• Published 7th Apr 2020
  • 820 Views, 30 Comments

Apex ponies - Oaoadil

  • ...

Chapter 7

On the next day, everyone got up from their beds. All legends gathered together because Crypto called them to tell something.

"What happened?" asked Wattson.

"I bet that is just Crypto's paranoia," said Mirage.

"I am afraid not," said Crypto, making Mirage to yelp. "Those ponies entered our minds and saw our memories."

"But that's impossible," said Wraith.

"Wraith, we are in another world and we are ponies. If someone told me about it, I would just think that he is crazy," said Lifeline.

"So should be ready for an attack?" asked Bangalore.

"No. Not yet. Our goal is just to get home, now we need to meet them." Everyone agreed with the hacker and went to the main hall. Soon they were met by Princesses, Mane 6, and two new ponies.

"Good morning," said Twilight.

"Same to you, egghead," said Octane, making Twilight to glare at him. Rainbow Dash whispered to Pinkie:

"Hehe, I like him."

"Well, let me introduce yourself," said pink alicorn. "I am Princess Candance. That's my husband Shining Armor." She pointed to the blue unicorn, who said 'hello'. "So you are those humans, who stopped villains?"

"Yep, pretty much," said Mirage.

"So can you drag us back to our world?" asked Wraith.

"To be honest, we didn't have such situations before, but I think we can find something in our archives," said Celestia.

"Also, we have a request," said Caustic.

"Which one?" asked Luna. Revenant approached her and grabbed her neck. "If you will get in my head once more, I will personally kill you. Understand?" said Revenant. Luna nodded and the robot released her.

"How did you know that?" asked Rarity. Suddenly they heard a noise. They looked up and saw a drone.

"Oh, I remember. That thing was watching us yesterday," said Pinkie.

"Wait, you knew that this thing was watching us and you didn't say anything?" asked Applejack.

"I tried, but you said to me to be silent." Then the drone landed on Crypto's hoof. He placed it on his back.

"I am watching. I am always watching," said Crypto.

"I thought that you respect the personal space," said Wraith.

"Okay, we were watching your memories, but that was for good reason. We just wanted to be sure that you aren't a threat to my subjects," said Celestia.

"And now how much are we dangerous?" asked Bangalore.

"You seem to be friendly, except two of you," said Luna looking at Revenant and Caustic. "Anyway, you will be there, while we will searching for the spell that will bring you to your world." Everyone agreed and Legends went to the exit.

"Well, I should be on my farm," said Applejack.

"Yeah, I need to be in the bakery," said Pinkie. Soon everyone went on their businesses. Meanwhile, Legends split up and began wondering what they will do.


Bloodhound was walking in the Everfree forest and looking for her prey. Soon she found a creature with a scorpion tail, bat wings, and lion body. Manticore. She prepared her ax. Manticore sniffed the air and detected the huntress. Soon they were in front of each other. Manticore roared and charged at Bloodhound, but she dodged it and swang her ax to beast's paw. Manticore roared in pain and backed away, while Bloodhound took off and swang her ax onto the head. The beast fell to the ground. Dead.

"You fought, this makes you brave and no coward," she said.

"Oh, Celestia." Bloodhound turned around and saw Fluttershy. She was horrified by the death of manticore.

"Why did you kill him?"

"I am the hunter the gods have sent," answered Bloodhound.

"Are you enjoying the hunt?"

"Yes. I am hunting by Old Ways."

"I saw that your parents died. It was horrible."

"Yes, but Allfather guided me and I found Apex Games." Suddenly they heard the roar. Then they saw 4 timberwolves, who were approaching them. Bloodhound quickly turned on her Beast Mode.

"Calling upon nature's strength." Bloodhound's eyes became red and she charged at timberwolves. One of them jumped at huntress, only to be met by the ax in the face. Soon the same fate got another wolf. Two other wolves charged together, but Bloodhound dodged the first wolf, swang her ax, and hit another one. The last beast began circling around Bloodhound, waiting for the best moment to attack. Then the beast instantly jumped, Bloodhound was faster. She dodged the attack and swang her ax onto the wolf's head. The Beast Mode turned off and Bloodhound eyes became normal. She looked at Fluttershy, who was hiding behind her mane and shaking. Bloodhound approached her and said:

"You are safe now, get up." Fluttershy looked around and got up.

"Thanks, but still I don't appreciate the hunt," she said.

"I respect your choice. I don't have the right to judge," said Bloodhound. Then she headed to the forest leaving shy pony alone.


