• Published 23rd Apr 2020
  • 294 Views, 0 Comments

Twilight’s a Train Wreck - Yumyums23

  • ...

But it’s gonna be okay

Author's Note:

Sorry if some of the characters are a bit OOC.

Once there was a tiny insignificant alicorn hanging out on a small island. The island was abandoned, but there was a small wooden hut that nature hadn’t damaged all that much. The alicorn named Twilight Sparkle laid inside her shelter, scribbling on a piece of paper with a ballpoint pen.

“Ugh, why am I such a train wreck” the mare groaned, laying down on her belly. The sun was just starting to set and Twilight hadn’t finished editing her modified time travel spell.

“Mmm,” she mumbled “I guess I’ll do that tomorrow too.” She took her pillow out of her saddlebags that laid in the corner, and allowed her tired head to fall.

Unlike all of her other recent goals, she actually accomplished this one.


She had drank a lot of smoothies to get ready for this day. In front of her hut, the one thousand year old alicorn did some stretches in the sand.

Or tried to, anyway.

“Ewww,” she squealed, spitting some sand out of her mouth “that was nasty.” She was just recovering from a face plant into the sandy terrain, when she remembered the spell.

“I hope I do this right,” Twilight whispered to herself, lighting her horn. She looked at her papers one more time before disappearing in a flash.


“Spike!” Twilight yelled, startling the dragon awake with a head rub “I’m so happy to see you again.” There were tears in the alicorn’s eyes and-


“Why am I an alicorn?” Twilight asked Spike, looking around. They were in the tree library, up in Twilight’s loft.

“You don’t remember?” Spike, mumbled, rubbing his eyes “You just got those wings yesterday, after finishing some spell.”

“Oh,” Twilight said. “I wasn’t supposed to go this far.” the tired alicorn thought to herself.

“You wanna have pancakes today?” Spike asked with a tired smile. “I can add extra salt.”

“I’d love some,” Twilight said, giving Spike a hug “I love you so much. You do so much for me and I can’t thank you enough for that.” The alicorn wiped away her tears and galloped away, leaving a confused dragon in her wake.


As Twilight Sparkle and Spike finished eating their breakfasts, they heard a knock on the front door.

The purple alicorn opened it up to reveal an orange earth pony.

“Applejack!” Twilight gasped, jumping in place “I’m so happy to see you!” That’s when Spike followed Twilight into the main room.

“Looking for a book, Applejack?” Spike asked, giving Twilight a confused look. The purple pony had been acting unusual all morning.

Or at least, that’s what Spike thought.

“I was wonderin if you’d like to have a picnic with me and Fluttershy,” Applejack said with a smile “we accidentally bought too many desserts.”

“I’d love to!” Twilight told her “But I wouldn’t want to interfere with your date.” Spike let out a muffled giggle.

“Me and Flutters aren’t dating!”


“Look how many apples I can fit in my mouth.” Twilight said, her voice muffled by the five apples she had crammed into her mouth. Fluttershy, Applejack, and Spike sat across from her on the picnic blanket.

“Has Twilight always been this insane,” the orange pony whispered to Spike “or is it just-“

“I can hear you.” Twilight mumbled, before proceeding to choke on the apples in her mouth.

After Applejack helped her get the five apples out of her mouth hole, Fluttershy decided to start a conversation.

“Hey Twilight,” she asked “isn’t it nice having a relaxing picnic, after what happened yesterday?”

“What happened yesterday?” Twilight said, looking at the saliva covered apples she had just coughed up.


It was a beautiful day in Ponyville when Twilight Sparkle and her five friends were hiking in the Whitetail Woods.

Her friends had all noticed her strange behavior, but every time they tried to asked they were immediately shut down.


“Twilight, are you okay darling?” Rarity asked “you’ve been acting rather strange lately.”

“Don’t worry about lil old
me, Rarity,” the purple alicorn said, levitating a cookie up to Rarity’s face.


“This is an intervention!” Pinkie said, pushing Twilight into Applejack’s barn. All of Twilight’s friends sat on hay bales, and there was a giant intervention banner hanging above them.

“Catch this!” the purple pony screamed, throwing a box of cookies up in the air. Rainbow Dash got up to catch it, and while they were all distracted Twilight ran off.


But today was going to be different, they all knew it.

“Did ya send that letter, Spike?” Applejack whispered, making sure the purple pony didn’t hear her this time.

“Yes,” Spike replied in a whisper “we’ll have to get back by five.”

“What are you girls whispering about?” Twilight asked, horning in on the conversation. She had been trailing behind the entire hike and was just beginning to catch up.

“There’s a special deal at Sugarcube Corner today,” Applejack lied, an anxious look on her face “We have to be there by five to get it.” Twilight’s face brightened.

“That’s great!” She said cheerfully, bouncing a little as she walked.


When the main six (plus Spike) got back to town Twilight was surprised to find Princess Celestia there.

“Princess Celestia!” Twilight galloped up to the tall pony with a grin “Perfect timing. I have an important question!”

“What is it?” Celestia asked with a straight face.

“How much milk do you drink?”

“Why do ya care how much milk she drinks?” Applejack said, catching up to Twilight.

“Because milk makes you taller,” Twilight told her “and tall ponies are pretty. I wanna be pretty.”

“You’re pretty just the way you are, Twilight.” Celestia said, “But recently your friends have been concerned about your mental state.”

“So I’m mentally ugly?” The purple pony wondered, looking over at her friends with a frown.

“Let’s talk about this inside.”


Once all the ponies were crammed inside the library, Celestia spoke once again.

“Your friends have been worried about you,” Celestia told Twilight “and the reports they sent me have made me worried too.”

“What reports?” Twilight asked.


Dear Princess Celestia,

I’ve been really worried about Twilight. Ever since last week she’s been acting weird.

Every night she wakes up at three am to make s’mores. And she’s been forgetting a lot more stuff lately!

Is any of this an alicorn thing?

Spike the dragon


Dear Princess Celestia,

This is Applejack. Twilight has been helping me on the farm a lot, but she’s been acting mighty strange.

She was working on my farm when she had some kind of wing cramp. This caused her to fall over onto a bucket of apples, crushing them all in the process.

She got up and apologized. But she also called herself fat. She’s never said something like that about herself before. She also said she was worthless. I’m really worried for her.

From your loyal citizen,
Applejack Apple


Dear Princess Celestia,

I think there’s something wrong with Twilight. She keeps waking me up in the middle of the night to make s’mores with her.

A few nights ago she was crying. I tried asking what was wrong but she just said it wasn’t my problem.

I’m really worried about Twilight. But maybe if she’s sad about a princess thing you could talk to her about it.

Good wishes,
Fluttershy Shy


”I actually do have an issue I wanna talk about,” Twilight mumbled shyly “I’m a time traveler.”

“You too!” Pinkie yelled, before being shushed by Applejack.

“What do you mean, Twilight?” Princess Celestia asked “Can you please explain?”

“Oh, yeah,” the alicorn said, clearing her throat. She took a glance at the six other ponies sitting in on the wooden floor of the library. “I came back to the future to stop myself from becoming an alicorn. Unfortunately, the spell brought me to the wrong time.”

There was silence in the library.

“I guess you all must be thinking, how can she mess up this bad!” She laughed, tears in her eyes “I’m such a train wreck, I should of stayed on that island.”

Twilight’s friends gave her a big group hug, as the purple pony began to cry.

And the next morning she talked to the other ponies about her issues. Something that she hadn’t done in hundreds of years.

And that made her feel a lot better.

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