• Published 7th Jun 2020
  • 213 Views, 2 Comments

From Rookie to Adventurer - Don the Bassman

This is Shadow Star's history, from her time as a rookie police officer in Vanhoover, to a Royal Guard in Canterlot!

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First Hearths Warming Away - Canterlot Royal Guard

Just after the sun had gone down on Hearth’s Warming Eve, Princess Celestia quietly closed the door to her chambers in the top of the tower and moved over to the lounge in the sitting room. With a soft, weary sigh, the princess laid down up on it. Using her magic, she picked up a quill and journal from the dark oak end table nearby. Opening to her last entry, the princess was distracted by noise coming from outside.

“What is that sound?” inquired Celestia as she looked towards her balcony. She stood, setting the journal and quill aside, and walked to the balcony door. Opening it, the princess was greeted by the singing of a Hearth’s Warming carol by at least a hundred voices. Curious, she stepped out and looked over the railing, down to the castle gardens below, where the singing was coming from. A great many pegasus ponies were playing in the snow-covered gardens, joining in on a song that was coming through the open doors of the great hall.

Celestia smiled as she listened to the singing and watched the young ponies play. After a moment, she ducked back into her rooms, gathering up a couple of pillows and a blanket. The princess placed the pillows on the balcony and gently settled down, wrapping herself in the soft blanket. She looked down on the celebration with a smile, listening to the carols being sung, and before long, Celestia found herself singing along with the enthusiastic singers from below.

She picked up the steaming mug of apple cider in front of her and took a sip, enjoying the warm drink in the cold night air. As the princess set down the mug she paused. “I didn’t have this when I came out,” she stated, eyeing the cider. Celestia looked around and found no pony nearby, only the ones celebrating below. She looked back over the railing and noticed that some of the Royal Guard had joined the ponies celebrating. Smiling once more, the alicorn princess settled back down on the pillows and took another sip of cider.

“You are more than welcome to come down and join us, your majesty.” A Silver coated Pegasus with a sky-blue mane said from next to the balcony, his wings flapping silently.

“Oh, my!” exclaimed Princess Celestia, almost spilling her drink as the stallion spoke.

“My apologies, Princess.” Said the pegasus, bowing to the royal pony. “I didn’t mean to startle you. I am Taneuma and those you see below,” Taneuma gestured to the hall and gardens below. “Are my family, the Silverhoof clan.” Taneuma looked back to the Princess and continued. “And you are welcome to join us for Hearth’s Warming.”

“I would not want to impose.” Replied Celestia.

“You would not be imposing. And it is my belief,” He paused and smiled, “My family’s belief, that no one should be alone on Hearth’s Warming Eve when it can be helped.”

“Is that why you’re here?”

Taneuma smiled, “Yes, your majesty. This year, the clan was supposed to meet in Trottingham. However, since my daughter, Shadow Star, recently joined the Royal Guard, she was not able to take time off to make the trip,” His smile turned to a broad grin. “So, we surprised her by bringing it here.”

“That’s very sweet!”

“I was very happy that we managed to get the hall and gardens to hold the celebrations.” The silver Pegasus bowed to the royal pony. “Thank you for allowing us to use it.”

Celestia stood and returned the bow. “No one else had requested it. Truly, No one has requested to use it on Hearth’s Warming for a few years.”

“Well, I’m glad we asked.”

“As far as the invitation to join you.” Celestia looked to the gardens for a moment and then back to Taneuma, “Would it not cause a disruption if a royal were to attend the festivities?”

“Ah, I see.” He stroked his chin, silently hovering near the balcony. “If you so wish, a royal pony doesn’t have to attend, but a pony who would like to enjoy the company of a surrogate family on this fine holiday evening?”

“I think that would be lovely.”

“Then let us join,” Taneuma gave a kind smile to the alicorn, “our family below.” Celestia returned his smile and took to the air. She followed the silver pegasus down to the celebration below. As they neared the hall, the celebrating ponies paused in their activities to watch as the pegasus and alicorn landed. They began to walk into the building and the old stallion called out in the ensuing silence, “Everyone! We happen to be joined by a late arrival this Hearth’s Warming Eve. Let us welcome our honorary family member!”

