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Girl Power part 1

Author's Note:






Girl Power part 1

A minute has passed since Sunset's victory against Nightingale; the gang was hanging out by the concession stands.

"Man, I still can't believe you won, Sunset." Rainbow said, patting Sunset's back.

"And the look of humiliation on Nightingale's face was priceless!" Dustin said with a laugh.

"We'll, she was no pushover. That's for sure." Sunset said with a sigh.

"You said it." Spike said with a nod. "I still can't believe she has one of the Dimension Dragons."

"And that was just Nightingale." Erena said with sigh. "Wait until you see Haze and Quicksilver in action."

"Heya. Mind if we join you guys?" A voice said, making the gang look to see a rather familiar group. The group consists of five girls. The first one having moderate indigo eyes, moderate rose hair with lighter moderate rose and grayish aquamarine streaks. Her name is Sour Sweet.

The second had moderate cerise eyes and grayish mulberry hair with light raspberry streaks. This was Sunny Flare.

The third had brilliant gamboge eyes and dark conflower blue hair with moderate cerulean and moderate arctic blue streaks. This was Indigo Zap.

The fourth has grayish orchid colored eyes with hair that was a light opalish gray with light arctic bluish gray streaks. This was Sugarcoat.

And the fifth had light brilliant amber eyes and light pistachio hair with pale, light grayish green and light brilliant lime green streaks. This was Lemon Zest.

"No way!" Twilight exclaimed with a smile before engaging the five girls in a group hug. "It's been a while!"

"That is has." Indigo said with a chuckle.

"And look who else is here." Sunny Flare said, looking towards Dustin, Erena and Emille.

"Yo!" Dustin said with a two finger salute. "How's it hangin', chicas?"

"Good to see you again, homeboy." Lemon Zest said with a playful punch to Dustin's shoulder.

"Saw your Duel with Nightingale, by the way." Sour Sweet said to Sunset. "Nice job in putting her in her place."

"So what brings y'all here?" Appejack asked. "Shouldn't y'all be up in the Crystal Prep seats?"

"Yeah." Indigo Zap said with a shrug. "But we figured we join you guys."

"Plus, we figured we hang with you guys." Lemon Zest said before turning to Dustin. "So, I hear you're one of CHS' representatives for the tournament."

"Well, not just me." Dustin said before looking to his sisters. "But also Erena and Emille."

"Whoa! For real?" Indigo gasped in shock. "I guess you guys did improve."

"Yeesh." Sugarcoat said with a nod. "No offense, but back when you guys attended Crystal Prep, you guys could barly duel your way out of a paper bag.."

"Yeah, you're not wrong." Dustin said with a sheepish laugh. "But our skills did improve over time."

"Yo, Dustin?" Rainbow said to Dustin, grabbing his attention. "If you don't mind me asking, what exactly is your history with Nightingale, Haze ad Quicksilver?"

"Well..." Dustin said with a little bit of hesitation, but decided to inform his friends.

"As Sugarcoat said, me, Erena and Emille were not really the most skilled duelists or even the best students at Crystal Prep." Dustin bashfully rubs the back of his neck. "In fact, we were pretty much the bottom of the barrel compared to other students."

"As such..." Erena cuts in. "We were looked down by many of the other students."

"And Cinch certainly made it much worse for us." Emille said with a sad look. "She would ridicule us for our low grades."

"We never had many friends there." Dustin said before looking to the five girls. "Well, save for these five. They were there to help us out, and even help improve our skills."

"And I take it that Haze, Nightingale and Quicksilver were the guys who made fun of you the most?" Fluttershy said, feeling sorry for Dustin and his sisters.

"Making fun of is putting it lightly, but yeah." Erena said with a sad sigh. "Thakfully, our parents eventually did transfer us out of that nightmare and to CHS."

Suddenly, the speakers sounded.

"Attention! The next match will commence in two minutes. Could the representatives for Canterlot High and Crystal Prep report to the duel field immediately< those who fail to do so will be disqualified!"

"We'll, I wonder who will Duel who next?" Rainbow asked.

"I guess we'll know once they show up." Dustin said with a sigh. "And I'll bet the second match won't be easy."

