• Published 7th Jun 2020
  • 213 Views, 2 Comments

From Rookie to Adventurer - Don the Bassman

This is Shadow Star's history, from her time as a rookie police officer in Vanhoover, to a Royal Guard in Canterlot!

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Confrontation - Canterlot Royal Guard

“YOUR MAJESTY!” shouted an armored, gold coated unicorn as he ran into the throne room, slamming open the doors. “I HAVE IMPORTANT NEWS FOR YOU!” A large black binder held in silvery magic floated next to him.

“Yes, Lieutenant Chalice?” Princess Celestia asked, sitting upon the throne. At the base of the dais stood Captain Steel Thunder, his head tilted, and an eyebrow raised.

The unicorn looked to the captain. “Good, you are here as well.”

“Why is that, lieutenant?” asked the grey pegasus.

Chalice took a moment to adjust his armor. “Because you need to explain,” he stated, opening the binder. “Why you have allowed a KILLER into the Royal Guard?”

“A killer?” inquired the princess.

“Yes, your majesty,” the officer haughtily replied. “A cold-blooded killer.” He flipped a page in the binder. “The guardpony named Shadow Star.”

The guard captain scowled, “That’s a heck of an accusation, lieutenant. What proof do you have?”

The gold unicorn held up the binder, “In this file are numerous instances where the pony known as Shadow Star used lethal force!” he pulled several pictures out of a pocket in the binder. “Just look at the destruction, the, the, the…” Chalice stuttered, holding out the pictures for Steel to see. “Horror that this pony is capable of!” He gestured at a picture. “She pinned a griffon to a tree with a unicorn twenty-five feet off the ground!!”

“Twenty-seven feet and four and a quarter inches to the point of impact with the tree,” Thunder muttered, causing the unicorn to pause. “To be precise.”

"They hurt her..."

Princess Celestia looked upward for a moment, then returned her gaze to the lieutenant.

“Lieutenant,” Captain Thunder spoke softly, concern etched on his face. “Why do you have these?” He held a wing over the pictures that were being held up to him.

“I wanted to know more about this…” Chalice paused, as if looking for the proper word. “Monster, that you are wanting to promote to sergeant.” He adjusted his stance and leaned his head back a bit, looking down his nose at the captain. “And what I found is DISTRUBING!” Gesturing towards the princess, the unicorn continued. “How could you let this THING near our dear sovereign?”

The princess stood up from the throne, her eyes riveted on the black binder.

The captain glanced up at Princess Celestia and then sighed. “Lieutenant, this is a sealed file, sealed by court order,” stated Steel. “What gave you the authority to break this seal?”

“I am an officer of the Royal Guard!” Lieutenant Chalice called out, straightening up more. “And I have a duty to know who is under my command!”

“Shadow Star is NOT under your command!” snarled Captain Thunder, anger in his eyes. “She is under Bonfire’s command!”

“That doesn’t matter!” the unicorn snorted. “I am an officer and I have the authority to look into any personnel file that I see fit.” He jabbed a hoof at the pegasus, shaking the binder. “And with you allowing a MURDERER-!”

“ENOUGH!” Celestia called out, her golden magic ripping the binder from Chalice’s mystical grasp, pictures following close behind. “Platinum Chalice, you had no right, no cause, and no authority to break the seal on this file!” She placed the pictures back in the pocket they came from. “You are relieved of duty.”

“But your majesty!” cried Chalice, stepping towards the throne.

The ringing sound of steel echoed through the throne room, as a dark shape slammed down in front of the unicorn. Platinum Chalice found himself facing a dark purple mare, dressed in smoky grey armor, six swords floating next to her, three to each side, and a spear held in her front hooves. The mare was already taller than most ponies, but standing on her hind hooves, she towered over the unicorn.

Shadow Star stood between him and the princess.

Even with tears streaming down her cheeks, the dark pony’s brilliant green eyes bored into the stallion with an intensity that cause him to shrink back. The golden unicorn took a couple of extra steps away from the guardpony, swallowing hard. “I… I… I knew you… couldn’t be trusted…” stammered Chalice as he tried to push down the fear that gripped him. “You would even threaten a superior officer!” He looked up at the princess. “This MONST-“


The powerful Royal Canterlot Voice echoed throughout the throne room and beyond, causing all the ponies in the castle to jump. Princess Celestia stood at the edge of the dais, her wings spread and anger clearly visible on her face. “Platinum Chalice,” the majestic alicorn stared down at the wide-eyed unicorn. “You have been relieved of duty. You are no longer an officer in the Royal Guard. You have broken the oaths you took when you donned the uniform.”

“I recommend you remain silent.” Captain Thunder whispered to the stallion as he opened his mouth.

“Captain, escort Mr. Chalice out of the castle, and see to it that the guard is notified of the change in command.”

