• Published 21st Aug 2020
  • 670 Views, 57 Comments

A Lost Clone - Ocelot the Devil

My old life at Castle Oblivion is over as is my existence... yet I find myself on a new world with a single question: Will I survive to carve my own path or will the darkness take me back?

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A Lost Clone in a New Land

A Lost Clone in a New Land.

‘You really think you can defeat me, real thing!? Newsflash, I’m the real and perfect Kairi! Not you, coward!’

‘I won’t lose… I WON’T!!!’

‘T-the darkness… No, no… I don’t want to go!’

‘I want to be with you… p-please… save me… R-roxas…’

‘I’m scared… scared of the darkness… please… save me, R-roxas!’


Her pale-complexed eyelids opened wide for her blue eyes to scan the surroundings around her – it was dark… very dark and green? A forest of somekind…?

Releasing a groan, she sat up while rubbing her fingers through her short auburn red hair and wondering where she was. It was clear that this was somekind of forest but where exactly? Was this Twilight Town – more specifically the courtyard of that old abandoned mansion? It didn’t seem like it.

It was then that she realized that she was still alive and breathing which meant one thing – she had survived her encounter with… the real Kairi (her original persona) yet she didn’t have a clue on where she was right now.

Didn’t matter since all it did was made her sad and depressed at her current situation. So close… she was this close to securing victory in besting her original persona and becoming her own person yet the outcome ended in her defeat and death. It didn’t help that Roxas couldn’t save her and let her perish into the darkness.

She felt like crying and letting out her frustrations but couldn’t since she wasn’t a real person nor her own separate being. She was a goddamn CLONE! A clone who had her memories rewritten and forced into a pointless battle! It made her so angry…

Everyone had used her and then tossed her like garbage. Only one cared about her and that was Roxas – yet he wasn’t here now. It was just her… alone and without a purpose. At least she was far away from Castle Oblivion.

Releasing a sigh to herself, she stood up and pulled out a star charm that was given to her by a Roxas – a sign of their ‘friendship/affection’ for one another even if it was false. “I’ll miss you… Roxas. I don’t care if everything was false or if I was forced to have my memories rewritten… I’m keeping this charm no matter what – a token of our ‘relationship’. Goodbye…” She whispered sadly to herself before pocketing the charm back.

Now though where would she go next? First, she needed to escape from this forest and find out where she was. Easier said than done.

A soft gust of wind blew into her body and she began to shiver. She looked at her clothes and groaned once more when she realized that she was wearing her original persona’s casual clothes:

A black top underneath a white one, purple bike shorts that were hidden by a purple skirt being held all together by a blue belt and two white slip-on shoes/sandals with purple caps that adorned her feet. She also came to notice that the copied accessories of her original were still there - the black choker was on her neck, the yellow wristband along with the purple armband on her left arm and two bracelets on the right. Finally, the necklace with the silver bead was there as well.

Damned Vexen for not giving her a proper wardrobe when creating her… from this angle, she was looking like a doll that would be played by a small child or something similar to that.

Another gust of wind blew once more and she shivered yet again. She needed to get to some place warmer before she froze to death… literally. Then she would be able to-

Suddenly, she felt a huge pain coming from her chest and screamed while grabbing. “Ah-ah! M-my replicated heart… it’s hurting… th-the light! Ah-ah!” She yelled in pain.

When Vexen created her, the scientist gave her a cloned fake heart to keep track of her movements and also make sure that she remained loyal to the members stationed in Castle Oblivion. In addition, he also imputed a little fail-save in case she tried to use the light as her weapon – if light or anything was registered in her heart instead of darkness, the two sides would clash and eventually kill her.

That was what was happening to her right now – the light inside of her heart was clashing with the darkness… and it was hurting her so back. It began to get bigger which made her scream. “Ah-ah! My heart… it hurts so bad!”

She needed to do something before it the light overwhelmed her heart and killed her instead of this damn cold. “I… need to get away… I need to- AH-AH!” She screamed once more as the light inside of her continued to grow.

The pain was too much for her to handle. She was feeling weaker and was about to die soon unless she did something to-

She gasped upon realizing what she needed to do – darkness. She needed to channel her darkness NOW!

Her replicated heart continued to hurt due to the light but she got up slowly while breathing deeply and trying to ignore the pain that continued inside of her. Taking a deep breath, she concentrated and then yelled. “DARKNESS!”

A dark aura appeared around her before wrapping itself all over her body and forming a blackish-blue muscle tissue bodysuit with a heart-styled logo on the purple-blue colored chest while the black faded to red around the wrists which exposed a pair of purple gloves that were tucked under the suit along with a cloth with an off-white color that faded into dark purple and it was also ripped at the bottom which was held by a dark purple belt and purple boots with black soles.

Once the suit had been formed, the aura was gone and the pain inside her chest (mainly, her replicated heart) stopped all of a sudden. It made her sigh in relief since she was close to death and she didn’t want that right now – not when she had just woken up in a new place and free from the manipulations of her creator and the rest of the Organization.

However, that relief soon turned into sadness due to having to rely on the darkness and wearing this damned bodysuit… but at least she wasn’t dead. Not yet anyways…

She sighed once more to herself before speaking. “For the time being, I have to stay in the suit lest I want to perish due to the light and darkness crashing…”

She really didn’t want to be classified as a creature of darkness but what else was she? She was a clone – nothing more, nothing else. She had no purpose, no direction, no future. But at least she was free from Castle Oblivion… that’s something.

“At least this place isn’t the castle or the illusions… I need to find out where I am and decide what to do next. Shame that Roxas broke my memories, some dark-typed spells could come in handy right now.” She commented to herself.

Speaking of the darkness, she pulled out her left hand and concentrated. In a flash of darkness, she summoned a complete copy of the reddish-purple and blue demonic sword Soul Eater. “Well, at least I still have something to defend myself in case the locals here are… unfriendly.” She said that last part with a shiver due to remembering about Larxene and her sadistic moments.

Dismissing Soul Eater, she took a deep breath before heading forward and searching for a way out of this dark forest. If there was an exit, she would be able to find it… plus, trying to regain some of her dark-styled abilities and spells.

And with that, the replica of Kairi/Kairi Replica, proceeded forward in the Everfree Forest in search of freedom… and a purpose in her fake life.

Author's Note:

Author's Notes: Dunno why I started writing this... for the practice or the hell of it, I guess. But it's worth a try to see who'll enjoy it and who won't.

Also, I know that it will never happen - but this is a roleswap AU thing where Kairi was in Riku's role and Ansem possessed her. Don't go giving me harsh criticism and such - please.

Happy reading and enjoy the prologue!