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Seaside Terror






Duel Chant

Seaside Terror

Rainbow and Gilda were talking to one another while the others were playing in the water.

“So Gilda, you said you transferred to CHS yesterday?” Rainbow asked Gilda, to which the girl nods in response.

“Yeah. Even got a tour there, and I’ll admit, I sure as hell beats Siberian Duel Academy.” Gilda said as she and Rainbow laughed.

“Excuse me, I gotta use the ladies room.” Gilda said before she walked off.

“Ok, but hurry back. Me and Dustin are gonna Duel here in a few minutes!” Rainbow called out as she walked to the others.

After Gilda finished her business, she was about to walk back to the others, but then she felt somebody grab her from behind. Gilda was about to scream for help, but a hand covered her mouth.

Suddenly, Gilda began to lose consciousness.

Dustin and the others were waiting for Gilda to return, but it’s been over a minute.

“Hey, guys? Do you think Gilda is ok? She’s been gone for about a minute.” Erena asked, starting to feel worried.

“I’m sure she’ll be fine.” Spike said with a shrug.

“Well, I’m afraid not, lad.” A voice called out, making the others look to see a man in a pirate uniform.

“Uh, it’s a little too early for Halloween, dude.” Rainbow said with a raised eyebrow. But Dustin sensed something off about this guy. But upon closer examination, this man definitely had some bad vibes emanating from him.

“Uh…guys, I don’t think this guy’s messing around! I sense an evil aura from him!” Dustin said, shocking the others.

“Yeah, I can sense it too!” Twilight said in alarm.

“And as for yer friend…” The pirate man said before snapping his fingers, causing some of the ocean water to form a tentacle. The sight alone shocked the gang, but the shock soon turned to horror at what they saw next.

They see Gilda tied up and gagged.

“Gilda!” Rainbow exclaimed in worry at seeing her childhood friend tied up.

“Give us back our friend, dickwad!” Dustin growled to the pirate man.

“If you want your friend back, then you’ll have to defeat me in a duel.” The pirate said with a sinister chuckle.

“Defeat you? I’LL FUCK YOU UP!” Rainbow yelled in rage.

“Oh, but you’re not my opponent lassie. It’s your bespectacled friend here that’s gonna have to defeat me to rescue her from a watery grave.” The pirate man said as he pulled out a Duel Disk that was golden with red gems, a skull and crossbones symbol, and the blade looked like a fin.

“What do you say, laddie? Think ya got what it takes to save your friend?”

“How about we find out, Jack Sparrow?!” Dustin said before reaching for his Duel Disk and one of his Deck boxes. He then straps his Duel Disk on and inserted his chosen Deck into the Deck slot.

“Jack Sparrow? Clever nickname. But me name is Levi Ethan.” The now named Levi said with a wicked grinned.

“Dustin, be careful. Something tells me this guy’s going to be a real challenge.” Erena said with worry in her tone.

“You have no idea, lassie.” Levi said as both he and Dustin drew their starting hand.

DUEL!” Both Levi and Dustin called out, and thus, the Duel has begun.

Dustin Hogan – 8000
Levi Ethan – 8000

“I’ll start things off!” Levi said as he drew his card, and he had a wicked smile when he saw what he drew. “I play the Field Spell, A Legendary Ocean!” Levi announced as he slaps the card into the Field Spell card slot, and shortly afterwards, the holograms activated. Large ruins rose from behind Levi as the air turned into crystal clear water. Seaweed spurt from the ground as fish swam through randomly. Dustin had to swat at a jellyfish that was getting kind of close. It still looked real instead of a hologram though. Kaibacorp tech at its finest.

"With this card out, the levels of all WATER monsters in both our hands are lowered by one and their attack and defense are both increased by 200 points." explained Levi. "I will be taking advantage of that effect by summoning The Legendary Fisherman in attack mode!". A flash of light appeared before a mam holding a harpoon while mounted on the back of a shark with dark blue skin and a white underside appeared on the field. The shark gnarled its teeth aggressively before while the fisherman himself held his harpoon at the ready.

[The Legendary Fisherman/Lv: 5-4/WATER/Warrior/ATK: 1850-2050/DEF: 1600-1800]

“Oh crap!” Dustin said with a look of shock.

“That’s right, lad. And while Umi is on the field, to which A Legendary Ocean treats itself as, he’s unaffected by any Spell Effects and cannot be destroyed by battle.” Levi said a chuckle. “I’ll just finish it from here. You’re move lad.”

“Right.” Dustin said before drawing his card. He examined his hand before formulating a plan. “I play Polymerization! I’ll use this to fuse both Elemental HEROs Avian and Bubbleman from my hand.” Dustin said as the images of both Fountain and Avian appeared before getting sucked into a vortex.

