• Published 21st Aug 2020
  • 670 Views, 57 Comments

A Lost Clone - Ocelot the Devil

My old life at Castle Oblivion is over as is my existence... yet I find myself on a new world with a single question: Will I survive to carve my own path or will the darkness take me back?

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A Lost Clone in the house of Fluttershy

A Lost Clone in the House of Fluttershy

Her pale eyelids opened slowly due to her still awakening from her slumber. She sat up slowly while taking in her surroundings which seemed to be a room of some kind. It had yellow-colored walls, a window and some bookcases.

“Huh… where exactly did I- Oh… I remember now – Fluttershy took me in and gave me a room to sleep.” Replica Kairi recalled as she released a yawn which was blocked by her gloved hand.

She didn’t typically sleep with a blanket since her dark suit provided her body with enough warmth even though she still didn’t understand how that was possible. Maybe it was just something she couldn’t exactly grasp on her own or it was probably how Vexen designed her? Either way – she wasn’t complaining since the suit was keeping her warm.

Getting off from the bed that she was using to sleep, she stretched her arms and wondered if Fluttershy was already awake and preparing breakfast downstairs. Replica Kairi didn’t eat much last night and was feeling very ravenous this morning. Back at Castle Oblivion, she didn’t get much nourishment thanks to her ‘guardians’ giving her nothing but stale bread and water. It wasn’t much yet she knew if she protested then either Vexen or Marluxia would punish her severely.

As Kairi was still waking up, a knock on the door occurred – must be Fluttershy. “Yes?” The red-head questioned.

The door opened slowly as Fluttershy’s face pepped a little bit. “I just wanted to ask if you would like to have some breakfast with me. I could use the company.”

Kairi Replica nodded as her stomach growled. “That answers my question. Of course, I’ll come.” She assured her and walked straight for the door as Fluttershy opened it for her to pass.

“I’m not sure what to give you for breakfast… so I’ll let you decide… if that’s not too much trouble of course.” Fluttershy told her.

“Shouldn’t be a bother… lead the way.” Kairi Replica encouraged her as the two descended downstairs where a couple of animals were resting or hibernating… the clone couldn’t really tell.

“You have a wide variety of animals, Flutters.” The clone pointed out and the pink-haired girl nodded in agreement.

“Well, I do love to care about different types of animals. It’s like a hobby or a job.”

“What’s your favorite animal if I might ask?” Replica Kairi inquired.

Fluttershy placed a finger on her chin to think. “A tough one to answer… hmm, let’s see…”

Their arrival to the kitchen was spent in silence as Fluttershy was still thinking about the question while preparing the table.

Forks were placed down along with some glass cups – no doubt for drinking liquids. “Well, I do have a weakness for cute bunny rabbits.” Fluttershy answered while getting two juice boxes.

“Rabbits are cute.” Kairi agreed with a small smile.

“They are… so do you want – apple or orange juice?” Fluttershy asked.

Kairi thought about it and went with the apple juice option. Fluttershy nodded and poured her a glass.

“So, what would you like to eat?” Fluttershy questioned.

Hmmm… what did she want to eat exactly? Something crunchy and sweet? Something savory and soft? She hoped it wasn’t just water and bread… If she had to eat just plain bread again, she’d scream.

“What are you offering exactly?” Kairi questioned.

“I have some cereal if you want it or maybe some waffles. An omelet as well if that’s what you want,” Fluttershy pointed her choices for a breakfast.

Kairi didn’t need to decide much. “Omelet… back in my old home I didn’t get much in the way of variety. Well, I say that, but really the only thing I’ve ever eaten is stale bread,” She admitted.

“Those cruel monsters… how could they do this to you…” Fluttershy was sympathetic towards the clone who just shrugged.

The pink-haired girl turned on the stove and began preparing the omelet. “I’ll make it the best omelet for you to enjoy, Kairi.” She told her guest who nodded.

“Of course – I’ll be waiting as long as it takes.”

Fluttershy went back to preparing the omelet while Kairi just sat at one of the chairs and waited patiently. She still couldn’t believe that she was in an actual house. All she had ever known were memory-based worlds in Castle Oblivion. Kairi preferred this. A real place in the real world simply couldn’t compare to Castle Oblivion’s fake world.

Her host seemed nice and the atmosphere was pleasant… still, the clone wondered if Fluttershy’s friends were kind people. She was still a little paranoid from the whole ‘Memory stealing’ fiasco though she kept her worried hidden behind a mask.

If Fluttershy introduced her to her friends soon, how would they act? Would they be accepting towards her or possibly hostile? Maybe… maybe not. But still…

“Say, Fluttershy.” Kairi spoke as the pink-haired girl spared a glance at her while cooking the omelet.

“Anything on your mind, Kairi?” Fluttershy questioned.

“Yeah… your friends. Do you plan on introducing me to them soon?” The clone asked.

“Oh! Well… I do but there in lies the problem with your suit – it would attract the wrong kind of attention and well… Is there anyway you can take it off? Just for an hour or a couple of minutes?” Fluttershy asked.

