• Published 17th Apr 2020
  • 1,011 Views, 15 Comments

The Union Chronicles - ObiWan

A man and a horse arrive in the chaotic times before Equestria existed, now they must begin a quest for the future of those lands.

  • ...

Second Chronicle

May 11, 1900

I groan as my eyes slowly come back to the world of the living. My only thoughts are centred in the temperature, my goodness, this place is really hot. My eyes suddenly widen as I see a horse staring directly into my tired brown eyes, I cannot really even think what is happening, at least it is making a shadow against this infernal heat.

"My goodness gracious, I must be really losing my head," I say out loud, trying to get up again. The horse, seeing my intentions, backed up a little bit with some compressive eyes, a thing that is creeping me out. I can say that I saw expression, emotion in his eyes, in the eyes of the horse.

I clean myself a little bit, the sand is messing up my uniform, my pant has a hole near the left pocket. Stretching a bit, I turn my view back at the horse, who is simply staring at me. I look at the animal with suspicion, as I can scarcely remember something.......that something weird happened with this animal, something out of this world.

I sigh, beginning to get close to the animal, and to my impression, the horse does the same, I can almost swear that I just saw a small smile on his muzzle. I begin to pat him on the back while looking in his saddlebags. A pack of cigarettes, a lighter, a broken mirror, a liquor hip flask, some biscuits, an FN M1900 pistol, a photo, and a napkin.

"Huh," I simply pronounce, taking only somethings from the saddlebag, but my curiosity centres especially in the photo and the napkin. I study the photo with attention, I can say the same thing for the horse as he is also studying the photo with what I believe is emotion? really hard to say, at least for me.

Three women are all smiling behind an old colonial building. They are all wearing 'ruanas*' and only one of them is wearing a white hat. Thanks to the sun, I notice some letters on the back of the photo.

Vuelve con nosotras

I stare wordlessly at those blunt letters, come back to us, and as I can deduce, this horse is obviously from a military division of the liberal army. I take out my golden combat rosary and make a small Catholic prayer, even if he is supposed to be my enemy, he at least deserves respect, after all, we are fighting for the union, not for hate.

I put the photo in one of my pockets, sighing quietly. Taking off the napkin, some words are also written in black ink, but they are barely noticeable. They look like if they were written over themselves several times, with a small dot of blood in the left corner of it. I recognize one of them, a location if I'm being more specific, Palonegro, and what do I know about that, it is near Bucaramanga.

My thoughts begin to fight between themselves internally, I can't decide what is this, the guy who owned this horse was a spy? or it was just a scout. Palonegro is a reasonable location for a battle, and you don't need spies for that, it is the only way of getting to Bucaramanga through the Chicamocha canyon.

I suddenly backed off a bit from the horse, believing that I just caught him whimper, my eyes widened at his wretched look, but the thing that really startles me here wasn't even the fact that he could be sad, but an emotional tear appeared on his left eyes, a tear.

"What the hell," I say while looking how that single tear falls down from his cheek onto the dry sand.

I steeled myself, slowly walking towards him. The horse seems to catch my actions and quickly tried to hide his expression, something that only obtained to be even more mysterious because the horse just tried to clean his cheek with one of his hooves. The horse keeps looking at the sand, trying not to see my judging eyes.

I take a deep breath, and decide to do something really stupid, "can you understand me?"

The horse hesitated, but he slowly lifts his head, looking at my eyes before doing an unbelievable action, he nods.

I put a hand in my chest, abruptly halting. My face changed to the one of utter shock, the horse nodded, but it was real.... or not?

"Do....y-you really understand me?" I spoke once again, and again, the horse nodded, leaving me stunned for some brief seconds, before that feeling converted into fear, "c-can..... y-y-you talk?"

I expected nothing, maybe the horse understands me, maybe he was trained like that, or maybe I am just crazy, the latter was reinforced as the horse decided to speak, "yes."

That word, that sole word, made my stumble back on the sand, looking at the horse with pure and complete fear. I just listened to a horse talk!!! I must be crazy.

