• Published 17th Apr 2020
  • 1,012 Views, 15 Comments

The Union Chronicles - ObiWan

A man and a horse arrive in the chaotic times before Equestria existed, now they must begin a quest for the future of those lands.

  • ...

Third Chronicle

May 12, 1900

Dorado, Birger, three griffons, two minotaurs, and I are all silently watching the leader of the mercenaries who is speaking about the extraction. For Dorado and me, it has been fear and terror for the past day, coming from a planet where mythology isn't real, and as you have guessed, here it is.

"So this is the plan," a minotaur begins while pointing at a sector on the map, "my team is going to be divided into two groups, one goes left and the other right, we know that there might be 10 mercenaries guarding each side of the wall, the plan is trying to distract them for the ones who defend the centre can divide between themselves......"

The walls of the castle are made up of sandstone, the Ottoman architecture is apparent on its guard towers. The griffons defending it are dressed in Arabian medieval armours, covering completely their heads. They are mostly armed with spears and axes, though some of them are armed with golden swords.

"Our ape and giant pony friends here are going to go directly into the main tower," he says firstly by looking at us and then proceeding to point at the giant Arabian structure in the centre of the fortress.

"We need to be cautious with the mages, plus, they have a small battalion made up of unicorns. That means that we need to be cautious with the magic obviously," the minotaur states while hitting the table with his hand, "after that, we will leave you two alone," he finishes while pointing at us.

"If I may ask...." I begin, looking nervously at the mythological creature, "about how many guards we are talking about here."

A groan coming from the minotaur makes me flinch slightly, as he turns back to the map, and with the magic, the griffons and other living creatures inside the structure are selected, "about 57, and we have reasons to believe that there could be more.

"And so, we just go straight into the tower without expecting any resistance?" Dorado interrupts while looking at the minotaur with a frown.

He simply sniffs, walking towards me, "isn't your ape friend here a sort of warrior? maybe using his stick he will do so much damage," the minotaur finishes, causing chuckles among his crowd of mercenaries.

"I told you," I begin, also adopting a frown on my face, "it..... um releases a projectile at high speeds."

"It looks useless to me!" a griffon shouts in the crowd. I sigh, my face deflating a bit, "you..... al carajo."

The frown comes back, pointing my rifle at a jar of beer on a table on the other side of the room. I press the trigger.


The jar explodes into pieces, the sound of the rifle keeps buzzing in the ears of the creature, each one of them with a new emotion that I haven't seen on the natives since I arrived at the Santander Vallet, fear.

The minotaur eyes are wide open, he is shaking a bit while looking at me with a shocked expression, "what....the buck is that...."

A sly grin appears on my face, "I told you, a weapon."

Dorado steps forward, "and as we previously said a thousand times, " he begins, looking at Birger who is the first to recover, "we can only use the weapon at the end of all of this because if we try to defend ourselves with the rifle before we can retrieve the princess, we are doomed."

"A rifle..." Birger says shakily before amusement appears on his face, "interesting..."

"BUCK IT!" the minotaur says, hitting the table again and looking directly into my eyes, "why didn't you tell us this before ape, do you think that you are very funny!"

"Very funny!" I exclaim while walking towards the angry minotaur, "you didn't hear what Dorado just said, what WE just said a thousand of times before."

He groans and raises a fist threateningly, which causes me to step back and point my rifle at the minotaur. Dorado's eyes widen at the heated situation, as he puts himself between us. The mercenaries also try to intercede in the current fight that is going on.

"Stop!!!" Dorado exclaims desperately, looking at the both of us with a frown, "stop acting like idiots, you both are men!!!"

"What is men, it is a class of an insult pony," the minotaur says while glimpsing at Dorado, something that makes him hoofpalm himself.

"That escalated quickly...." one of the griffons mumbles while looking at the scene.

Suddenly, Birger begins to laugh hysterically while clapping his hooves, almost wiping a tear from his eyes, "you two...... why can't we have a civilized conversation here."

"If it wasn't for this ape," the minotaur points me, causing me to get close to him with my rifle raised, even though, both Dorado and a griffon are trying to stop me.

