• Published 16th Mar 2020
  • 1,733 Views, 7 Comments

Comfort - Twilight Star

When Discord is reformed by Fluttershy, he returns to Canterlot along with Celestia to review his marefriend. Discord realizes that although Luna is happy to see him again, she is sad about what she did in the past.

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Discord approached Celestia. “Yes, Princess. I am ready to use my magic for good instead of evil,” he bowed. “Well, sometimes...”

Dicord stopped bowing. “Congratulations on your successes, ponies. I definitely felt a change in Discord,” said Celestia with a smile.

Celestia went to Twilight Sparkle. “I will leave the Elements of Harmony with you, Twilight. Just in case...” whispered Celestia. Twilight Sparkle agreed. Discord was surprised by what Celestia whispered.

“You were right. When you sent Fluttershy to be the one to reform Discord. By treating Discord as a friend, he was able to realize that friendship was currently important,” said Twilight. Fluttershy blushed as she smiled. “And it was something he had that he won’t miss.”

“Go on.” encouraged Fluttershy.

“All right. Friendship is magic,” said Discord without hesitation.

Fluttershy touched Discord’s lion’s paw. “See? He can be a real sweetheart when you meet him,” Discord smiled at Fluttershy. What they didn’t realize was that Twilight, Spike, Celestia and Twilight’s friends seemed uncomfortable with what Fluttershy said, they looked to the side.

When Celestia recovered, she said with a smile to Discord. “So Discord, since Fluttershy is your new friend, would you like to stay in Ponyville with her and her friends or would you like to return to Canterlot?”

Discord, Spike and the Mane six looked at Celestia. Discord started to think. He wanted to stay in Ponyville, but a part of him wanted to live in Canterlot, since he believed that Luna could be there. But for that, he wanted to be sure. “Is Luna in Canterlot, Celestia?” What he didn’t realize was that the six mares and the dragon were confused as they raised an eyebrow.

“Of course she is there, Discord,” Celestia raised a hoof as she smiled. “Would you like to return to Canterlot to see her again?”

Discord started to think. He put a paw on his chin in thought. When thinking about Luna, he started to have a tightness in the heart. Luna was his first friend and also his marefriend. He started to imagine that Luna must be missing him a lot. Imagine how much Luna must be missing him after a thousand years. As much as Fluttershy was now his friend and he had a second friend, he wanted to spend more time with Luna, but that didn’t mean he was going to stop being Fluttershy’s friend.

“I will return to Canterlot with you, Celestia,” replied Discord with a smile.

Suddenly Discord felt something nudging him. He looked down and saw that it was Fluttershy who nudged him, who was looking at him a little sadly. “Discord, do you promise to come and visit me?”

Discord smiled. “Of course, Fluttershy,” he hugged Fluttershy. Fluttershy smiled as she was hugged.

“Well Discord, shall we?” Celestia raised a hoof as she smiled.

Discord came out of the embrace. “Yes,” he looked at the other five mares and Spike. “Bye, ponies,” he waved as he went to the carriage to sit. Discord sat on the right side of the carriage.

When Discord sat down, Celestia sat on the left side. The royal guards began to walk until they flew. The six mares and Spike watched the carriage leave.

Celestia looked at Discord. “So, Discord? Are you excited to see Luna again?”

Discord looked at Celestia. “Yes, Celestia. I really want to apologize to Luna for starting to use my powers for evil and turning evil,” he was suddenly unsure. “Do you think she will forgive me?”

“Of course she will forgive you, Discord,” replied Celestia. “She is your coltfriend and only foalhood friend.”

“Do you really think?” said Discord.

“Yes I think.” assured Celestia.

“But what if she is mad at me?” Discord has already started to imagine Luna stop being his marefriend and friend.

“Discord, since when you were petrified, Luna has been wailing your petrification all day.”

Discord was surprised. Was Luna crying because he was petrified? He knew that Luna cared for him, but he never imagined she would cry all day. “I never imagined that Luna would feel this about me,” he became sad again and put his paws in his eyes, ashamed of himself. “Why? Why did I do that? How could I do this to my first friend?”

Celestia started to feel sad for Discord. “Discord, don’t blame yourself. Luna is not angry with you.”

Discord removed his paws from his eyes and looked at Celestia, still sad. “Do you really think?”

“Yes, Discord. You can trust me,” said Celestia with a smile.

“Celestia, do you know where Luna is at the castle?” asked Discord, no longer so sad.

“Before I left, I saw Luna go to her room.”

Discord was excited. “Can I teleport to her room?”