Celestia looked around as the pegasus finished and was pleasantly surprised to hear a cheer come from the most of those in attendance, with only the guards who joined the celebration being a bit confused. As the ponies turned back to their activities, the sun marked mare smiled broadly as ponies approached her and began to introduce themselves, none of them bowing or addressing her as your highness, or majesty. Instead, they greeted her as if she were a member of the family who they hadn’t seen in a long time and only needed a reminder of who they were and a warm hug. Soon Celestia found herself pulled into conversations that ran the gamut from dresses to food, not a single bit of hurtful gossip or drama was spoken of.

The shared laughter and joy were almost a physical force to the alicorn, wrapping her in a feeling that she hadn’t really experienced in a long time. With every embrace from her surrogate family, every bump of a hoof, and shared laugh, her spirit was filled with warmth.

After a time, Celestia found herself at the buffet table trying to decide on which delectable treat to load her plate up with. As she pondered, a dark purple earth pony mare with a long, slightly wild, dark aqua blue mane trotted up.

“What do you think I should get?” Celestia asked absentmindedly.

“Granma Marachino’s cherry pie!” Replied the mare, as she picked up a plate and levitated a slice of the afore mentioned pie to it, causing the alicorn to do a double take. “And some hot cider,” She pauses for a moment, thinking. “I think Lily Frond got it from Apple Acres in Ponyville.”

Celestia blinked as the purple pony ladled some of the hot cider from the pot to her mug. “I thought you were an earth pony.” She said softly. “OH! I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean...” Celestia stammered, covering her mouth with her hoof.

The mare gave an amused laugh, “It’s okay.” She lifted her mane with a hoof, revealing a tiny nub of a horn, “My horn never really came in, so almost everyone thinks I’m an earth pony.” Letting her hair fall back down, covering her little horn, she extends her hoof to Celestia, “I’m Shadow Star.” Shadow said with a smile.

Celestia returned the smile and shook the offered hoof, “So you’re the one that just joined the guard.”

“Yup, that’s me!” Shadow moved a bit out of the way, allowing other ponies to get to the table. “I just transferred in from the Vanhoover police department about a month ago.”

The alicorn lifted a large slice of the cherry pie with her magic and set it on a plate along with a large slice of chocolate cake. She moved to a little table nearby and gestured for Shadow Star to join her. The purple coated mare trotted over with her own plate and mug of cider.

“So, how are you enjoying the party?” Shadow inquired as she set down her plate.

Celestia smiled warmly at the purple pony, “It’s been wonderful!” She took a quick bite of pie and then continued, “I’m treated like a family member and not a princess,” the mare looked around the great hall and her smile grew. “No drama, court gossip, fawning praises, or attempts to sway policy! I LOVE it!”

Shadow furrowed her brow at the alicorn’s words. “There are ponies that do that to you?”

“Yes,”Celestia stated flatly. “Doesn’t even need to be a party or function.” She lifted a fork full of cherry pie. “I will get accosted almost anywhere, even at Donut Joes!” the alicorn exclaimed just before taking a bite.

“Well, you don’t have to worry about that here,” Shadow stated with a wave of her off as Celestia took another bite of the cherry pie. “We were told that you’re family, so you’re family!” She said with large grin.

“And I’m than-,” Celestia started to say but was cut off as two foals, a soft blue pegasus colt and a light green pegasus filly, flew up to the two mares.

“Auntie Shady!!” The colt grabbed the purple mare’s foreleg, “Ya gotta come see our snowponies!!” He started trying to pull Shadow away from the table towards the garden.

“You too, Miss Cel’stia!” The young filly added, trying to push the large alicorn, causing Celestia to giggle.

“Okay, Okay!” Shadow laughed as she stood up, “You don’t have to pull, Cloudhopper. And Leafbright,” she said, looking to the little filly pushing on Celestia’s flank. “No need to push.”

Celestia stood up, giving a playful grin to the little filly, “I’m up! I’ll go!”

“Yay!” Leafbright and Cloudhopper shouted in unison as the two mares started to walk out to the gardens. The young foals darted outside and flew circles around a couple of snowponies.

Shadow looked over at Celestia as they made their way outside. “Still happy about being treated as family?” She asked with a smile.

