• Published 27th Mar 2020
  • 415 Views, 3 Comments

Resonance Change - Macrophage

A reformed changeling and a human enter into an odd timeshare agreement as they figure out a new world, new hardware, and what the heck those ponies running around with letters for names are.

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Chapter 5: High Neigh to the Danger Zone

Author's Note:

And that's it for the establishing story. If you got this far, thanks very much for reading.

I guess I see where i go from here with this. I have started work on missions for the agents and their new probationary recruit, and several small things written about here are hooks for larger plot lines, including the story name and why this all happened, but that would be sprinkled out over missions, so more action per unit volume of story. I may have given Pinea some firepower for now, but power always has a price tag,

Chapter 10: High Neigh to the Danger Zone

Sunday 7:17AM: Easy-sleep Hotel. Regina SK. Now just $77/night

“Argh! These just keep getting worse. Manticores now? I’d take a full pack of timberwolves over those. At least I don’t have to worry about getting stung,” U groans. “Is L going to be OK?”

M nods as the unicorn staggers in being supported by Q and G. The antivenom would take care of things, but it was still painful, and there would be a lot of nausea coming.

“Well, another one for the wounded list. Why don’t we just get a few more agents? You’d think we’d at least fill out the whole alphabet,” Q says, easing L into bed.

“Aside from one recruiting and testing window every few years when there’s a guaranteed portal opening, it’s kind of the problem of the trainers in Equestria not getting us acceptable candidates,” M says, easing into a chair.

“We get good recruits,” G grumbles. “It’s when they made O administer the testing…. Who was the last recruit he passed? Nobody!”

“Leave it be,” M says. “He’s strict but he’s fair.”

“Fair? I don’t think he’d pass any of US. I’ve beat him before, but the rest? No offense.”

“I’m always offended by you G,” U says.

“Of course you are. That’s your charm,” He smiles back. “I’m serious though. Next recruitment comes around in a few months and we are getting new ponies or I’m out.”

“Bring it up with A again dear. I agreed originally with him, but you’re right, our standards are maybe too high for some ponies that will learn a lot on the job. You all have learned so much since you joined.”

“One more to go.” Q says, “Hopefully we get a break on this last one.”


8:09PM Country Bend Farm (4.75/5 on Barnreviews.org). 18km East of Regina

I never quite got these places. We parked away out from the barn, being taken there in a horse drawn cart. I got the charm, but the cart never made much sense. Just park by the barn. I hold on to my seat as we bump along slowly. There’s a few of us here. Shelia, the section head was beside me. Across from us were Ted, Albert, and Imogene our researchers. Amy our grad student and her boyfriend Harry were seated on the front bench with the person at the reigns. We were the third group out. Apparently close to twenty-five had come out. Most were grad students. Offer them free anything and you could count on good attendance. I sure did when I was one.

“So that’s what horses look like here. They make them pretty big.” Pinea comments.

“They come in a few sizes. Pony to Clydesdale” I say, trying to remember some pictures I’d seen. “Just none that are intelligent.”

We get to the barn. It’s somewhat fake rustic on the outside while inside was a very well appointed and clean meeting area with tables a band and dance area. Several tables with food are laid out. Outside there is a nice wooded area behind the barn. Very popular for weddings. I’m told that was what it was meant to be before someone got cold feet. They’d never bothered to specifically cancel.

As the night wears on I’m glad I came. I was worried about interacting with people after everything that’s happened, that somehow, I’d have a ‘turn up naked for a test’ moment and just spontaneously turn back into a changeling in front of everyone.

“I told you, it’s really easy with a little focus. Just don’t get drunk. That may be a problem.”

“Yeah. Are you having a good time?”

“Pretty good. This place is nice. I’ve been a few places that look like it before, and the food isn’t too bad. Are you going to dance?”

“Buck no.”

“Awwww. Shelia seemed like she wanted to. I kind of like her.”

“Not interested.” I say, sauntering outside. It’s another nice night in early June. Clear night, no wind, just a little bit lower than room temperature. Being a little way out of the city there were also a few more stars visible as well.

“It’s not about being interested, it’s about enjoying yourself and her enjoying herself. Others are getting out there. It’s not like anyone is a master dancer. Or are they? I don’t know what sort of weird wiggles you apes do,” he snickers.

I smile to myself and shake my head. “Okay, you talked me into it. I need to get out a little more.”


9:37PM Country Bend Farm. 18km East of Regina

“Oh, please let it be something small. It doesn’t always HAVE to be big,” Q says.

“I’m not worried about that,” M says, pointing. “There’s a gathering out there. That’s going to be a serious containment problem. We’re going to need at least two or three to deal with that. We may have to evacuate and do a retreat. We don’t want casualties.”