The horse starts to walk towards me, while I am still trying to resolve what is happening. He stops, looking at me with a frown while chewing his reins, "my...." the horse stops for a moment when I flinched, "my.... name is Dorado, hooman."

My chest is full of pain, my breathing is becoming uncontrollable, I simply can't understand..... that fact that an animal is talking to me, "how.... you-you can't be real."

Dorado decides to stay quiet momentarily, but seeing that I am becoming more and more nervous than ever, he steps forwards and decides to take control of the situation, "look.... I have no idea of what happened."

"Happened!" I exclaimed, startling Dorado momentarily, "s-so you are tell-ing me that you don't know what is happening."

Dorado nods, "everything before this is just.... blur...... but I can remember things, remember from where I come from, remember the enemy, and remember him...."

I slowly start to calm down, raising an eyebrow, "him?"

Sighing sadly, Dorado lowers his head as his ears pinned against his head, "my old master, I remember that he was the one that took care of me when I was a colt, and then we went to battle against conservatives.... and then-"

Before he could continue any further, I decide to speak again with a small frown, "conservative, how do you-"

"I know that you are the enemy, a son of the monarchists that want to destroy Colombian liberty," Dorado says with a stronger and flippant voice.

"What the-" I tilt my head slightly, "how the hell do you know that?"

Dorado frowns, "I was trained to know who can ride me, and I was told to never ride soldiers like you," he states while pointing me with his hoof.

You know, I was going to continue with the small fight, but I mean, a horse is magically talking to me, it perturbates me, but this could be still because of the temperatures. I sigh while shaking my head, looking back at the horse.

"Look... Dorado right?" Dorado nods, not taking that angry glare off his face, "Dorado- I believe we start off on the wrong foot- or hoof for your case, let me present myself."

I begin to stand up, looking at the horse as I do so, "my name is Jose Ramirez," I offered my hand.

Dorado is sceptical for a moment, before nodding, as we made an awkward handshake, well, that is the name I am going to call it.

"So, do you have any idea of where in the world we are?" I urge, at least I think this horse knows what is this place, maybe La Guajira was my first mental conclusion, but the only problem with it is the fact that there aren't any cactuses on sight, just dunes and endless dunes of sand, simply looking to be an eternity.

For my disgrace, Dorado responds negatively, making me curse internally. I take the liquor hip flask and open it, it is full of its content and smells like aguardiente*. I look back at Dorado with a frown.

"Did your master brought water with you?" I asked, making Dorado tap his chin with one of his hooves, "I don't know.... did you found water inside my saddlebags," he says while raising an eyebrow.

I shake my head, making the horse sigh unhappily, "that's.... unfortunate, then I don't think that there is more water."

I look back at the flask, if I am correct, this can at least leave me hydrated for three days, but with the presence of my friend here, who looks like he is sapient as well, I need to rationalize what it's left, four biscuits and a flask of aguardiente.

Taking off my trench coat, I begin to sort out the goods that we have, "okay buddy, we gotta work like a team if we want to get out of this one," I say while looking back at the horse.

"Sooo, like working together? you are an enemy," he almost spatted, making me frown slightly as he continued, "plus, where could we possibly go, this desert looks like it goes eternally into the midst."

You know, my internal rage is extinguished by those words, we don't have a remote idea of where we are. I tried looking for directions with my compass, but it didn't exactly work, as it constantly points solely into one direction, like if the magnetism in this area is messed up.

"You gotta be kidding me," I said while trying to look what is wrong with the compass, "it is broken," I said out loud, as Dorado gets close to me. Even with this situation, it is weird, I have this voice telling me that he is not a horse but instead a demon or something evil that in any moment will transform into its pure nature and eat my soul.

"Maybe," Dorado started, "your compass hooman Jose, could be actually pointing somewhere."

This is the first time that I looked Dorado without traces of fear, "like if it is pointing something magical right?" I laugh at the thought.

Dorado simply shrugs, "you are talking with me right now," at those words, I begin slightly scowl, "who can say that your compass didn't acquire something weird thing on it as well."