“Yes, your majesty!” stated the pegasus, snapping a salute with his wing. He turned to Platinum and gestured to the door. “Let’s go!”

“One thing, Chalice, before you leave,” Celestia called to the unicorn. “Remove that armor. You are no longer worthy of wearing it.”

The gold stallion looked between the royal pony and the captain, then began to remove his armor. “But, princess…” He started to say but stopped as the princess glared at him. Platinum looked at the guard who stood between him and the alicorn and scowled.

Shadow watched as the unicorn removed his armor, never relaxing her stance, staying between him and her charge.

It didn’t take long for Platinum Chalice to remove the armor, tossing it to the side. “I’ll make yo-“ he started snarling at the mare, but was cut off by the captain pushing him.

“Quiet!” barked Steel as he started to direct the unicorn towards the great doors to the throne room. “Let’s go!” He commanded, marching Platinum towards the exit. “OPEN THE DOORS!” called the captain as the pair approached. The massive doors swung open and the disgraced unicorn was escorted out of the room, the doors closing once they had passed beyond.

Shadow stared for a moment after the doors had closed and then dropped to her front hooves. Her spear floated to her side and the swords returned to their scabbards. She pulled off her helmet and wiped at her eyes with the back of her hoof. “My apologies, your majesty.”

“Whatever for?” Celestia gently inquired, walking down the steps towards the purple mare.

“I spoke out of turn earlier,” responded Shadow, her words shaky. She sat down, continuing to wipe at her eyes, attempting to calm her breathing. “And a guard shouldn’t breakdown while on duty.”

“You didn’t breakdown,” the princess calmly pointed out. “You performed your duties admirably.” She moved in front of the guardpony. “And you didn’t speak out of turn, I barely heard your whisper, and it was quieter than what usually goes on in court.” The elder alicorn sat down facing Shadow and used her wing to wipe away a tear on the mare’s cheek. “I’m heartbroken that you had to experience the things in this file.” She nodded at the black binder being held in her golden magic.

Shadow took a shaky breath and looked over at the binder. “Better that I took those actions,” she stated, drawing herself up again. “Than let others suffer a worse fate.” Closing her eyes, Shadow took another breath, beginning to force her emotions back down.

Celestia pulled the guardpony to her, wrapping her forelegs and wings around the mare startling the pony. “No, child.” She squeezed Shadow with her embrace. “Holding it in will only have it build up until you break.”

For a moment, Shadow sat stunned. Then the tears started to flow again, and sobs echoed in the throne room. “I am a monster!” She buried her face in Celestia’s chest. “I ended lives!” Shadow held onto the alicorn, years of pent up emotions flowing out. Celestia allowed the young pony to cry, holding her in a warm embrace.

After what seemed like hours to Shadow, Celestia spoke softly to the mare she cradled, “You are no monster.” She pointed to the binder that now rested on the floor. “I’ve seen the reports for all of the incidents.”

Shadow looked up at the princess, her eyes red.

“You acted in defense of others,” Celestia helped the mare sit back up straight. “and those are not the actions of a monster.” Using her magic, the princess picked up the black binder and set it upon her throne. “You are a kind soul, Shadow. Protecting and caring for others.” She tilted her head and asked, “How have you been handling this?”

“Meditation, reciting my oaths, and performing my duties,” was Shadow’s response.

“Oh, my stars,” said the sun-marked alicorn softly. “Have you been having nightmares?”

“Yes, often.”

“There are some ponies that I want you to speak with,” stated Celestia as she released Shadow from her embrace. “They will help you with what has happened.” She stood and gave the purple mare a warm smile. “I will speak with the captain and he will help get you scheduled to meet with them.”

Shadow nodded, then opened her mouth to speak.

“It is not weakness to get help,” Celestia stopped the guard from speaking. “Everypony needs help sometimes. I don’t want you to lose yourself.”

“I was going to say thank you, your majesty,” Shadow softly chuckled, sniffing.

“Oh!” the princess chuckled as well. “I’m used to warriors like you not wanting to ask or receive help.” She smiled. “I’m happy that you are different. You are not a monster, or a horrible pony.”

“I know that,” Shadow said, tapping her temple with a hoof. “Up here.” She moved her hoof to her chest. “But my heart, is another story.”

Celestia placed a hoof on Shadow’s. “Your heart won’t listen to me, but the councilors will be able to convince it.”

“Thank you, princess.”

“Let’s go get some cake and ice cream, that always makes me feel better when I’m feeling a bit down.” The princess stood and offered a hoof to the purple mare.

Shadow smiled as she accepted the offered hoof and stood. “By your leave, your majesty.”

Author's Note:

One of these days, I'm going to have to commission a comic of some of Shadow's stories.

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