"Well, we'll be there to cheer you guys on." Pinkie Pie said, taking a bite out of a muffin.

"And I best be on guard with those newbie’s Cinch hired." Sour Sweet said to them. "I got a bad feeling about them."

After the two minutes, Dustin and the others regrouped, and the Shadowbolts joined them.

"Alright, ladies and gentlemen." The commentator announced to the crowd. Cantorlot high emerged the victor of the previous Duel, but let's see who wins this one."

At one end of the Arena, the jumbotron showed a picture of a heart with a capital "H" in the middle of it.

Erena walked out of the entrance.

"From Canterlot High, we have Erena Honjou!" announced the commentator as Erena struck a pose fit for a magical girl anime character, earning applause from many in the audience as well as from her friends.

"But who is her opponent, you may be asking?" The commentator asked, making the crowd hyped up. "We'll, let's find out."

On the opposite side of the arena, the jumbotron showed a symbol of a hurricane with a pair of wings.

As the music played, Haze made his way to the arena, a series of holographic tornadoes appearing as he walks down the runway.

"From Crystal Prep, we have Haze!" The commentator said as Haze simply raised his arm, a big gust of appeared from behind.

"Oh boy." Dustin said with a hint of worry. "Looks like Erena's dealing with Haze."

"I'll bet he's not going to be as easy as Nightingale." Sunset said, just as concerned.

The massive holographic screen appears, showing both Haze and Erena's life point gauges.

“Duelists, shuffle your decks!” The screen said, and Erena and Haze both shuffled their respective decks. Once that was done, they both placed their decks in their respective slots.

“Selecting first turn player!” The screen announced before showing the image coin. “Heads or tails?”

“I'll choose Tails.” Haze said with a smirk.

"I guess that leaves me with Heads." Erena said, and the coin on screen was then tossed. Sure enough, the result was Tails.

“Haze takes first turn!” The screen announced, and Erena and Haze drew their hands. “Begin!”

“Let’s Duel!” Both Haze and Erena declared, signaling the start of the Duel.

Haze LP: 8000
Erena LP: 8000

Haze drew his sixth card, and smiled at what it was. "I play the card I just drew, being none other than Pot of Greed!" Haze said, revealing his card to Erena, taking her by surprise. "So that's two new cards added to my hand."

Haze drew his next two cards, his smile widening even more. "And I'll put one of them to good use. The Spell Card known as Magical Mallet!"

"Oh no!" Erena gasped in shock.

"Oh yes! So now any undesirable cards that are in my hand get shuffled back into my Deck before drawing the same amount." Haze declared, shocking Dustin and his friends in the process.

"You're kidding!" Rainbow Dash declared in shock.

"Then that means he can exchange the card he doesn't want for ones he does!" Rarity said while feeling worried for Erena.

"Correct you are, madame! And I'll shuffle my entire hand in favor of a new one!" Haze chuckled wickedly as he retured his hand to his deck.

In the Crystal Prep Bleachers, Quicksilver and Nightingale were watching the Duel.

"Haze sure is taking a big risk." Quicksilver said with a whistle. "What if the cards he draws next aren't the ones he needs?"

"Haze has his ways." Nightingale said to Quicksilver. "Trust me; he knows what he's doing."

After Haze shuffled his deck, he drew a new hand.

"Oh? Well lookie here." Haze said before revealing another Magical Mallet from his hand, further shocking Erena. "I’ve drawn another Magical Mallet, and I think I’ll use it. But this time, I'll shuffle three cards from my Deck, and then draw three new ones."

After Haze shuffled his deck yet again, he drew the three cards to replace the ones he shuffled.

"Perfect. First, I play Barrier Statue of the Heavens in Defense Mode!" Haze said before an ivory white statue with golden accents appeared on the field.

[Barrier Statue of the Heavens/Lv: 4/LIGHT/Fairy/ATK: 1000/ DEF: 1000]

"And while I'm at it, I'll activate Double Summon, allowing me one additional Normal Summon this turn. And I'll bring out Barrier Statue of the Stormwinds, also in Defense Mode!" Haze declared as a green Statue resembling a birdman in a kneeling position appeared.