What Dorado just said, would change the course of this story, because he is right, who says that it can't be that way, and if I am being sincere, the only thing that I barely remember before arriving at this place is being in a forest with ponds, but nothing else.

I close my eyes, taking a deep breath, I step right next to the curious horse, "you could be right......."

Dorado tilts his head slightly, "so we are going to follow your compass....." he stops for a moment, thinking about the possibilities that they really have at this moment, and most of all, believing in this enemy soldier. Though deep inside of him, Dorado is conscious that he needs the help of the hooman if he wants to survive, and hopefully, going back home, "all right, let's move."

That takes me completely off guard, raising an eyebrow at the statement he just gave me, "really, you are just..... we are just going to look where luck can bring us?"

Dorado shrugs again, "what other option do we have, and for a matter of fact," his eyes softened, "let's make a temporal truce between us."

"You know, I don't really think if I can do a truce with an animal-" I stopped for a second, believing that I just said an incorrect word. Dorado didn't seem to care, as he simply motioned for me to continue, "you aren't exactly representing the liberals here," I finished with a frown.

Dorado raises an eyebrow, giving me a smug face, "or you accept my offer of a truce, or you will need to find another horse that could help you, and I don't think you have a high chance of that."

I begin to take my rifle off my back, "I'll accept it," I snicker at that statement, "even if I still think that you aren't real."

Dorado chuckled as well, "I also can't believe that I am actually think," he mumbles, before looking at me again, "well then, what are you waiting for hooman, get on my back and let's move out of this elephants' graveyard."

I raise an eyebrow, "didn't you said that you were trained for only certain people could ride you?"

Dorado tapped his chin, "yes, but I suppose that neither you or myself want to die, so this is a mutual agreement," he got closer to me, motioning for I can hop on his back, "you help me and I'll help you."

My scepticism and fear create the perfect mixture for a suspicious tone for this horse, I still can't believe it, I mean, what sane human would actually believe this at first glance. If this is real, this Dorado guy is surely a demon, because animals can't talk in any part of our world.

But still, if I refused the offer of this demon I will surely die in this infernal desert, "all right," I said while putting some things into Dorado's saddlebag, and into my impression, I found several bullets scrambled in the interior of it. Extra ammo, though, that will not kill the thirst.

Mounting the horse, I tried to make as comfortable as I could. I also get a much better view of my surroundings, as this place really seems to be an endless desert that goes into nothing. My only hope comes from the idea of a magical talking animal, plus, as you have already figured out, the reserves are very scarce.

"Alright, Dorado," I paused for a second while looking at my compass, proceeding to point a direction of what I believe is the east, "that way."

Dorado, without saying a word begins to walk in the direction I just pointed to him. The torrid heat, sweat, and the cutting wind almost kill our hopes at first glance. The barren wasteland is a horrible thing to see, as both Dorado and I become worried as we see cow skulls and several bones scattered in an area that looks more or less like a plain. Four hours, or at least I believe that is how much time has passed, we have walked through what seems to be an endless and lifeless barren wasteland. If I am correct, we have travelled already 25 km, my friend here is panting, I can feel his sweat already, even though, it impresses me how much time he has resisted, he is obviously a horse trained for walking long distances.

One hour later, I tried to tell him in a shaky voice that he could take a rest, though, he still wanted to keep moving, the heat is simply becoming unbearable and he wants to cover as much distance as we could. I can say that we are currently at least at 41 centigrades, oxygen is becoming scarcer for the both of us.

Taking a rest, we both shared only one biscuit, and thanks to the lack of water, we were both forced to drink the sour aguardiente, not the best thing to kill the thirst, as the liquor combined with the heat leaves us dizzy momentarily. I take a cigarette and begin to smoke it with the intentions of trying to dissipate the horrible feeling, and in my madness, I offered one to Dorado as well, but he promptly rejected.

