> Apex ponies > by Oaoadil > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Arrival > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Liberation from the IMC brought chaos in the Outlands. One man took the opportunity and revived the blood sport, Apex Legends. Legends from the all places of Outlands came here for own reasons. Outside the ring they are celebrities, but inside they are equal. There is a principle. They killed you - they are better, you killed them - you are better. The world's edge The drop ship was flying through the storm. The aim of the ship is dropping legends on the map. After the year of existence, the quantity of the legends expanded from 8 to 12. "The same day on the same map." said Mirage, the holographic trickster, the master of deception. Suddenly, the thunder hit the ship and everyone began looking around. "What was that ?" asked Mirage. "Chill out guys. You all know that this is usual anomaly for this planet". said Lifeline, combat medic. "It is very strange. I looked at the forecast and this supposed to be without the storm." said Crypto, surveillance expert. "I am not good at the weather prediction, so i don't care about it at all". said Caustic, toxic trapper. "Of course, you don't care, you are sociopath." said Bangalore, professional soldier. "I am not concern yourself with the ambitions of the insects". "Gods are trying to say us something." said Bloodhound, technological tracker. I think that means the victory will be our." said Pathfinder, forward scout. "I hope that there will be thunders hitting the ground everywhere, that will be awesome." said Octane, high-speed daredevil. "I don't think that it is awesome when high voltage bolt hit you." said Wattson, static defender. "Ugh, weak meatbags, at least you are very good at protecting me from bullets." said Revenant, synthetic nightmare. "Alright guys, calm down, don't argue because of storm." said Gibraltar, shielded fortress. "Gibraltar right, calm down." said Wraith, interdimensional skirmisher. Suddenly he felt something, her voice said that something will happen soon. "I think we have a problem". "What is the problem, Wraith? That voice in your head finally disappeared." said Mirage. "No, it said me that something will happen with all of us." Everyone looked at each other. They knew that Wraith has voices in the head and sometimes she can see future. BOOM Ship began shaking and suddenly the bright light appeared. Equestria. The princess castle Celestia suddenly woke and screamed. Guards quickly entered the room and began searching for the enemy. Luna ran to sister, hugged her and asked: "What happened?" "Oh, just a nightmare. No worries." Luna hugged Celestia again, but The princess of sun suddenly felt something. "Luna, i have a bad feeling." BOOM The thunder hit the ground in Everfree Forest. Both princesses saw that and Luna said: "Guards". "Yes, princess." "Send soldiers to the forest and search there for something unusual." Guards were a little bit confused because Everfree forest is always unusual. But they didn't want to argue with princess and they quickly disappeared. "What do you think we will find?" "I don't know, but i am sure that it may be a threat." In Everfree forest The yellow stallion in mechanical suit moaned and rubbed his head. "What happened last night?" Suddenly he felt something different. He quickly approached a puddle and looked at yourself. "What the hell i am freaking horse with a horn now, how am i suppose to show yourself in public?" He grabbed his head and tried to calm himself. "Alright Mirage, now you are a horse and you must about getting the hell out of this place." He looked at his surroundings and saw that he was in the forest. He felt something in his pocket and saw that it was his Wingman. "At least, i can protect yourself." thought Mirage. He placed his pistol on the belt and went to random direction. > Chapter 2: Meet the Legends > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a warm morning. Mirage was walking through the forest trying to find the city, if there was one at least. Suddenly he felt that someone is watching on him. He quickly disappeared in trees. "How do you think girls who is this pony in strange clothes?" asked Apple Bloom. "No idea". said Scootaloo. "Maybe we should talk to him?" said Sweetie Belle. "No, what if he is dangerous, i think we just need to follow him." With that words the CMC continued chasing the strange unicorn. Then they came out to the river where they saw a unicorn sitting on the log. "What do you think he's doing?" "He's just sitting there." Suddenly they felt that they were pushed to the ground. When they opened eyes they saw three changelings. "Well, well, well, what we have here. Three little fillies walking alone in the forest. Didn't your mother said not to go to the forest alone?" "We aren't alone." Suddenly changeling felt hoof on his shoulder. Another changeling pointed to the pony on the log. "Hey you, come here." said changeling, but pony didn't even move. Third changeling approached the pony and hit him. But his hoof went through the pony and unicorn disappeared with sparks. "What the he-" suddenly the loud shot interrupted him. He looked to his brothers and one of them fell to the ground with the small hole in his head. Then he saw unicorn holding the strange thing to his brother's head. "Sorry, did i confuse you?" Changeling near the log threw the knife into the unicorn but it went through him and hit the tree, while unicorn disappeared with sparks. "Wha-" he was cut off by the shot in his head. He fell to the ground with the hole in his skull. The last changeling was scared by this disappearing pony with the strange thing that killed his brothers. Suddenly he felt someone pointed his shoulder. He turned around and was met by the hoof into his face. "You was bamboozled!" said Mirage. He looked to three fillies that had their mouth open. They were surprised by the fact that this pony can make clones. "That was awesome!" shouted Scootaloo. "How did you do that?" asked Sweetie Belle. "Can you teach us that trick?" "Wow, wow girls calm down. I have a few questions. First, why are you were spying on me?" "We saw you, while we were walking and we were interested in you and your costume." "Second, who is these freaks?" unicorn pointed to unconscious changeling. "These are changelings. They are feeding by love and blood. They also can disguise as any pony." "Third, where is the nearest city and where am i?" "You are in Equestria and the nearest city is Ponyville." fillies pointed to the direction to the city. "Fourth, did you ever see a human?" CMC collectively shook their heads. Alright, i am stuck in place called Equestria and there is no humans. Hmm, interesting what others are doing now? Suddenly four ponies heard a crunch. And shadows jumped from the bushes and surrounded CMC and Mirage. When Mirage took a look at them, he firstly looked quizzed but then he smiled and said: "Ha ha guys, where you were? You missed all fun." "Mirage! What are you doing here? And can you explain us where are we?" "Alright, let uncle Mirage explain everything. We somehow ended up in place called "Equestria" and there is no humans and now we are ponies. We should the way out of here. But i found these fillies and that freaks called "changelings" that can disguise yourself as any pony here. But i heroically showed up and saved everyone. I am hero. Don't thank me." All ponies looked at each other in confused. Now they are ponies and they definitely not in Outlands. "Alright, what we will do with them?" violet alicorn pointed her hoof to the fillies. They cuddled to each other scared that these ponies will hurt them. Sweetie Belle began crying silently. Mirage saw that and looked to the alicorn. "Good job, Wraith. Look what you did. You make little children cry." Mirage quickly approached Sweetie and pet her. "Shhh, don't cry. Uncle Mirage will take care of you and don't take offense at aunt Wraith. She's just having a problem with trusting to others." Wraith just rolled her eyes. White alicorn approached fillies and said: "Calm down, kids. We won't hurt you. Can you say us where is city?" "City is there". Mirage pointed to the direction. "Where is your family?" "There is my sister's farm nearby. We can walk by yourself." "No, it's very dangerous we will take you home." "Ugh, they said that they can come back by yourself. Why we need wasting time on these ponies?" said green unicorn in mask "Caustic, we can't leave them alone." "Why? We can. We can also get rid of them." said red earth pony made of metal. "I will do it with pleasure." pony chuckled evilly. That terrified CMC. Now their fates were in the hooves of these strange ponies. But they calmed down when they saw that most of them decided not to kill them. "Alright, let's go." "No, i don't want to walk with these fillies." said Caustic. "Alright, i found compromise. Who want to walk with me and Lifeline lift their han- i mean hooves to the air. Both of them lifted their hooves. After that 6 ponies decided to take fillies to home, while other 6 was heading to the city "Ponyville". But before they separated fillies shouted. "Wait, we didn't even introduced yourselves. I am Apple Bloom, there is my friends Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. But together we are- CUTIE MARKS CRUSADERS" shouted three ponies in unison. "What mean cutie mark?" asked brown earth stallion in the armor. "Cutie mark is a sign on the flank that represents your special talent. We don't have them and one bully always make a fun of it." All Legends looked at their flanks and found their Cutie marks. "So what's your names?" "I am Bloth Hoondr. But you can call me Bloodhound." said a mare Pegasus with a black tale in the costume that covered her entire body so that difficult to said what colour was the fur. "I am Gibraltar." said a brown earth stallion with black mane and tale which height was the same as Big Mac's height. "I am Lifeline, i am medic." said white mare alicorn with blue mane and tale "Hi, i am Pathfinder. Can we be friends? said metallic blue earth stallion with one big eye. "Of course, we are friends." "Cool!" "I am Wraith." said violet alicorn mare with white mane and tale. "Sergeant Williams, but you can call me Bangalore." said orange mare pegasus with yellow mane and tail. "Caustic" said toxic green unicorn stallion with grey mane and tail. "I am Mirage. I am in every girl's dream." said a yellow stallion with horn & brown mane and tail. "What is there ?" asked Scootaloo pointing to the zippers on the Mirage's costume. "I don't know." Mirage unzipped both of them and from them two large wings appeared. Everyone looked at Mirage with a surprise, while the CMC looked at the stallion with shock and amazement. Mirage noticed that and asked: "What? Lifeline and Wraith also have horn and wings. Why are you looking at me like that?" "Well there are 4 species of ponies. Unicorn, Pegasus, Earth pony and Alicorn. Earth pony is a usual pony. Unicorn is a pony with horn. Pegasus is a pony with wings. Alicorn has both of them. But..." "But what?" "We have never seen a stallion alicorn. We have only seen a mare alicorn." "Why is that?" "Well the quantity of mares is bigger than the quantity of stallions." "How much?" "10:1" Mirage's jaw dropped. "Whoho, i am famous and there are a lot of women around. Best day