Gibraltar was walking and looking at the beautiful landscape. Soon he saw an apple farm. Then he saw Applejack, who was bucking the tree. He approached her and asked:

"Hi, what are you doing?" Applejack looked at him and answered:

"Oh hi. Nothing. Just harvest. Would you like to help?"

"Yes, what I need to do?"

"Do like this." Applejack bucked the tree and few apples fell to the ground. Gibraltar nodded and bucked the tree. Half of the apples fell to the ground.

"Oh, that was a good buck."

"Thanks." Suddenly the ball flew right into Gibraltar's head. He rubbed it and looked at the ball.

"Ugh, where is this ball?" asked filly looking around. Then she saw a ball and stallion, who was rubbing his head.

"Oh sorry," said filly. Gibraltar glared at her and pointed his hoof to her. Filly shrugged and feared. But then smiled and laughed.

"Haha, just kidding. I am not mad," he said. He picked up the ball and gave it to the filly.

"Thanks, my name is Dinky Hooves."


"Again sorry for this."

"No problem." Dinky waved to him and ran away. Applejack smiled.

"Wow, you are very kind, despite your appearance," she said.

"Yeah, so let's continue," said Gibraltar approaching the tree.


Lifeline was walking in the street, then suddenly bumped into someone.

"Oh sorry," she said. Then she saw nurse Redheart.

"Oh hi," said Lifeline.

"Oh you are Lifeline?" asked the nurse.


"I remember you. You with two other ponies helped us in hospital."

"Yes, I remember you too. But why are you asking?"

"I saw that you have a strange device that heals ponies, am I right?"

"Oh, that's D.O.C. Heal Drone. It injects the special liquid, which helps to heal wounds faster," explained Lifeline.

"It's very fascinating. Can you please tell us the recipe for this liquid?"

"Of course, but I need a lab."

"No worries, we have a lab in the hospital. Come with me." With those words, both mares headed to the hospital. Soon they entered the hospital. They approached the lab.

"Now I need ingredients," said Lifeline. She wrote something on the paper and gave it to the nurse. She read it and nodded. After a few minutes, she came back with all ingredients.

"Now, it's cook time!" With those words, Lifeline began showing to Redheart the process of cooking.


"Here I go!" shouted Pathfinder using his hook. Soon he landed near the Sugarcube. Suddenly Octane and then Rainbow Dash appeared.

"Hahaha, nice try turtle!" shouted Octane. Rainbow Dash glared at him.

"Wow, you really overran Rainbow Dash!" shouted Spitfire.

"I want a revanche!"

"Okay. Ready, set go!" With those words, Octane and Rainbow Dash ran away, while Spitfire was following them. Suddenly Pinkie Pie appeared from nowhere.


"Hi," said Path.

"What are you doing here?"

"Nothing, just trying to get friends."

"Cool. Would you like to be my friend?"

"Yes. High five." Both slapped their hooves.

"Can you help me with baking?"

"Okay, what I need to do?"

"I will show you." Soon Pinkie showed to Pathfinder how to cook cakes, cupcakes, etc. Suddenly they heard something fell on the second floor.

"Oh no!"

"What happened?"

"Oh it's Cake twins, they escaped again. We need to catch them!" Pathfinder nodded and followed Pinkie. Then they saw little pegasus and little unicorn. They were playing around: pegasus was flying, while unicorn was using his magic.

"Catch them!" shouted Pinkie.


Wraith was walking in the castle and looking around.

"Hi." She turned around and saw unicorn.

"Hi," said Wraith.

"I am Starlight Glimmer. I am Twilight Sparkle's best student."

"I am Wraith. Interdimensional Skirmisher."

"Wow, you can go into other dimensions?"

"Yeah, something like that."

"Wow, how it feels?"

"Well, you know which consequences will be because of your actions and you choose the correct one."


"For example, in this dimension, I talk to you, while in another dimension I maybe just ignore you. Understand?"

Yeah, I understand." Suddenly they heard a small explosion.

"That's not Trixie!" someone shouted.

"I know that's you!" shouted back Starlight.

"What was that?"

"It's just my student. Trixie. She is sometimes very selfish and stupid. We need to reach her before-"

"Let's go," said Wraith opening the portal.

"What the- Agh!" Wraith pushed Starlight in the portal. Meanwhile, in the classroom, Trixie tried to find a correct spell. Suddenly the raft opened and revealed Starlight with Wraith.

