• Member Since 6th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago

Jamin P Rose

I write fetish clopfics and other things. Commissions: Not Open, working on existing commissions.

Comments ( 13 )

What about outhouses shaped like ponies? That’s the one possibility the short description didn’t mention.

But what about ponies shaped like outhouses? Some sort of strange horrifying pony shaped exactly like an outhouse.

This was a good read

That’s mentioned in the short description, but more importantly sounds like something right up Badumsquish’s Alley

Just a follower saying "thank you for tagging/grouping correctly, I shall follow your advice." In fact, you get an up-thumb for the courtesy. :derpytongue2:

You know, putting that disclaimer you are pretty much asking for a downvote. You know that right?

Yeah, nothing will stop normies from downvoting fetishes they don't like, acknowledging them only makes it worse. Best to just pay them no heed.

You know, I usually stay away from scat, but this was actually okay. I actually enjoyed this story.

Then I have done my job. 😄


Great story.

Wow, this is just pure fetish-fuel, i love it. I only made it.a short way through, so ill probably be back later.

I don't understand the heavy downvoting this story gets.
I mean, i don't like this particular fetish at all (in fact i think it's kinda icky).
But it seems unnecessary to put a thumbs down on a story whose target audience is NOT you.
Simply doing it for the reason that it's not to your specific taste and not because the writing in itself is bad?
That's pretty childish and I'm not saying that as an insult towards downvoters of this story,
it's just what it is (It is what it is :^] ).

Some examples of what i mean when i say "bad" writing (as the term is being loosely defined as it is) being grammar, spelling, pacing, character development, narrative inconsistencies or stagnation, characters acting in a manner very unlike themselves (At least not without an AU tag, an in/outside of universe explanation or an otherwise reasonable answer from the author.) or any number of reasons/problems of that nature.
I'm just telling you how i see it, no ulterior motives, I'm just a being a wordy bastard about it.

P.S. Also if you missed the Mature rating, the Sex and Fetish tags AND the words SCAT and WATERSPORTS in the DESCRIPTION of what the story is about (Which also describes EXACTLY what the story is about! No ifs, ands or buts about it.) AND THEN READ IT ANYWAY HAVING ONLY THE WORD OUTPONIES TUMBLING AROUND INSIDE YOUR IMPATIENT HEAD (IF EVEN THAT) as you discover what the story is about through this painfully bad "sorting through story by not sorting att all" system AND THEN getting grossed out or whatever AND THEN blaming THE STORY OR AUTHOR FOR IT and giving it a thumbs down as a reaction to this whole kerfuffle?
That's bad form my friend.
Blame nobody but your own damn self for getting yourself into this particular mess. (No pun intended.)

P.P.S. The postscript above is very likely misspelled and DEFINITELY contains a run on sentence the likes of which I haven't written in like 5 years.
My excuse is that I'm tired and English is my second language.
I'll come back and edit this shitshow of a comment tomorrow. (Not that anyone else cares but it matters to me damnit.)

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