ever!" The CMC blinked at Mirage's reaction. "Hey, my name is Octane, the fastest man in the world." "Not fast as Rainbow Dash. She's the fastest Pegasus in Equestria." "Oh yeah, the challenge." said light green Pegasus stallion with black mane and tail. He quickly got up on his hind hooves. The CMC's eyes widened when they saw his legs. Metallic legs. "Oh sweet Celestia, what happened to your legs?" "Oh, that's a long story. I don't have time and interest to tell it." said Octane running on the spot. "My name is Wattson." said blue Unicorn mare with yellow mane and tail. "Crypto" said white Unicorn stallion with green mane and tail. "I am Revenant" said red earth stallion made of metal. "Wow, are you two robots?" asked Apple Bloom pointing to Revenant and Pathfinder. "Yes". "That's so cool!" "Alright we introduced each other now let's go." "Agree" said Caustic who was annoyed by this conversation. Gibraltar, Lifeline, Mirage, Pathfinder, Wattson, Bangalore went to take home fillies; while Bloodhound, Wraith, Caustic, Octane, Crypto and Revenant went to the city. > Chapter 3: Mirage's group > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 Legends were heading to the farm. When they came out of the forest, they saw fields with apple trees. "No offense, but your sister is addicted to apples." "Yeah, a little bit. Well, let's go." 9 ponies approached the barn where 3 ponies were standing. "Alright, I will go check ponyville, Granny Smith will check a farm, Big Mac will check their tree hou-" She shut her mouth and looked at 6 ponies who were walking with 6 other ponies. "Apple Bloom! Where you were? I thought that something happened to you." shouted Applejack hugging her sister. "Sorry, Applejack. I was walking around with Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. Then we met them." she pointed to other ponies. "I think you aren't from this place, yeah?" "Yeah, we are from another place," said Wattson. "So what're your names?" "That is Gibraltar, Lifeline, Pathfinder, Bangalore, Wattson." said Mirage." And I am Mirage". He quickly makes his show off position with his wings. "Wow, you are alicorn?" said Applejack. "Yes, I am," said Mirage. "So do you have any food? I am a little bit hungry." "Yes, of course. Come in." All ponies came into the house and sat down at the table. There was apple pie, water, eggs, and pancakes. "Mmm. Smells good," said Lifeline. "Oh, thanks to Mrs..." "Lifeline" "It is a very unusual name." "To be honest, it is not my name. I got that name when I was working as a volunteer to help injured people." "Oh, so your names are not real too I suppose," said Granny Smith. "No, Gibraltar is my surname." "You know why I was called Mirage. Because I am a master of deception." With these words, he pointed to the door and another him ran to the door. Everyone (except Legends) was surprised by this. "Yeah, bad guys think that he got me, but when they will realize they were wrong it will be too late." "So you are fooling enemies with your phantoms?" "Holograms". "Ahm, I have a question," said Big Mac. "What is your question?" "This guy is made of metal?" Big Mac pointed to Pathfinder. "Yeah, actually I am not a pony, I am a robot." "Wow, can you shoot lasers from your eye?" asked Scootaloo. "No, but I have a hook. Let's go outside and I will demonstrate it." Everybody nodded. All came out of the house and stood. "Watch". Path quickly pointed to the roof and from his hoof, his famous hook appeared. When the hook grabbed the roof, Path went up to the roof. "Wow, that's awesome." "Let me show you something," said Wattson. He placed her robot and it began spinning his head. "And what?" "Throw something to it". Applejack grabbed the rock and threw it to the device. Suddenly the thunder appeared from the robot and hit the rock. After that rock became a pile of ashes. "Ow, so it protects you from rocks." "Not only rocks. It can destroy bombs, grenades and something like that. "So what you can?" asked Applejack. "I am a professional soldier," said Bangalore. "I am a member of SARAS," said Gibraltar. "What is SARAS?" "It's an organization that provides the opportunity to help others. We are like heroes, who come to save someone." "Wow, it is cool." "Yeah, so Mrs. Applejack what are you usually doing on the farm?" "Oh, it is simple. I grow apples and sell them." "Mr. Mirage can I ask you something?" "Of course, what is your question?" "You said that Mrs. Wraith had a problem with trusting to others, why?" "Wait, who is Wraith, you aren't alone?" "No, actually there are also 6 our friends who headed to the Ponyville." "So, let's go and check them. Also on the way we can pick up Fluttershy." "Fluttershy?" "Yes, she's a pegasus and takes care of animals." "Alright, let's go." All 12 ponies headed to the Fluttershy's cottage. After a few minutes of walking, they approached the cottage. "Fluttershy, are you here? We have new ponies here." "I am coming." Soon the door was opened by Pegasus mare with light pink mane and tail. "Oh, good morning. I am Fluttershy. And who are yo-" Fluttershy stood silent and her attention was focused on Mirage, actually on his horn and wings." "Are you an alicorn?" "Yeah, I am an alicorn and standing in front of you. said Mirage with a smile. "I didn't see the alicorn stallion at all. I am sure Twilight will be interested in you." "Oh, of course, there is no wom- I mean mare who won't accept the date with me." The blush appeared on Fluttershy's face. "Ugh, so what're your names?" "Gibraltar, Lifeline, Pathfinder, Bangalore, Mirage, and Wattson," said Applejack pointing to the legends. "You have unusual names." "Yeah, we had already heard that." "Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to offend you." "No worries." "So are you going to Ponyville." "Yes, they have 6 other friends who were heading to the city." "Oh, it is very unique. I don't remember when having so many guests in one day." "So, are going to join to u-" Gibraltar stopped because he felt something punching his hoof. He looked down to see the little rabbit. "Angel, don't attack guests. Sorry, he always very suspicious of strangers." "No worries, it doesn't bother me." Fluttershy picked her rabbit and took him home. When she came back, she closed her door and said: "I am ready." "Alright, let's go." After 15 minutes of walking the group approached the bridge from where they could get a good view of Ponyville. There were colorful horses, ponies, and other stuff. Cough The group turned left to see pony wearing a chemical protection suit sitting on the branch. "Hey, Caustic. What are you doing here?" Applejack was confused about the unicorn's name. "I just need to be alone to concentrate." He put his hooves to his temples. His horn quickly was occupied by the toxic green aura and the apple in front of Caustic was lifted to the air. "Wow, dude when did you learn it?" "If my calculations are correct, in this the magic exists." "You told this like you didn't even know about the magic." "You are right actually, we don't know about the magic at all. We also can't fly with wings." Applejack's family's and CMC's jaws dropped. These ponies didn't know about magic and they couldn't fly. It is surprised by them. "It is very strange, especially for you, Mirage. Because alicorns the most powerful species in magic." "So, will you teach us?" said Caustic who was standing in front of the group. "No, earth ponies can't use magic, because we don't have a horn. But Twilight can teach you. She's alicorn too." "So who are these?" Caustic pointed to the Fluttershy and Applejack's family. "It is Fluttershy, Applejack, Granny Smith and Big Mac." "Good afternoon" "Sup." "Hi." "Ahm, good afternoon. It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Caustic" said Fluttershy. Caustic was uninterested in all ponies except Fluttershy. She was kind, shy and weak. That reminds him of one girl she met when he was hiding from the police. She was like Fluttershy. He was living in a small flat and that girl's family was living on the same floor. Every day she was leaving for school and always greeted him. It was giving a strange feeling he didn't feel very long. But as he always said, in the end, everything dies." Her father was working on the cartel and he got caught on stealing the cocaine. The leader of a cartel with his mercenaries came to the flat and killed them. The girl was hiding behind the door. She came out of her shelter and began approaching the door. Suddenly one mercenary caught her. The leader looked at her with a smile and offered the choice: die or become his daughter. She chose 1 option. The leader took his pistol and shot the girl into the face. When Caustic saw it through the peephole, something clicked inside him. And then he became furious. He grabbed his pistol and his gas grenade. He kicked the door and threw the grenade to the floor. Soon the whole floor was filled with his gas. Most of the mercenaries died, but some of them managed to get up. Caustic instantly killed them and then he saw the leader. He was still alive. Caustic grabbed him by his neck. "Who are you? What do you want?" "You killed the child." With those words, Caustic disconnected the hose from his chest and pointed it to the leader's face. The green gas appeared from the hose and the leader began coughing with blood. Soon after a few, he died. Died painfully. After that, he approached the girl and closed her eyes. "Sleep well." He grabbed all his stuff from his flat and moved into another apartment. "Hey, Caustic are you alright?" These words cut off Caustic's thinking. "Yes, I am fine. Let's just find others." "Get out the way!" someone screamed behind the group. It was a griffin. "Hi, Glida. It's nice to see-" "I don't care about what you are thinking. Let me pass." "You know you could ask politely," said Apple Bloom. "Shut up, talentless pony." These words painfully hurt Apple Bloom and she could feel tears in her eyes. "Hey, you chicken don't talk to her like that." "Agh, great more freaks in town. Shut up and fuck off." "Glida, I probably told you last time to be more polite." Glida didn't answer. She came closer to Fluttershy and pushed her to the ground. Everyone gasped. Only Caustic didn't move. That was the same situation as many years ago. He instantly was filled with fury. He grabbed griffin by her neck. "Hey, let me go." "You will be begging for a fast death." With these words, he disconnected the hose on his costume and directed it to the Glida's face. The green gas shot griffin's nose and after 2 seconds she began coughing. Caustic released her and connected the hose back to his costume. After 3 seconds she began coughing up blood. After 5 seconds he coughed up her lung, then other organs. After that, she died. Everyone was in shock, especially Fluttershy. Of course, Glida was very rude, but she didn't deserve it. "You, you killed her." "Yes. Let's go. We need to find others." "What you just killed Glida and you didn't even feel any regre-" Applejack was interrupted by Lifeline who placed her hoof to the farm horse's mouth. "Don't even try to awake any feelings in him. He is a sociopath. He doesn't think about other's feelings." "But she just killed someone like he was doing it before." "You want the truth. I will give you the truth. All of us are killers. We all blood on our hooves. Even Lifeline." That shocked Applejack's family, CMC, and