"Ouch, next time please, warn me before this, okay?"

"Okay." Trixie was looking at them with surprise.

"What was that?"

"That was a portal, my name is Wraith."

"I am a Great and Powerful Trixie!"

"Just call her Trixie," said Starlight.


"Anyway, what did you do?"

"Trixie only wanted to cook some spell, but she mixed up some ingredients," said the unicorn. Wraith looked at Trixie and asked Starlight.

"Is she always talking about herself in the third person?"

"Yeah, sometimes it's really annoying," answered Starlight. "Okay, let me look at this." She looked at the book and her eyes widened.

"Are you out of your mind? Did you know that it's very dangerous to mix up those ingredients? You are lucky that it was the only explosion!"

"Calm down. We will just make it again, but there is one problem." She pointed to two bottles with burned notes, which showed titles before. "Trixie doesn't remember which one is correct."

"Okay, we will move to another-" Suddenly Wraith went into the void. Both ponies were surprised. After few seconds Wraith came back and pointed to the left bottle.

"That's correct bottle."

"Are you sure?"


"Okay, let's check." With those words, Trixie and Starlight began making the spell. Soon it was ready. Starlight was shocked and surprised. She turned to Wraith and asked:

"How did you know that?"

"I just was in other dimensions and saw what will happen if you will pick up one of the bottles."

"But what would happened if I chose another one?"

"Just another explosion and looong cleaning." Both ponies were astonished by this.

"You can see the future!?" asked Trixie.

"No, just see other dimensions," answered Wraith.

"Step right" said the voice. Wraith quickly jumped right.

"What happe-" Trixie didn't end her sentence because the large rock came from the window and landed on the spot where Wraith was standing before.

"Sorry! It was Cake Twins!" shouted Pinkie.

"Here I go!" shouted Pathfinder. Trixie and Starlight looked at Wraith, who said to them:

"Voice in the head." With those words, she disappeared with sparkles.


Bangalore was walking in the castle and looking around. Suddenly she heard:

"Hey hello." She turned around and saw Shining Armor.

"Hi, what do you want?"

"Well, I heard that you are a soldier, am I right?"

"Sergeant First Class Anita Williams 40138416. Call sign: Bangalore," said the soldier.

"Okay, but I just wanted to ask you something."

"What exactly?"

"Can you show me some tricks which you learned in the army? I am the commander of the Crystal Empire army."

"Hmm, okay. Follow me, cadet."

"Hey, don't demote me. I have a higher rank."

"But I am training you. That means I am the commander now," said Bangalore. Shining Armor sighed and gave up. Soon they were outside the castle.

"Now lady. Run 10 circles around the castle."

"I am not a lady!"

"15 circles."

"Ugh." With those words, Shining Armor began running around the castle. After the 10th circle, he was exhausted and fell to the ground.

"Not bad for a cadet." Shining Armor glared at her.

"Now 10 push-ups, soldier!"

"What? But I am so exhausted!"


"Ugh!" Shining Armor began pushing up. Soon he fell to the ground.

"Phew, that was very hard. Thankfully, it's over."

"No. It was only warm-up. Now the real training began!"

"Uuugh!" Meanwhile, guards and Candence were watching them and tried to not laugh.

"Hehe, it will be very good for his body," said Princess.


Mirage was wondering what he will do. Suddenly he saw a bar with a sign "The Prancing Show-Pony". He smiled and entered the building. Everyone turned at him.

"Hey everyone. How are you doing?" All ponies were surprised to see alicorn stallion. Soon Mirage approached the counter and saw bartender. She looked at him and said:

"Hm, didn't think that I will saw an alicorn stallion someday. BTW, my name is Rum Run," said mare.

"Name's Mirage. No worries," he said, making the decoy, which surprised ponies. Decoy winked to Rum Run, who just rolled his eyes.

"What do you want?"

"The glass of whiskey." Rum Run grabbed the bottle and poured the liquid in the glass. Mirage quickly drank it.

"It will be 10 bits," said Rum Run. Mirage smiled and said:

"Well, will you make an exception for handsome like me?" Rum Run narrowed her eyes and said:

"Pay or I-"

"Oh watch the time, I need to go. Bye." With those words, Mirage kissed Rum Run in her lips and activated his Vanishing Act. Rum Run looked at copies of Mirage who began running in all directions. She grabbed her knife and began stabbing decoys. Meanwhile, Mirage was watching her and said:

"This was just a lovely time. Thank you for this." With those words, he ran to the castle.