Winged hero of wind and Aquatic hero of bubbles, combine your power and form a HERO with the might of a tsunami!” Dustin chanted as whirlpool formed in the water, a humanoid figure clad in blue and golden armor visible, shocking everybody present.

“What!?” Levi said in total shock.

“No way!” Sunset said more out of amazement.

“Is that a…” Applejack asked with total surprise.

“Fusion Summon! Make it rain, Level 8, ‘Ultra HERO Cascade’!” Dustin called out as the new hero emerged from the watery tornado before descending down beside Dustin.

[Ultra HERO Cascade/Lv: 8/WATER/Warrior/ATK: 3000/DEF: 2500]

“Oh great! Ultra HEROs!” Levi said with a bit of worry.

"That’s right! And as long as he’s out, all monsters on the field, except HEROs, become WATER-Attribute monsters, he gains 500 ATK for each WATER monster I control, and all WATER monsters you control lose 500 attack points, also any effects they have are rendered null and void!” Dustin said as The Legendary Fisherman was engulfed in the same blue aura.

“Well then it’s a good thing I’ve got just the thing for that little guppy you call a monster,” Levi declared as he held up a monster card with a picture of a jellyfish on it.

"By discarding this Nullifying Jellyfish, I can cancel out the effect of all monsters you have out for the rest of the turn. Which means your Ultra HERO Cascade is all washed up!”

“Well that would normally be a bad thing, if one of the abilities you negated didn’t grant him immunity to all spell and trap effects. Since Cascade is a WATER monster, he gains a 200 point boost to his attack and defense." explained Dustinn as Cascade glowed in a bright blue aura.

(Ultra HERO Cascade: ATK: 3000-3200,DEF:2500-2700)

“DAMMIT!” Levi growled in fury.

“Next I play Pot of Greed. Allowing me to draw cards.” Dustin announced as he drew his next two cards. “And one of the cards I pulled is Terraforming. Now I can add 1 Field Spell from my Deck to my hand. And while I’m at it, how about I put it to good use?” Dustin then drew card he needed before slapping it onto the Field Spell Zone. “I activate the Field Spell called Watershine City.”

As Dustin announced this, a massive futuristic city appeared behind him.

“Water-what now?” Levi asked in total shock.

“Allow me to explain how this card works. Much like your Field Spell, Watershine City also counts as Umi. But it reduces the Levels of all WATER monsters in our hands by 2, and the ATK of all WATER Monsters on the field become doubled.” Dustin exclaimed as the blue aura on Cascade glowed even brighter.

(Ultra HERO Cascade: ATK: 3200-6400,DEF:2700-5400)

WHOA!” Pinkie and Rainbow exclaimed.

“6400 attack points?!” Twilight asked in absolute shock.

“Alright! Damage Time! Cascade, turn that Legendary Fisherman into Sushi!” Dustin declared as Cascade outstretched his arms, causing a vast multitude of bubbles to appear. “BOOMING BUBBLES!” Cascade then thrusted his arms forward, causing the bubbles to move towards the Legendary Fisherman at impossible speeds. Once they hit their mark, they created an immense explosion.

Levi Ethan – 3650

“Talk about a wipeout, am I right?” Dustin said with a smug grin, much to Levi’s disdain. "I'll end it here, so now your Nullifying Jellyfish's effect has expired, and Cascade's effects are active again, but his attack power is now back down to 3000."

(Ultra HERO Cascade: ATK: 6400 - 3000)

“Smile while you still can you scurvy bilge rat!” Levi drew his next card, and when he saw the card he drew, he chuckled in satisfaction. “But I’m gonna be the one getting the last laugh. “First I’ll set a card. Next I activate the card I drew Graceful Charity. So now I draw three cards, but I must discard two in the process.” Levi said as he did as instructed. “And now I activate one of the cards I drew with Card of Sanctity’s effect, Pot of Greed. So now I get to draw two more cards too.” Levi said, and his smile grew even wider. “But now I summon a monster unlike ya seen before!”

“Huh?” Dustin said, getting a bad feeling about where this was heading.

“From me graveyard, I Accumulate me Legendary Fisherman, along with me Metalizing Parasite – Lunalite and Metalizing Parasite – Soltite that I discarded with Graceful Charity, in order to perform a Necron Summon!” Levi said with a maniacal laugh, shocking Dustin and the others.

“Oh boy!” Dustin said with fear.

“That’s not good!” Sunset said, getting real scared.