Fluttershy. "Is it true?" Lifeline sighed and said: "Yeah we are all murderers. But you know what, one man said to me that sometimes we need to do things that we don't want to do, but we should do it to protect everyone you love and care." "I understand you," said Fluttershy. "You didn't want to do this, but you needed." "Alright, let's just get out of there before someone notices corpse," said Gibraltar. After that, the group was heading to the town without any noise. Applejack and her family were still in shock because of the murder. She approached Fluttershy and whispered to her: "We should be ready to fight. These ponies are very dangerous. I don't think that they were killed because of not having a choice." "Applejack, I trust them. Of course, firstly they are looking like they are enjoying it, but I am feeling that inside they don't want to do this. But I was surprised by Caustic's reaction. When I saw him staring at me. I saw that this scene reminded him of something. Something painful from his past." "Yeah, I trust you Fluttershy, but anyway I will warn our friends that these ponies can be dangerous." "Thank you." > Chapter 4: Wraith's group > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Half an hour ago "Great, now we are stuck in goddamn world with ponies." "Can you please be quiet, i hate this too. At least i am not complaining." "The next thing you will complain about is going to be a hole in your chest." "Yo, amigos, chill out we don't need to kill each other. We just waiting for Wraith." "She has a gift from Allfather. She can see other dimensions." "Hmm." "What did you find Crypto?" "Look" he pointed to clouds. Three Pegasus ponies were moving them. "Interesting. They can change climate whenever they want." Whoosh Five ponies turned around to saw a violet alicorn. "So what did you find?" "Nothing, it seems like only we stuck in this world. I didn't see that something like that happened to other us." "Gods brought us here for the reason." "Wow, we are lucky. C'mon guys, let's move." All 6 ponies were heading to the city. When they approached the bridge, something interested Caustic. He saw unicorn, whose horn was surrounded by mint aura and then he saw an apple, which was also surrounded with the same thing. "Fascinating." "What?" Caustic pointed to the unicorn. "Hmm. I can't say what it is." "I don't care. Let's move and find quiet place." "I will leave you here. I want to know about this phenomenon." "Alright, but please don't attract any attention." "But of course." Caustic approached the mint pony and coughed. Unicorn turned around to saw the unicorn in the very strange costume. "Uh, hello. Are you new here?" "Yes, i just wanted to ask someyhing." "Alright, what is your question?" "I saw you lifted an apple without your hooves. Can you show me how to do this?" The unicorn was very confused. This unicorn can't lift things. "Ok, but can ask you 2 questions?" "Alright." "My name is Lyra Heartstrings. What's your name?" "Call me Caustic." "Ok. Do you know what is magic?" "No." Lyra was very suprised by fact that this unicorn don't know anything about magic at all. "Wait, so in your home nobody know about magic?" "Yes." "It's very strange. Alright, let me explain you everything." One explanation later "..and that's all about magic." "That's very remarkable. Thanks for the information." "You are welcome." "Hey, Lyra, we need to get back home." "I am coming Bonbon. Sorry, i need to go." "No worries." After that Lyra went away. Caustic looked at the apple in front of him and began concentrating. After few seconds he could lift the apple. "Hey, Caustic. What are you doing here?" Meanwhile "Hmm. Interesting, what others are doing now?" "Who know?" They were walking through the city looking at the buildings. All ponies were looking at them with curiosity especially at Revenant. "What the hell are you looking at me?" yelled Revenant. Everypony scared and hid behind buildings. Quick. Step left said voice inside Wraith's head. He quickly dodged avoiding being hit with something pink. The pink thing bumped into the others, actually in Revenant. Revenant fell to the ground but quickly got up and shouted: "AAGH, WHO THREW AT ME THE pony?" Revenant looked at the pony, she had a pink fur, mane and tail. Her mane was curly. "Ouch, Hi. I am Pinkie Pie!" "Who threw you?" "Nobody. I just wanted to hug her." she pointed to Wraith."But she stepped left and i accidentally bumped into you. Sorry." Revenant glared at Wraith for not warning about Pinkie and looked at pink pony. "If you will bump into me again, i swear, i will dismember you with my hooves." "Okie-doki-loki. What's your names?" "I am Revenant. There is Wraith, Crypto, Bloodhound and Octane." "Strange names, but nevermind. I am gonna throw a party for new guests!" "We don't a party. We will not stay here for long. If we will be lucky, we will this place tonight." "Oh, no i need to throw you a party to introduce you to Ponyville." "I said no. Go ask Mirage. He will agree." "Wait, gasp there are more guests! How much?" "Including us, 12." "Woow, we didn't have so many guests in one day at all. Where are they?" "They are on the farm. But i think they will soon come." "Oh yeah, new guests i need prepare everything. Party will be in Sugar Cube. That will be awe-" she was cut off because Revenant pushed to the ground and put his hooves to her neck. "Listen here, we don't the fucking party. You can shove it right into your ass. I hope you understand." Pinkie nodded. "Very well." Revenant released earth pony, but suddenly Octane approached them and said: "Don't pay attention Revenant. He is always grumpy. Can you tell me where is Rainbow Dash?" "Yes, she is flying into us now." The blue blur hit Revenant to the ground and pegasus with rainbow-colored mane began punching him. When pony tried to punch him again Revenant grabbed her hoof with... hand, which appeared from his hoof. He quickly sent pony flying by punching her into the face with other hand. "Ouch, whoever you are, if you hurt my friends, i will punch you to dead." "Oh yeah? Come here." Revenant connected fingers on his right arm and they became something like knife. "STOP" shouted Wraith. Everyone turned to her. "Revenant calm down. We don't need problems now." "He attacked me first. I was defending." "You threated my friend." "He's always threathing someone. Relax." "Yeah, Rainbow calm down." "Ugh, alright, but who are you?" "They are new guests. They also have 7 other friends." "Great, more bad guys." said RD, but then she realized something and asked: "Wait, when said that i attacked you first, you called me "he"?" "Yes." "WHAT? DID YOU THINK I AM STALLION!?" "Yes." "I AM MARE." "I don't care about your reason for changing gender. Keep it to yourself." RD's face became red because of rage. "I'm gonna kill you!" With these words she gave Revenant uppercut, but he quickly dodged this and sent to the RD's nose a right hook. "Rainbow dash, calm down." said Pinkie holding her friend by the shoulders. "He thought i changed gender!" "I know, but he didn't know. Forgive him." After calming down Rainbow Dash sighed and said: "Ugh, sorry for punching you." "Very good RD, now Revenant you need to say sorry to Rainbow Dash." "Why i need to apologise?" "You insulted her." "You won't get any apologise from me." "Oh, c'mon. It is very simple. Say sorry." "No." Pinkie opened her mouth to say, but Crypto put his hoof to her mouth. "Don't even try. He never apologise to someone, even if it is his fault." Pinkie nodded and released RD. "So, you are Rainbow Dash?" "Yes. Why are you asking?" "I heard you are the fastest pony here. So what do you think about race?" RD confused, but then smiled because she loved chalenges. "Yes, i accept challenge. Who will first get to this castle, this pony will win." "Alright." "Oh yeah, it will be awesome. Alright, ready Set GO! RD and Octane began running to the crystal castle. RD was flying, while Octane was running on his... hind hooves. RD was shocked by this, then she was more shocked when she saw Pegasus's hooves. They were metallic. RD shaked her head, and increased the speed. When Octane saw it, he quickly grabbed his stim and injected it into vein. Veins on the spot, where he injected the stim, and eyes became green. "¡Rápido!" (Quick) With that word, Octane became faster and overtook RD. Castle of friendship Twilight was drinking tea and enjoying the day. "Hey, Twilight, how are you?" "Oh. Hello Spike. I am fine. Just enjoying the peace." "So what will you do today? Are you going to have a date with Flash Sentry?" The blush appeared on the Twilight's face. "Spike!" "Ha ha, just kidding. Hey what is this?" Spike pointed to the street. Twilight looked and saw 2 lines. One of them was blue, while other was green. They were approaching the castle. "Oh yeah, time for flying." Octane grabbed something from his pocket and threw it to the way. The object transformed to the Launch pad. Octane jumped onto him and flew. "Yeaheaaah!" yelled Octane. He came(crashed) to the castle first, while RD came after 0.5 seconds. "Oh yeah, did someone see that? I am the fastest pony in the Equestria now." "Hey, i just got a fly on my face." "Don't get excuses. I am faster than you." "I want a revenge." "Okay, let's move to th-" "Hi Rainbow Dash, what are you doing and who is that?" asked Twilight. "I am Octane and now I am the fastest pony here, because i defeated the champion." "Wait, did you overtake RD!?" "Yeah." "Wow, it's very cool, dude." "I know." "So, are you new here?" "Yes, there also 11 friends with him." "Wow, we didn't have so many guests in one day." "Yeah, yeah. We had already met Pinkie Pie and now she is organising the party for us." "About that Twilight. Some of them aren't friendly. One of them threated Pinkie to dismember her." Twilight's eyes widened. "No worries, Revenant is always threating someone." "So he is not dangerous." "No, if you won't provoke him." Suddenly, the portal appeared in front of ponies. 