"I LITERALLY DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING!!!!" I exclaim with rage.

Birger gets close to me, walking in a secular way, "what do you have in mind hooman?"

"What- why are you asking me, the frick I know!" I look at Birger with partial curiosity, my eyes still fixated on the angry minotaur who is still in a threatening position.

"Listen- if we want this plan to work we need to work together," a griffon says, gaining the attention of everyone as she walks into the scene, "no fighting, we are trying to retrieve maybe the most important figure in all of Equestria."

The minotaur sniffs, as he slowly retracts to one of the chairs. I lower my rifle and put it back on my back, "huh, so what are you proposing ape?"

I stare at him silently before responding while getting close to him, "I only need an extra backup for entering the tower, the rest we can handle it alone," I say while pointing at Dorado and then at me.

"Alright," the minotaur begins in a suspicious calm tone, "Freya," the minotaur says referring to the griffon that also talked, "you are going to make company to these two until they reach to their location, after that, you are going back with group b."

"Wait-" she is quickly interrupted by the minotaur who puts a finger on her beak.

"It is an order," he says while tapping his chin with his other hand, "plus, you maybe are going to have the unique opportunity of seeing the daughter of King Cosmos."

She sniffs, lowering her head frustrated.

Dorado gets close to me with a frown, putting a hoof on my left arm, "do you have a plan once we get to the tower?"

I raise an eyebrow before responding, "improvisation, that is the name of my plan."

The sun shines high in the skies once again, but this day, this day is special for the event the historical event that will occur. The minotaur mercenaries silently get close to the walls of the fortress. They begin to climb then, and after waiting some seconds for the guards to pass through that sector of the walls, they jump and knock them without them even noticing. They proceed to give a sign to the skies.

The griffon mercenaries begin to get close to the structure. Scouting from different points of view the guards around the principal doors of the towers.

"Come on, how are you so slow," a minotaur mumbles to me, as I am struggling to climb the wall. Dorado is already up with the minotaurs because he received some help of our griffon friends here, who have knocked out already several guards. I finally reach the top of the wall, where 5 minotaurs are waiting for a signal with their weapons. Almost every single one of them is using a sword, while others are with axes. A light flashes from the other side of the structure, that coming from a griffon that is using a mirror to reflect the sunlight, which lets us see the meaning of it and we begin to move.

The minotaurs slash two unicorns from behind, killing them instantly. Dorado and I stare at the corpses with our eyes wide open but we don't say anything, and that is because the colour of their blood isn't red, but it is instead an orangish combined with a blue colour.

We pass through three guarding towers, knocking or killing the guards in our way. I already attached the bayonet to the rifle, knowing well that I can't shoot the weapon. Because I didn't remember the name of this fortress, I decided to simply call it 'Fortaleza de Bolivar,' or the Bolivar Fortress in English for facilitating the direction to both Dorado and me while being in this world.

Freya is flying above us, scouting for any enemy that might come ahead of us. We all arrive at a small plaza, a central walkway leads towards a tall Arabian tower, while the other two ones lead to the interior of this fortress. I get close to Dorado.

"Be ready in the case of escaping before the party even begins," I finish while patting him on the back, suddenly, Freya lands next to us, looking at us with a grin on her face.

"You two are ready," she says, raising her tone a bit while pointing at the tower.

"I hope we'll see again soon ape," the leader minotaur says while getting close to me. I raise an eyebrow in suspicion of his calm voice.

"I-I thought that you hated me," I bluntly state while taking my rifle off my back, steeling myself for entering the tower.

"Exactly," the minotaur says in a secular way, "you are going to get killed ape, that is what I am hoping for."

"You've never read about the advantages of being the main character!"

"What?" we both say in unison while looking around.

"Come on!" Freya raises her tone a bit, "we need to get moving."

"Right," the minotaur pats my head, I swear that I wanted to shoot him at that moment, "try not to break her heart," he then points at Freya, "you don't know when she is in heat."

"WHAT........ buck you Goldheart," Freya almost shouts, sending a glare at the snickering minotaur. My face immediately becomes one of freaking disgust. I swear that I almost vomited at that moment. Dorado notices my expression and chuckles a little bit, which makes me send a frown at him.