At least 30 minutes have passed since we stopped, collecting our breaths again, we begin our long journey once again. Looking at my small wrist clock, it is already 3:22 pm, the desert slowly begins to become colder and colder, as the heat drops at an incredible speed every minute that passes by. A new fact takes off some of the worries that we previously had, and that is thanks to the sudden transformation of the terrain. We are no longer in the desolated desert, but in a land that we could call at least 'fertile.' Cactuses, shrubs, flowers, and grass are growing on the barren sandstone, the hope of finding water makes again its way to give us hope.

A thought crossed my mind, this place is obviously desolated, and seeing that we could be in a mysterious zone in Colombia, I decided to take the liberty and baptized that valley as 'Las Dunas del Sahar Dorado,' honouring the magical horse that has brought me all the way to this part of the desert, which I gave the name of 'Desierto de Los Huesos Secos,' or translated into English, the Bone Dry Desert. Huh, even Dorado thinks it is a good name for these new lands.

This terrain appears to have more fertility, as the grass is covering the reddish sand beneath us, making me baptize that zone 'Valle de Santander.' Maybe in the future, they could give me an award for discovering new lands for my nation, obviously under the government that we are fighting for, at least those ones in the west of the nation.

The sun is beginning to set, as the sky is turning into an orange colour, our hopes were debilitating and debilitating....

Until right there, we both saw it, a town, a small town made up of sandstone is peacefully standing next to a large oasis right here in the Valley of Santander. What caught both of our attention is the architecture, looking at it, the design looks Arabian like if we are in a desolated land of the Ottoman Empire, or not so desolated, the lights giving life to the city and the sounds with its Arabian musical aspect just filled that fact.

"Thanks God..." Dorado mumbles, his heart accelerating of emotion at the sight. His walking becomes running, I can feel the cold refreshing air, giving Dorado and myself a calm and relaxing peace, but still, the thirst is horrible. There are only some few drops in the liquor flask and only one lonely biscuit, nothing more.

We arrive at the oasis next to the town. I immediately jumped off Dorado and ran into the small lake, drinking the cold water and washing my head at the same time. Dorado is doing the same thing, a smile is present on his muzzle, drinking litres of water, pure and cold refreshing water.

Having satisfied our needs, we went directly into the small town. I decided not to ride him this time, it seems silly anyways, at that short distance there is no actual need. I take his rein and motion it towards the Ottoman looking town. At first glance, it looks desolate, but then, both Dorado and I stopped walking, our eyes wide as we stared at the creature in front of us, that looks like if it is smoking a cigar. How could I describe it, well, it looks like its body, tail, and back legs are the ones of a lion, and its head and wings look like the ones of a condor, no no.... that isn't right...... more like the ones of an eagle.

"What.....is....that....thing," Dorado mumbles, his legs are shaking, fear is obvious in his body. In one second, I recognize it, that is a gryphon, a mythological Persian animal I believe.

But here, it is alive and.... looking at us with a raised eyebrow.

The gryphon is curious at first glance but then throws an angry frown, "what are ya' lookin' at monkey and pony?"

"It talks!" I exclaim, it is all so ridiculously fake that makes me wanna faint again.

The gryphon throws the cigar to the floor, glaring at us with hate, "do you have a prob-" he is suddenly interrupted thanks to a fight that is currently happening inside this tavern, changing his gaze towards the place. He then begins to enter the place, not before whispering something in a level that both Dorado and I could hear. "motherbuckers....."

The gryphon enters the place, leaving the sound of the fight echoing around the town. We changed our gaze again at another gryphon entering a house while whistling happily, closing it with an apparent chain.

"How do we know if they aren't going to attack us," Dorado mumbles, looking around the town as we kept advancing through it.

"I don't know," I say while taking my rifle, putting it in a position where I can either charge or fire at any class of threat that might present itself upon us, "but, let's be ready only if the things get a little bit dirty."

We slowly walk through the alleyways of the town, glancing at the other strange creatures surrounding us. I take my compass out of my pocket, looking at the arrow, it.... changes of direction, and now it is pointing at one of the establishments, an place that I can recognize as another tavern.