6 ponies came out from the portal, which then closed. "Rainbow Dash, tell me did you beat this pony, aren't you?" "No Pinkie, she lost." said Twilight. Pinkie gasped. "Oh Celestia, someone defeated Rainbow Dash in race." "Oh yeah, behold your champion." Octane stood on his hind hooves and pointed his front hooves to him. Twilight looked at pony's hind hooves and surprised by finding metallic hooves. "Oh, what happened to your hooves?" Spike looked at him and his jaw dropped. "Oh, when i was setting the world record i threw grenade under my legs and i was launched to the sky!" "Then i realised, that life isn't worth living, if you don't have feeling, when you hear the heartbeat in your ears." "Wow, are you daredevil?" "High-speed daredevil." "Alright, Pinkie are these ponies are guests?" "Yeah. Sorry, but now i need to prepare everything, bye." With these words Pinkie ran away to the Sugar Cube. "She's always acting like that?" asked Revenant. "She's just eating many sugar. So let's introduce yourselves. I am the Princess Twilight Sparkle. That's my friend Spike." "Hi". "So what's your names?" "I am Bloth Hoondr, but you can call me Bloodhound." "My name is Wraith." "Crypto." "I am Revenant." "Strange names. But whatever. So what are you doing here?" "It is hard to believe, but let me explain. We are from other universe and we somehow ended up in this place, when the thunder hit our drop ship." said Crypto. "Hmm. It is very interesting." "Don't forget that in our universe we look differently. We are humans. We have legs and arms instead of hooves and we are walking like Octane." said Revenant pointing to Octane who was standing on his hind hooves. "It's fascinating. Spike, write letter to Princess Celestia." "Wait, i thought you are Princess." "Yeah, but these princesses are main." "Why you are not writing letter to the queen?" "The highest rank is princess." "Okay." "I have a question. How did you open the portal?" "That's one of my abilities." said Wraith. "I should do some tests. Don't you mind?" "You know. I got my abilities in laboratory where i was like experimental rat." Twilight gasped. She didn't think that someone can do such things to others. "Sorry, i didn't know." "No worries." "Here i go." said someone. Everyone looked at the sky and saw Pathfinder whose hook was attached to the cloud. The hook released the cloud and Path landed on the ground. "Hi." "It's Pathfinder. He is with us." "Wait, can i ask? Are you two robots?" asked Spike. "Yes." "Cool." "Path, where is others?" "Oh, they are coming with Applejack's family, Fluttershy and CMC." "Did you have any incident?" "Well, yeah. When we approached the bridge, we met Caustic, who was learning the magic, the-" "Wait, you don't have magic in your world?" "No." "When we met him, we then met griffin, her name was Glida, i think." "Yeah, i know her, she is always rude to others." "Well, actually was." "What?" "She pushed Fluttershy to the ground and then Caustic grabbed her and poisoned her by his nox gas. She began coughing by blood, then she began coughing by her vital organs." Twilight, Spike and Rainbow Dash were shocked and terrified. Of course, Glida was rude, but that was very violent. "I am surprised that Caustic did that. Because he never protect others." said Wraith. "Stay here!" When Legends looked around they were surrounded by ponies in golden armor. "Wait, we are really sorry for that. Can you please put down your spears?" "Guards, calm down." "Twilight, are you out of your mind? One of them violently killed someone. I bet they will do the same with us." "Yeah, but i don't think that all of them are so cruel." "That's right cutie." "Aaa!" Twilight turned around and saw Mirage. "Mirage, don't scare her." "Sorry." Twilight looked at the stallion and saw that he had wings and horn. "Are you alicorn?" "Yeah, you are too. So how about we will go to the cinema, theatre, restaurant or hotel with good large bed?" Twilight's face turned red, while Spike chuckled. "Sorry, she has a boyfriend." "Oh, alright." "Twilight, hey." Twilight looked and saw Fluttershy, CMC, Applejack's family and finally the rest of legends. "Hey everyone." "So, let's start with introducing." One introducing later "So, i sent letter to Princess Celestia. She will be there tomorrow. Now let's enter to the castle, you all can stay here, we have enough space for you. "Thanks. So does that mean that we are friends now?" "Yeah, why not." "Cool, high five." Spike approached Pathfinder and slapped his hoof. "Yeah." Everyone entered the castle, while Granny Smith and Big Mac were heading to the farm. Twilight then approached her friends and asked "Is it true that one of them killed Glida?" "Yeah. It was Caustic. The unicorn with mask." "Why he did it?" "When i looked at his eyes, i saw that when Glida pushed me, it reminded Caustic something from his past. Something painful for him." "Hmm. I will watch on him if he's a threat." "Hey girls." "Hi Rarity." "Pinkie said that there 12 guests in the town." "Yes, there are in castle." "Hi girls." "Aaa! Pinkie don't do that." "Sorry just wanted to check the guests. By the way, what are you were talking about?" One explanation later "Oh Celestia, how somepony can be so cruel?" "And Twilight said that they are from another world." "I will put more guards near their rooms, for safety." "So i need to go, bye." "Bye Pinkie." "So, i need to greet them, probably?" "Yeah, c'mon." One introducing later with some explanation "Wait, are you alicorn?" asked Rarity. "Yeah. That's why all girls are falling in love with me." Twilight just rolled her eyes. It was evening. Suddenly the doors opened and Pinkie came into the room. "Everyone, everything is ready for party. We just need you." Everyone came out from the castle and headed to the Sugar Cube. Meanwhile in Everfree forest in Changeling hive "So Crysalis, i hope everything is ready?" "Oh yeah. My spies said that tonight the party will be in Sugar Cube. It's very perfect time to attack. Now, Sombra, prepare yourself. We will have a battle." "Oh yeah, when we will win, will you return my horn?" "Of course, but only when we will defeat the Elements of Harmony." "No, i need their power." "No worries Tirek. You can take their power." "Everything is ready my queen." said Changeling. "Alright, everybody let's move." With these words three villains began walking to the Ponyville with the army of Changelings. Suddenly one changeling appeared from the bushes and approached the queen. "My queen, my group was attacked. Only I survived." "Who attacked you?" "It was a stallion alicorn. He can make his clones and has a strange weapon." Three villains were surprised by hearing that. "Hmm, I heard that stallion alicorn is stronger than mare one." "Yeah, I will find him a use." > Chapter 5: Party and changelings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 legends and Mane 6 were heading to Sugarcube corner. Suddenly Pinkie turned to another direction. "Pinkie, Sugarcube is there." "Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that Sugarcube is small for such a big party, so I moved it to the main street near the city hall," said Pinkie. When they passed the last corner, they were greeted by hundreds of ponies, who said in unison: "Surprise!" "Agh," shouted Mirage. "Sorry, we didn't mean to scare you." said pegasus with crossed eyes. "What? I am not scared. Just surprised how much guests are here." said Mirage giving a nervous smile. "Yeah, I invited many ponies," said Pinkie. "Wow. Alright, let's get this party started," said Mirage. Then he saw a pony in glasses who was standing behind the stereo system. "Hi, everypony. Are you ready for the party?" Everyone cheered and DJ said: "Yeah, but before we begin, let's greet our heroes of the occasion. With those words, all legends stood on the podium. "Yeah, everybody loves me," said Mirage. Then legends introduced yourselves to the public. Ponies were confused about two ponies: Revenant and Pathfinder because of the reason we know. Also, they were surprised to see alicorn stallion. Even the DJ took off her glasses. "Are you alicorn?" "Oh yeah and I am the best trickster here," said Mirage, making his decoys, who was making show-off pose. Everyone was surprised by such magic. Then DJ P0N-3 pony said: "Alright, let's begin!" With those words, she turned on her system and the music began playing. Everyone was having fun. Mirage was flirting with mares. Pathfinder was trying to make friends. Gibraltar and Lifeline were eating a cake. Caustic was thinking about the opportunity to kill all of them with his nox grenade, but Wraith glared at him. Bloodhound was sharpening her knife with a rock. Bangalore was drinking a juice, while Octane was dancing and Wattson was enjoying the party. Only Revenant and Crypto were standing in the corner, they preferred to be alone. Revenant was balancing his sphere, while Crypto was watching the party. Suddenly something caught his attention. One gray earth pony was looking around like he was worried about something. When he opened his mouth to bite a cake, Crypto saw that he had fangs. It alerted Crypto because nobody had such teeth. Suddenly he remembered that moment. Back in the forest, when they met Mirage, they saw strange creatures - changelings. They had fangs and Mirage said that they could change their look. Also, they were feeding by love. Crypto quickly approached the stallion, tackled to the wall and asked: "Who are you?" "What is your problem dude? I am just having fun." said the stallion, with a worrying look on his face. Crypto narrowed his eyes and threw him into the system. The music stopped, everybody silenced and DJ asked: "What the hay dude?" Suddenly Crypto put the hoof on his neck and said: "I know who you are. You would better answer my question before I will make you do it." Crypto pull out his P2020 and pointed it to the stallion's head. "Hey, Crypto, what're you doing with this pony?" "That's a changeling." Crypto opened the stallion's mouth and demonstrated to everyone his fangs. Everyone gasped, then stallion turned into his real form. It was a changeling. After that, he said: "I must admit, you are observant, but soon my queen, Sombra, and Tirek will get rid of all of you. Hahahahaha." said, changeling. Then Crypto pull the trigger and the bullet exploded bug pony's head. "Yuck!" DJ wiped off the corpse's brain from her face. Everyone was shocked. Soon Twilight approached Crypto and said: "Why did you kill him?" "He will be only trouble. Now we need to be prepared be-" he didn't end his sentence because someone shouted: "Changelings!" Everyone began running for their lives. Mares took their children and headed to a safe place. Only Mane 6 and Legends were standing and looking around. Then they saw a big horde of enemies. "Oh, that's not good," said Mirage. "Alright ladies, remember who we are. We have weapons that are more than their ones," commanded Bangalore, while she holding L-STAR. "Yeah, let's kick their asses," said Octane pulling out his mastiff shotgun. "What are these things?" "It's our weapons. Hurry evacuate everyone. We will take care of bad guys." said Lifeline holding the alternator. Mane 6 said that they will evacuate everyone to the train station and began evacuating the city, while legends were heading to the horde. They found it strange that they had weapons because they didn't have them at all on the dropship, but they didn't have time to think about it. Soon the horde separated into four groups and began attacking different parts of the city. "Alright, we need to split up," said Wraith. Legends quickly separated into 4 groups and ran in different directions. Legends's equipment Bloodhound: Triple Take, R-99, Arc Star and Raven's Bite. Gibraltar: EVA-8 Auto, Devotion LMG, Frag Grenade. Lifeline: Alternator SMG, Hemlok Burst AR, Thermite Grenade and Shock Sticks. Pathfinder: Longbow DMR, HAVOC Rifle, Frag Grenade, and Boxing Gloves. Bangalore: G7 Scout, L-Star EMG, Thermite Grenade. Wraith: Triple Take, Prowler Burst PDW, Arc Star, and Kunai. Caustic: Mozambique Shotgun, M600 Spitfire, Thermite Grenade. Mirage: Peacekeeper, Wingman, Frag Grenade. Octane: Mastiff Shotgun, R-301 Carbine, Frag Grenade and Butterfly Knife. Wattson: Kraber .50 cal Sniper, VK-47 Flatline, Thermite Grenade. Crypto: Charge rifle, P2020, Arc Star. Revenant: Sentinel, RE-45 Auto, Arc Star. The first group (Mirage, Wraith, Pathfinder) was heading to the school. The second group ( Gibraltar, Lifeline, Bloodhound) was heading to the hospital. The third group (Bangalore, Octane, Wattson) was heading to Castle of friendship. The fourth group (Caustic, Crypto, Revenant) was heading to the central street. First group "Zip-line deployed," said Pathfinder. Soon the trio was riding a cable, heading to the school. They saw