The others look on, tired. One more to go then hopefully some downtime.

There’s a rustle in the trees behind the barn that gets more intense. There’s no wind tonight though.

“I don’t think we’re going to be lucky.” G says.


I’m dancing again. OK, I admit it, I’m having fun. I just needed a little push I guess.

“Mike? I think I heard something weird,” Pinea says. The music isn’t that loud and now that I think about it, it sounds like there’s a lot of motion in the trees. I put it off to wind, but there is none. I excuse myself and walk over to the drinks table, which is close to a back door, which I slip out of. I’m almost in the trees back here, but I’m not alone. There’s something else here. Something very big. I look up. It’s a reptile of some sort, mostly neck, no, four necks and a thick lower body. Its easily taller than the barn. Its looking around but hasn’t seen me yet thankfully.

“H…h…h…hydra!” Pinea stammers in my head, terrified. I’m right with him, blood running cold. I almost drop our form in the process, one arm slowly reaching behind as I slip back inside the door and gingerly close it.

“Damn! What do we do?” I could get away but there’s a huge hellbeast just outside. I don’t ask about if hydras are vicious, Pinea’s response made that clear.

“I…I..don’t know Mike. We can’t leave everyone here!” He says, as I’m in agreement. We’re the only ones here with any ability to remotely take this thing on.

I nod and quietly walk over to a table where Shelia is sitting down. Oh, great, how do I approach this? I’m guessing honestly isn’t the best policy. We need people moving quietly.

“Hey Mike, ready to go on the dance floor again?” she says with a wide smile. She’s a little tipsy certainly. I shake my head at her, grabbing her arm hard, forcing her to look at me with a different expression.

“I just saw a bear out back Shelia. We need to get people out of here quickly and quietly. Stay away from the woods and move to the cart. We need to be QUIET though.”

I see a moment of panic and then a nod as she starts going to others as I try to inform some myself. The din of the party starts to fade as we quietly tell the band, and get people filing out. The last of the people at the party leave the barn when I hear more rustling and then one of the people screams, which is followed by a roar. So much for the bear story.

“Mike, I don’t think we can change to anything big enough to take that on.”

“We have the new spells. A lot of those could be good to protect them. Pinea, I don’t think we can help without them seeing us.”

“Then that’s how it’s got to be.” He says, and I nod, hiding and dropping the shape. Mike’s gone for the evening.


“You just HAD to say let it be small didn’t you Q?” U groans as the hydra emerges.

“At least the party had started to get out of there. Why does one person always have to scream?” G says.

“They’re not going to make it!” Q adds, flying up as the beast lumbers forward. It’s not close, but it has a very long reach. Two heads go to catch the last of the party goers until something gallops out, getting in the way of the attack. There’s a bright flash of blue as the heads bounce off something, shaking in annoyance and re-orienting on the new target. Q pauses, confused.

“What the buck is that?” U says, “Did backup arrive?”

“None of our casters auras are blue,” G says. “Kind of looks like…”

“Changeling.” M says, an eyepiece on her suit magnifying the view for her. “You two don’t know any teal and green Changelings on Earth do you?” she asks. G and Q both shake their heads.

“Why can’t YOU do that?” U says to the two of them as the hydra makes another attempt and gets deflected.

“None of us can, that’s why. There was one that could but she’s gone.” G says, though the two look at each other worried. They never had found her….

“Well, what are we doing up here then? Let’s get down there and lend a hoof!” U says, fiddling with a gun attachment that’s been added to her hoof device, but M stops her.

“G and Q should get people to safety, and make sure we contain this. U, I want you on the tail end, ready to defend those retreating if the hydra gets past our friend there. We ensure a safe retreat THEN take it to the hydra. Besides, our new friend seems to be holding their own so far. This might be a good time to lean a few things before dealing with them. I’ve got something here for long range so I can give them a little help.”

There are nods around as everyone breaks. G and Q take human forms and get people to the cart while U goes high, scouting and flying in behind the mystery changeling.


“GET OUT OF HERE NOW!” I shout, trying to make our voice sound deeper so hopefully nobody associates it with Mike, whose now backseat driving. I hear another scream at me. Yeah yeah, scary bug yelling at you and protecting your ass.

“SO glad we worked on that shield spell now.” Mike says.

“Any bright ideas on what to do? I’m a little busy here.”

“Working on it. I suppose we could shoot it, but I still don’t want it to get to that. That’s still a do or die thing. It doesn’t look very well balanced. Really top heavy I mean. If someone could probably trip that thing up. Maybe if….”

