• Published 23rd Aug 2012
  • 1,081 Views, 2 Comments

Interlude:Sunny Town - Bright_Star

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Welcome to Silent Hill… I mean Sunny Town.

Welcome to Silent Hill… I mean Sunny Town.

Star was rushing through the corridors of Canterlot Castle. As far as he could tell it was empty. When he awoke he couldn’t find Luna. He thought she went out for a stroll in the early morning before she joined him for bed but there was something wrong. The darkness outside was not hers and there was a heavy fog as well. When he noticed this his eyes grew in fear. He only knew one thing like this and it was not good for him. He left his and Luna’s room and ran as fast as he could towards the throne room. When he hit outside it was difficult for him to see. The fog was so thick he could barely see a few feet in front of him.

Fuck Fuck fuck fuck FUCK he cussed in his head. That’s when he knew things were getting bad. He never cussed in Equestria even in his own mind.

This better not be what I think it is.

Finally he reached the throne room and entered. It was completely empty. Neither Luna nor Celestia was there but there was something in there. At first Star could not make it out but it began to get closer. Its movement was slow and eradicate and it made a horrible noise. Finally Star saw the creature. It was shaped like a pony but it didn’t have a mouth or snout but a black emptiness instead. The same went for the eyes. Star stood in shock as the thing got closer to him

How is this possible? Why am I here?

Star didn’t realize that the creature finally got close enough before it was too late. The creature took its head and hit Star with it. It latched on to his throat and began sucking.
“GAH” screamed Star in pain as he pushed the monster of him.

The monster fell to the floor a few feet away but got back up and advanced towards Star again. Star turned around and bolted out of the throne room. As soon as he reach outside though he stopped in his tracks. All around him monsters shambled out of nowhere. The streets he was just in were now getting filled with these monsters and they were making their way towards him. Star looked around for an exit and only saw one. He extended his wings and took off into the foggy sky. He started heading east as fast as he can towards Fillydelphia. He had no reason why there but it was still a place to go. He knew Ponyville was not the best place to go.

After a while he passed over the Foal Mountains but that’s where thing went wrong. Star didn’t hear the giant monster approach but he sure felt it. A monster as big as a dragon flew out of nowhere and smacked Star out of the sky. He went tumbling towards the earth. At what seemed like forever he finally hit the ground. He landed near a sign. Star looked up to the sign and read it

Welcome to

Oh Fuck Me he thought before he lost conscious.