Caustic headed to the library and opened the door. Then he began searching for the chemistry book.

"Looking for something?" Caustic turned his head and saw a purple dragon.

"Yes, I am looking for a chemistry book," answered Caustic. Spike approached one bookshelf and picked up the book, which he passed to Caustic.


"No problem." Caustic began reading the book. The chemistry there was very primitive. '3-aged child level' he thought. He put the book on the table and then saw a quill with paper. He thought a little, grabbed the quill, and began writing something. Soon when he ended, Twilight entered the library and saw a scientist, writing something on the paper. She approached him and asked:

"What are you writing?"

"Just want to see some progress in this place," said Caustic. He gave to Twilight papers and she began looking at them. She was astonished by this information. There were many reactions, formulas, and elements, which nopony knew before.

"Wow, your race is very clever," she said.

"I've noted your appreciation," said Caustic.

"Can I ask you something?"


"I saw what happened to that girl. That's why you did that to Gilda, yeah?" Caustic just murmured something, which Twilight took as yes.

"But as I saw, you are very patient and cold. Why did you suddenly become so angry?"

"How would you feel, if you got stuck in another world and be transformed into one of the species?" Twilight thought about this. She remembered her adventure in the human world and she was very nervous because of it.


"Hmm, judging your tone, you were in another dimension before. Am I right?" Twilight said 'yes' and told Caustic about her adventures in the human world.

"So you were in our world?"

"Not exactly. That world is less developed that your world."

"Hmm, I will take into consideration."


Octane was running and wondering what he will do. Suddenly he bumped into someone.

"Eyes on the road!" shouted someone. Octane looked at the pony. It was a yellow mare.

"Sorry chica. Didn't see you," said Octane jumping in his hind hooves. Mare rubbed her head and saw Octane's prostheses.

"Wow, what happened with your hind hooves?"

"Just Gauntlet,"

"What is Gauntlet means?"

"Watch me." Octane threw the grenade and ran. Blastwave sent him flying into the sky. Then he ran on the wall, pulled out the shotgun and shot one bird. Then he jumped and began running on another wall. He shot another bird. Then he injected the stim and began running and jumping on the roofs of houses. He shot another bird and then threw the grenade. It exploded and sent him flying right into the castle. He landed on the balcony, where Caustic and Twilight were talking about chemistry. They looked at daredevil and Twilight asked:

"What in tarnation was that?"

"Gauntlet. Only 12 seconds! Awesome!" shouted Octane. Caustic whispered to Twilight:

"His brain was blown up before his legs." Twilight understood the hint and nodded. Soon Spitfire landed on the balcony.

"That was very cool! You did it very fast. I think that you fly as fast as Rainbow Dash."

"Actually he beat her," said Twilight.

"Really?" asked Spitfire. She was surprised. Suddenly Rainbow Dash landed.

"What in tarnation was that?"

"That was Gauntlet!" shouted Octane. Then Spitfire asked:

"Rainbow, is that true that this pony could overrun you?" Rainbow Dash said:

"Of course not. We were at the same speed."

"Haha, you just don't want to admit defeat," said Octane.

"Okay, how about race. Who will run first to the Sugarcube Corner, s/he will be the winner."

"Deal! Ready! Set! Go!" With those words, both ran in Ponyville. Spitfire was shocked to see that Octane was keeping up with Rainbow Dash on his hind hooves.

"Wow, he is really fast." Then she followed them.


Wattson was walking in the streets and looking around. She was watching how her friends are having fun: Bloodhound was talking with Fluttershy, Gibraltar was helping to Applejack, Lifeline was talking to nurse Redheart, Pathfinder was baking with Pinkie, Bangalore was training Shining Armor, Mirage was entering the bar, Caustic was discussing something with Twilight, Wraith was walking in the streets, Octane was racing with Rainbow Dash, Crypto was talking with Scootaloo and Revenant was helping to Rarity with gems. The last one surprised Wattson mostly. She was very happy with all her family. Since her dad passed out she was in a deep depression. Then all Legends, even Dr. Caustic, cheered her up. She understood that her family was there. On Apex Games. Suddenly she came up with a question. Why did they need to come back, if they can live there? But then she realized that some legends had families about which they cared. She sighed and decided to come back. She just was a little fed up with those games. Suddenly she heard:

"About what are you thinking?" Wattson turned around and saw Luna.

"Ow, nothing...I think you know that it was a hard time when my papa passed out."