I dodge an attack by another head. We now have the attention of all four heads as the rest of the party starts to put some more distance between us. I throw up a shield to hold off another attack by all four at once this time. It deflects three, one getting through, managing to get a glancing blow across my left leg, which still really hurts. They’re getting stronger and I don’t have the endurance to keep this up.

“I have one really dumb idea.”

“Most of your ideas aren’t dumb Mike. Let’s hear it.”

“Rope the heads in, pull down, then sweep the legs with a push. Take It to the ground then try and stun it.”
“Not bad. No rope though.”

“If telekinesis can be a hand or hoof, how about a rope of force?”

“I…why not indeed! I’ll give it a shot.” I say. “I may need to do some fancy flying. If I can’t get it to work you may need to take over.”

Mike agrees, but I can feel him get distracted.

“I think I just saw a pegasus in the sky?” He says, “They’re not engaging so focus on the hydra!”

I open my wings and get into the air. Mostly I’m thinking of how this is going to work, if it works. I imagine doing a normal grabbing motion but imagine it’s along a line. Ohh, like spider silk! That’s it! I dodge another lunge of a head and then a second, testing it out. I can see the glowing line wrap a neck as I try to pull it back to me. It sort of works but fizzles out. Getting close. Mike’s usually better with this part. Crap, its heading for one of the humans. A head makes another lunge for me, as the body moves ahead, two heads going for the strike on the straggler.

Bank turn in hard! “OW!” Outer wing gets clipped, throwing me off course. I pull hard, to the side, hitting the ground feet behind the runner, casting shield again in time to deflect. One head gets through with a headbutt, sending me rolling. I shake my head, trying desperately to clear it, right myself, and take to the air, but I can feel that side really hurting.

I need to get it on me alone, so I try to thread the four heads. One gets close enough to get a gash across my flank, the head nearly colliding with each other. OH, IDEA!

“You got an idea of what that rope spell might be like?”
“I…I think so, yeah.” Mike says.

“OK, I’ll give you a shot at it. I just need to ‘tenderize’ him.” I say, looking at my target with new determination. I know how this is going to go down.

“HEY DUMMY!” I shout, “That the best you got?” I wiggle in the air, daring it to come at me.

Two heads attack, the others following something else in the air. I let both heads get closer then cast a hard push, the force wave slamming into both, stunning them. Yes!

“If you stick close to stunned heads, I bet they can’t twist very fast.” Mike offers. Yes, that’s an even better option! I try the force bolt spell but weaken it as much as I can. I still get a shot off. It does no damage, but it does draw attention of the other heads, who go to strike my position near the other stunned heads. I hold position, dodging to the side away from the first two heads and fire another force wave, sending the new heads into the other two. I twist a little in the air as one of the heads graze my side.

“Now Mike!” I think as I throw control to him.


I make sure to adjust flight first, still a bit shaky with the clipped wing. Then I visualize the spell. I’d thought about this one once before, and seeing Pinea’s attempt gives me the final clues. I solidify the image as the field also solidifies. The heads are all dazed so getting them all in is easy as I cut height and drop to the ground. I look up. This is going to take a lot of energy I think as I pull HARD along the line of the field. That’s the tricky part, but it works! The heads snap down towards the ground as it tries to re-balance its legs. I drop the spell, casting another force wave as hard as I can at its leg, the beast going over with a tremendous crash, heads whipping into the ground, lying there stunned. I stagger back, feeling almost ready to collapse.

I hear something whiz by me, a small glowing gem shot at us.

“Someone’s shooting at us Pinea!” I look around. There are no more party goers around, so I hand control back to him and we fly full speed out of there, away from where the shot came. We’re both exhausted and drained from the spells, our escape being fueled by pure adrenaline


M puts away the rifle, starting the countdown. 20…19…18…

“They’re getting away!” U says, but M holds up a hoof.

“We’ll have other chances to see them I’m sure, now that we know they’re here. Tell me, what did you plan to do dear? Talk or tackle them?”


U goes to says something then stops. In the heat of things that hadn’t been discussed.

G and Q return. “Did they just take down a hydra on their own?” G says, looking at the stunned beast flat on the ground.


M nods. “Impressive job too.”


There’s a flash and the hydra is gone, leaving only a small glowing gem.

“Well, someone go and pick up our hydra. Looks like you got your wish Q, it was an easy night.”

“So, what do we do about them?” G asks.

“Find out who they are, then have a talk with them.” M says matter-of-factly

“I don’t trust them. We have no idea who they are.”