[Barrier Statue of the Stormwinds/Lv: 4/WIND/Winged Beast/ATK: 1000/ DEF: 1000]

"Hold up!" Rainbow Dash declared. "I thought Barrier Statue of the Heavens can only allow each player to summon Light monsters!"

"Correction. We cannot Special Summon monsters, except Light monsters" Haze said with a chuckle. "It does not prevent us from Normal Summoning monsters that are strictly light attribute. But since I have both two Barrier Statues, neither one of us can Special Summon anything."

"Big deal!" Erena said without any fear in her voice. "I'll find a way to reduce those statues into rubble!"

"We'll see. To finish up, I'll place one card face down." Haze said as a giant face-down card a appeared in front of him. "And I believe that's the best I can come up with."

"Then it's my turn!" Erena drew her next card, examining her hand to formulate a strategy. "First I play Fancy HERO Polly in Attack Mode!"

A swirling vortex appeared in front of Erena, causing a woman dressed in a white, green and purple dress to appear, wielding a large magic staff in hand.

[Fancy HERO Polly/Lv: 3/LIGHT/Spellcaster/ATK: 1200/ DEF: 1200]

Haze only smirked at this.

"You won't be smiling for long Haze! Next I play the Spell Card, Dark Ruler No More First!" Erena said with a smile

"What!?" Haze gasped in shock, not expecting this.

"With this, the effects of all face-up monsters you currently control are negated until the end of my turn. But you do take no damage, which doesn't really matter.since both your statues are in Defense Mode." Erena said, her smirk still visible.

"Little bitch!" Nightingale said with a growl.

"But I'm not finished just yet, Haze." Erena said with a grin. "For now I activate her special ability!" As Erena said this, Polly raised her staff, causing a massive purple vortex to appear on the sky. "Think of her as a monster version of Polymerization! Allowing me to Fusion Summon a Fancy HERO Fusion monster from my Extra Deck by using the right materials! And I'll use her effect to combine both Fancy HERO Athena and Fancy HERO Erminguard from my hand."

As Erena said this, two streaks of light appeared and flew towards the vortex.

"By merging the powers of my winged heroine and my shielding heroine, I create a winged guardian!" Erena chanted as a large gust of wing emerged from the vortex, making Haze shield himself.

"Ah like where this is headin'!" Applejack said with a smile.

"Descend from the clouds, release your war cry, and emerge to the battlefield! For you are both my unyielding sword and my impenetrable shield! Fusion Summon! Prepare for battle, Level 6, 'Fancy HERO Valerie Winguard!'"

Suddenly, from the vortex, a new monster emerged and descended to the field. It resembled a women clad in a white and green uniform, a pair of massive wings sprouting from her back, large auburn hair in a braid, and armed with nothing but a shield and a sword.

[Fancy HERO Valerie Winguard/Lv: 3/WIND/Warrior/ATK: 2000/ DEF: 2500]

"My, oh my!" The commentator exclaimed in awe at the sight of the new monster. "If looks could kill, this one would be serving a life sentence!"

"Now Valerie Winguard, shatter Barrier Statue of the Stormwinds to pieces!" Erena declared as Valerie Winguard readied her sword. "TYPHOON SLASHER!"

With a horizontal swing of her blade, Valerie Winguard sent a crescent of green energy at the green statute, shattering it to bits.

"Polly! You're turn!" Erena declared as Polly raised her staff. "DIFFUSION SCRAMBLE!".

Polly raised her staff, sending a barrage of energy waves at the Statue, shattering it like the previous one.

"And I'll place one card face-down, and end my turn!" Erena said as her set card appeared on the field.

"Hehehe. Superb move, Erena. Admittedly, you're skills certainly have improved." Haze said before drawing his next card. "But the kid gloves come off now!" Haze then revealed the card he drew. "I activate another Pot of Greed! So that's two more cards added to my hand." Haze drew his next two cards. "Just my luck! And I'll use both of them. First we have Instant Fusion!"

"Uh oh!" Erena said with worry.

"That's right! Now by paying 1000 life points, I can Special Summon 1 Level 5 or lower Fusion Monster from my Extra Deck. But it cannot attack and it’s destroyed by the end of this turn." Haze said with a smirk.

