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Comments ( 48 )

Somewhere on a rock farm

"Say pa..."

"Aye mother?"

"I think my maternal instinct is kicking in?"


"Yes. I have the distinct impression our Pinkimena has knocked up some old lady and I do not approve."

"Eh...whatever. We long established a treatsie hesheit and I."


<Begins to sing>

Comment posted by Amilition deleted Mar 30th, 2020

“Oh I can hardly wait to be inside her again, this is going to be a wonderful day.” She declared.

:rainbowlaugh: I love how honest she is with herself when no-pony else is around.

After having established she's been around the block for four thousand years and has seen everything, including being able to completely see through Rarity despite spending so little time together... she sure doesn't seem to notice Twilight getting jealous.

Well, one thing she hasn't done is get herself knocked up with a half dozen kids and subsequently have six + times the hormones flowing through her. Add to that the complications that come with a rapidly growing set of kids and its a bit more understandable.

Fluttershy reluctantly let go of the mare and nodded meekly. “Thanks, I promise I wont say I’m useless ever again.”

Be careful not to make prommises you can't keep, Flutters.

“Liven up Twilight. As a good friend of mine likes to say; ``Where's the fun in making sense?” Celestia replied.

That would be "What fun is there in making sense?".
Also, just for kicks...


I can't agree that that'd make a difference in someone with four thousand years of life and experience, but I do recognize after reading to the current chapter that it was a planned part of the story's conflict to be overcome rather than an oversight, and thus I can accept it as it is. Onward, we go!

Points just for Tolshy.
How long until Dash suggests a fuck-off?

In the story? Unforutnetly never, in my personal head cannon for what happens outside this story? Like five minutes.

“Good.” Fluttershy declared with a nod.

Since you already told them off, I don't have to sic Angel on them. :fluttershysad:

can you link where you found the story image

i need the number codes for the wallpaper...

Heres your sauce my dudes.

>Now Spike, I know your excited
His excited what?

Holy hell
That was a big mistake

Lol its not actually my cup of tea either, it just makes some good cover art when cropped.

Nothing like a sexy Celestia and eager futa girls to make this story sexy.

The unicorn pursed her lips, all trace of her formerly dour move evaporating in mere seconds. “Well her favorite food is cottage cheese pierogies covered in sauteed onions and smothered in sour cream, but her favorite comfort food is cream of broccoli soup with cheese on top and buttered garlic toast on the side.”

I can feel my arteries hardening just reading this.

I'm a little confused on the timeline and current situation. I thought previous story was set like 2 days after Discord's defeat. Now we're post-EQG and Twilight is… still a unicorn? And with the castle, it looks like we're post-Tirek too, but… still unicorn?

Its an AU, the entire timeline is different.

Comment posted by Sozmioi deleted Apr 1st, 2020


OK, does this AU have a name, or is it fresh for this?

Also, to rephrase what was deleted into a hopefully non-deletable form: Where is Luna? Why didn't Celestia see this coming well in advance and head it off?

Nope, this is fresh, just for this story.

Its mentioned more later, but Luna has been taking over for Celestia. As for why Celestia didn't see it coming, well the whole problem arose from a single person. No matter how much experience you have, you cannot know how absolutely everyone is going to react at all times and expecting Celestia to be able to see everything coming is just plain silly. Especially when you consider just how much turmoil she's had with her personal and professional life. Nevermind her love life, and all the new hormones she has from getting magickly super pregnant.

Can I just say i love EVERYTHING about this

Ctrl-f this thing, look for every instance of "your" and "you're", and check them. Remember, your is possessive, you're is you are.

“When one sees themselves not through the eyes of others, but only themself, their behavior changes considerably.” Pinkie Pie stated.

Twilight blinked. “That is a very astute way of putting it.”

Perspicacious indeed!

Comment posted by Chrome Masquerade deleted Apr 7th, 2020

“Well I certainly wouldn't mind that, if your offering.” Rainbow Dash replied with a slight smirk.


New fetishes, indeed. Oof.

Wow Twi I am impressed!
That impromptu speech of Twilight's was amazing. Way to put everypony in their place.

The guards both nodded, with the taller one stepping forward slightly. “I saw her. She told us that no one was allowed in, even you two. We may have forgotten that last part though.”

Twilight smiled, and waved Fluttershy over. “Well then, we had better go before you remember it then. Come on Fluttershy.”

Haha I love that guard. Sometimes you just gotta know when to forget an order you were given. Especially when you're worried bout the wellbeing of the one who gave said orders.

“Twilight.” Pinkie Pie interrupted, the earth pony placing a gentle hoof on her friend’s shoulder. “Celestia is an adult. Even if she's super pregnant, she can handle this. We need to trust her, and give her the space she needs to wrap her head around this whole debacle.”

Wow......that is just so unlike Pinkie and yet at the same time so like Pinkie.....does that make sense.
What am I talking about it's Pinkie Pie so it doesn't have to make sense

The pegasus grinned and did a little happy dance without standing up.

Oh that is the cutest image in my head....hope Twiggy gets past her issue with all of this. (if it went on much longer I would be so done with her shit)

Awww she stopped it? I was hoping they would keep knocking her up

Which was quite a bit, as Celestia’s titanic flanks shook and quacked each time Twilight bottomed out inside the pregnant mare.

I've heard of duck lips, but this is the first time I've seen duck ass.

Lol woops. Tempted to keep the error in just because of this comment.

If anyone would make random foley work noises while doing the do, it's Pinkie.

Exactly how bloated is Celestia gonna get at this rate?

Youll see. The last update is tmrw and she gets large.

AN implies the end, but marked incomplete.
Any chance of an epilogue with trying to determine parentages (And considering another round)?

...I mostly just want to see how absurd "regular" Celestia is after the foals are out.

Nah I just forgot to mark it as such. There was talk of more, but I feel like this is a good spot.

Now to wait (or commission) The next 60 dozen (or 600 dozen!)

“Well that sure makes thigns interesting.

I can't wait for Twilight spergle to understand that everything isn't a contest with all of Celly's lovers, she's cute when she gets jealous! :duck:

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