that horde had already been inside, so they prepared their weapons. Pathfinder took his Longbow and shot right into the changeling's head, while Wraith took her Triple Take and made a headshot. Meanwhile in the school "Ou, Mrs. Cheerilee, why we can't be at the party?" asked Applebloom. "Because we have lessons, fillies." said the teacher. Suddenly the door opened and changeling entered the classroom. Everybody screamed but changeling shouted: "Shut up and go with us." "You know that's just children." Changeling turned around and was met by Wingman into his face. BAM Changeling's head exploded. Mirage entered the room with a smile. "Hey, no worries. Uncle Mirage took care of these freaks." "Mirage!" shouted CMC in unison and tackled him to the ground. "You come here to save us?" "Of course, but can you please get off me?" "Sorry." CMC got off their savior, then Cheerilee approached Mirage and said: "Thanks for saving us." "Don't thank me, that's my work. Kill bad guys, also.." Mirage wrapped the teacher with his wing and smiled: "I am killing time with beautiful girls." Cheerilee's face turned red, while children giggled. "Uhm, not in front of children." "Mirage, stop flirting with teachers and help us," said Wraith, holding the bloodied Kunai. Suddenly the window broke and the body of changeling collapsed on the ground with Fingal under the eye. Then Pathfinder landed on the floor and said: "K.O.!" "Good job, Path," said Mirage releasing the teacher. "Alright, we need to deal with others. Let's go," commanded Wraith. Path and Mirage followed her. Three changelings came out from the corner. Mirage shot the left one with his shotgun, Pathfinder grabbed the right one with his hook and sent him flying by punch, Wraith took out her SMG and shot 3 rounds in the center's head. When they came out of school, they were surrounded by changelings. Pathfinder took his HAVOC rifle. They cuddled to each other and began shooting at the horde. Mirage took his grenade and threw it into the crowd. BAM After one minute all enemies were dead. "I'm sorry, but you could have killed me, friends." "That's 14." "This is where it ends." Then Mrs. Cheerilee and children came out of the building. "That was awesome!" shouted Applebloom. "Yeah, high five," said Pathfinder lifting his arm. Applebloom jumped and slapped the robot's arm. "Yes." "Alright, but is it was necessary to kill them?" asked green stallion. "He is an enemy." said the voice. Wraith quickly took her Kunai and threw it into the stallion. It hit his head, then he collapsed to the ground and turned into his real form. "Wow, how did you know that?" asked Scootaloo. "Voice said to me," said Wraith pulling out her Kunai from the corpse. "You have a voice that helps you?" asked Sweetie Belle. "Yeah." "That's cool." "Alright, we need to take them to the train station," said Wraith. Everyone followed her. Second group Doctors and nurses were defending the hospital from enemies. Suddenly the voice came up: "I am Blothhundr!" Soon Bloodhound jumped inside the building and began shooting at the enemies with her R-99. Gibraltar covered her with his EVA-8, while Lifeline was healing injured ponies with her D.O.C. and shooting at the changelings with Alternator. "What's that thing?" asked the patient. "It's a D.O.C. No worries, it will heal you." Soon troop soldiers were killed and everyone was healed. "Thanks for saving us," said Nurse Redheart. "Ahead, we taka victory and slátra," said Bloodhound. "No worries, we need to get all of you to the train station," said Lifeline. Suddenly Gibraltar shouted: "Incoming!" The horde of changelings was flying to the hospital. Lifeline took her Hemlok, Bloodhound pulled out her Triple take and Gibraltar lifted his Devotion. The gunshots were heard from the hospital. Changelings were falling to the ground with holes in their bodies. Everyone was shocked by such destroying weapons. "Alright, we killed them. Let's go, brothers and sisters," said Gibraltar coming out from the building. Everyone followed him. Suddenly 10 changelings flew to the sky and began attacking ponies from distance, by throwing spears and shooting beams. Soon they saw a cloud of dust, which covered the area. When the dust scattered, they saw that everypony was under the blue dome. "Shield up," said Gibraltar. Three Legends came out from the dome and shot enemies. "Never turn your back on Gibraltar." "The Allfather has gifted me with better strength." "Winning, now that's a good feelin'." "Oh sweet Celestia, how you can kill them?" "They tried to kill us. Anyway, let's go," said Lifeline. Third group Guards were defending the castle along with the elements of harmony. "It's showtime!" shouted someone from the sky. Mane 6 lifted their heads and saw Octane with his Mastiff. He landed on the one changeling, shot the second, ran and shot the third one and he was on stim the whole time. "Awesome!" Soon the smoke covered the area & shots and screams were heard from there. Soon the smoke disappeared and Mane 6 saw corpses and two ponies standing with weapons. "Good initiative, bad judgment. Try again." "Consider your circuit broken. Get it?" (laughs) "What? Are you enjoying it?" asked Rarity. "We are on the war, ladies. It's not a ballroom dancing," said Bangalore. "They are coming!" shouted one guard. Everyone saw a crowd of changelings. Wattson took her Kraber and began headshots, while Bangalore was doing the same with her G7 Scout. Octane threw a launchpad and jumped onto it. "Yepa!" he lifted his R-301 and began spraying bullets into the enemies. Soon all enemies were dead. "That was awesome." "Good job, soldiers." "That was cool." Meanwhile, guards and Mane 6 were terrified by the power of legends's weapons. Suddenly Bangalore shouted: "Alright ladies, let's move to the safe place!" She ran to the direction of the station, while everybody followed her. Fourth group The group of changelings entered the city hall, where they were met by cans with nox gas. After a few seconds, they were dead, except one who tried to crawl outside. "In the end...everything dies." said a sociopathic voice behind him. He turned around and was met by three punches into his head, which killed him. Meanwhile, the drone was watching five other changelings, who tried to break the back door. Then the EMP activated and shocked enemies, then Crypto appeared, threw the arc star into one enemy, shot three ones with a pistol and killed the last one with Charge Rifle. "I've been watching you. You're not bad, 그래도 넌 별로야 (but you're still not much)." Suddenly the other group appeared and one of the changelings said: "Surrender now!" "Sorry, but my friend disagrees with you," said Crypto pointing to someone behind the group. Suddenly the group saw that one of them was pierced by hoof with a sharp end. Hoof came out of the body and the group saw to whom it belonged. It was a red robot-pony with yellow eyes. "I hope you have enough brains to run. I love when my victims are running," said Revenant holding the golden skull. Then he squeezed it to pieces and he turned into his shadow mode. Changelings were scared but then decided to attack. One of them charged to Revenant, but he quickly dodged it and cut the enemy's neck with the fascinating speed. He turned around and saw three changelings approaching him. He took his RE-45 and shot all magazines into the enemies. Two were dead, while one was alive. Revenant approached him and said: "Beg for your life. It's good for both of us." With those words, he pierced changeling with his hoof. "Good work." "Thanks." Meanwhile, Caustic was watching the scene and said: "Remarkable." "Alright, let's move to the train station," said Crypto. He took his drone and began walking to the station, while other legends followed him. Suddenly they heard a scream. It was a mare with crossed eyes running from changelings with her daughter. She bumped into Crypto and said: "Help!" Crypto got up and shot 3 rounds into three enemies. All were dead. She turned to the mare and said: "Come with us." Derpy nodded and followed her savior. Train station Soon all residents were on the station. Legends and Mane 6 were watching the town and thinking about their next actions. "So, what we are going to do? There are three powerful villains in Ponyville." "We will give them a fight," said Octane. "That's insane. They have great powerful magic." "Girl, my head was blown away before my legs," said Octane. "So, we will just fight them without a plan?" "Improvisation," said Mirage. Legends looked at each other and nodded. "What? Are you just going to create a plan while you will fight the most dangerous villains in Equestria?" shouted Twilight. "Yeah. It's our plan," said Wraith. "Alright. Now let's kick their asses!" shouted Octane, then Legends ran to the city to battle with enemies. Meanwhile, Mane 6 was watching them running. "Should we help them?" "Yeah, indeed." With those words, the Elements of Harmony followed the Legends. > Chapter 6: Fight with bosses and dreamworld > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 Legends were heading to the center of town, killing changelings on their way. Soon they approached their aim. On the main street, there were three creatures. One of them looked like a changeling but taller, the other one was alicorn and the last one was a centaur with bullhead. "Strange, where are these elements of harmony?" asked centaur. Suddenly someone poked him, he turned around and saw an alicorn stallion. "Hi, sorry Ponyville is closed. Come back to your home," said Mirage. "Hmm, alicorn stallion. Good start." said centaur. He tried to grab pony, but it faded away with sparkles. "What the-?" "Over here ugly." Mirage grabbed his Peacekeeper and shot right into Tirek's face. He roared in pain. Meanwhile, Crysalis and Sombra were watching. "Should we help him?" asked the queen. "Nah, let's just watch," said Sombra. crack They turned around and saw a robot-pony who was standing on his hind hooves. "I hope you have enough brain to run," said Revenant. "Ha. I'm not afraid of you," said Sombra. He shot the bolt of magic at the pony, but it didn't even scratch him. "Nice try." Revenant charged at Sombra and tried to stab him with his knife-hand. Sombra dodged it and hit the robot into the chest. He grabbed his hoof, moaning in pain. "Argh, what the-" he didn't end because Revenant pierced him. "What the hell are you?" "Death." Revenant pulled out the king's heart and squashed it. Crysalis was shocked by this and backed away. Suddenly Revenant turned around. "Next time I'll not be so merciful. Get the hell out of here and take your minions." Crysalis nodded and shouted: "Changelings, retire-" the bolt of magic hit and knocked out her. Revenant looked at the sky and saw two alicorns who were taller than ponies. They landed in front of him and the dark one said: "Whoever you are, surrender now." "Hahahahaha!" laughed Revenant. "What's so funny?" asked a white alicorn. "First of all, I'm on your side. Second of all, it's not very smart of you to come here and fight with me without any help." "Alright, what's your name?" "I'm Revenant." Suddenly Mirage landed (crushed) between them. "Ouch, that hurts." "Hahaha. Good try, but not enough." "Tirek!" shouted two alicorns in unison. "Ha, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. I'll take your power with pleasure," said Tirek. "Hey you," said Revenant. "What