“I think we know quite a bit actually.” M says calmly. “They appear to have been at this party, otherwise it seems pretty coincidental them showing up. We know the first thing they did was to protect the escape of others, putting themselves in harm’s way. Fairly heroic if you ask me. As we’ve not encountered your ‘cougar with a railgun’ and this is the last of our targets and they can fire force bolts yet didn’t take killing shots we can assume they were trying to use non-lethal means against something much stronger than them so they’re probably measured and not bloodthirsty. In the end its your call G. I’m just suggesting that if we approach this right we may not have a problem, but a talented ally.”

G nods and turns to Q. “You got the information from those people before processing? Tomorrow we pay the University here a visit.”

M shakes her head and sighs.


Chapter 11: Mage or Malfunction

11:15PM MST Regina, SK

We fly all the way home, ditching the car for now. We can’t be totally sure if they shot at us or the hydra, but we weren’t going to stick around in case it was the former. We’re exhausted, but still wired, calming down a bit when we realize that the pegasus could have tailed us easily if she had wanted to. We could fly, but Pinea assures me that pegasi were specialists at it. Still, we were going to be wary. The shots it got on our leg flank and wing still hurt and my leg and flank are still bleeding a little. It’ll heal, but it’s going to be harder to walk for a while.

Sleep comes easily thanks to the exhaustion. The next day we take several forms getting to work mostly flying to stay off the leg. The odd thing is that nobody seems to remember much about the party other than it was good and it ended early. I don’t push it with any of them. The less said about last night the better.

“Hey Mike?” Shelia says as she walks into my small office closing the door.

“Hey Shelia. Berry banana bread?” I say, offering a piece. She smiles and takes it, taking a small bite, her eyes growing wide.

“Wow, that’s really good! Taking up baking? She asks, sitting across from me in the only other chair in the room.

“Yeah, when the bombs fall, I can’t go down to the store and grab baked goods can I?” I chuckle.

She laughs a little uneasy. “Bombs dropping?” she says with another awkward laugh.


“Yeah, guessing maybe not Shelia. Keep an eye out.”

She scoots a little closer. “Anyway Mike, I wanted to talk about last night….”

I nod, “What about exactly?”

“Just how crazy everything got. With everyone running. I got worried when I couldn’t find you,” she says, leaning in.

“Mike, she’s slowly moving her right arm.”

“And I…” the arm flashes out, but I’ve already moved back, grabbing the arm, using the motion to push it into her own chest. The patch in her hand sticks to her chest and she immediately changes into a yellow and orange hued changeling. My other arm goes around their neck. I know they’ll shift out but I’m already thinking of other things to do.

“What the hell? Trying to drug me or something?”

“Taromort,” he says with a bit of a cough. I may be squeezing a bit hard from panic now. “Blocks shapeshifting for a few hours. Perfectly harmless though.”

“Then perhaps we can start with why you want to do that to me in the first place.”

“So you’d not run.”

“Really great negotiator. Sure as hell wouldn't want to be your date.”

“We just want to talk.”

“Can you see how I may have a few trust issues right about now about your intentions?” I say as I try not to yell. He nods slowly.

There’s a knock at the door. “Shelia?”

“As there was nobody else in the lab before you came in here, I’m assuming that’s your backup.” I ask, and get another nod.

“Okay, so here’s what’s going to happen. We’re going to go out there and have a little talk like you wanted, but now you’ve graciously volunteered to be my leverage. I don’t want to hurt you, but right now my trust level for you is in the negatives. If you DO want to just talk amicably then there’s no reason not to go along and cooperate with me. Do we understand each other?”

Another nod.

I open the door and step out, changeling before me. Albert is in the room but I highly doubt its him. There is also a middle-age woman, seated at one of the desks, perfectly calm with everything, so she’s with them too. I’m already planning an escape route. This situation is very tense.

My ‘hostage’ aims a kick at me, surprising me enough to drop my own shape as he gets clear of me. I look to the chemical shelves, telekinetically pulling two specific jars off, smashing them into one another, the room filling with a billowing smoke. A bolt of light shoots out of the cloud as I turn tail, shifting to a sparrow, handing things over to Pinea as we fly out the narrow open window.


11:34AM University of Regina

“That went well,” M says tartly.

“I told you he’s dangerous! He attacked me and then tried to poison us.”

“Your plan was to patch him so you threw the first blow G, then Q here shoots at them. As to poisoning us, there are plenty of things in here that could be combined to make something toxic. He chose two bottles that would just create an obscuring cloud. Clever boy, but again, not bloodthirsty.”

“I’m calling this in NOW. I’ll get O here to handle them.”

“Mmm, that’s got to sting. You know he’s going to remind you of that for some time dear.”

“You have a better plan?”

“I HAD a better plan but you decided you wanted to drug and capture. Give me a day to try things my way. If they’re still out there after that then go and ask for help.”

