• Published 20th Apr 2020
  • 1,234 Views, 35 Comments

Equestria Girls: The Railway Stories - friggin normie

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Percy Runs Away

One morning, a few weeks after the big engines had gone on strike, Celestia called their respective crews to the sheds.

"Have you ever noticed how Celestia's main solution to getting the engines to stop acting out is to lock them in sheds or in tunnels?" Scootaloo asked as they all made their way to the sheds.

Rarity thought for a moment. "She hasn't done it that often, has she?"

Rainbow Dash counted each time on her fingers. "A month or two before you showed up, she bricked Henry up in the tunnel for hiding from the rain-"

Fluttershy shuddered. She didn't like thinking about how cold and miserable Henry must have been.

"I was wondering why it was called 'Henry's Tunnel.'" Sweetie Belle muttered.

"She locked James in the sheds after he banged the coaches too hard."

She and Scootaloo snorted. The others groaned

"And then there's now. Am I missing any?"

"Does Edward's time in the sheds count?" asked Fluttershy.

"Nah, that was more because Gordon and Henry could handle the work on their own for a while."

Rarity sniffed. "Well, three times is hardly enough to say that does this sort of thing happens often."

"Shh," said Sweetie Belle. "We're here."

"Wonderful of you to join us," Celestia said and turned to the big engines. "I hope you three are sorry and now understand that every job on this railway is important, no matter how small it may be."

"Yes, ma'am," they said together. "We do."

"Perfect! Thomas and Edward have worked diligently on the mainline, but I will let you out if you promise to stop this nonsense about how tender engines don't shunt."

"Don't worry, Miss Hatt," James said quickly. "We will!"

Celestia then told Percy, Edward, and Thomas that they could go play on the branchlines for a few days. The three engines ran off happily to find Annie and Clarabel at the junction.

The two coaches were very pleased to see Thomas again.

"Stop, stop, stop!" screamed some trucks as Edward and Percy shunted them around the yard.

The two engines laughed and went on with their work until the trucks were tidily arranged.

Later that day, Edward had to take some trucks down the the quarry. Percy was left alone, but he didn't mind. He and Pinkie liked being cheeky to the other engines as they passed by.

"Hurry, hurry, hurry!" they would call, and laughed as the big engines grew cross.

After a great deal of shunting, Percy sat at the signalbox and waited for the points to change. Edward had told Percy to remind his crew to whistle for the signalman, but the little green engine had forgotten.

Percy waited and waited for the signalman. The points were against him, so he couldn't move. Then, he looked down the mainline and whistled in horror. There was Gordon, racing towards him with the express!

"Get out of my way!" The big engine bellowed.

Maud pulled the reverser, hoping that she could get Percy out of the way before Gordon could hit him. When that didn't work, she grabbed her sister and jumped out of the cab.

Gordon came screeching to a halt just in front of Percy.

"What on Earth are you playing at?!"

But Percy didn't answer. "I won't stay here," he cried. "I'll run away!"

And the little engine raced down the line as quickly as he could.

Pinkie turned to Rainbow Dash and chuckled nervously. "Uh, can we get a lift?"

Poor Percy was so frightened that he raced through Edward's Station and charged up Gordon's Hill. After he rattled down the other side, Percy grew tired. But he couldn't stop without Pinkie or Maud to shut off steam and apply the brakes.

"I've got to stop, I've got to stop!" he panted.

A nearby signalman saw that Percy was in trouble and kindly switched him off the mainline. Percy puffed wearily onto a siding that ended with a large bank of earth.

"I want to stop, I want to stop," Percy jolted as he felt himself hit the bank. "Oh, I have stopped!"

"Don't worry, Percy," said the workmen as they began digging his bunker out of the earth. "We'll get you a drink and some coal. That'll make you feel better."

Presently, Gordon arrived to help Percy.

"Well done, Percy," he said. "You started so quickly that you prevented a nasty accident!"

"Uh, didn't Gordon prevent the accident when he stopped?" Rainbow whispered.

The others shushed her before Percy heard her.

"I'm sorry I was cheeky," puffed Percy.

The two engines are now good friends, and Percy is always careful when he is out on the mainline.