the? Robot?" "Yes, I'm the one who will kill you," said Revenant. He pulled out the skull and squashed it, then he turned to his shadow mode. Celestia, Luna, and Tirek were surprised by this, then Revenant charged at the centaur. The last one began shooting beams at the robot, but Revenant managed to dodge them. He jumped and dive his hand into Tirek's shoulder. He roared in pain and hit Revenant with a fist. Revenant disappeared and left the dark smoke. Tirek was looking around to find the robot. Suddenly he felt the sharp pain on his head. Revenant began stabbing his brain with both hooves, while Tirek tried to grab the robot. Revenant activated arc star placed it into the wound and jumped to the ground. Boom Tirek's head exploded into pieces and the body fell on the ground with a loud "bam". Two princesses and guards, who were here since the battle, were shocked by this. Revenant turned around and said: "So, is that all? Or I need to kill more meatbags?" "Halt! You are under arrest." said one guard. "For what? For saving your fat flanks?" Instead of answer unicorn began charging his horn, but robot threw his sphere and it exploded. Ponies who were standing near were paralyzed and couldn't use the magic. "Alright, everyone stops!" shouted Mirage. All turned their gaze to them. "I think we just started wrong. Let me fix this. My name's Mirage and that's Revenant. What's your name sunbutt?" The light alicorn brushed and said: "I'm Princess Celestia and that's princess Luna. So are you on our side?" "If you wanted to stop these freaks, so yeah. BTW you look pretty," said Mirage and winked. Celestia's face turned red, while Luna chuckled. "Also, there are 10 friends behind." Princesses and guards turned around and saw others Legends and Mane 6. Twilight approached Celestia and said: "Princess Celestia, it's guests that I was talking about. But what's with Crysalis?" Mane 6 saw a blood mess: Tirek's headless body, Sombra's corpse with a big hole in the chest and unconscious Crysalis. They were terrified by this scene. "Guards, drag Crysalis to her cell." "Yes, your highness." Guards grabbed the queen and dragged her to the wagon. Soon only Mane 6, Princesses and Legends were on the street. "So, let's introduce yourselves," said Mirage. "It's Bloodhound, Gibraltar, Lifeline, Pathfinder, Wraith, Bangalore, Caustic, Octane, Wattson and Crypto." "It's a pleasure to meet you," said Lifeline. "Thanks, Mrs. Lifeline." "Hmm, I think we need to head to castle of friendship," said Twilight. Castle of friendship When everyone was in the main room Celestia asked: "So from which place did you come from?" "We are not ponies, we're humans. When we were on the dropship, the thunder hit it and we somehow got here." "You're from another dimension?" asked Twilight. "Yeah, and we need to get back home." "Alright, but what the dropship?" "It's a big ship from where we jump and land on the battleground where we need to kill enemies. And these enemies we are." "What? Do you want to say that you're killing each other? But how did you still alive?" "It's a regeneration machine that didn't allow us to die." "But why are you fighting with each other?" "In our world, there is a game called "Apex Games", where everyone can get the fame, money, and respect. The main point is to kill other teams and survive." "It's so terrifying," said Fluttershy. "Yeah, but we used to it." Twilight wanted to say, but Luna interrupted her: "I think that's enough, we'll continue tomorrow. Now everyone goes to sleep. Elements, stay here." With those words, Legends headed to their rooms. After a few minutes, they're sleeping. "Um, Luna what are you doing?" asked Celestia. "When they fall asleep, I'll try to scan their memories." Everyone nodded and after a few minutes Luna shot into the mirror the beam and it became black. "Through this mirror, we'll see their memories. Let's begin with Bloodhound." The mirror showed the main parts of memory, precisely her parent's death, her uncle's death and her fight with the beast. Soon the mirror showed Gibraltar's memory: his and his boyfriend's journey on a motorcycle, how they were caught by a mudslide and how his father lost his arm. After that Gibraltar began helping those in need. Soon they watched Lifeline's memory. They saw that the parents were wealthy war profiteers and when she saw the damage caused by them, she enlisted to help people from the frontier. Then they watched Path's memories. When he woke up in the abandoned lab and how he tried to find his creator, and how he met Mirage who advised him to play in Apex Games. Then they saw Bangalore's memory: her time in army, fights and her parting from brother. Then they saw Wraith' s memory: there was no clue about her past, meeting with the Voidwalker and escaping from the prison. Caustic memory: his bad childhood, his work in Humber Labs, murdering the boss, meeting with a little girl and joining to Apex Games. Mirage memory: his childhood, how he was helping to mother, his interest in Holo-Pilot technology and enlisting in Apex Games. Octane memory: his race, where he lost his legs, hospital, convincing Lifeline and his new legs. Wattson memory: her childhood with father, working on the project, her father's funeral. Crypto memory: his past without parents, how Mystik adopted her and Mila, how he was framed for Mila's murder and espionage, how he changed his appearance and enlisting in Apex Games. Revenant memory: his years of working in Mercenary syndicate, his killing spree, his last mission (Season 4 trailer). After watching all ponies were shocked. "We must capture them before they will cause any damage," said Luna. "Sis, not every one of them is evil." "Did you see what they were doing on those Apex Games. They were killing each other." "If they wanted to kill us, they would do it a long ago," said Celestia. "I think princess Celestia is right. Only two of them seem to be a threat, but others are nice and have reasons to do it," said Twilight. "Anyway, we need to watch them," said Luna. Everyone nodded. They didn't saw a little drone that was watching them. Soon the drone made his way to the window where Crypto placed him on his back. "Hmm, they can see our memories. I need to warn others tomorrow." With those words, he fell asleep. > Chapter 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- On the next day, everyone got up from their beds. All legends gathered together because Crypto called them to tell something. "What happened?" asked Wattson. "I bet that is just Crypto's paranoia," said Mirage. "I am afraid not," said Crypto, making Mirage to yelp. "Those ponies entered our minds and saw our memories." "But that's impossible," said Wraith. "Wraith, we are in another world and we are ponies. If someone told me about it, I would just think that he is crazy," said Lifeline. "So should be ready for an attack?" asked Bangalore. "No. Not yet. Our goal is just to get home, now we need to meet them." Everyone agreed with the hacker and went to the main hall. Soon they were met by Princesses, Mane 6, and two new ponies. "Good morning," said Twilight. "Same to you, egghead," said Octane, making Twilight to glare at him. Rainbow Dash whispered to Pinkie: "Hehe, I like him." "Well, let me introduce yourself," said pink alicorn. "I am Princess Candance. That's my husband Shining Armor." She pointed to the blue unicorn, who said 'hello'. "So you are those humans, who stopped villains?" "Yep, pretty much," said Mirage. "So can you drag us back to our world?" asked Wraith. "To be honest, we didn't have such situations before, but I think we can find something in our archives," said Celestia. "Also, we have a request," said Caustic. "Which one?" asked Luna. Revenant approached her and grabbed her neck. "If you will get in my head once more, I will personally kill you. Understand?" said Revenant. Luna nodded and the robot released her. "How did you know that?" asked Rarity. Suddenly they heard a noise. They looked up and saw a drone. "Oh, I remember. That thing was watching us yesterday," said Pinkie. "Wait, you knew that this thing was watching us and you didn't say anything?" asked Applejack. "I tried, but you said to me to be silent." Then the drone landed on Crypto's hoof. He placed it on his back. "I am watching. I am always watching," said Crypto. "I thought that you respect the personal space," said Wraith. "Okay, we were watching your memories, but that was for good reason. We just wanted to be sure that you aren't a threat to my subjects," said Celestia. "And now how much are we dangerous?" asked Bangalore. "You seem to be friendly, except two of you," said Luna looking at Revenant and Caustic. "Anyway, you will be there, while we will searching for the spell that will bring you to your world." Everyone agreed and Legends went to the exit. "Well, I should be on my farm," said Applejack. "Yeah, I need to be in the bakery," said Pinkie. Soon everyone went on their businesses. Meanwhile, Legends split up and began wondering what they will do. Bloodhound Bloodhound was walking in the Everfree forest and looking for her prey. Soon she found a creature with a scorpion tail, bat wings, and lion body. Manticore. She prepared her ax. Manticore sniffed the air and detected the huntress. Soon they were in front of each other. Manticore roared and charged at Bloodhound, but she dodged it and swang her ax to beast's paw. Manticore roared in pain and backed away, while Bloodhound took off and swang her ax onto the head. The beast fell to the ground. Dead. "You fought, this makes you brave and no coward," she said. "Oh, Celestia." Bloodhound turned around and saw Fluttershy. She was horrified by the death of manticore. "Why did you kill him?" "I am the hunter the gods have sent," answered Bloodhound. "Are you enjoying the hunt?" "Yes. I am hunting by Old Ways." "I saw that your parents died. It was horrible." "Yes, but Allfather guided me and I found Apex Games." Suddenly they heard the roar. Then they saw 4 timberwolves, who were approaching them. Bloodhound quickly turned on her Beast Mode. "Calling upon nature's strength." Bloodhound's eyes became red and she charged at timberwolves. One of them jumped at huntress, only to be met by the ax in the face. Soon the same fate got another wolf. Two other wolves charged together, but Bloodhound dodged the first wolf, swang her ax, and hit another one. The last beast began circling around Bloodhound, waiting for the best moment to attack. Then the beast instantly jumped, Bloodhound was faster. She dodged the attack and swang her ax onto the wolf's head. The Beast Mode turned off and Bloodhound eyes became normal. She looked at Fluttershy, who was hiding behind her mane and shaking. Bloodhound approached her and said: "You are safe now, get up." Fluttershy looked around and got up. "Thanks, but still I don't appreciate the hunt," she said. "I respect your choice. I don't have the right to judge," said Bloodhound. Then she headed to the forest leaving shy pony alone. Gibraltar Gibraltar was walking and looking at the beautiful landscape. Soon he saw an apple farm. Then he saw Applejack, who was bucking the tree. He approached her and asked: "Hi, what are you doing?" Applejack looked at him and answered: "Oh hi. Nothing. Just harvest. Would you like to help?" "Yes, what I need to do?" "Do like this." Applejack bucked the tree and few apples