The moon is already high in the sky, my compass shining thanks to it. One of the things that caughts our curiosity are the stars, their patterns, and the colour of it because it isn't the jet-black that we are used to seeing, but instead, a purple colour paints the beautiful sky, the stars in their own glory, being exalted by the shiny moon that undoubtedly, is being reflected as pure as water.

"Wow...." I barely say. Suddenly, a strange light appears on the glass of my compass, some words being engraved on it magically.

Look for Birger

"What the...." I say while looking at the tavern in front of us, the name of Birger's Taverne engraved on a wooden plank.

"What, what was it?" Dorado asks while firstly looking at me with a frown, but then, he sees where my attention is focused on, the tavern.

"I think that we need to enter that place," I say bluntly, beginning to walk into the establishment.

Dorado's eyes widened, "WAIT!" I turn back to see his angry face, "what the hell are you talking about, why would we-"

"Look at it," I extend my hand, showing him the small words printed on the compass. He first is sceptical, but after looking at them closely and then looking at the sign of the tavern, he remains in silence.

Apparently, he can read as well.

I ignored his stare and resume walking into the place.

"Wait!" he says while jogging, "it doesn't seem to be a respectable establishment! you saw those things, they are literally mythology."

"But you were the one who said it," I begin while pointing his head with my finger, "all of this is for some reason...... could be magic, I don't know man, maybe they will give us indications and will be out of this place in no time flat."


"Plus," I said while loading the rifle, "we have a backup plan after all."

"What-" too late, I stepped into the tavern, Dorado following me nervously. The place is full of gryphons and other creatures, and when they saw us, the music abruptly stopped, leaving an awkward silence for some seconds, before they simply shrugged it off and started their conversations again, the music following it.

We begin to make our way towards the bar counter. You know, maybe this horse was right, after all, I DON'T HAVE A BACKUP PLAN, everyone here is armed with huge axes and swords, meaning that we would be crushed almost instantly.

"What are we supposed to do," Dorado whispers to me, "it isn't like we are going to ask for directions to these things...."

I sigh, looking at the angry glares that some of the gryphons and other creatures were sending us, between those, I noticed some small equines, way too small for classifying them like ponies, plus their giant eyes simply do not go along their equestrian nature, so I'll simply call those things Equestres.

I snickered softly at the blank expression that Dorado had while looking at the equestres, he was simply stunned.

"Me tienen que estar jodiendo," I mumble softly while looking at my compass again, the previously printed words were changing in an incredible act of magic.

Ask for Birger

"Hmmm," I look at the bartender who is cleaning a glass, "go there and ask for Birger."

"For who," the Dorado says while raising an eyebrow, "and why? why don't you do it hooman."

I shoot a frown, "well, if you can see, then you look well..... similar to the locals."

The stallion is silent for some seconds, before huffing and walking towards the bar counter. We both take a seat, Dorado doing it awkwardly. The bartender notices our presence and goes to talk with us, a grin present on his face, or maybe think a frown? recognizing emotions in these gryphons isn't exactly easy.

"Soooo," he looks at Dorado with curiosity, "what can I do for you, huh, you are the biggest pony that I have ever seen on my life."

Dorado remains silent for a moment, hesitating, he decides to go straight to the point, "ummmmm, w-we would like to know if we can talk with Birger."

The bartender raises an eyebrow, "with Birger......and why would you like to talk with him?"

Dorado and I exchange glances. I turn to talk with the guy, "look, we need to find that guy, it is pretty urgent."

My tone is snappish and a little bit rude, making the bartender to slowly change his face to a frown, an uneasiness in his expression simply creeps me out, making me hold tighter my rifle against my chest.

"Follow me," he bluntly states, exiting the counter and beginning to walk towards two medieval doors. Dorado and I are following him silently, but at the same time attentive if this ends up being some class of trap.

"This is what happens when you trust some random words...." I whisper, looking at the glares from the giant creatures, including a minotaur in between them, I can even say that he at least measures 7'5.

We enter a small corridor, the windows inside of it reflect the moonlight on its might and beauty. I am glancing in every direction, looking behind me and at the front. These creatures give me an insecure feeling, I simply can't either believe they are real, or maybe I am taking my conclusions from another part of my head.