"Yes, I know that it's painful to lose somepony who is dear to you."

"Thanks for this." Luna nodded.


Crypto was watching ponies through his drone, while he was hiding on the tree. He saw Mrs. Cake talking with her husband, while Pinkie and Pathfinder tried to catch children. Then he saw Octane and Spitfire who were racing. Suddenly someone said:

"What are you doing?" He looked down and saw orange filly with wings.

"Nothing," answered Crypto, grabbing his drone. Filly saw it and said:

"Wow, what is this thing?"

"Drone." Crypto headed to the town to find another spot. But filly didn't leave him.

"My name is Scootaloo. Remember me? I met you in the forest with your friends."

"I know. I want to be alone."

"Oh c'mon, don't be so shy."

"Didn't your parents tell you that it's bad to irritate people?"

"I-i don't have parents." Crypto stood on his tracks and turned to her. Scootaloo began sobbing, but Crypto put a hoof on her shoulder and said:

"I know how it feels. I didn't have parents too, but then one woman adopted me and my foster sister Mila. We were very happy. But one day, one organization killed my sister and blamed me for this. I changed my identity to Crypto." Scootaloo was shocked by Crypto's past. That was explaining why he was very secretive.

"Sorry, I didn't know."

"No worries."

"But what is your real name?"

"Tae Joon Park. But don't tell anyone."

"No worries. I won't tell anyone if even I want. Because you have a name with difficult spelling. No offense," said Scootaloo. Crypto just smiled and headed to the town.


Revenant was bored. He was walking in the streets, trying to find something interesting. Soon he was on the outskirts of the town, where he met Rarity with bags. She saw him and said:

"Oh hi, Revenant. How are you?"

"Bored. Where are you going?"

"Oh, I just need some jewelry for my clothes. Would you like to join?"

"Hmm, okay. But just because I have nothing to do," answered Revenant. Soon they were on the clear field. Rarity pulled out the shovel and began digging. Meanwhile Revenant was watching her.



"You are fashionable snob, but you digging the ground."

"First of all, I am not a snob. Second of all, here. Help me." Rarity gave to Revenant the shovel. He looked at it and just put it on the ground.

"Hey, are you not gonna help to the lady?"


"You are such ruffian!"

"I hoped you know the reason why I am so rude. Because you saw my memory."

"Most of your memory I didn't watch because all you did was murdering somepony."

"Someone, correctly. Do you know that I was a meatbag like you?" Rarity was surprised. 'He wasn't the robot before?' she thought.

"I was working in Syndicate. Most of my victims were ordered by Hammond Robotics. When I was nearly dead, my tenants always revived me. But I didn't know that they did this to me." He lifted his hoof.

"Hey, that's our spot!" Both ponies turned around and saw a trio of dogs.

"Who are these meatbags?"

"That are Diamond Dogs. They are called like that because they like collecting gems, mostly diamonds" said Rarity.

"Hey, who did you call a meatbag, tin can?" said another dog.

"I will count to three. If you won't run, you will die." Dogs laughed.


"Listen, that's our spot there.."


"..if you won't leave, we will make you do this."

"3." Revenant got up on his hind hooves and revealed his hand-knife.

"What the-" That was the last words that came out of the dog's mouth before Revenant pierced him. The corpse fell to the ground, while two other dogs were in shock. Revenant grabbed the dog's head and twisted it on 1800. The loud crack was heard. The last dog charged at the pony, but Revenant just grabbed his neck.

"Wait! Don't kill him!" shouted Rarity. Revenant turned to her and said:

"They made me a killing machine. Who am I to argue with programming?" With those words, he broke the dog's neck by squeezing it. Revenant looked at the pit and saw many gems. He grabbed the bag and put them all in it.

"Here your precious gems. Now let's get back to town," said Revenant heading to the town. Rarity put shovels in the bag and picked up gems. Now she was terrified and scared because of Revenant. Was he really so violent before or something happened to him in the past so he began killing everypony?

Castle of Friendship

All Legends gathered around and began telling each other about their today adventures. Soon they headed to their rooms, while Main 6 with CMC and Princesses were talking about them.

"..then she just jumped right and the rock landed on the spot where she was standing before," told Starlight to others who were astonished by this.

"So now we know that everypony of them has special abilities, but we need to study them more," said Celestia.

"I hope you remember what I told your sister this afternoon." Everyone yelped and saw Revenant. He made a gesture 'I watching you' and disappeared. Everyone was still surprised.