That unfortunately wasn’t an option… Kairi shook her head. “Fluttershy, I can’t. This suit is the only thing keeping me alive and I’m not if I can last an hour without it… let alone five minutes. I’m sorry…” She apologized.

Fluttershy sighed – it definitely would be a problem. She didn’t know how the girls were going to react to this… Twilight especially. No doubt she would love to experiment with Kairi and learn how much darkness was in her. The pink-haired girl had to be careful when the time came…

After a few seconds of cooking, the omelet was finished and ready to be served for the clone.

“And… done!” Fluttershy declared as she placed the well-cooked omelet on a plate and severed it to the clone. “Hopefully the right amount of salt was added, I know everyone has their personal tastes, but… enjoy!” The pink-haired girl wished.

Kairi picked her fork and began to eat… the omelet was… it was… so soft and fluffy! It was like she was launched straight into Heaven! She began to eat very fast much to Fluttershy’s surprise.

“Oh, my! You were definitely hungry a lot, aren’t you?”

In response to that question, Kairi slowed down with her eating and nodded sheepishly. “I… I didn’t have much to eat… so, I apologize if I’m eating like an animal. I’m just so hungry.” She admitted after swallowing a mouthful of omelet.

Fluttershy understood her and sympathized deeply with her – life in that castle according to Kairi seemed like a real miserable one… being a prisoner and forced to obey your orders.

“If you’re still hungry, I can prepare something else for you.” Fluttershy offered while she ate her own breakfast which was oatmeal.

Despite the generous offer, Kairi shook her head and replied. “I think this omelet might enough for now… we’ll see if my stomach growls again by lunchtime.”

“Well, alright… but don’t hesitate to ask me if you are still feeling hungry. I’ll whip up something for you very quickly.” Fluttershy assured her.

Kairi nodded and finished her omelet while her host continued with her oatmeal. The two were exchanging a pleasant small talk – mainly about Equestria and its inhabitants.

“So… these two princesses… they raise the sun and moon? But… how do they do that exactly?” Kairi wondered.

“Oh, that’s easy – magic. In the beginning, it was just Princess Celestia who raised both the sun and moon… without her sister.” Fluttershy spoke that last part with a small hint of hesitation in her tone.

‘Without her sister’? Normally, that phrase wouldn’t be enough to garner attention. However, the way Fluttershy paused before saying it had Kairi curious. Wouldn’t it be natural for a younger sister not to take part in something that big until she was of age? The clone needed to know a little bit more about the situation if she was going to be living here.

“Pardon my intrusion but what do you mean by ‘without her sister’? Did something bad happened to her?” Kairi questioned yet it made Fluttershy a little nervous.

Did she push the topic too quickly? God, she hoped that wasn’t the case…

In any event, Fluttershy gave a small sigh before answering. “Kairi, let me put it this way – sometimes people can get-” She was cut off by a loud banging on the door.

Fluttershy was confused as she got off the table and went to peak through the keyhole to see who it was. Kairi sat in her place and waited for her host to return which wasn’t long.

Her face was one of worry. “Kairi, we need to hide you… QUICKLY.” She stated and grabbed the clone’s glove hand much to her confusion.

With no time for explanations, Fluttershy and Kairi quickly ascended the stairs and entered one of the bedrooms. “Kairi, a friend of mine is at the front door right now… and she can’t see you no matter what.” The pink-haired girl explained as she looked around the room for a good hiding spot.

Kairi became confused. “Why? Why shouldn’t she see me? Fluttershy, what’s the matter?” She asked.

Fluttershy was still searching for a hiding spot but conversing with her guest. “Her name is Twilight – one of my friends… and you’ll be in huge trouble if she discovers you.”

“But why? I don’t understand… please explain it to me,” Kairi pleaded.

Fluttershy sighed and turned to explain yet the door banging increased which made the pink-haired girl quite worried. “No time… I’ll have to explain it later! Kairi, please trust me.” She pleaded with the clone.

The clone stared her dead in the eyes… and saw the seriousness in them. It made her sigh heavily but she complied with the request.

“Alright… but I want some answers when your friend is gone, is that clear?” Kairi asked and Fluttershy nodded.

“I promise… one more thing though, is there are any way you can remove your suit for a couple of minutes?”

It was a very curious question but it would result in her dying due to the light and darkness clashing in her artificial heart.

“I can try and stay out of the suit but why?” Kairi asked.

“Because my friend is very perceptive when detecting darkness… if she comes into this room, she might detect it… then we’ll be in trouble.” Fluttershy explained.

That… would be a problem… she could take off the suit but how long would she last before the light and darkness in her heart destroyed her? This was very bad news…

“I… I don’t know if I can stay without the suit for too long… maybe a couple of minutes but that’s it…” Kairi admitted.

Fluttershy nodded albeit reluctantly… could she get Twilight out of her house for at least 5 minutes so that Kairi could get back into that suit? It was worth a shot…

“I’ll try and get her out as soon as possible… but in the meantime, remove your bodysuit and hide somewhere. I’ll be back soon.” Fluttershy assured her.

Kairi did as she was told and dismissed her bodysuit. She was a little scared about how this would go down and shivered yet Fluttershy grabbed her hand gently. “Don’t worry… I’ll make her go away and I’ll come back in a bit.” She promised.