By offering the essence of me Legendary Fisherman, Metalizing Parasite – Lunalite and Metalizing Parasite – Soltite, the gateway to the other side is now opened!!” Levi chanted as the transparent images of the three monsters appeared before turning into streaks of pale green light and colliding into each other, morphing into a large sphere of dark energy. Suddenly, the share expands, and the the ground begins to shake.

“Uh…what’s happening?!” Emille said with fear.

From the deep depths of the sea, I call upon the beast of the great abyss! The one whose breath boils the ocean waves, whose coils envelop the word, arise mighty Demon Lord of Envy!” Levi continued to chant as the sphere shattered, revealing a massive creature, massive enough to coil around the super bowl. The monster was green all over, the lower half resembled that of a snake with multiple spines trailing down, but the upper half resembled that of a person with lighter green skin, long jet black hair, a pair of horns that pointed downwards, a pair of bat-like wings, and from its mouth came fire like its insides was a furnace. “Behold! 'LEVIATHAN, THE COILED ONE!'

As soon as Levi said this, the leviathan released a bellowing roar loud enough to break the sound barrier, despite being submerged in water.

[Leviathan, the Coiled One/Mk: 10/ENVY/Sea Serpent/ATK: 2550/DEF: 2350]

“Wait! I’ve never even heard of this card before!” Spike said in shock.

“Well, this is one of seven cards that are based on both the Seven Deadly Sins, as well as the Seven Princes of hell!” Levi informed the group. “But I’d rather focus on the Duel. Now I play the Equip Spell Effect Vaccine!” Levi said with a grin.

“Effect Vaccine?” Dustin asked in shock.

“That’s right, this card grants the equipped monster complete immunity to other card effects. Like me Leviathan.” Levi said with a grin, and Leviathan was glowing a bright green aura. “And now that he’s immune to Cascade’s effects, I can use Leviathan’s special effect! By targeting a monster you control once per turn, I can equip it to Leviathan, and in doing so, he gains that monster’s attack and defense points, and the best part is that he also gains that monster’s effects!”

SHIT!” Dustin swore in shock.

“Leviathan, let’s show him how it’s done! COVETOUS VORTEX!” Levi declared as Leviathan inhaled, sucking Cascade into his body. Once Cascade was fully absorbed into Leviathan’s body, the aura enveloping his body changed from bright green to electric bright blue.

(Leviathan, the Coiled One: ATK: 2550-5550/DEF: 2350-4850)

“5550 attack points?!” Spike muttered in both shock and fear.

“Now, the tides have turned on me favor! And since ya have no monsters to protect ya, yer defeat will be sooner than I thought. Leviathan, attack this barnacle directly! TIDE OF DISPARITY!” Levi declared as Leviathan inhaled before breathing a stream of fire directly at Dustin, making him roar in absolute pain.

AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!” Dustin yelled at the top of his lungs as his life point dropped.

Dustin Hogan – 2450

ONII-CHAN!!!” Erena and Emille called out in worry as Dustin was on his knees, panting heavily.

“Shit! That really hurt like hell!” Dustin groaned as he struggled to getting back up on his feat.

“Well, ya got me Stone of Sin ta thank for that, lad!” Levi said as he raised his right hand, showing a golden ring with a seafoam green teardrop shaped gemstone on it.

“Stone of Sin?” Twilight asked in confusion.

“This is one of seven stones that give the user dark magical powers. They powers they grant vary, but they have a few things in common. The most notable is that they can bring Duel Monster to life, and inflict real damage to the opponents whenever life point damage is done. Like ya seen with Leviathan’s attack.”

"Much like the Shadow Games used by the Pharaohs in Ancient Egypt!" Sunset gasped with shock and worry for Dustin.

"Smart lassie, ya are! If her friend loses, he loses more than just the duel. He loses his life as well. Anyway, I’ll finish it from here. You’re move lad." Levi said, but Dustin held his head high.

“I may be down, but I’m not out!” Dustin drew his next card. “First I play a Spell Card known as Effect Recycle!” Dustin said as he slapped the card down on his duel disk.

“Effect what?” Levi asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Effect Recycle! What this card does is allow me banish one card from either one of our grayevards per turn, then activate any of the two effects, depending on the banished card. If the banished card is a monster, I can bring out a Recycle Token with the same stats, Type, Attribute and effects as the banished monster. But if it was a Spell or Trap, this card copies that card’s effects. And I’ll use it to banish your Pot of Greed, so now I draw two more cards.” Dustin said before drawing his two cards.

“Next, I’ll play a face-down card, and end it there.” Dustin said.

“What!? That’s all!? He didn’t even play any monsters to defend himself!” Pinkie said in shock.