Haze LP: 7000

Suddenly, the sound of roaring thunder was heard and lightning flashed in the sky.

"And I use it to bring out Kaminari Attack in Attack Mode!" Haze chuckled wickedly as a massive man with a gray beard, gray hair and covered in dark gray clouds as a uniform appeared, releasing a war cry to signal his arrival.

[Kaminari Attack/Lv: 5/WIND/Thunder/ATK: 1900/ DEF: 1400]

"And next, I activate Self-Duplication. And I'll use it to create one additional clone of Kaminari Attack!" Haze said as a second Kaminari Attack appeared onto the field.

"But what's the point?" Spike asked with confusion.

"You're about to find out, shrimp!" Haze saod, tapping a button on his Duel Disk, revealing his face down card. "I reveal Trap Card, Ultimate Offering!"

"Huh!?" Erena asked with shock as Haze drew his next two card.

"So now I can Normal Summon as many monsters as I want, but at the cost of paying 500 life points for each monster." Haze then selected the next two cards in his hand. "Like these two. I pay an additional 1000 life points to summon not one, but two Cryplify Monsters!"

"Oh no!" Erena gasped in horror, knowing where this is going.

"Oh yes!" Haze said with a wicked laugh. "So lets all welcome two Aethereal Cumulus!"

Haze LP: 6000

Suddenly, two additional monsters appeared. Both resembled a small cloud with a pair of wings and an adorable face. Both cloud-like creatures released an adorable squeak upon making their presence known.

[Aethereal Cumulus/Lv: 4/WIND/Fairy/X 2/ATK: 1200/ DEF: 1200]

"Huh?" Erena asked out of sheer confusion upon seeing the two clouds.

"AAAAWWWW!!!" Many of the spectators roared out upon seeing how cure the two clouds are.

"How adorable!" The commentator said. "If those two were real, I'd snag one of them."

"Bwahaha! You kidding me!? All of that set up for two winged cotton balls!?" Rainbow Dash said while laughing like a hyena.

"I would not underestimate them, skittles head!" Haze said with a wicked grin. "Now I activate their Cryplify abilities, equipping them to both my Kaminari Attacks!" Haze declared as both Aethereal Cumulus merged with the could that covered both Kaminari Attack copies, leaving only their adorable faces visible.

"Big deal!" Erena said defiantly.

"Oh, it's a very big deal, Honjou!" Haze retorted, making Erena worried again. "Now, I sacrifice both copies of Kaminari Attack and both copies of Arlethereal Cumulus to bring out not one, but two Prism Monsters!

"Wait! Two Prism Summons in one turn!" Dustin asked in total shock.

"Oh, this ain't good!" Applejack said with worry and fear.

"Get ready to feel the thunder, because a major storm is heading your way!" Haze declared, laughing wickedly as both of his monsters vanished in flashed of lightning. Soon after wards, lightning flashed, thunder roared and the winds picked up in intensity.

"Through the snow and sleet and hail... through the blizzard, through the gale! Through the wind and through the rain! Over mountain, over plain! Through the blinding lightning flash!" As Haze chanted, a lightning bolt flashed. "And the mighty thunder crash!" Another thunderbolt roars through the air, the sound of thunder soon followed. "Here they are, the fearsome two... nothing stops them; you are through!"

As the weather intensifies, a massive column of electricity appeared at Haze's right side while a massive tornado appeared on his left.

"Prism Summon! Bring on the storm, Level 10, 'Aethereal Raijin' and 'Aethereal Fujin!'" Haze finished as both the tornado and lightning colum dissipated, revealing two new figures. Both released a mighty battle cry to signify their might.

[Aethereal Raijin/Lv: 10/LIGHT/Fairy/ATK: 3500/ DEF: 3000]

[Aethereal Fujin/Lv: 10/WIND/Fairy/ATK: 3500/ DEF: 3000]

Erena just gasped in a combination of shock and horror upon seeing the two monsters that stood before her. Her friends could feel the same way.

"No way!" Sunset said, too much in shock upon seeing the two creatures.

"Never seen him use those before!" Dustin said, his worry for Erena was greater now. This was clearly not going to end well.

"Oh...oh my!" The commentator said, shaking a bit in fear upon seeing the two monsters. "This truly is a change of pace!"

