• Published 16th Mar 2020
  • 742 Views, 11 Comments

Tales of Troubled Teens (Reboot) - ActivistVictor

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The Muffin Incident

“Ok, first class is social studies with Ms. Harshwhinny, room 104, let’s just hope her name doesn’t reflect her mood...” Pocket Pair thought to himself as he looked around, trying to find the room in question. Once he found it, he entered and took a seat near the front, but before he could set his books down on the floor and get situated, someone nearby cleared their throat and caught his attention.

“Yeah, you DON’T want to sit there.” It said, and after turning his head to see who had spoken, Pocket Pair saw that the voice belonged to a male student with spiky blue hair a couple rows behind him.

“Um… are you talking to... me?” Pocket Pair asked.

“Yes I am… and trust me, you DON’T want to be in that seat.” The male said to him.

“And why not, is this your seat or something?” Pocket Pair asked annoyed.

“No…. it DOES however belong to Sunset Shimmer though… and trust me, she does NOT take kindly to people sitting in her seat.” The boy said.

“Sunset Shimmer…. That name sounds familiar.” Pocket Pair said scratching his chin… “Wait, is that that Sunset person Diamond Tiara said she is an associate slash lackey of?”

“Yep, that would be the Sunset I’m talking about.” Flash replied

“Well shit, I already had an extremely ‘pleasant’ interaction with her this morning… I’d rather not have another with her evil overlord.” Pocket Pair thought to himself, before he turned to the guy he had just met and said “Thanks for the warning Mr…. Uh, who are you again?” Pocket Pair said.

“Flash, Flash Sentry.” Flash said to him.

“Ok, thanks Flash Sen.. he said as he got up, but sat back down as he realized something. “Wait. you said your last name was sentry? Do you mean like that sentry the Engineer builds in Team Fortress 2?”

“Not very familiar with that game but I’d assume that yeah, it is most likely like that. In fact I’m starting a lawsuit up for them stealing my last name if you want in...” Flash said.

“HAHA nice” Pocket Pair said, “And that’s a shame, you should really play sometime… just so long as you avoid the micspam bots that talk about quacking“ Pocket Pair then grabbed his things and made a move to get up, but just at that moment, a girl with fiery red and yellow hair entered the room and made eye contact with him, and quickly she donned a look of rage. Pocket Pair, looking at her hair color, immediately deduced that this was in fact the Sunset Shimmer Flash had warned him of, and judging by the anger in her eyes he suspected she wasn't about to discuss the finer points of golf with him in the near future.

“What the hell are you doing in my seat!?” Sunset shouted at him.

“Um…. ” Pocket Pair said nervously, before he turned around behind him and pointed at the seat. “Yeah, what are you doing in her seat, don’t you know that’s impolite?”

“HA HA HA nice try!” Sunset said, taking a step closer, “But I was talking to YOU, not your delusion sitting behind you. So I’ll ask you again, WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY SEAT WORM!?”

“Um… I uh,” Pocket Pair said nervously, before Flash interjected.

“Relax Sunset… he’s new and didn’t know any better” he said, “And besides, he was just about to relocate when you showed up.”

“I didn’t ask your opinion, Mr. has a Mini-Sentry,” Sunset said, causing Flash to wince, before she turned to Pocket Pair and said, “Is what he said true?”

Pocket Pair nervously nodded.

“Ugh fine… I’ll let you off with a warning, THIS time…” Sunset said, “But you would do well not to get on my bad side again, got it!?”

“I got it alright.” Pocket Pair said.

“Good… now get lost before I change my mind,” Sunset said, and Pocket Pair, wasting now time, quickly scurried to the back of the room and took a seat as far away from Sunset as he could get.

“Damn that was close…” he thought to himself, “All I can say is thank goodness I used the bathroom before class or that situation would have been even shittier.” After chuckling in relief a little and shaking his head, he pulled out his phone and began to play a bit of poker to calm his nerves before class started.

………………………………………. 25 minutes later…………………….

“HAh, turned the best possible flush, try and bluff me again and see what I do ya wanker!” Pocket Pair thought to himself. His opponent obliged and went all-in, and Pocket Pair quickly called. “Gotcha ya bugger,” he thought, before seeing his opponent had two ways to improve to an even better straight flush. “Eh, no worries, I have one of the cards he needs in my hands, so as long as the river isn’t the six of diamonds I’m in the….” “YOU SON OF A!” he shouted as the straight flush hit and he lost, and he looked up in rage, causing everyone to look at him, including the teacher, who had just entered the room and had a harsh glare in her eyes. “Um… Four score and ten years ago our fathers brought forth this continent…” he said as he tried to hide the phone.