"You animal pendejo," I quickly snap him out of his comedic trance. Goldheart, which is the name of the minotaur, by the way, begins to walk towards the group that is going to go left.

"See you outside Freya!!" he shouts while entering a gate with his group, leaving the three of us alone.

Freya sighs, and silently sends a sign indicating us to move forward, which we did without hesitation. She slowly opens the door in front of us, entering the place. The hall, or what I believe this place is, has several paintings depicting griffons fighting mythological beasts, including dragons and the leviathan. Freya has a sword in her claw, her eyes are ticking all around the place, including the ceiling. We finally reach the other side of the hall where there is also a door, and opening it, we arrive at another plaza wherein there is another tower, that is even higher than the one we just passed. There is a light coming from the last floor, indicating only one thing...

"Well, at least we know where the princess is," I say, looking at the last floor of the other tower.

"Now," she says while glancing around, "you go in there and take the princess, we are then getting the tartarus out of here."

"What are you going to do?" I quickly ask.

She remains silent, looking at me with a bored face, "going to make sure nobody sees you now go!!!"

I flinch a little bit when she raises her tone, but proceed to do what she just said. I mount Dorado, which causes Freya to look at us curiously, but doesn't comment about it.

"Go man lets finish this, " I mumble to Dorado's ear, something that he quickly does. Galloping quietly, we get close to the other extreme of the plaza, where we enter the tower through the giant door that Dorado easily opens with his mouth. Unlike the other one, this is just stairs, an spiral into the last floor of the tower.

"Carajo...." Dorado mumbles, frowning at the stairs. I quickly get off his saddle and we both begin to climb the stairs. I am pointing my rifle to my front, in the case of an enemy, I will solely use the bayonet, only if the things get a little tough I'll use the rifle.

"Listen to me," I begin, Dorado looks at me curiously over his shoulder, waiting for me to continue, "I think that you need to be the one who takes the princess out of that room."

Dorado frowns, "why not the both of us, maybe better, why not you," he finishes while pointing me with his hoof, still climbing the stairs.

I raise an eyebrow, "if you don't say," I point at myself, "for what I have seen, none of this has recognized me as a human, that means that if she sees me she will probably freak out because an animal is trying to capture her."


"She is a unicorn," I stop for a second, seeing a faint yellow light coming from the end of the stairs, we must be close, "a-and you are a horse, meaning that she might not freak out when she sees you."

He raises an eyebrow, "and what if there are guards inside her bedroom."

"Then you defend yourself," I say with a smirk, "you are a freaking horse, you can send them to hell if you buck them hard enough."

"But I can't fight against swords and spears," he retorts, raising his tone a bit, "even more if she is a unicorn and is supposedly the daughter of the guy Cosmos, then why hasn't she escaped?"

"Maybe because-" I try to say something but I am quickly interrupted by him.

"Because something must be locking her inside, maybe magic, I don't know, " Dorado finishes, scratching his back.

"Hmph," I glance at the door at the end of the spiral, "I guess we are going to find out."

The door is old, it is made up of hardened wood, with a padlock securing it. We stare at it silently, figuring what to do. I touch the padlock and begin to examine it, "maybe if you buck this door....."

"Do you think it will work?" Dorado says nervously, looking at the door tensely.

"Maybe," I shrug, "guess we gotta find out."

Dorado begins to turn as I try to back off from him. Dorado releases a breath, stretching his legs a bit, "come on.... you can do this."

He silently stares at the other side for some seconds, before he sighs again, retracts his legs, and bucks the door with force.

"Frick... damn try to be..... more you know.." I quickly say but I am interrupted by Dorado angrily.

"Quiet, how the hell I am going to be quiet, we are trying to open this door," he almost exclaims making me flinch a bit. I sigh, "do it again."

He follows my order again, and a second time, and a third time when finally, we give up, "damn it!"

"What the hell do we do?" Dorado asks exasperated, tapping his hoof on the floor.

I glance at my surroundings, thinking about what to do..... when I see my rifle, and that's the moment when an idea finally comes into my brain.