"You're not the only one whose made some new adjustments to your Deck and skills. Just a few days prior, I managed to fashion myself a new Deck." Haze said, revealing in Erena's fear. "And if you think their scary now, just wait until they Attack. In fact, don't wait!"

"Oh crap!" Erena uttered, to shocked to move an inch.

"Raijin! Destroy Fancy HERO Valerie Winguard!" Haze declared as Raijin's hands sparkled with electricity. "THUNDER CLAP!"

With a clap of its hands, Raijin sent a barrage of lightning bolts at Valerie Winguard.

"Nice try! But you just trigger an effect Valerie Winguards has! Whenever she's targeted for an attack, I can switch her to Defense Mode!" Erena declared as Valerie Winguard got I to a kneeling position, just before the lightning struck her. "And as such, my life points remain untouched."

"But this next attack will do some damage!" Haze declared, but Erena smirked.

"But that's not all! Now I reveal my face down card! I also had a Trap set up." Erena then taps a button, revealing her set card. "Fancy Signal!"

'Shit!' Haze swore to himself, this time surprised

"Whenever a Fancy HERO I control is destroyed by battle and sent to the graveyard, I get to summon a Level 4 or lower Fancy HERO to take her place. And I know just the one!" Erena said as she picked the card needed from her Deck. "Fancy HERO Freya! Attack Mode!"

[Fancy HERO Freya/Lv: 4/EARTH/Warrior/ATK: 1500/ DEF: 1600]

"Impressive! But not good enough! Fujin, take Freya down!" Haze declared as Fujin took a deep inhale.

"What the Hell is he doing!?" Quicksilver asked.

"Haze, you idiot! Stop!" Nightingale called out, but her words met deaf ears!

"TYPHOON BREATH!" Haze roared out, and Haze followed his master's order by blowing huge gusts of wind, destroying Freya.

Erena LP: 6000

"What a shame." Haze said with a smirk.

"Big mistate, Haze!" Erena said, confusing Haze. "There's a reason why I placed Freya on the field. Specifically in attack mode. Because whenever she's destroyed by battle, any battle damage I take, my opponent takes the same amount of damage too!"

Haze gasped in shock as a transparent image of Freya appeared on the field. Freya drew her bow and fired an arrow at Haze, the arrow hitting directly his chest, making him groan in agony.

Haze LP: 4000

"HAZE, YOU BLOODY JACKASS!!!" Nightingale called out angrily.

"Haze just got played!" Rainbow said, laughing at seeing Haze's shocked expression.

"Talk about girl power!" Lemon Zest said with an impressed smile on her face.

"Tch! I end my turn!" Haze said with a growl.

"Ok. My turn!" Erena drew her next card. "I play Card of Sanctity. So now we both draw until we each have six cards." Erena declared as both Haze and Erena drew until their hands continued six cards. "Next, I activate the effect of Fancy HERO Charlemagne from my hand. Allowing me to send her from my hand to the graveyard, in order to add Fancy Tower from my Deck straight to my hand!" Erena said as she sent the monster to her graveyard and drew the needed card. "And while I'm at it, I'll play it right now!"

Erena placed the card into the Field Zone of her Duel Disk, causing the arena to change into a very familiar tower.

"And now with Fancy Tower on the field, I Special Summon Charlemagne onto the field! Come on out, Charlemagne!" Erena declared as the familiar heroine appeared onto the field.

[Fancy HERO Charlemagne/Lv: 6/EARTH/Warrior/ATK 2300/DEF: 1500]

"But why stop there? Next, I'll use Polly's effect again!"

Haze only growled in response, not liking where this was going.

"This time, I send both Fancy HERO Statica and Fancy HERO Marian from my hand!" Erena declared as Polly conjured the familiar purple vortex, and a bolt of electricity along with a stream of dark energy flew into the center of the vortex.

"I combine my electric heroine and my dark heroine to create a storm of pure darkness." Enera chanted as bolts of black-colored lightning shot down from the ether.

"Who!" Spike declared in awe.

"Oh...my!" Fluttershy uttered in her usual whispered tone.

Then, a blast of black electricity emerged from the portal before landing in front of Erena.