“Nice try, but I saw the phone, and in any case with that shouting I would have that’s what you were doing anyway.” she said in an English accent, causing Pocket Pair to blush. “However, it is the first day of school so I suppose I can assume you didn’t know any better and let you off the hook. It would be remiss of you however to continue to have that phone out one I am finished introducing the class. Capiche?”

“Hehe, right,” Pocket Pair said before he quickly exited the poker app and powered the phone down.

The teacher, satisfied with his actions, turned to address the rest of the class. “Good morning class, my name is Ms. Harshwhinny, and welcome to social studies. Normally at this point I’d take attendance, but first I must introduce a new student who is transferring to this school from out of district.” She said, before motioning for someone outside the room to come in.

A face then peeked in from behind the doorway, a face whose most notable feature was a pair of visibly crossed eyes. “Wait… I know her.. That’s...” Pocket Pair thought, but the student spoke up, cutting said thought short.

“Hello, my name is Derpy Hooves,” The girl said, interrupting his inner thoughts, “But you can just call me Ditzy Doo! I’m transferring here from Little Mares special education school” the mere mention of which made Pocket Pair shudder. “I was the school’s head mail deliverer when I was there And speaking of which, a man in the hallway gave me this letter to give to you” before he handed Ms. Harshwhinny a letter. As Harshwhinny opened it, before a recording of the Rick Roll song began playing from the built in music player, causing most of the class to chuckle.

“Mr. Discord…. I swear…” Harshwhinny muttered under her breath, before she shut the letter and turned to Ditzy. “Anyways, now that that incident is over, is there anything else you would like to say in your introduction Ditzy?”

“Absolutely!” Ditzy said, “I’m also a really good cook, and in celebration of my first day here, I’ve made everyone some muffins to enjoy.”

“Oh… how thoughtful Ditzy,” Harshwhinny said. “Now technically I don’t allow eating in my class… as it is not… professional, per say. However, after receiving this letter I think I need to excuse myself from the room to go talk to our school’s janitor for a second. So as long as you behave yourselves and pick up after yourselves, I suppose you may indulge in some baked pastries.” She concluded, before she turned and exited the room.

Ditzy then began walking down desk rows handing out muffins, and while this went without incident at first, everything changed when the fiery haired teenager attacked! This is because Sunset, seeing Harshwhinny leave, wanted to use this opportunity to put her head down and doze off a little. Thus, when Ditzy came up to her, and tapped her on the shoulder, Sunset was not in the mood to respond, and instead grumbled and kept her head on her desk.. Ditzy, not reading the situation, tapped again, and a thrd time, assuming she hadn’t gotten Sunset’s attention, but all this succeeded at doing was making Sunset spring up and throw her hands up as she said “FOR SUNBUTT’S SAKES, I DON’T WANT YOUR STUPID MUFFINS!” However, one of her hands caught the edge of the muffin tray as she went through with her overly dramatic gesture, and this both sent muffins flying everywhere and caused Sunset to turn to the side and hold her hand in pain. Most of these muffins either landed back on the tray, on the desk or on the floor, but one of them flew inside the top of her shirt and came to rest between Sunset’s.., well, it probably doesn't require explicit elaboration as it’s already explicit enough.

“WHAT THE FUCK!?” Sunset yelled as she stood up and grabbed her chest upon realizing what had happened. However, she didn’t have much time to think as most of the rest of the class, finally processing what had happened, burst into a fit of hysterical laughter. .

“Nice muffin RACK you got there Sunset,” one of the football players hollered.

“YEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH” Another jock shouted, before high-fiving the first one.

“Wow, that was quite unlikely! Based on the position of the muffin tray and all of the ensuing possible force vectors that could have been applied on it by Sunset’s hand, the odds against this amusing event occurring were 3,720 to one,” A nerdy kid with glasses and purple skin remarked, before he burst into laughter as well.

“Mah boi, this scenario is what ALL true students strive FOR” Pocket pair said as he too laughed at the incident.

Several more seconds of such remarks occured, mostly from the male occupants of the room, as Sunset stood still, eyes twitching in anger. However, it came to an abrupt halt when Sunset’s anger boiled over and she shouted “SHUT THE FUCK UPPPPPP!” causing everyone in the class to immediately fall silent, and proceed to sit down and look away from her as quickly as they could. Sunset, still seething, quickly reached into her shit, removed the muffin, and put it on her desk, before she slowly and menacingly turned around until her eyes were set on Ditzy. She then pointed an accusing finger at her and said “YOU!” with extreme venom in her voice.