Two large doors framed in gold are in the final of this place. The gryphon opens them with his claw, motioning us to enter the room. We slowly walk inside, the door closing behind us. The room looks like an Ottoman palace, even though, the general building wasn't the most respectable thing. It all looks so medieval.

At the end of it, a pony smoking a cigar looks like if he is waiting for something.

We casually make our way towards the figure, both ready to make a run for it. The pony notices our presence and a smile appears on his muzzle as he smokes again, "welcome, welcome to my humble room."

We stay silent, but this time I decide to step forward and talk with the figure, "and you must be....."


"Birger?! so you are the owner of this place?" Dorado says while looking at his surroundings.

Birger shoots a smug face, "that's right," he says while rubbing his hooves, "and I suppose that you came here for.... something.... right?"

Our trance is interrupted thanks to that statement, "right.....ummm do you know in what region we are?"

Birger looks confused at first but decides to answer the question, "you aren't from here," he stops for a second, beginning to walk towards us, "near the sea of clouds, in the no ponies land."

I shoot an angry glare, "you are trying to frick with me?"

"What are you talking about boy," Birger says while staring directly at my eyes with a frown on his features, "why would Iie with something so basic."

"Colombia," Dorado begins, slowly turning to look down at the pony, "we are in the Republic of Colombia, or at least near one of the cities right?"

Birger raises an eyebrow, "Colombia?" he taps his chin with one of his hooves, "C-olombia, hehehe, what a weird name for a nation."

"Weird, I believe tha-"

"But no," Briger interrupts me, "I have no idea of what land you are talking about, it could be farther into the Cair Paravel sea, but that's unexplored lands mate."

I put a hand on my chest, "the hell- in...... and the Ottoman Empire, ummm the German Empire, the United States of America, the United Kingdom, France, Venezuela, Österreich-Ungarn, the Russian Empire?"

Birger tilts his head as he slowly begins to shake it, "I have never heard of those lands," he gets closer to Dorado while slowly smoking again, "as I said, they could be farther into the Cair Paravel sea, though, how could you even reach to Equestria?"

"Equestria?" Dorando and I say in unison, exchanging glances and turning back to look at Birger.

"Wow," Birger's face turns into confusion, "your lands must be really far away."

Now, this is simply stupid, the compass must be broken or something like that, I think we just wasted our time talking with this dumbass, we haven't resolved anything, and my only theory for all of this could be a class of gas that is making me hallucinate all of this things, this must be a joke, "this isn't working," I pause for a second, looking at one of the symbols on the end of the room, before turning back to see Birger, "let's get going."

Birger's eyes widened as he sees how we were beginning to exit the room, almost running to get in front of us, "WAIT!" he stops, a smile appearing on his muzzle, "but I know something that can help you reach your lands."

Dorado gives an uneasy expression as he lowers his head to be at an eye level with him, "and what would that be?"

Birger changes his face completely to the one of victory, slowly walking towards an iron box near his apparent throne, "you see, there is a map called the 'cutie map,' and it has the capacity of seeing beyond our own world if your lands are located in another dimension."

"What are you talking about?" I say while getting closer to the pony, "you are saying that we could have jumped.... worlds?"

"Yeah," he says with a grin while unlocking the box, "that's exactly what I said."

He takes out a blank piece of paper, walking towards a long dining table, he pauses for a second, breathing deeply before proceeding to throw the paper on the table. When the papers touch it, that immediately expanded, a map appearing on its surface, better saying it, a map in a third dimension, the clouds, seas, and animals are moving, giving a giant view of these lands.

Dorado and I are stunned for this magical act, but at this point, I suppose that magic is real and even creepier, we could really be in another world, that sole thought is as hurtful as it sounds, but my question is, why is he showing us this thing? why the hell did he receive us in the first place?

"This is the cutie map you just talked about?" Dorado asks while raising an eyebrow, something that causes Birger to chuckle as he shakes his head.

