenta eyes really made me think, who seemed to be in track or something, she was in great shape, like, cheerleader shape. But one thing stuck out about both of them,

They were both stark naked.

The thought of Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash invaded my mind, they both looked to be like them but, that was impossible, wasn’t it? I thought for a second and then a single word made me think differently.


That’s what it had to be, the hair color had to have been artificial and the eyes must have been some kind of special contact lenses, the hair was so perfectly colored though, the Rainbow Dash fan had even gotten a tattoo of Dash’s cutie mark on her thigh!

“Pinkie, where are we?” The Dash fan asked,

“I dunno!” The Pinkie fan said, their voices were even spot on to their characters,

“You’re in my house!” I screamed, “Mind explaining?”

“It can talk!” the rainbow haired one cried,

“Does it know what we’re saying?” The pinkie fan asked,

“Of course I do!” I said,

What was all of this? Two naked women, in my living room, pretending to be Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash, was this the effect of some kind of drug? I hadn’t ever heard of a drug that made you act like a character from a Tv show.

“Is this some kind of a joke?” I asked, “Who told you to do this?!”

“Ooh! a prank! can we do a prank Rainbow Dash?” The pink one asked,

“No Pinkie!” The rainbow dash fan shouted, “This is no time for pranks, we have to get out of this monster’s house!”

I connected my palm with my face and dragged it down so I could see the fangirls stumble and fall on their bums as they tried to stand,

“What happened to my body?” The rainbow fan asked,

“Your wings Dashie!” The pink haired one cried, pointing her whole hand at her friends back,

The fan tilted her head to view her back to find a lack of wings,

“They’re gone!” She cried, “Ohmygoshohmygosh! what happened?!”

“What are these?” the pink one asked, twiddling her fingers in front of her,

“Who cares!” The rainbow one said, finally getting to her feet, “Let’s get out of here!”

The Rainbow Dash fan tripped over her foot on her first step, falling right into my computer chair and bumping my desk, which housed my laptop, which now sprang to life.

What should have came up as a Rainbow Dash wallpaper came up with only the blue background and the words “20% Cooler.” Where a picture of Rainbow Dash sleeping on a cloud should have been was a black outline, where her name had been looked like a child was allowed to use the spray paint feature on paint to cover it up.

This sparked my attention, I quickly moved over to my computer, pushing the chair with the Rainbow Dash fan away from me.

The first thing I did was click on the running tabs, one was for my pictures and the other for google, I picked pictures,

Extreme shock invaded my body, all of my pony pictures were gone, deleted like they were never there, or scribbled all over by a black paint tool to the point where the pony or ponies were gone,

I turned around to the two fangirls who still couldn’t get up to walk,

“Did you two do this?” I asked, it felt like steam was going to come out of my ears in anger.

“Do what?” the pink one asked,

I turned back around to my computer and clicked on google, the magical search bar appeared before my eyes, I now had the ability to look up anything I wanted!

In this case though, I typed in ‘MLP’

I waited for the screen to load and to my surprise it came up with no results.

I furrowed my brow at the result of my search, was that even possible?

Maybe it can’t process M.L.P. I thought,

I typed in ‘My Little Pony’

I came up with thousands of pictures, all of them filled with pretty pink ponies,

All except for Lauren Faust’s ponies,

None of the ponies from Gen. 4 were there, it was only the previous failed generations.

“What the hell?” I said to myself,

I shuffled a bit in my seat and made a new search,

‘Twilight Sparkle’

I came up with pictures of sparkling vampires, no ponies...







‘Rainbow Dash’

Gen. 3 Rainbow Dash.

‘Pinkie Pie’

Gen. 1 and 3 Pinkie Pie.

I sat back in my chair, I was completely dumbfounded, all of the My Little Pony: Friendship things were gone, it was like the show had never existed.

I sat up and searched one last thing


One picture... just one picture told me that something had gone horribly wrong.

That picture, was this:

Comments ( 7 )

'Awesomeness is a weapon' lol


I'm liking this... weird, but definately well written and interesting. Not the most unique (base) concept... yet. The Discord thing could play out quite well.

We shall see.


One pegasister, two bronies? Last of their kind?

I smell an involuntary threesome.

Good job though on the story

Interest peaking, must acquire more to judge quality though.

very interesting, i'm gonna like and bookmark and see how this plays out.

Do you have any plans to continue this? :pinkiesmile:

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