fell to the ground. Gibraltar nodded and bucked the tree. Half of the apples fell to the ground. "Oh, that was a good buck." "Thanks." Suddenly the ball flew right into Gibraltar's head. He rubbed it and looked at the ball. "Ugh, where is this ball?" asked filly looking around. Then she saw a ball and stallion, who was rubbing his head. "Oh sorry," said filly. Gibraltar glared at her and pointed his hoof to her. Filly shrugged and feared. But then smiled and laughed. "Haha, just kidding. I am not mad," he said. He picked up the ball and gave it to the filly. "Thanks, my name is Dinky Hooves." "Gibraltar." "Again sorry for this." "No problem." Dinky waved to him and ran away. Applejack smiled. "Wow, you are very kind, despite your appearance," she said. "Yeah, so let's continue," said Gibraltar approaching the tree. Lifeline Lifeline was walking in the street, then suddenly bumped into someone. "Oh sorry," she said. Then she saw nurse Redheart. "Oh hi," said Lifeline. "Oh you are Lifeline?" asked the nurse. "Yes." "I remember you. You with two other ponies helped us in hospital." "Yes, I remember you too. But why are you asking?" "I saw that you have a strange device that heals ponies, am I right?" "Oh, that's D.O.C. Heal Drone. It injects the special liquid, which helps to heal wounds faster," explained Lifeline. "It's very fascinating. Can you please tell us the recipe for this liquid?" "Of course, but I need a lab." "No worries, we have a lab in the hospital. Come with me." With those words, both mares headed to the hospital. Soon they entered the hospital. They approached the lab. "Now I need ingredients," said Lifeline. She wrote something on the paper and gave it to the nurse. She read it and nodded. After a few minutes, she came back with all ingredients. "Now, it's cook time!" With those words, Lifeline began showing to Redheart the process of cooking. Pathfinder "Here I go!" shouted Pathfinder using his hook. Soon he landed near the Sugarcube. Suddenly Octane and then Rainbow Dash appeared. "Hahaha, nice try turtle!" shouted Octane. Rainbow Dash glared at him. "Wow, you really overran Rainbow Dash!" shouted Spitfire. "I want a revanche!" "Okay. Ready, set go!" With those words, Octane and Rainbow Dash ran away, while Spitfire was following them. Suddenly Pinkie Pie appeared from nowhere. "Hi!" "Hi," said Path. "What are you doing here?" "Nothing, just trying to get friends." "Cool. Would you like to be my friend?" "Yes. High five." Both slapped their hooves. "Can you help me with baking?" "Okay, what I need to do?" "I will show you." Soon Pinkie showed to Pathfinder how to cook cakes, cupcakes, etc. Suddenly they heard something fell on the second floor. "Oh no!" "What happened?" "Oh it's Cake twins, they escaped again. We need to catch them!" Pathfinder nodded and followed Pinkie. Then they saw little pegasus and little unicorn. They were playing around: pegasus was flying, while unicorn was using his magic. "Catch them!" shouted Pinkie. Wraith Wraith was walking in the castle and looking around. "Hi." She turned around and saw unicorn. "Hi," said Wraith. "I am Starlight Glimmer. I am Twilight Sparkle's best student." "I am Wraith. Interdimensional Skirmisher." "Wow, you can go into other dimensions?" "Yeah, something like that." "Wow, how it feels?" "Well, you know which consequences will be because of your actions and you choose the correct one." "What?" "For example, in this dimension, I talk to you, while in another dimension I maybe just ignore you. Understand?" Yeah, I understand." Suddenly they heard a small explosion. "That's not Trixie!" someone shouted. "I know that's you!" shouted back Starlight. "What was that?" "It's just my student. Trixie. She is sometimes very selfish and stupid. We need to reach her before-" "Let's go," said Wraith opening the portal. "What the- Agh!" Wraith pushed Starlight in the portal. Meanwhile, in the classroom, Trixie tried to find a correct spell. Suddenly the raft opened and revealed Starlight with Wraith. "Ouch, next time please, warn me before this, okay?" "Okay." Trixie was looking at them with surprise. "What was that?" "That was a portal, my name is Wraith." "I am a Great and Powerful Trixie!" "Just call her Trixie," said Starlight. "Okay." "Anyway, what did you do?" "Trixie only wanted to cook some spell, but she mixed up some ingredients," said the unicorn. Wraith looked at Trixie and asked Starlight. "Is she always talking about herself in the third person?" "Yeah, sometimes it's really annoying," answered Starlight. "Okay, let me look at this." She looked at the book and her eyes widened. "Are you out of your mind? Did you know that it's very dangerous to mix up those ingredients? You are lucky that it was the only explosion!" "Calm down. We will just make it again, but there is one problem." She pointed to two bottles with burned notes, which showed titles before. "Trixie doesn't remember which one is correct." "Okay, we will move to another-" Suddenly Wraith went into the void. Both ponies were surprised. After few seconds Wraith came back and pointed to the left bottle. "That's correct bottle." "Are you sure?" "Yes." "Okay, let's check." With those words, Trixie and Starlight began making the spell. Soon it was ready. Starlight was shocked and surprised. She turned to Wraith and asked: "How did you know that?" "I just was in other dimensions and saw what will happen if you will pick up one of the bottles." "But what would happened if I chose another one?" "Just another explosion and looong cleaning." Both ponies were astonished by this. "You can see the future!?" asked Trixie. "No, just see other dimensions," answered Wraith. "Step right" said the voice. Wraith quickly jumped right. "What happe-" Trixie didn't end her sentence because the large rock came from the window and landed on the spot where Wraith was standing before. "Sorry! It was Cake Twins!" shouted Pinkie. "Here I go!" shouted Pathfinder. Trixie and Starlight looked at Wraith, who said to them: "Voice in the head." With those words, she disappeared with sparkles. Bangalore Bangalore was walking in the castle and looking around. Suddenly she heard: "Hey hello." She turned around and saw Shining Armor. "Hi, what do you want?" "Well, I heard that you are a soldier, am I right?" "Sergeant First Class Anita Williams 40138416. Call sign: Bangalore," said the soldier. "Okay, but I just wanted to ask you something." "What exactly?" "Can you show me some tricks which you learned in the army? I am the commander of the Crystal Empire army." "Hmm, okay. Follow me, cadet." "Hey, don't demote me. I have a higher rank." "But I am training you. That means I am the commander now," said Bangalore. Shining Armor sighed and gave up. Soon they were outside the castle. "Now lady. Run 10 circles around the castle." "I am not a lady!" "15 circles." "Ugh." With those words, Shining Armor began running around the castle. After the 10th circle, he was exhausted and fell to the ground. "Not bad for a cadet." Shining Armor glared at her. "Now 10 push-ups, soldier!" "What? But I am so exhausted!" "15!" "Ugh!" Shining Armor began pushing up. Soon he fell to the ground. "Phew, that was very hard. Thankfully, it's over." "No. It was only warm-up. Now the real training began!" "Uuugh!" Meanwhile, guards and Candence were watching them and tried to not laugh. "Hehe, it will be very good for his body," said Princess. Mirage Mirage was wondering what he will do. Suddenly he saw a bar with a sign "The Prancing Show-Pony". He smiled and entered the building. Everyone turned at him. "Hey everyone. How are you doing?" All ponies were surprised to see alicorn stallion. Soon Mirage approached the counter and saw bartender. She looked at him and said: "Hm, didn't think that I will saw an alicorn stallion someday. BTW, my name is Rum Run," said mare. "Name's Mirage. No worries," he said, making the decoy, which surprised ponies. Decoy winked to Rum Run, who just rolled his eyes. "What do you want?" "The glass of whiskey." Rum Run grabbed the bottle and poured the liquid in the glass. Mirage quickly drank it. "It will be 10 bits," said Rum Run. Mirage smiled and said: "Well, will you make an exception for handsome like me?" Rum Run narrowed her eyes and said: "Pay or I-" "Oh watch the time, I need to go. Bye." With those words, Mirage kissed Rum Run in her lips and activated his Vanishing Act. Rum Run looked at copies of Mirage who began running in all directions. She grabbed her knife and began stabbing decoys. Meanwhile, Mirage was watching her and said: "This was just a lovely time. Thank you for this." With those words, he ran to the castle. Caustic Caustic headed to the library and opened the door. Then he began searching for the chemistry book. "Looking for something?" Caustic turned his head and saw a purple dragon. "Yes, I am looking for a chemistry book," answered Caustic. Spike approached one bookshelf and picked up the book, which he passed to Caustic. "Thanks." "No problem." Caustic began reading the book. The chemistry there was very primitive. '3-aged child level' he thought. He put the book on the table and then saw a quill with paper. He thought a little, grabbed the quill, and began writing something. Soon when he ended, Twilight entered the library and saw a scientist, writing something on the paper. She approached him and asked: "What are you writing?" "Just want to see some progress in this place," said Caustic. He gave to Twilight papers and she began looking at them. She was astonished by this information. There were many reactions, formulas, and elements, which nopony knew before. "Wow, your race is very clever," she said. "I've noted your appreciation," said Caustic. "Can I ask you something?" "Yes." "I saw what happened to that girl. That's why you did that to Gilda, yeah?" Caustic just murmured something, which Twilight took as yes. "But as I saw, you are very patient and cold. Why did you suddenly become so angry?" "How would you feel, if you got stuck in another world and be transformed into one of the species?" Twilight thought about this. She remembered her adventure in the human world and she was very nervous because of it. "Touche." "Hmm, judging your tone, you were in another dimension before. Am I right?" Twilight said 'yes' and told Caustic about her adventures in the human world. "So you were in our world?" "Not exactly. That world is less developed that your world." "Hmm, I will take into consideration." Octane Octane was running and wondering what he will do. Suddenly he bumped into someone. "Eyes on the road!" shouted someone. Octane looked at the pony. It was a yellow mare. "Sorry chica. Didn't see you," said Octane jumping in his hind hooves. Mare rubbed her head and saw Octane's prostheses. "Wow, what happened with your hind hooves?" "Just Gauntlet," "What is Gauntlet means?" "Watch me." Octane threw the grenade and ran. Blastwave sent him flying into the sky. Then he ran on the wall, pulled out the shotgun and shot one bird. Then he jumped and began running on another wall. He shot another bird. Then he injected the stim and began running and jumping on the roofs of houses. He shot another bird and then threw the grenade. It exploded and sent him flying right into the castle. He landed on the balcony, where Caustic and Twilight were talking about chemistry. They looked at daredevil and Twilight asked: "What