• Published 16th Mar 2020
  • 742 Views, 11 Comments

Tales of Troubled Teens (Reboot) - ActivistVictor

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Sunset's Misstep

“Hey, dumbass, I’m talkin to you!” Sunset reiterated to the shocked Ditzy Doo. “WHO THE ACTUAL FUCK do you think you are to go and humiliate me like this in front of everyone?”

“Uh… I’m Ditzy Doo… Nice to meet you!” Ditzy said before laughing nervously, hoping it would appease Sunset. .

“Oh ho HO! , lookie here everyone, we got us a SMARTASS!” Sunset as she balled her fists, cracked her knuckles, and then took one menacing step towards Derpy, who responded by taking a step back. Pocket Pair, meanwhile, once again slipped out his phone to record the ordeal, as he did not like the direction this seemed to be heading.

“Uh, listen, I’m sorry, i...it was a mistake...I… I don’t want any trouble.” Ditzy said, backing up.

“Oh, is that so?” Sunset said, before she breathed in a sigh of relief, forced a smile, and said “You’re right, where are my manners. After all, everybody makes mistakes right?”

“Uh. yeah,” Ditzy said.

“And you’re sorry, so it’s only fair I don’t hold a grudge right?” Sunset said.

‘Right!” Ditzy said, now feeling a lot better.

“Ok then, now that we got that all cleared up, how about I give you back your tray and you can keep passing out the muffins.” Sunset said.

“Yeah,” Ditzy said with a smile, and reached out to get the tray Sunset was handing to her. However, just before she was about to grab it, Sunset ‘accidentally’ dropped it, causing the contents and the tray itself to fall on the floor in front of her desk.

Ditzy reacted in horror, and Sunset, feigning remorse, said “Oops, my oh my what a klutz I am. Let me just take care of that!” she said before she jumped on the muffins and began to stomp and grind them into the floor, while Ditzy looked on in horror. As did much of the rest of the class. After Sunset had stomped around for a bit, and was satisfied with her work, she bent down, placed what remained of the muffins back onto the tray, and then handed it to Ditzy and said “there you go, good as new!”

“You…” Ditzy said, before she put the tray on Harshwhinny’s desk and turned to face Sunset with disgust in her eyes, “You did that on purpose…”

“Oh… you think so,” Sunset admonished, “Wow, and here I thought you were supposed to be retarded…”

“You…you jerk! When I tell Ms. Harshwhinny what happened…” Ditzy said, but Sunset abruptly got in her face, silencing her.

“What was that, You’re gonna tell WHO NOW!?” Sunset said as she advanced on her again, causing her to take a step back.

“Uh… uh.” Ditzy said in terror.

“Because let me tell you,” Sunset continued, “My good pals righty, and lefty here” she said as she pounded her fists together, “DON’T like snitches! If you get my drift!”

“Uh…. uh” Ditzy said, too terrified to respond.

“Of course, all things considered I probably wouldn’t even need to enlist their aid now that I think about it. There’s no way anyone here would believe you anyways! After all. I run this school, and you’re just a retarded LOSER!”

“Shut up,” Ditzy said.

“Oh yeah… and what are you gonna do if I don’t? Tell that old hag Ms. Harshwhinney? Ha, like she’d ever believe you”

“You might be surprised...” a british accent said from behind her, causing Sunset to freeze up in terror. “And for the record, 35 does NOT an old hag make!”

“Sheeeeee’s right behind me, isn’t she?” Sunset said to no one in particular, before she turned around and gulped as, indeed, her perception was correct. “MAN I hate this fucking trope” Sunset thought to herself quickly before Harshwhinney spoke.

“Care to explain what is going on here Ms. Shimmer?” Ms. Harshwhinney said angrily.

“Uh,” Sunset said, “before she got on her knees and feigned sadness. “Well, I was sitting here, minding my own business, when this girl, this HORRIBLE HORRIBLE girl, went and dumped her muffins all over me for no reason, and started laughing. I tried to reach down and pick them up, but the horror, she knocked me down, and I… I crushed all the muffins below me. I’m so sorry!” Sunset lied, forcing fake tears out of her eyes for added effect.

“Oh Bull! Don’t believe a single word she said, I’ve seen better bluffs from the players on my play money apps, and they don’t even know what they’re doing,” Pocket Pair shouted, causing Sunset to turn around in rage.

“Nobody asked you COCKSUCKER!” She stated, before slapping her hands over her mouth.

“Cocksucker eh? That’s it…. Sunset, go straight to Principal Tirek’s office!” Ms. Harshwhinney said.

“What… but I, you can’t” do that to me!” Sunset said exasperated.

“On the contrary, I am your teacher, and doing such a thing is certainly within the confines of my job description!” Ms Harshwhinney said.

“But… be reasonable here.” Sunset said.

“Oh, so now you want to be reasonable!? Well you should have though of THAT before you resorted to petty insults… eh cocksucker!?” Ms. Harshwhinney said, taking Sunset aback. “Now MARCH… before I get really angry!” Sunset, angrily grumbling and glaring harshly at the teacher with a similar name, began leaving the room with said teacher right behind her. “I’ll be back… and I’d advise you NOT to do anything stupid like your classmate here… unless of course, you don’t mind joining her.” Harshwhinney continued, before she left the room.

Everyone in the class, shaken up by what happened, just pulled out their phones and began browsing them, hoping to forget what they just saw. Meanwhile, Pocket Pair, sighing a sigh of relief, ended the recording and shook his head. “Well, it’s nice to see justice isn’t a totally foreign concept in this place… “ before he again shook his head and pull out his phone to play poker and calm down a bit.

Meanwhile, nearby, another student ended her recording as well, but instead of opting to play poker to calm down, she instead laughed maliciously to herself. “Your time in power is up here Sunset!” she thought. “Once everyone sees this video, any popularity you and your bacon headed ass had will be gone, and TRIXIEEEE will finally have a chance to take your place, and achieve the respect and admiration Trixie so richly deserves.” She then went to her anonymous Facebook and YouTube accounts, hit the post button, and sat back and waited as she smiled most evilly.

Author's Note:

I probably could have read through this again to iron out the kinks... but given the reception i've had in general on here, i don't think one can blame me for saying "what's the point, people will just hate it anyways", and moving on with my life to other stuff.