“One day! And U and Q can still bring them in if they get a shot.” he grumbles, going back to the office, closing the door to wait out the poison. “Someone get me a coffee at least!”


11:39AM Northridge Apartments

I gasp as we finally finish flying, coming to land on a top of one of the higher apartment building, dropping the bird form and laying on the roof trying to recover from our escape.

“Who the buck are these guys Mike?” I ask rhetorically. “What did we do to them?”

“I don’t know, I’ve never seen them before. More changelings. I mean do you know anyone else that would be here?’

“I’d never heard of this place before. I’m pretty sure a world inhabited by mostly naked apes would have been something that stuck around in my head.”

The clouds overhead provide some intermittent shade from the bright sun while we figure out what to so. If they knew where I worked, they’d know about the house. I doubt I could even pick up the car from last night. Maybe that was for the best. Move to a new city with no possible traces. Would we have to worry about these assholes showing up there too? For a bunch that just wanted to talk they seemed to want to use their hooves a lot.

I notice the shadow get dark very fast. I roll us on the roof as I feel it shake behind us with a sharp thud sound. When I look up I can see the black Pegasus that Mike had said he glimpsed last night. Black coat, dark blue mane and what looked like a lightning bolt on her flanks. She had some sort of contraption on her right hoof that appeared to be used for holding things, a small bejeweled club held there which she’d just brought down where we used to be a second ago.

“So, what’s your deal huh?” she asks casually, “Good work on the hydra last night by the way.”

“MY deal? You just tried to bash in my head! What’s YOUR deal?” I shout.

“Sorry. G’s got all serious about bringing you in. I mean, I KIND of like to see him all flustered, but I still got to listen to him,” she says, sitting down for a second. “I mean you can fly out of here but we both know I’m going to catch you if you do.”

“What the hell do you even want with me? I was just trying to help out those people last night.”

“Yeah yeah I know,” she sighs. “Look all I can say is we look into weird stuff like this here, and there’s no record of you, so that qualifies you for ‘weird stuff’.”

“So you bash in the ‘weird stuff?’”

“Eh, sometimes. Mostly just trap and release. Hey, the club here’s set to stun. You would have been fine. I’d get my tail handed to me if I hurt you too much,” she shrugs.

“I felt the roof move! That doesn’t seem like painless. Are you all insane?”

“OK, that was useful. They can’t hurt us, so they’re going to have to pull punches.” Mike offers.

“Nawww, but let’s get this over with. You going to come along nice or make this difficult? I mean I don’t WANT to hurt you, but after seeing you last night I’d also kind of like to take you on. Really, lot of respect for last night.”

I don’t waste a second or even consult Mike. “Bring it feather-flanks!”

She smiles and adjust her club, circling a little, sizing us up, “Cool!”

We do the same. “Okay, probably a really stupid move. Mike? Anything? Please?”

“So, can’t use too many tactics from last night. Outclassed on speed, maybe maneuverability too. At least she’s not looking to kill…. I got nothing yet.”

“Wonderf…” I start then roll as she launches at us. Club just barely missing connecting with my head, my leg throbbing in pain, reminding me of last night.

“Don’t fly for now. If she’s got us beat in the air make her deal with the roof.”

I nod, changing to a small orange cat. More nimble, smaller target. She makes another pass, but I do better at avoiding this one, stumbling thanks to the leg injury. I’m on defense until Mike can think of anything to get us out of here.

Another pass. I jump but she pulls a fake out and I twist hard in the air. OW! Painful! By luck I land on her back, claws out in panic as I latch on. Her flight path goes wild.

“GAA!” she shouts, flailing with her hooves as we crash onto the roof and I’m thrown clear. I change back, shaking my head. She’s still getting up so I try a force push, knocking her off the roof. Not that that matters to her.


“NOW we’re talkin’!” she says, flying back up a big smile across her muzzle. “The guys always think big when we spar so I’m usually just beating against a bear or rhino or something.”

“OK, she’s crazy.” We both think.

“She got us outclassed most every way here,” Mike tells me, “It’s only a matter of time until she scores. The only thing we have going for us is she can’t….”

I dodge another a lunge, then get kicked by her hind hooves as she maneuvers into a follow-up, knocking the wind out of me. I’m gasping, then dodge again by changing to a rat, so she flies over her target.

Mike feeds me an image. Really risky, but we don’t exactly have options here… I tap out and get myself ready.


I drop back to changeling form, as we face off again, slowly backing up to the edge of the roof. I’m still out of breath and limping.

“Damn, you’re fast,” I puff, still trying to get some air back.

“Damn right,” she smiles and makes another run at me. She’s probably going to aim low, so I change to a hummingbird and fly up as she swoops under, swinging the club where I just was. I wasn’t going to outrun her, but this could at least out-maneuver her. I aim down, making my run.