“Do you know where Luna’s room is?” asked Celestia.

“I am the Lord of Chaos. Everything is possible.” he snapped his fingers then disappeared in a flash of light. Celestia closed her eyes, when she opened her eyes, it was just her in the carriage.

Luna was in her room, crying. The bedroom was light blue and the bed was in the shape of a crescent moon, the pillow was white and the blanket was light blue with purple stars. The reason she was crying was because of what she had done in the past. How could she let her jealousy get the best of her?

Suddenly, a flash appeared. Luna had to close her eyes. When she opened her eyes, she was surprised by who she saw in front of her. It was Discord, he had his back to her. No. It couldn’t be him. Her eyes could only be mistaken for her. She scratched her eyes, hoping it was just a mirage.

Discord looked back, he saw Luna, smiled and raised his arms. “Luna!” He went to Luna and hugged her. “I missed you so much, Luna.”

Luna was surprised, but soon smiled, wept with happiness and hugged her back. “I missed you too, Discord.”

As they left the embrace, Discord said, “Luna, how was your thousand years without me?”

Luna’s smile fell and she started to feel tears in her eyes and started to cry, her ears went down. Discord was concerned. “Luna? Why are you crying?”

Luna looked to the side as she continued to cry. “Discord, I made a big mistake in the past...”

Discord brought Luna over to him, snapped his fingers, and brought out a box of tissues. “But what was the mistake you made?”

Luna took a tissue and wiped the tears from her eyes. “I don’t know if I should tell you...”

“Luna, I am your friend and coltfriend. You can tell me how you feel,” said Discord with a smile.

“But ... what if you stop being my friend and coltfriend?” Luna wiped again as the tears left her eyes.

“I would never do that. Not with the most beautiful mare I have known in my life,” replied Discord.

Luna blushed at the compliment. “Do you think I’m beautiful?”

“Yes, Luna,” replied Discord with a smile. “So? Now, could you tell me what bothers you?”

The smile fell, she still looked uncertain, she looked away. “I don’t know if i should tell, Discord.”

“Come on Luna, I will not stop liking you.” assured Discord with a smile.

Luna smiled a little, she looked at Discord again. “Really?”

“Really, Luna.” Discord snapped his fingers and made a bouquet of flowers appear and handed it to Luna. Luna smiled at Discord, Discord winked at Luna in return.

Luna hugged Discord with her front hooves as she smiled. “Thank you, Discord. Thank you for always being with me in the sad moments.”

“You’re welcome, Luna.” Discord hugged her back.

There was a silence. They both had smiles on their faces and their eyes were closed. Discord opened his eyes and looked at Luna. “Are you feeling better?” Luna, in response, nodded.

“Good. Now, could you tell me what is bothering you?” asked Discord.

Luna opened her eyes and looked at Discord, she blew out a breath. “You won’t give up until I tell you, will you?”

“No,” replied Discord simply with a smile.

“OK. I’ll tell. But you have to promise me not to tell anypony, ”asked Luna, but it sounded more like pleading.

“I promise, Luna.” Discord hugged Luna again with his paws while smiling and his eyes were closed. Luna smiled at that.

Discord opened his eyes. “So? Could you tell me now?”

“Okay, Discord. But can you keep hugging me while I speak?” asked Luna.

“Yes, Luna,” replied Discord. “You can start talking about what bothers you.”

Luna blew out a sad breath before looking guiltily to the side. “Do you remember when I told you that Celestia’s day was appreciated and that everypony was awake, but in my night nopony appreciated it and slept in it?”

“Yes, Luna. You even told me that you wanted to have a friend,” replied Discord.

Luna felt tears start to come out of her eyes. “After you were petrified I felt alone, with no friends around. From that day on, the ponies began to appreciate my sister’s day even more than my night,” she began to cry. “I felt in my sister’s shadows. I asked her if I could let the night last a little longer, but she denied it. And it wasn’t just that, since the ponies started praising Celestia’s day, she felt in the spotlight. She was loving the attention, the compliments so much, that she wasn’t even noticing my sadness and jealousy towards her.”

Discord was surprised by this revelation. “Did you tell her how you felt?”

Luna looked to the side sadly. “No. I kept everything to myself. Until a point came that I couldn’t take it anymore and I had a terrible thought.”

Discord was concerned. Like, it couldn’t possibly be bad, right? Right? “What was the terrible thought you had?”

Luna started to cry even more just to remember. “I decided that I would destroy Celestia! Then I would bring eternal night! Because then, everypony would enjoy my night, forever!”