in tarnation was that?" "Gauntlet. Only 12 seconds! Awesome!" shouted Octane. Caustic whispered to Twilight: "His brain was blown up before his legs." Twilight understood the hint and nodded. Soon Spitfire landed on the balcony. "That was very cool! You did it very fast. I think that you fly as fast as Rainbow Dash." "Actually he beat her," said Twilight. "Really?" asked Spitfire. She was surprised. Suddenly Rainbow Dash landed. "What in tarnation was that?" "That was Gauntlet!" shouted Octane. Then Spitfire asked: "Rainbow, is that true that this pony could overrun you?" Rainbow Dash said: "Of course not. We were at the same speed." "Haha, you just don't want to admit defeat," said Octane. "Okay, how about race. Who will run first to the Sugarcube Corner, s/he will be the winner." "Deal! Ready! Set! Go!" With those words, both ran in Ponyville. Spitfire was shocked to see that Octane was keeping up with Rainbow Dash on his hind hooves. "Wow, he is really fast." Then she followed them. Wattson Wattson was walking in the streets and looking around. She was watching how her friends are having fun: Bloodhound was talking with Fluttershy, Gibraltar was helping to Applejack, Lifeline was talking to nurse Redheart, Pathfinder was baking with Pinkie, Bangalore was training Shining Armor, Mirage was entering the bar, Caustic was discussing something with Twilight, Wraith was walking in the streets, Octane was racing with Rainbow Dash, Crypto was talking with Scootaloo and Revenant was helping to Rarity with gems. The last one surprised Wattson mostly. She was very happy with all her family. Since her dad passed out she was in a deep depression. Then all Legends, even Dr. Caustic, cheered her up. She understood that her family was there. On Apex Games. Suddenly she came up with a question. Why did they need to come back, if they can live there? But then she realized that some legends had families about which they cared. She sighed and decided to come back. She just was a little fed up with those games. Suddenly she heard: "About what are you thinking?" Wattson turned around and saw Luna. "Ow, nothing...I think you know that it was a hard time when my papa passed out." "Yes, I know that it's painful to lose somepony who is dear to you." "Thanks for this." Luna nodded. Crypto Crypto was watching ponies through his drone, while he was hiding on the tree. He saw Mrs. Cake talking with her husband, while Pinkie and Pathfinder tried to catch children. Then he saw Octane and Spitfire who were racing. Suddenly someone said: "What are you doing?" He looked down and saw orange filly with wings. "Nothing," answered Crypto, grabbing his drone. Filly saw it and said: "Wow, what is this thing?" "Drone." Crypto headed to the town to find another spot. But filly didn't leave him. "My name is Scootaloo. Remember me? I met you in the forest with your friends." "I know. I want to be alone." "Oh c'mon, don't be so shy." "Didn't your parents tell you that it's bad to irritate people?" "I-i don't have parents." Crypto stood on his tracks and turned to her. Scootaloo began sobbing, but Crypto put a hoof on her shoulder and said: "I know how it feels. I didn't have parents too, but then one woman adopted me and my foster sister Mila. We were very happy. But one day, one organization killed my sister and blamed me for this. I changed my identity to Crypto." Scootaloo was shocked by Crypto's past. That was explaining why he was very secretive. "Sorry, I didn't know." "No worries." "But what is your real name?" "Tae Joon Park. But don't tell anyone." "No worries. I won't tell anyone if even I want. Because you have a name with difficult spelling. No offense," said Scootaloo. Crypto just smiled and headed to the town. Revenant Revenant was bored. He was walking in the streets, trying to find something interesting. Soon he was on the outskirts of the town, where he met Rarity with bags. She saw him and said: "Oh hi, Revenant. How are you?" "Bored. Where are you going?" "Oh, I just need some jewelry for my clothes. Would you like to join?" "Hmm, okay. But just because I have nothing to do," answered Revenant. Soon they were on the clear field. Rarity pulled out the shovel and began digging. Meanwhile Revenant was watching her. "Interesting." "What?" "You are fashionable snob, but you digging the ground." "First of all, I am not a snob. Second of all, here. Help me." Rarity gave to Revenant the shovel. He looked at it and just put it on the ground. "Hey, are you not gonna help to the lady?" "No." "You are such ruffian!" "I hoped you know the reason why I am so rude. Because you saw my memory." "Most of your memory I didn't watch because all you did was murdering somepony." "Someone, correctly. Do you know that I was a meatbag like you?" Rarity was surprised. 'He wasn't the robot before?' she thought. "I was working in Syndicate. Most of my victims were ordered by Hammond Robotics. When I was nearly dead, my tenants always revived me. But I didn't know that they did this to me." He lifted his hoof. "Hey, that's our spot!" Both ponies turned around and saw a trio of dogs. "Who are these meatbags?" "That are Diamond Dogs. They are called like that because they like collecting gems, mostly diamonds" said Rarity. "Hey, who did you call a meatbag, tin can?" said another dog. "I will count to three. If you won't run, you will die." Dogs laughed. "1." "Listen, that's our spot there.." "2." "..if you won't leave, we will make you do this." "3." Revenant got up on his hind hooves and revealed his hand-knife. "What the-" That was the last words that came out of the dog's mouth before Revenant pierced him. The corpse fell to the ground, while two other dogs were in shock. Revenant grabbed the dog's head and twisted it on 1800. The loud crack was heard. The last dog charged at the pony, but Revenant just grabbed his neck. "Wait! Don't kill him!" shouted Rarity. Revenant turned to her and said: "They made me a killing machine. Who am I to argue with programming?" With those words, he broke the dog's neck by squeezing it. Revenant looked at the pit and saw many gems. He grabbed the bag and put them all in it. "Here your precious gems. Now let's get back to town," said Revenant heading to the town. Rarity put shovels in the bag and picked up gems. Now she was terrified and scared because of Revenant. Was he really so violent before or something happened to him in the past so he began killing everypony? Castle of Friendship All Legends gathered around and began telling each other about their today adventures. Soon they headed to their rooms, while Main 6 with CMC and Princesses were talking about them. "..then she just jumped right and the rock landed on the spot where she was standing before," told Starlight to others who were astonished by this. "So now we know that everypony of them has special abilities, but we need to study them more," said Celestia. "I hope you remember what I told your sister this afternoon." Everyone yelped and saw Revenant. He made a gesture 'I watching you' and disappeared. Everyone was still surprised. > Chapter 8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- All legends got up and headed to the dining room for breakfast. There were pancakes, eggs, and..the basket of gems. "Wow, I will take some," said Mirage, pulling a hand to the basket, but received a spatula slap from Spike. "That's my breakfast," he said. "Wait, you eat them?" "Yes." After the breakfast, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were waiting for everyone in the main room. "So, Legends. I found the spell, which can bring you back to your home," Celestia said. "Really?" "Cool!" "High five!" "Oh, are you leaving?" disappointed Pinkie. "Yeah, we need to get back home," said Wraith. "Begin," said Lifeline. Celestia nodded and charged her horn. Then she blasted the magic beam into the mirror. The mirror became the blue color and didn't show anyone's reflection. "So, that's the end, you were the good public. Thank you for this." With those words, Mirage jumped into the portal. "Don't think that we owe you something." "Gods will bless you." "Bye, sisters." "Goodbye, we will miss you." "Cool, we are going home." "Say to Shining Armor that he needs more training." "Bye," said Wraith, entering the portal. "The probability to meet you again is 1%." "Bye, chicas!" "I hope we will meet you soon." Crypto nodded to ponies and entered the portal. Soon it closed. "Oh, I will miss them," said Pinkie. "Yeah, me too," said Twilight. The dropship Legends opened their eyes and found themselves on their ship. "Alright, how many days we were missing?" "3 minutes," said Crypto. "What?" asked everyone. "I watched the time, we were missing only 3 minutes." "But we were in this world for 3 days," said Wattson. "I have a theory that the time in that world is working differently," said Caustic. "Attention, be ready for the drop," announced the voice. "Well, let's go," said Bangalore. After this game, the voice announced that the next game will be in King's Canyon. Legends were surprised to hear that but they were happy. Few games later Legends were fighting with each other, then suddenly the ground began shaking. Then they saw how the part of their map with the giant skull went down to the water. Soon they saw a woman with a stick. Suddenly Revenant showed up and asked: "Come to kill me, little girl?" "Someday," said the girl. She lifted the pistol and said: "But for now." She took a shot. Ponyville. Human world Dazzlings lied down on the couch and were ready to fall asleep. "Good night," said Sonata. "Shut up," said Aria. "Just let's get some sleep," said Adagio. Soon they were sleeping. Night King's Canyon Dazzlings woke up and rubbed their eyes. Sonata yawned and looked around. Her eyes widened when she saw that they weren't in their flat anymore. "Girls, where are we?" she asked. Aria and Adagio looked at their surroundings. They saw that they were in the place with buildings. Suddenly they heard the chewing. Dazzlings turned around and saw Leviathan. "What the hell?" shouted Aria. "In my world, you will fear the shadows." Girls froze on their tracks and turned around. They saw...people, but they were different. They had yellow eyes and were black. "Fight!" Shadows charged at Dazzlings. They screamed and ran away. After a few minutes of running, shadows lost them. Dazzlings were hiding on the top of the giant skull. "What the hell is going on here?" asked Aria. "Shh! They will hear you," said Adagio. "Maybe it's just a dream?" asked Sonata. Suddenly they felt that someone was behind. They turned around and saw a strange creature. He was looking like a human, but he was made of metal and had red skin with a white mask. "Yes, it's just a bad dream," said creature. Dazzlings recognized it and backed away. "Y-you will kill us?" asked Sonata. "Dying after death. Welcome to my life, skin bags." With those words creature charged at Dazzlings. They screamed at the top of their lungs. Ponyville. Human world Dazzlings yelped and woke up. They looked at the time. 7.00 a.m. They were sweating and breathing heavily. "What the hell was that?" asked Aria. "I don't know," said Adagio. "I can't forget his eyes, scary eyes," said Sonata. Suddenly they looked at the mirror and saw that creature was staring at them. "Agh! What do you want?" "Who are you?" "I am Revenant." With those words, the robot disappeared.