I can see her in my peripheral vision, gaining on me. She swings wide as I turn to her, the next swing coming in right at me. I cast and there’s a flash. My tiny wings stop and now I’m plummeting as I revert to changeling form. I pass control.


“Oh buck me!” she shouts, realizing what she’s done as the ground rapidly gets closer as everyone plummets to an empty parking lot below. She quickly flies under supporting my body, her wings pumping hard as she tries to slow our descent. The ground’s getting closer but she’s doing it. She’s so fixated on slowing us that she’s not expecting the flash and tentacles that wrap around her, grabbing each leg and the club, still leaving her wings free. She’s already committed to slowing down or we’re all street pizza so she keeps flapping as I slip other tentacles around her neck and muzzle so she doesn’t throw me off. Her face is so hot, is she blushing? When just a few feet above the ground I hit her with her own club. There’s a flash and she drops unconscious. I lift her into a trash bin in the lot and limp off. Trash day wasn’t for another week Mike informs me so she’d be safe.

“You know if you didn’t pull off that shield so close this would have gone very bad,” I say to Mike as I turn to a crow and fly out of the lot.

“Yeah, but she wasn’t going to drop us. Worst case is she’d have won, but I didn’t see any other way out Pinea. If she hadn’t had to take us in, we’d be pulp. Really good work with the octopus.”

“Let’s just find a place to rest up. I hope there are no more of them.”


2:55PM Riverbank

It’s several hours later and I’m sitting near the river in an open area of the park along its banks. I’ve currently taken the form of an old classmate I used to know, or at least how I remembered her in grad school. We used to come here after some late days in the lab. I don’t really know where to go now.

“We can find somewhere else to start over.” Pinea offers, having handed over control to me. “It’s not great but we can survive I’m sure.”

I nod. It’s somewhat weak. Just a day ago we were happily enjoying a day together and now being hunted for helping save my coworkers. I guess its ex coworkers now. Can't go back there now.

“Excuse me?” I hear a woman say. She looks to be in her 70’s, but I’m on edge right now. I assume she’s a threat unless other information comes up. This is probably no coincidence.


She waves me over to a bench in the middle of a green area by a jogging path. Very open. Pinea’s keeping an eye out on the bench, but we don’t see any eyes. Even shifted if you wanted to see something you needed eyes somewhere. I wanted to run but also at this point I wanted information. If this was another one of these dolts at least it looked like she was making an effort at an amicable meeting. Fairly public, out in the open. I’m not sure how she’d know me in this form though. Crap! Probably old picture posts. I limp over, my leg really hurting now, and my midsection still tender from the kick. If this is another fight I’m not sure how well we’re going to fare.

“I want to apologize for the idiot, I mean idiots today,” she says, sitting back out of range of any arms. “I told G he was being stupid, but he refused to listen. These kids today spend so much time bagging monsters they forget that you can’t treat people the same way. I hope the bruise to his ego reminds him of that.”

“And you are?”

“Well, I’ve been going now by ‘M’ for some time. Sort of like in James Bond. Little inversion of it seeing as Q had been taken. Bit of an in-joke I like,” she smiles, “But if you’re wondering what I am. An earth pony in an exoskeleton mounting a holographic projector. I suppose changelings can do it a lot easier as you know, but I like to get out and walk around. I’d show you, but obviously this isn’t the time nor place.”

“Not necessarily the weirdest thing I’ve heard. I’m guessing you know my name by now, seeing as you tracked me to work.” I grumble.

“Yes Mike. Again, I’m sorry. I really want to clear the air here about the last day, perhaps days. I think you deserve that and more. I saw what you did with the hydra. Very impressive and very brave. I like watching when someone who clearly has a head on their shoulders uses it.”

“Thank you I guess.”

“Mike. I represent a group operating on Earth here. We’re all from Equestria, but the problem is that things tend to keep slipping through from one place to the other. The odd magical item, monsters, and the occasional pony or two. Things like hydras and drakes aren’t exactly native to Earth and we’re trying to keep it that way for the safety of others, and so no inconvenient questions get asked of other interests here. As I’m sure you’re aware, there was a large storm here a few days ago. Pretty strong really, though not the strongest we’ve encountered. I don’t know what your week has been like, but in the background these ponies have dealt with at least ten magical creatures that have found their way here because of that storm four days ago. Timberwolves, manticores, bugbears, and of course the drake and hydra, but those last two are in your column.”

“And my prize for taking it down was to get shot at by one of your band of little chipper crickets, drugged, or bashed by a pegasus?”

