• Published 25th May 2020
  • 1,586 Views, 16 Comments

A Changeling can Change - Bronyxy

Chrysalis is alive but barely, still nursing her injuries after having been blasted out of Canterlot by Cadance’s love magic. She thirsts for revenge and sends a changeling out on a vital reconnaissance mission, but fate has other plans.

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6 Towards a new Future

“He’s coming round.”

A voice echoed through swirling mists that clouded his mind. As he tried to focus on the words, all that came into sharper relief was the pain; pain from everywhere, even places he didn’t know he had.

“I don’t know what I can do. Changeling anatomy isn’t the same as ours.”

“But you must! He saved my life; it doesn’t matter that he’s a changeling. You have to do your best for him!”

“I will do what I can, but we should either take him to the General Hospital or even consider taking him back to his own kind.”

“You know we can’t afford anypony else to find out about him, or they’ll send round a lynch-mob!” Gabby’s agitated voice continued, “We can’t take him home either, because we don’t know where he comes from; if we did, the Royal Guard would have gone there already and captured Queen Chrysalis!”

“I’ll do what I can, but I offer no promises” the calmer voice replied.

He tried to keep alert to catch more of the discussion, but it was drifting away and he couldn’t stop it. His last thought was that whatever happened to him, Gabby was safe. He may have betrayed his hive, but he felt happy that he had saved the life of a good pony.


Six months later, Kevin sat on a chair in a comfortably appointed sitting room, looking out from a secluded chocolate box cottage on the edge of a small provincial town bordering the Everfree.

Behind him, the latch on the solid wooden front door rattled and his ears pricked up expectantly as the hinges squeaked their mild irritation at being disturbed.
“Hello Kevin, I’m home!” called a cheerful voice from the doorway, “How are you today?”
“I’ve been working on a surprise for you because it’s six months today since we met.”
With that, he rose and trotted out to meet the pink unicorn whom he knew would be happy to see him; she always was.

“Oh my!” she gasped, as a cyan blue earth pony with rainbow mane and tail came through to give her a friendly nuzzle, feeling a rush of love in return.
“You like?” he asked, “I still can’t change completely into a pegasus because of the wings, but otherwise I think it’s pretty good.”
“I am impressed, very impressed. You were only her for less than a minute, but you made every second count” she said, hugging him tightly, “But please remember what the doctor said; you won’t be able to fly again, so trying to change into something with wings, like a pegasus, won’t do you any good.”

With a flash of green light, the cyan pony was gone, her place taken instead by a caramel unicorn stallion.
“How about this, then?”
“Very handsome” she replied, “But it’s the real you I love the most.”

Another green flash and Kevin appeared as a changeling.
“Better?” he quipped.
“Best of all” she replied, releasing another wave of love for him to feed from.

“How did the meeting with Princess Celestia go today?” he asked, “Did you remember to thank her for giving us this nice little house?”
“Yes, I did. She has also told her protégée, Twilight Sparkle about you, principally for your own safety, just in case rumours start spreading. If what I’ve heard about her is right, she’s into research and will probably want to come round and talk your hind legs off if you let her. Just to warn you, I think she may be a bit OCD.”
“Another OCD mare in my life” Kevin quipped, “Will I ever meet anypony normal …?”
Gabby reached for a cushion and in one deft movement threw it at him, laughing playfully.

They hugged once more, then Kevin went out to the kitchen and prepared her a cup of tea which he brought in for her a few moments later.
“Oh, you are a lifesaver” she sighed gratefully, before thinking over what she had said, and adding, “But at least this time it didn’t involve a heroic leap off a high tower.”

“Did Princess Celestia like your work?” he asked, changing the subject to what he really wanted to know.
“She’s fascinated with all the reports I’ve given her on changeling culture, customs and rituals. She has assured me that everything I give her is locked up safely in the restricted section of her personal library” she said, before adding tentatively, “She did ask whether you would be prepared to tell her the location of the hive, though.”
“I’m not surprised” he replied, “But even though I failed in the mission set by my Queen, I cannot betray her completely. I am happy to share what I can in the hope that it may foster a closer understanding between our races and lead eventually to peace, but revealing where the hive is would only result in further confrontation, especially as memories of our failed invasion are still fresh. Maybe attitudes will soften over time; then I could take a delegation there and help set up peace talks.”
“That’s a good idea, but I don’t think either side is ready for that just yet” she said, taking a sip of tea and unwinding a little more.

“Do you think Queen Chrysalis will ever agree to peace with us?” she asked.
“I don’t think so” he replied thoughtfully, “But there is always hope. There’s another changeling who thinks like me. You’d like him, his name’s Thorax.”
“How would I ever be able to tell you apart?” she asked, a smile starting to form on her face, “You’re all clones, aren’t you?”
“Easy” he replied quickly, “I’m the handsome one and I make a better cup of tea.”

Comments ( 9 )

Wow good story

Thank you - glad you liked it!

Oh what pun! Glad to see you up and firing again. This was a pleasant read. May have also made me change direction on a character I was making, yet, oddly, the inspiration for it comes from Kevin's concerns and observations of the locomotive. Thanks for a little spark.

Great to see you again, and thank you for your kind words.
I'm glad to have been able to provide a little inspiration for you too!

btw, Ekks says hello. She's asked me to pass on how much she loves reading your stories in between her rehearsals.


So, this is story of Kevin in your own version...Now I wonder how he get to know Cranky and get to join his wedding as his real form in Slice Of Life.

“Do you think Queen Chrysalis will ever agree to peace with us?” she asked. “I don’t think so” he replied thoughtfully, “But there is always hope. There’s another changeling who thinks like me. You’d like him, his name’s Thorax.” “How would I ever be able to tell you apart?” she asked, a smile starting to form on her face, “You’re all clones, aren’t you?” “Easy” he replied quickly, “I’m the handsome one and I make a better cup of tea.”

Oh trust me Things will change when season 6 comes around because thorax will make a change 😊

That was a really good story and I do like how Kevin develops about how his " Enemies " are not what Chrysalis keep on talking about And he even develop feelings Specially Gabby which he save And that was nice of her at that she protected Kevin despite that he is changeling I've always Wonder How's he gonna be Before he head to slice of life But anyway this was a nice story keep up the good work

I like his mediator attitude he won't betray his queen and at the same time, he was peace. Good soul.

A nice story though a little abrupt with the ending. Might could have used a bit more development between Kevin and Gabby.

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