"Maybe...." I say, raising my rifle a bit. Dorado's eyes widen, as he tilts a bit his head.

"Didn't you just said that-" I quickly interrupt him while pointing at the padlock.

"And what did we do?" aiming, Dorado quickly gets off my range, walking behind me, "now the real party starts," I mumble under my breath.


The padlock explodes into pieces, leaving the resounding sound of the rifle that echoes through the tower. Suddenly, bells begin to sound, and several shouts are heard, startling both of us immensely as I immediately point my rifle to the stairs.

"GO INSIDE NOW!!!!" I exclaim, prompting Dorado to immediately enter the room. It is actually quite beautiful, it is Arabian, from the rug to the curtains of the room. In the centre of the place, there is a white bed with its bedsheets thrown all over the floor. Dorado gulps at a sudden sound from behind of him. He shakes a little bit when a figure begins to materialize in the shadows near the window.

"Who are thee...." a soft, musical, and feminine voice sound coming from the figure.

Dorado stares at it confused, "what?"

The figure begins to get closer and closer to the area that is illuminated, "and how did thee findeth me"

Dorado's eyes widen at the figure, as he is left speechless. Her fur is white, almost as pure as snow, her eyes are pink, they do not radiate fear, but peace and security. Her composure is proud, as he notices the horn on his head, she is a unicorn. She also has beautiful mane that completely captivates the horse, with a pink colour almost static and beautiful at the same time. Her chest is covered by a golden chest plate with a purple gem on the centre of it, plus her hooves are covered on golden shoes. She is taller than the other ponies but not as tall as him, as she is of the same size as a normal pony in Earth.

She repeats raising her voice a bit, "who are thee, and how did thee findeth me!"

"Uh-uh," Dorado clears his throat, "I am Dorado..... are you, Princess Celestia?"

She raises an eyebrow, "I am," her horn glows while she looks at him with a frown, causing Dorado to back off a bit, "who else knoweth mine location Do-rado?"

"All right Celestia," he begins, but is quickly interrupted by her.

"Princess Celestia."

"Princess Celestia," Dorado's face changes to a frown thanks to her attitude, "Listen here's the deal, I am currently in the mission of helping you to escape this place."

Her face softens, as a smirk begins to appear on her muzzle, "so thee were sent by my father?"

"Ummm yes, I suppose so-" Dorado is interrupted at my scream.

"DORADO NO ME DIGAS QUE TE LA ESTAS COMIENDO!!!! TENEMOS QUE LARGARNOS YA!!!!" Dorado don't tell me you are kissing her, we need to get the hell out of here now!

"Who is he?" she asks while glancing at the door, but her trace of thoughts are interrupted when Dorado quickly takes her hoof.

"We need to get out of here now!" Dorado exclaims while running to the door.

"Wait!" Celestia says, halting Dorado in the process, "thee beest mine valiant knight," her voice changes into a seductive one, "this beith our first meeting, should it not be a wonderful romantic moment," she finishes by putting a hoof on her forehead.

That was a quick change on her personality, Dorado thinks, as his face changes to an awkward one, "yeah....sorry lady, there's no time," he quickly takes again Celestia's hoof, crossing the door with her.

"Hey!!!" she exclaims with a frown, but that is quickly changed to an uncomfortable one when seeing the human, "who is the monkey?"

"I'm not a monkey, I'm a human," I say while beginning to go downstairs, Dorado and Celestia following me from behind, "and we need to get the hell out of here now!!!"

My eyes widen as I stumble with a griffon who was at the end of the stairs, that being Freya. She ends up over me, as we silently stare at each other with our eyes wide open. I was going to say something, but an arrow lands next to me, that coming from a griffon who is running towards us from outside.

I quickly get raise my rifle and aim....


The griffon immediately falls death onto the ground, as Freya jumps in shock and lands next to me with her eyes narrowed, "you blew our cover!!!!"

"I needed to do it!! the door was locked!!!" I quickly retort with the same expression as I begin to stand up.

"Stop fighting!!!" we need to get the hell out of here!!!" Dorado shouts while going down the stairs.