“What? OH!” she says, realization appearing to hit. “Oh my, maybe some of this is my fault? Oh Mike, no. I was aiming that shot last night at the hydra. The ‘bullet’ was a trap for holding it. The large ones take quite a bit of time to fully activate so getting a trap under the stunned creature as fast as possible was important. You were never the target.”

“Until today.”

She sighs and leans back. “They’re actually some of the best Equestria has to offer. We pick from a lot of different services back home. All secret of course. We’re currently a little understaffed. Mike, taking down a Hydra on your own to my thinking is more than enough to qualify you to join, though the process is more formal. G was thinking in terms of neutralizing another problem he had to deal with. I think you’d be a very good agent for us. Personally, I’d like someone around with some science background to talk to. Two bachelors a masters and a PhD isn’t too shabby.

“Mike, it’s not glamorous work, but it is vital work we do to keep people safe. You’re free to walk away from here. If you do though G will report what happened and they’ll send the best we got after you because he’s still worried. I’ve tried telling him different, but for whatever reason he’s being stubborn on this. The changeling they’ll send though, he’s good deep down, but can also be rather… umm zealous, and I don’t want to see you hurt for doing the right thing and saving those people. I don’t get to make the call on that, but I am giving you this information as a good will gesture. If you choose to run away you’ll have a head start at least.”

“Thaaanks. Join us or die.”

“We’re always looking to capture and not kill, but he would be rough, yes, but not lethal. Look, I can offer you two more things. Three more if my personal assurance means anything but I’m guessing it doesn’t to you.”

“Good guess.”

“Deserved,” she sighs. “The first is I’m willing to be your bargaining chip. No resistance. No escaping. I want you to join, so I have no reason to resist.”

“So you say.”

“Again deserved. The other is a piece of information that will make things much harder for us. A mutual secret dear. We’re pretty good at keeping tabs on the few Equestrians here on Earth. Either you’ve been so amazingly good you’ve avoided detection for, let’s see… last level 5 disruption was a bit over a year ago, so a year. Or, you’re new here. If I were you, I’d say it’s the former. If so, you arrived through a breach between worlds near Edmonton and moved here assuming this life.”

“Whose saying that’s not true?”

“Oh, I won’t, but I know it’s not true dear. See, if that WERE true, I doubt you’d have the glowing work reviews you have, or be teaching several classes in science, or know how to mix chemicals on the fly. The credentials can be faked, the knowledge less so. Science in Equestria isn’t quite at the same level but I suppose you could have self-taught in that time, but it’s less likely you did. Also, the breach occurred in Kelona, so you’ll want to be clear on that.” She smiles.

“Damn, she just suckered an answer out of me,” I say to Pinea, as she continues.

“All of this means the more likely situation is that you or some force came through the recent breach. NOW, I know that Mike existed here before the breach and the current Mike seems to have his knowledge and skills. We wouldn’t be having this meeting if this place and that shape didn’t have meaning to Mike too. Old posted pictures wouldn’t have much sentimental significance to an imposter. I also know that level four breaches like the one here recently never have been able to transport sentient creatures. So, the best conclusion would be that whatever happened changed you into a changeling, and one with some significant magical talent.”

“She’s really good. She got everything right except for me,” Pinea says in the back of my mind, breaking the silence he’d kept for a while now. I have to agree, though we also both agree not to correct her one mistake.

“Now I don’t NEED to figure any of that out, or include it in any report. I’m not sure any of the others will figure it out either, if you get my drift. You may want to put off questions until you have some more background knowledge of Equestria if you do decide to come…”

“I have a fair knowledge,” I say, arms crossed, looking at her.

“Helpful. Anyhow, I’d advise against copping to the last story, as some may start to think of you as a test subject to figure out what happened. I admit I’d like to figure that out as well, but I’d rather just ask questions and try to work on it like colleagues. Otherwise we offer nice living spaces, a dental plan, lots of travel, and access to some nice toys. Work is intermittent depending on how many problems we have to deal with or things to investigate, but probably comparable with what you have now. This week has been a pretty stressful exception for us as I’ve said. So….?”

“I need to think about this” I say as she nods but holds up a hand.

“You have the day, but you may want to stay here with me. The others may make another attempt if you leave. Here I can control things. There is just one more thing.”

She very slowly reaches to her purse, showing me she’s not trying anything, removing one of the patches I saw earlier.

“For some reason G was VERY insistent on forcing you into your true shape. I’m not sure I get why. But if you come back you’ll have to use that to convince him. You’ve spooked him for whatever reason since we saw you fend of the hydra. In fact, I think he may even let you walk away if you just do that for him.”

Pinea chimes in now “I think I know Mike. Remember when I said the only other changeling in recent memory that was able to cast more than telekinesis was Chrysalis? She’s still out there somewhere, though that would be Equestria. Maybe he thinks…I don’t know how offended I should be at that.”