“Oh, Definitely!” Came Celestia’s happy reply.

Out in the garden, the mares were pulled to several different snow creations, with foals rapidly telling all about them. Time slipped away from Celestia as she listened to the stories of the various snowponies, and about the snow castle and the princesses that reside inside.

“Oh! This looks fun!” A voice called out, causing the noise of the Hearth’s Warming celebration to cease. All eyes turned to newcomer, Princess Cadence. “Princess Celestia, what are you doing?” She asked Celestia, who was levitating a small flag to put on a snow tower that had just been finished.

“I’m not a princess here,” Celestia replied, giving her niece a smile, “I’m an honorary Silverhoof, and I’m helping put the finishing touches on a snow tower for a pretty princess to live in.” She turned back to the tower, lifting the flag towards the top.

“Well in that case,” Cadence said as the festivities started to resume. “Since you aren’t a princess…”

The sun marked alicorn finished placing the flag and began to turn back towards the princess. “What was tha-*” Celestia’s question was cut off by a snowball smacking her in the side of the head.

The entire area went silent. Everypony waiting to see Celestia’s reaction.

“How DARE you!!” Shouted Celestia, “I shall NOT allow this insult to stand!” Several large snowballs rose up next to the mare as she ducked down with a mischievous grin.

“EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!” Cadence shrieked as Celestia launched the snowballs at the young princess who brought her wing up to shield herself, but there was a flash of movement as Shadow Star leaped to the princess’s defense.

Using her skills in martial arts, Shadow struck the snowy projectiles, reducing each one to a fine powder, keeping her charge from getting touched by a single snowflake.

“You may be family,” Shadow called out, her voice carrying over the gardens. “But, due to my vows as a guard, I cannot allow anyone, even a family member, to strike at the princess.”

Princess Cadence lowered her wing and looked around as all the ponies watched the exchange while gathering up snow and forming their own snowballs.

“ROYAL GUARD, FORM UP ON ME!” Shadow commanded, causing the guards that had joined the celebration to gallop over and surround the grinning alicorn princess.

Up above, along the walkways, some of the patrolling guards had to stop themselves from answering the call and jumping down.

“GET ‘EM!” Leafbright shouted, awkwardly throwing a snowball at the princess but falling a bit short. With the call from the little filly, the Silverhoofs launched into a full snowball assault on Princess Cadence and the guards. Shadow threw few snowballs, concentrating on keeping the princess protected as much as she was able too. Celestia found herself being given snowballs to launch since she was able to launch them quicker and more accurately than the older Silverhoofs that had dropped down next to her.

It wasn’t long before the snowball war devolved into chaos, becoming everypony for themselves.

The great snowball war of Canterlot ended with the announcement of hot coco and promises of marshmallows. Everypony headed into the great hall as the coco began to be served.

Princess Cadence walked into the hall next to Celestia, with both alicorns grinning broadly. “That was SOOOO much FUN!!!” the young princess pranced a little as she spoke. “How did you get pulled into this?”

“Since you went to Silver Chalice’s party, I was going to have a quiet evening.” Celestia replied to the princess’s question. “I didn’t want to deal with any of the aristocrats. I was going to wait for you to get back and share the rest of the evening with you.” She looked down at Cadence. “And it seems you left early.”

“Oh, by the stars!” Princess Cadence exclaimed, rolling her eyes. “Now I understand why you didn’t want to go!”

“Seen more substance in whipped cream?” Shadow Star playfully asked as she approached the alicorns carrying 3 mugs of hot chocolate, with generous amounts of marshmallows.

Celestia smiled as she, and the princess, took a mug from the purple mare. “Thank you, Shadow. This is my niece, Cadence.”

“Nice to meet you,” Shadow started to extend her hoof to the alicorn. She stopped as she noticed Cadence’s confused expression. The purple coated mare lifted her dark, aqua blue mane, revealing her tiny horn, “I’m a unicorn, but my horn stayed small.”

Cadence’s eyes went wide, and she giggled, “Oh, it’s so CUTE!!” she squealed as she reached over and tapped Shadow’s horn. Realizing what she had just done, Cadence pulled her hoof back, “I’m sorry! I should have asked before doing that.”