As the Duel went on, Gilda observed, a look of worry for Dustin's safety visible on her face.

I sure hope you know what you're doing, dude!’ Gilda thought to herself as she watched the duel progress.

“Finished, eh? How unfortunate. I was expecting more of a challenge! Leviathan, send this fool to Davy Jones locker!” Levi announced as Leviathan inhaled. “TIDE OF DISPARITY!” And with that, Leviathan followed his master’s command and fired another fire stream at Dustin.

NO!” Fluttershy called out in fear and worry.

“Not this time! I activate my Trap! Rainbow Life!” Dustin revealed his trap card, much to Levi’s shock.

WHAT!?” Levi gasped as the events that took place.

“Now I gain life points equal to any damage I take for the rest of this turn! And all I need do is discard one card from my hand!” Dustin said with a grin as his body was encased in a rainbow aura, and as soon as the fire touched him, he felt no pain as his life points rose back to 8000.

Dustin Hogan – 8000

AH, GODDAMMIT!!!” Levi roared out in rage.

“He managed to buy himself some time!” Applejack said with a sigh of relief.

“That was a clever move boy. I’ll just end it there!” Levi growled in anger as Dustin drew his next card.

“I play Card of Sanctity. So now we both draw until we have six cards in our hand.” Dustin said as he and Levi both did as the card instructed.

“Next, I set a monster, and end it there.” Dustin said with a grin. “Alright, Long John Silver, you’re up.” Dustin said, but Levi had a grin of his own.

“I activate another effect of Leviathan’s. During me main phase, I can send 1 card equipped to him to the graveyard in order to destroy 1 card I choose on the field. And I know for a fact that Effect Recycle is going to be an issue, so I'll remove Ultra HERO Cascade from Leviathan to get rid of it!” Levi said as a blue streak emanated from Leviathan, destroying the Spell card. “And with both our fields spells, all WATER monsters in our hands are reduced by three in total. Which makes it perfect for me to bring out this sea beast, Kairyu-shin, in attack mode!”

A massive blue serpentine creature with a yellow underbelly, a mouth full of sharp teeth, and no eyes appeared beside Leviathan.

“Leviathan, destroy his face-down monster!” Levi declared as Leviathan blasted a stream of fire at Dustin’s face down monster, only to reveal Winged Kuriboh before it shattered to bits.

“Big mistake. By attacking Winged Kuriboh, any battle damage I take is null and void for the rest of this turn.” Dustin said, making Levi growl again in rage.

“Yer really pissing me off, ya low life barnacle!” Levi seethed in rage. "I’ll just have ta finish from there!”

“Then it's my move.” Dustin said before drawing his next card, smiling at what he drew. “I play another Polymerization. This time, fusing Elemental HERO Burstinatrix and Elemental HERO Blazeman from my hand.” Dustin said as both HEROs appeared before vanishing in a spiraling vortex.

Burning heroine of fire and blazing hero of fire, meld your burning strength to form a hero with the fury of a raging inferno!” Dustin chanted as a massive column of fire erupted from the ground, despite being underwater. “Fusion Summon! Rise from the ashes, Level 8, ‘Ultra HERO Supernova!’”

The column of fire then dissipated, revealing a humanoid clad in reddish-silver armor with blue lining and glowing red eyes.

NO! NOT ANOTHER ONE! THIS AIN’T HAPPENING!” Levi said in total fear.

“Oh, it is! And much Like Cascade, Supernova turns all monsters on the field, except heroes into FIRE-Attribute monsters, he gains 500 attack points for each FIRE monster I control, and all FIRE monsters you control lose 500 attack points, and their effects are negated.” Dustin said with a grin.

“But Leviathan is still equipped with Effect Vaccine! So Leviathan is still untouchable.” Levi said with a grin.

“True, but while it grants your big snake effect immunity, that doesn’t mean he’s immune to attacks!” Dustin shot back with a triumphant grin, making Levi gasp.

“But why stop there? Next I play the Spell Card called Self-Duplication.” Dustin said, slapping the card down.

NO! NOT THAT!” Levi uttered in horror as he knew he was on the losing end.

“Yes! Now one Supernova is becoming three!” Dustin said before Supernova created two duplicates.

“Supernova number one, send that Leviathan back to Hell where it belongs! SCORCHING BLAZE!” Dustin declared, and Supernova followed the order by shooting a stream of fire at Leviathan, making the beast roar in pain before shattering to pieces.

Levi Ethan – 3200

“Supernova number two, you’re up! Turn that Kairyu-shin into tuna salad!” Dustin ordered as the second Supernova fired a fiery stream at Kairyu-shin.