“How about you take over negotiations?” I say to him, letting him take over for a while.

“I think I know why. You may know we’re not exactly casters.” Pinea says to M. “I’m not even sure why I have this much power to use. The last serious changeling spellcaster though was Chrysalis, who is still out there somewhere. I’m guessing he wants to be sure I’m not her. I…probably don’t blame him on that.”

“OH, yes, yes, that makes perfect sense!” M nods. “The boys did seem a little spooked last night. It certainly explains his being so deadly serious today. Very out of character for him.”

“I’m going to walk around here a little and think about this, OK?” Pinea says as M nods, saying she’ll stay at the bench.

“Okay, so what do you want to do here Mike?”

“I was going to ask you the same question Pinea, I’m really not sure. I suppose it sounds interesting. I’m still damn mad at them, but…maybe there were a lot of miscommunications.”

“And if they were thinking we were HER, I can kind of see why they might try to do what they did….”

“But by what they say it would be a lot more danger. I’m not really sure,” Mike trails off. “The hydra didn’t scare me quite as much at the end as I thought it would, and she seems to suggest that was on the high side for threats. I don’t know. Maybe I could do it if you wanted to. I’m not exactly the very brave type. I’ve also told you about my ability to make wrong decisions…”

“I really like the idea of helping people deal with these things. The night with the drake, things got out of hoof, but I’m still glad we did it, minus the spell. Saving your work friends from the hydra too. I…I think I could see doing this. What would we be doing here otherwise? I sort of like the idea of seeing more of this world too.”

“We’d be going to work in the lab. Teaching. Mixing stuff up. Oh God it does sound so limited when you start to think about it in comparison doesn’t it? Three weeks’ vacation time a year and pretty cold winters. This new place might also be somewhere to try and work on new spells. They may even have some books on it. Maybe even get some answers to what happened to us. They seem to know a few things about these ‘breaches’.”

“I think I know where we’re going on this Mike,” He smiles. “I think I want to negotiate two more conditions though.”

Pinea walks over to M, looking stern, sitting at the table, crossing our arms. “I think we have a deal. I’ll agree to your terms, but under two more conditions.”

“I’m listening,” She says, leaning a little closer.

“Is there a well-stocked kitchen? I like to cook.”

She smiles broadly. “Not so much now, but I’m sure nobody would object to that changing. I’m assuming the banana bread was yours? If there’s anything more like that in store for us I’ll stock it personally.”

Pinea nods. “Second, I just bought a ton of groceries. I’m not leaving them behind. So….”

When M hears his suggestion, she breaks out laughing.


6:15 PM Regina, SK

“Come on, at least take a few of these through the port. I’m NOT walking into Central like this!”

“Oh yes you are dear. Mike was nice enough to put on your silly patch after you attacked him earlier today. This was part of the deal,” M says, hanging two shopping bags of groceries off the changeling’s horn. The saddle packs on him were already full.

“I didn’t attack him, why do I have to do this too?” Q says, already with bags off his horn and snout, a third clutched in his teeth. “We could just change….”

“Exactly like this was the deal,” Pinea says, helping to support L who was still feeling nauseous from the manticore venom. He’s still woozy but assures us he can open a portal back.

U is having trouble breathing for all the laughing though, taking pictures with a phone attached to her hoof augment after she hangs the last bag off G’s snout. “Don’t worry, you’ve got this. Don’t you G?”

“I hate U so much right now.”

“That’s my boy!” she laughs. “Oh man O is going to give you SO much grief for this,” she cackles as G quietly scowls at us.

“So what’s your actual name ‘Mike’?” U asks as she lands and walks up to me. “You’re not exactly with humans here so….”

I can feel Pinea’s question coming, “Your name or mine, it’s all good to me.”


“Okay then Pinea it is.” She says. “We’re having a rematch you know.”

“I know no such thing other than you’d kick my tail three times before I got two hits on you,” Pinea says.

“That’s what training’s for. Maybe you can get it down to one or two losses,” she grins.

“You realize they’re doing the agent letter thing like in the movie.” Pinea says to Mike.

“Yeah, I don’t know if it’s stupid, silly, kind of charming, or a warning sign,” Mike replies, “though I plan to grind their gears for it in the future if this works out. Still, we should watch out. We’re just going into a new kind of unknown here.”

“Whatever’s next I think we can take it on together.” Pinea says, smiling on our little mental couch, hoof around Mike’s shoulder, and Mike’s over his.

“One for all, and all in one.”

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Kinda weird that this doesn't have many likes or comments, it's really good!

This is so good!
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