• Published 23rd Aug 2012
  • 1,081 Views, 2 Comments

Interlude:Sunny Town - Bright_Star

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Let the fear begin

Star bolted up right as he opened his eyes. He looked around at his surroundings. The last thing he remembered was the sign that he passed out at.

He was now in a diner. He scanned every inch of the room but saw nopony there. He got up from the bench and checked the newspaper next to him. He read the first few lines and his fears were confirmed. He was in Sunny Town but he knew better. This place is basically Silent Hill.

After he finally recovered he noticed his wing was clipped and he couldn’t fly out of there.
Of course he thought I just need to find a way out of here.
He decided that he couldn’t continue as a pony. He knew what lay in store for him. He changed back to human form. He looked at the rest of the diner and saw what he knew was going to be there. He found a portable radio, a shoulder flashlight, and a kitchen knife. The knife was dull but it was better than nothing. He grabbed the map of the town out of the stand next to the door.
Here we go

Dan left the diner and walked out to the fogged streets. It was really weird seeing some human things here. Celestia told him and Luna this town’s history a while ago. Apparently sixty years ago a town of ponies splinted away from Celestia’s rule. Normally she would just try and discuss what went wrong but that proved a problem as when anypony tried to get close to the town a heavy fog would prevent them from getting any closer. As far as Dan knew he was the first thing ever to see the inside of Smiley Town.

Whatever the ponies did they came close to human civilization. There was some pony stuff there too. It was a mixture of both things. Dan continued down Main Street.

As Dan looked down at the map something caught his eye. He looked up at the street he was coming up on. There was a smile pony there He couldn’t be no more than three but that’s what not caught his attention. It was a dark sapphire alicorn. His eye grew in fear as the realization of who it was
No he thought as he began to run toward the small colt.

The small colt looked up at him and began to run away

But it was useless. The small alicorn sprinted down the street away from Dan. Dan tried to keep up but Midnight began using his wings. Soon Midnight headed into an empty building and disappeared from view. Dan climbed the step and stopped at the front doors to catch his breath. When he finally caught his breath he looked up at the name of the building


Great it just had to be an orphanage he complained