"No, no, no," extending his hoof, he points at a sector in the map, "this is a map of the known lands of Equestria and Griffonia, nothing less and nothing more."

"Wow...." I quietly pronounce. The magical details are almost perfect, the quality is a million times better of any projection machine like the pleograph or other ones created in France. The magic crystalizing itself on its incredible and realistic beauty.

The pony begins to talk while pointing directly at a sector of the map, "I can give you the 'cutie map,' but you gotta do a favour for me," the map begins to zoom in, as an Ottoman type castle appears on the top a small mountain in the middle of what it is for me the Santander Valley, "that is the Sharir Fortress, guarded by mercenaries of the Grand Duchy of Griffonstone."

"A-and.... what do are we supposed to do?" Dorado asks nervously.

Now those words were the exact words that Birger wanted to hear, his face is full of happiness, as he starts to show us with more detail this fortress, "you see, the daughter of King Cosmos of the Unicorn Kingdom was kidnapped ten days ago by these mercenaries we believe," he shows in detail one of these gryphons walking on the walls of the fortress with a golden spear, "we are the only ones that know this information, and if we are correct, she is currently apprehended in this fortress."

So there are unicorns as well......

"How far it is from here?" I ask while raising an eyebrow, my eyes glancing at every detail of the fortress, "and what are we supposed to do anyway, you only showed us this thing about this random princess."

"One, it isn't a random princess, we believe that she is going to be the heir of the power of the sun, and maybe in a future, she will control it," Birger says while moving his hoof in circles, "and, answering your first question, it is about three hours from this town."


"I want you both to retrieve her from this place," he says bluntly. Our eyes widened, as I tilt my head a bit, "and then you need to bring her to a specific location."

"This town?" Dorado questions.

"No, no," Birger says while shaking his head, tapping his hoof against the table, "I want you to bring her to this city."

The map begins to move, mountains pass beneath the magical clouds until it finally reaches a forest with some small structures and a castle in the centre of it. Now that fortress looks more like a medieval one in Europe, constructed of what I believe is cobblestone.

"You are going to bring her to the Kingdom of Earth Ponies, and there, in that castle, you both are going to have your compensation."

If this is our best chance of getting home, I am going to take, though, I see that the fortress is heavily guarded. Even if we would have a machine gun right here they would be simply too many soldiers, plus every single one of them I estimate that they are around my height, all using an Arabian armour.

"I have a question, how could we possibly just go into that place a-and retrieve a princess, I don't think that-" Birgos interrupts my speech with a smile.

"Do not worry about those details, we got mercenaries that are going to help you enter silently to this place, the rest is going to be your work," the pony smokes again, "easy, don't ya' think so?"

"Hooman, we need to talk," Dorado tries to call my attention, but Birgo quickly interrupts, "plus, I suppose that you must be soldier, judging by that uniform that is weird and insecure, and that wooden staff you have there, " he says while pointing at my rifle.

Dorado's mind is just blowing up, one of his internal questions is why them? why is he proposing this to them if they have so much information about this already?

"So, are you up for this task?" Birgo says while offering his hoof. You know, I am firstly hesitant, I mean, should I trust this freaking Arabian pony? but what other chance do we have, I am starting to believe that we maybe are in another world after all? Besides, the compass pointed at this place, maybe this is the way to go back home.

"We accept," I said while offering my hand, while we make a 'handshake.' Dorado's eyes widened, rage slowly entered his body, because, where was his opinion in this after all?

Little did they knew about what class of problem they just messed up......

Author's Note:

*A ruana is a square or rectangular blanket made of 100% virgin wool, sleeveless and with a hole in the centre through which the head is passed, popularly called goyete in Boyacá. It is popular in the altiplanos of Colombia, Venezuela, and Ecuador.
*The aguardiente is popular is a popular Colombian alcoholic beverage that originated from the Iberian peninsula. It is the most popular alcoholic beverage in the Colombian Andean region, and it is principally produced in the Antioquia Department.

English isn't my native language and I am still looking for an editor, so if you catch any errors, I'll be happy to know.

Bruh the .png