He finally arrives at the same from where we are, Celestia with him. Freya softens her expression a bit when she saw the princess but quickly changes it to the one of determination as she takes her sword from the ground.

"What vile thing didst yond soundeth!!!" Celestia shouts angry while looking at us.

"What the-" I glance at Dorado who has an exasperated expression, as he quickly gets close to me to mumble something.

"She has been shouting the whole time!!!!" he says exasperated, I would have laughed if another arrow wouldn't have landed again next to me.

"Damn it!" Freya says while exiting the tower, quickly slaying the guard the shot the arrow. She turns back again to look at us from outside, "WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!!!!"

"Right," I say, quickly mounting Dorado and then putting Celestia in the back, who with a lot of complaints is forced by me to do the same thing, but to my curiosity, she blushes a bit while being on his back. I simply shrug at her childish complaints, that are even more annoying thanks to her old English style.

"Ride like the wind Dorado!!!" I shout, making Celestia flinch a bit as my friend here does what he is told to do, and immediately exits the tower running towards the exit of the fortress.

Arrows begin to fall, Dorado flinches but doesn't lose his concentration on the task ahead of him. Freya slashes the archers while flying, showing swiftness on her movements even upon the other griffons that are armed with swords. She helps us somewhat clear the path, as I begin to shoot at the other griffons that are at the from of us.


The bodies of the griffons fall immediately at the bullets, leaving us a clear path towards the closed gates of the fortress.

"FREYA!!!!" I exclaim, looking at the griffon that stops for a second to look at me with a raised eyebrow. I point at the gates, making her realize what I am referring to. She quickly goes to the mechanism that makes the gates to be closed. She cuts a string, immediately making the door to fall over, leaving a clear path outside of the fortress.

Exiting the fortress, Freya is following us from the air, I pat Dorado on the neck, "we did it son of a gun, we did it!!!!!"

I raise my arms while laughing, but that is changed into a frown when a LITERAL ball of fire lands next to us. It explodes in the sand, but thanks to God, Dorado quickly dodges it.

I look behind me, three griffons are flying towards us. Freya notices and immediately begins to fly towards them, as I raise my rifle and begin to shoot again.


I stop to recharge the weapon, aiming again towards one of them.


One of the griffons falls death onto the sand, a smirk appears on my face as Freya quickly slashes one from the air, throwing her sword towards the other one who falls dead.

"Jose!!!!" Dorado shouts, "look!!!"

I quickly look forward, seeing a canyon right at the front of us.

"My God..." I look at Celestia, who still has a frown on her face, "Princess, can't you use your magical powers to-"

"I can't!!!" she quickly interrupts me, "they took my magic off!!!"

"Who?" I ask while raising an eyebrow.

"My parents," she slowly says, a tear threatening to come.

"Damn it!" and at that moment, I see a rock near the edge of the canyon, with the form of a ramp, and that is the moment where a crazy idea came into my mind.

"Dorado, do you see that rock!!!" I shout while looking down at the horse.


"Do it!" I simply state, causing him to look back at me with fear.

"Did you lose your mind!!!" he exclaims, "we are going to die!!!!"


Dorado remains silent, debating inside of his mind. He closes his mind and begins to run towards the rock, his breaths increase at every second, as he takes more and more velocity.

"I don't wanteth to die thee!!!" Celestia shouts, seeing how Dorado begins to get close to the rock.

"Do it son of a gun, DO IT!!!!"

"SANTO DIOS!!!!!" Dorado jumps from the rock, and after some seconds of closing my eyes, we land on the other side of the canyon.

"WE DID IT!!!!" I begin to laugh hysterically, "WE DID IT DORADO!!!! ouch....."

I frown, looking at Freya who is looking at me with rage, "that was so stupid!!!!"

Simply shrugging, Dorado finally comes out from his shock, beginning to laugh as he rides onto the sun.

"thee gotta beest kidding me," Celestia bluntly says as she also comes out from the shock, "I am going to die with thee...."

Author's Note:
  • Before someone asks, Celestia is using Old English because this happened even before they became the rulers of Equestria.

English isn't my native language and I am still looking for an editor, so if you catch any errors, I'll be happy to know.