Discord just looked sadly at Luna. He started stroking Luna’s mane. Luna’s mane was very soft, it was like a pony mane, only softer. Luna continued. “Discord, I called Celestia to the throne room and I declared that there could only be one princess in Equestria and that princess would be me!”

“S-so, I caused a solar eclipse. Then, darkness caught me and my shape changed! The color of my fur changed to black, my mane expanded and became light blue, my pupils became dragon slits, my teeth became fangs, and-and my perk became light blue armor and my crown a light blue helmet! S-so ... I named myself Nightmare Moon and tried to destroy Celestia. Discord… I managed to hit my sister on her CHEST!! I started laughing wickedly at what I did. I was delighted to have done this with my own sister! But Celestia used the Elements of Harmony on me and I was banished to the moon for a thousand years! I spent a thousand years alone on the moon! Without anypony and without you by my side!” Luna spoke some parts stuttering because she was crying. When she finished speaking, she cried even more.

Discord felt sad for what Luna suffered. He felt more connected to Luna than before. He spent a thousand years being a statue and Luna spent a thousand years on the moon. “There, there, Luna. It’s gone. You are with me now. You are no longer alone.”

Luna looked at Discord, her cheeks were wet. “Discord, I’m scared.”

“Afraid of what, Lulu?” asked Discord.

“I’m afraid of becoming Nightmare Moon again!” Luna cried through tears.

“Luna, you are not going to become Nightmare Moon again.”

“But what if I become Nightmare Moon again? What if I try to hurt my sister, my subjects, or even you?”

“Luna, when I was a statue, I missed you too.”

Luna wiped her tears away with a tissue as she smiled. “Really? Did you miss me?”

“Yes, Lulu,” replied Discord.

But Luna’s smile fell. “But we stayed away from each other. I stayed away from Equestria.”

“Yes. But we are together again and we have become somepony better now. And we will face our pasts together and show the ponies that we have changed and that we are no longer evil,” said Discord, boldly.

Luna smiled hopefully. Her ears perked up. “So, are you going to stay with me? Even though I left Equestria?”

“Of course I will continue with you, Luna,” replied Discord with a smile and hugged Luna while wiping Luna’s tears with a paw again. Luna smiled at the answer.

Discord touched something. “Lulu…”

“Yes?” asked Luna.

“I wanted to apologize,” replied Discord, sadly.

“But with what?”

“I wanted to apologize for starting to use my powers for evil and becoming evil,” replied Discord sadly. “I know that you won’t forgive me since that day that I betrayed Equestria.”

Luna was sad. “Discord, I may have been sad that you did this. But me you are my first and only friend from my foalhood. You were the only one who was with me during the difficult times during my foalhood. And what’s more, our friendship has become a relationship.”

Discord was confused. “What do you mean by that?”

“I mean that even if you did that to Equestria, you will still be my friend and coltfriend.” Luna kissed Discord’s cheek. Discord blushed a little while smiling.

“Now tell me. How about if we had a meeting in Canterlot to celebrate our reunion?” asked Luna.

“Yes, Luna. Let’s go.” Discord said. Luna got up from the bed.

“But first ...” Discord popped up a wastebasket, took the tissues with his magic and put them inside. Then he made a light blue vase appear and placed the bouquet in the vase. That done, he made the wastebasket disappear with a snap of his finger and placed the vase on the side table. “Ready. Now we can go. ”

Luna and Discord started walking and left the room. But before they continued on their way out of the castle, Luna closed her bedroom door with her magic.

They were both very happy to have each other again, but even though they had made mistakes in the past, they knew they would have each other’s company. And together, they would be able to go through any challenge that came their way.

Comments ( 7 )

You really wrote a sequel in one day?!
I'll say this... *Ahem* ...Not bad, not bad at all.
Good job, mate!

“I’m afraid to become Nightmare Moon again!” cried Luna, through tears.

"I'm afraid of becoming Nightmare Moon again!" Luna cried through tears.

“But what if I become? What if I try to hurt my sister, my subjects, or even you?”

"But what if I become Nightmare Moon again? What if I try to hurt my sister, my subjects, or even you?"

So it was the aftermath of keep calm and flutter on and Discord really want to see Luna after all these years being separate from her and he found her and Luna was really happy to see him again as I said it was a long wait but it was worth it but she admitted that she also did something very bad as well she even admitted that she was trying to destroy celestia and she became Nightmare Moon but Discord wanted to reassure her that whatever the darkness was in her is no longer there and they can still get through this bad time together and despite the past they can still make about a future together again this was a very nice story keep up the good work


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