Kairi nodded albeit still worried. “I’ll… try my best to remain calm.” She assured and hid under the bed. Already she could feel the beginnings of pain in her Heart as the Light and Darkness clashed within her.

Fluttershy sighed a little bit before leaving the bedroom and going to confront Twilight who was no doubt here at this very moment due to detecting Kairi and the darkness inside of her.

Kairi remained underneath the bed and was waiting for Fluttershy to return. She had to hope out that things would turn in her favor. She had come too far to die under someone’s bed!

She went silent as she heard Fluttershy opening the door downstairs and talking with the person who was most likely Twilight. Their voices were muffled since she was upstairs and hiding under a bed. A shame really since she wanted to know what they were talking about…

There was nothing to do but wait and see what exactly would happen… hopefully she could survive long enough. She had just earned a new purpose in her fake life and didn’t want to die yet! Keeping her fingers crossed that it wouldn’t kill her and it would be worth it in the end.

‘Fluttershy! I know I sensed darkness! What are you hiding?’ A new voice spoke – it was no doubt Twilight whose footsteps could be heard.

‘Twi, please understand! I’m not hiding anything – there’s nothing! Honest truth!’ Fluttershy lied which relieved Kairi – good… for some reason, the clone was afraid of this ‘Twilight’.

‘Fluttershy… I sensed the darkness coming from your home. You’re hiding something…’

‘Twilight, I’m not… look, I’m just… tired. Haven’t really slept… please, Twi – nothing is wrong.’

‘Fluttershy… I know you are lying. I want you to tell me what you’re hiding.’

‘No, Twilight. I’m not hiding anything… Honest truth. Please… I just want some rest.’

‘No. Until you tell me what you’re hiding, I’m not moving from this spot.’

As she listened between their conversation, Kairi felt a pain in her chest where her false heart was. It was beginning to be more than she could tolerate… she pleaded for Fluttershy to hurry before it was too late.

‘What!? What do you mean I’m leaving!? Do you understand what you are-‘

‘Twilight… I’m not in the mood and I’m gaining a headache right now. Please just leave.’

‘Did you even-’

‘No. Leave please.’

As the pains in her chest continued, Kairi started to sweat heavily and felt the light and darkness clashing… It was hurting very badly.

In the meantime, Twilight grumbled with a huff and descended down the stairs before exiting her friend’s home which made Fluttershy sigh in relief. The pink-haired girl entered the bedroom where Kairi was.

“Kairi, she’s gone… hopefully. You can come out and equip your suit once more.” Fluttershy called out to Kairi who was still holding her chest that was hurting.

“DARKNESS!” Kairi yelled before the suit made its way back and wrapped itself around her entire body. With that done, her heart began to breathe normally and she sighed in relief.

The clone slipped out of the bed, stood up and posed a question. “You sure she’s gone? I’m not in the mood to get dissected or experimented on just because I can use the darkness freely.”

Fluttershy nodded. “Don’t worry… Twilight left my house. But she’s not pleased with how I kicked her out… she’ll come back eventually, Kairi.”

The clone sighed heavily. “Figures… even here I feel like my past continues to follow me wherever I go.”

Fluttershy placed a hand on her shoulder. “Remember what I told you? That part of your life is over… you can start over with a clean slate… and I’ll be here to help you out.” She promised.

“But what about Twilight? What if she learns that the darkness hasn’t vanished and finds me?” Kairi asked.

Fluttershy had to admit that she brought up a good point. “Hmmm… isolation won’t do any good for your mental and we definitely need to make sure that Twilight doesn’t find out about that darkness inside of you… what to do… what to do…” She trailed off and began to pace.

Kairi sat on the bed as Fluttershy continued to pace back and forth while trying to think of an idea for how to make this all work. So far all of her answers involved Twilight figuring out about the clone and such… it wasn’t good.

Seconds later, however…

“Hmmm… I do know one person that might be able to help out… or two depending on the situation. You can trust them.” Fluttershy assured her.

“Are they like Twilight though?” The clone questioned but Fluttershy shook her head.

“Nope. The princesses will be able to help you out… at times they can be strict but also fair. It’s our best shot if we don’t want an accident involving Twilight going crazy over your darkness.” Fluttershy explained.

“But what if they want to hurt me as well?” Kairi asked worriedly yet Fluttershy sat down next to her and held her gloved hands gently.

“It won’t come to that… but if it does, we’ll run away and I’ll do my best to make sure that you’re safe and sound. I promise.” Fluttershy assured her.

Kairi’s heart began to beat heavily… though it was artificial, the things she was feeling right now was real in a way. And mainly the fact that she found soothing comfort in Fluttershy’s words.

“I… Alright… but I’m still a bit worried.” Kairi admitted.

Fluttershy understood her and nodded. “I’ll help you. I promise.”

With that cleared up, the two left the bedroom and made their way downstairs for preparations in sending a letter to the rules of this worlds in regard to the problem that Replica Kairi was having.

There were no doubt other ways… but this was the only one since they could make sure that Twilight never finds out. Plus, the clone would be meeting new people.

It was worth a shot…