“It’s okay,” Shadow said, “Some of my family like to rub my horn for luck.”

“Does it work?” Celestia inquired.

“I’d like to think so.”

“Thank you for the cocoa by the way.” Cadence commented, after taking a sip.

“You’re welcome.” Shadow smiled, “And do you want to set aside your crown for the evening and join with our family?”

“I would love to!” Cadence gave a happy bounce.

The purple pony raised her voice and called out, ““Everyone! We have a late addition to our Hearth’s Warming Eve. Let us welcome our honorary family member!” A cheer erupted from all the ponies around and soon, Cadence found herself being greeted by a large number of ponies, each one treating her as a family member that they haven’t seen in a long while, with a reminder of who they are and a warm hug. Soon the family members were pulled back into conversations ranging from food to décor.

After a time, Taneuma, flying above the gardens, called out, “It’s time to say goodnight, refill your drinks, and let’s move outside again.” All the ponies in hall moved out to the gardens after refilling their mugs of cocoa. The elder stallion landed next to the two alicorns, “I just want you to know, you are welcome to join us at anytime you want or need to.” He said with a bow.

“Thank you, Taneuma.” Celestia replied, “We appreciate that.” Cadence nodded in agreement.

He inclined his head to the two mares, and then walked a short distance away, where the ponies had left a clearing. The silver coated pegasus waved for Shadow Star to join him. Once she had, he called out, “Everypony, Shadow will be leading the song to close out the night.” Turning to the mare, Taneuma smiled. “Whenever you’re ready.”

Shadow nodded and closed her eyes. After a moment, she raised her voice in song, “When family cannot be here, having journeyed far and wide. We sing a song to honor them, to remember days gone by.”

All of the others joined their voices to hers, raising their mugs, “So, take your cup and raise it high, just as surely I’ll do mine. And laugh we will at stories told as we smile at days gone by.”

Celestia wrapped a wing around Cadence, pulling the young alicorn close, and joined her voice to the song.

“For family not here, my dears, having journeyed far and wide. For loyalty and kindness both, we smile at days gone by.”

Cadence looked around at those in the garden. Ponies leaning on one another with wings wrapped around each other, holding their drinks in hoof, raised to mare marked winter moon. She looked back to Celestia and saw tears running down the mare’s cheeks.

“Our paths will cross again one day, in time to reunite. For family is always near, even when the seas are wide.”

The young alicorn wrapped a foreleg around Celestia’s front leg and squeezed tight, causing the older mare to look down and softly smile.

“So, take your cup and raise it high, just as surely I’ll do mine. And make a toast for family and the tales of days gone by.”

Taneuma pulled Celestia and Cadence to the center, joining Shadow. As the final verse of the song began, the only voices that remained were the purple mare’s and the sun marked alicorn’s.

“For family not here, my dears, having journeyed far and wide. For loyalty and kindness both, take joy at days gone by. For loyalty and kindness both, we smile at days gone by…”

As the final verse echoed throughout the castle, the ponies embraced one another and bid each other good night. After drowning in a sea of warm embraces, the alicorns flew up to Celestia’s balcony.

“Can I stay the night with you?” Cadence asked softly.

Celestia smiled and nodded. “I would love for you to.” They moved into the chambers and Celestia pulled her blanket over to in front of the Hearth’s Warming tree standing near her fireplace as Cadence kindled a fire. They placed their Hearth’s Warming dolls on the mantle and settled down under the blanket. Celestia wrapped a wing around the young alicorn once more, pulling her close.

“This is the best Hearth’s Warming Eve.” Cadence stated with a smile that seemed to go from ear to ear as she settled her head on Celestia’s foreleg.

“I agree.” Celestia laid her head down on a pillow.

“Happy Hearth’s Warming,” Cadence closed her eyes, enjoying the warmth and comfort of being under her aunt’s wing.

Celestia softly smiled as her eyes drifted closed, “Happy Hearth’s Warming.”

Author's Note:

One of the things that I'm the most proud of in this chapter is the shift I slipped in, the change from Royalty to Family, and all I did was drop Princess after the alicorns were introduced to the clan. It's kinda cool to be able to shift tone by using, or dropping, a single word.