Levi Ethan – 2000

“Woohoo!” Pinkie cheered in excitement.

“That’s right, dude! Show ‘em who’s boss!” Rainbow Dash cheered Dustin on.

“Supernova number three, attack Levi directly and end this Duel!” Dustin commanded, and the third Supernova blasted another fiery stream at Levi, making him roar in a mix of agony and defeat as his life points were now depleted.

Levi Ethan – 0

“Game, set, match!” Dustin said with a thumbs down.

NO, NO, NNNNNOOOOOOOOO!!!!” Levi roared out in complete outrage.

YEEHAW!” Applejack cheered as Gild was released from her bondages. Gilda sighed in relief, but not before she was tackled by Rainbow in a tight embrace.

GILDA! Thank God you’re ok!” Rainbow Dash said, getting all teary eyed.

“Hey, come on. Don’t get mushy on me now, RD.” Gilda chuckled, rubbing Rainbow’s back.

“I…I can’t believe…I lost!” Levi said, completely shocked by his defeat.

“Believe it, bud.” Dustin said with a smug grin. Levi just gets up on his feet before casting an angry glance at Dustin.

"You win this round, lad. But mark me words, next time ya won't be so lucky!" Levi growled angrily before disappearing in a cloud of black smoke.

"We'll just see about that." Dustin muttered. Gilda then was to him.

"Thanks for saving me dude. I'll admit, those Ultra HERO Cards are something." Gilda said with a smile, patting Dustin's back.

"How'd ya even get such rare cards, anyway?" Applejack asked Dustin with a perplexed look.

"You can say they're a gift from a friend." Dustin said with a bashful smile.

"Trust us, he has every single Ultra HERO." Erena said, further shocking the others.

"Seriously!?" Rainbow Dash asked with shock.

"No way!" Pinkie said, finding the info hard to believe.

"Who was the friend that gave you those cards?" Rarity asked.

"I have a relative that works as a card designer at Industrial Illusions." Dustin admitted with a hint of pride, shocking the others even more. "But that's enough about me. We still got a few more minutes of fun in the sun left."

"Anybody up for some volleyball?" Rainbow Dash asked with a smirk.

"I'm game." Gilda said with a grin that screamed competitive.

"You and me both, sistah." Dustin said with a nod.

"Make this a two on two?" Applejack said as she got next to Rainbow Dash.

"Hope you two can keep up." Rainbow Dash said with a wide grin.

"Bring it, Skittles." Dustin said, making the others laugh at that nickname.

"Pfft. Really?" Rainbow asked, still laughing.

"I like you already dude" Gilda said as she wiped a tear, still laughing a bit.

Within a dark lit room, we see Levi kneeling down.

"Forgive me, boss, but I've fails ya." Levi said, but a deep chuckle caught his attention.

"Fail me? Quite the contrary, you served me well." A figure obscured by the shadows said to Levi in a deep voice.

"But, boss, your orders were..." Levi was about to as, but the figure stopped him.

"I merely ordered you to challenge the boy to a duel. But the purpose was to test his skill. And I must say, he certainly is more skilled than I thought." The figure said.

"So what now?" A female voice asked. Levi looked behind him to see a woman with blonde hair dressed in a red gown.

"He's with those seven hussies, who each possess those Charms of Harmony." The woman said with a perplexed.

"She's got a point boss." Another voice said before a man with white hair, green eyes, a mustache and clad in a purple suit.

"Yes. I'm well ware of those girls." replied the figure.

"Regardless, how do you suppose we deal with these scalawags?" Levi asked, the figure then let out an evil chuckle once again.

"Oh, I have an idea. Gather everyone else for a meeting, and I shall explain." The figure said, making the three nod.

"Yes, sir." Both levi, the woman and the suited man nodded before walking off to follow their order.

The figure sat on his chair, chuckling still.

"Prepare yourselves, foolish children. For soon, you will meet your end." The figure laughed, a pair of red glowing eyes visible through the darkness.

Author's Note:

Uh oh, looks like danger is afoot for our young heroes. Now for this story, I wanted to make a series of cards with powers similar to the God Cards, but not quite os OP. But what they to base them off of was the challenge.

But after reading the MLP fan comic on Mauroz's deviantart, it came to me. And 5hus, the Seven Sinful Lord cards came to be. Much like the Egyptian God Cards from the original Yu-Gi-Oh anime, they serve as the driving force for this story.

For mor info about the Seven Sinful Lord Cards, click here.

Also, if you're curious and want to know more about Necron Monsters, click the link here for more info.

Anyways, hope you enjoy this story so far, and as always, I will see you next time. Adios mi amigos.