"Say hello to Fancy HERO Sandara Darkflash!" Erena declared as the electricity vanished, revealing the new monster.

[Fancy HERO Sandara Darkflash: 8/DARK/Warrior/ATK 2400/DEF: 2000]

"Well! This is certainly a shocking surprise!" The commentator said to the audience.

"Oh, I'm just getting started! Now, I boost the attack of all my monsters with this!" Erena declared as she revealed her next card. "Fancy Charge!"

"Fancy Charge!?" Haze asked, not liking where this was going.

"With this, every Fancy HERO monster I control gets a 200 attack boost for each of their level until the end of this turn." Erena declared as her monsters released sparks of electricity, their power rising.

(Fancy HERO Sandara Darkflash: 2400 - 4000)
(Fancy HERO Charlemagne: 2300 - 3500)
(Fancy HERO Polly: 1200 - 2000)

"Aw yeah!" Rainbow cheered. "Whoop his ass, Erena!"

"Go sis, go!" Dustin joined in on the cheering!

"Next I play the Spell Card, Effect Recycle!" Erena said, placing said card on the field.

Haze only released a "hmph" in response.

"And if you're wondering how it works, it card allows me to banish 1 card from either one of our graveyards once per turn, then I can activate the following effect based on the type of the banished card. If it was a monster, I can bring out a Recycle Token with the same stats, type, attribute and effects as that monster. But if it was a Spell or Trap Card, I can use its effects And I'll use it to banish your Pot of Greed, allowing me to add to more card.

Haze was taken a back, but he began to chuckle, confusing Erena and her friends.

"Quite impressive! But I'm afraid your efforts are meaningless!" Haze said, still chuckling.

"And what are you getting at?" Erena asked.

"If you must know, both Aethereal Raijin and Aethereal Fujin are immune to battle destruction." Haze smirked. "Even if you attacked with monster stronger than either one, they'll still get standing."

"Oh?" Erena asked with a smirk of her own. "Then it's a good thing I have this." Erena revealed her next card "Forbidden Doplet!"

This shocked Haze, and his other teammates.

"Oh shit!" Nightingale gasped in shock.

"Are you kidding me!?" Haze asked in a mix of shock and confusion.

"I'm afraid not. With this, I can send any number of other cards from my hand and/or field to the Graveyard, then choose the same number of Effect Monsters you control to have their effects negated and their attack points halved until the end of the turn!" Erena announced as both of Haze's monsters were covered in a purple aura.

(Aethereal Raijin: 3500 - 1750)
(Aethereal Fujin: 3500 - 1750)

"Crap!" Quicksilver said in total horror.

"Alright! Sadara Darkflash! First attack is yours!" Erena declared as Sadara raised her arm, forming a ball of dark electricity! "DARK SPARK STORM!" Erena declared as Sandara fired a series of dark electrical strikes at Raijin, making the monster roar out in agony before exploding.

Haze LP - 3550

"Polly, your turn! Make Fujin dissapear!" Erena declared as Polly raised her staff, sending Wave after wave of energy blasts at Fujin, shattering him to pieces.

Haze LP - 3300

"Charmelagne, attack Haze directly!" Erena declared as Charlemagne dead sprinted towards Haze, delivering a roundhouse kick to his midsection. Haze managed to keep his footing, but he growled.in a mix of pain and anger as his life points plummeted further.

Haze LP - 200

"YIPEE!" Pinkie declared with joy!

"Alright, onee-chan!" Emille cheered happily.

"Shit!" Nightingale uttered in shock. "Haze is down to 200 life points."

"Haze better think of something fast." Quicksilver said with worry. "He's pretty much getting his ass handed to him."

"And I'll just finish it from there." Erena said with a smirk visible on her face. "Better make your next move count, Haze. But if you want to forfeit, I won't judge."

(Fancy HERO Sandara Darkflash: 4000 - 2400)
(Fancy HERO Charlemagne: 3500 - 2300)
(Fancy HERO Polly: 2000 - 1200)

Haze just growled in response, but his sneer turned into a smirk.

'Smile while you can, Honjou!' Haze thought to himself. 'I may be in a bit of bind, but I will be the one who gets the last laugh!'

To be continued...