• Published 21st Aug 2012
  • 1,166 Views, 15 Comments

The Blood of The Dragon; a WoT fic - herander

fist fic so dont be overly-expectant. crossover between MLP and Robert Jordans "The Wheel of Ti

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Questions and Theories

Queen Talana woke abruptly. something was wrong, and she could feel it down to her very core. What was that massive burst of Saidar being channeled? Talana asked herself as she sat up. She was on her bed in her private quarters, located on one of the higher levels of the Royal Palce of Andor, a graceful palace, as all Ogier built things are, but any who had ever seen the wonders of Tar Valon and the White Tower would not bat an eyelash at its beauty.

Talana looked downwards, towards where she could see the glow of a woman channeling before it quickly winked out, but it was so powerful that she could feel it, even above the other channelers in the palace. Talana quickly dressed in clothing apropriate for whatever might be afoot, even as her maid informed her that one of the Aes Sedai had requested her presence in the palace dungeons, specifically the one her sister used for her foolish experiments.

It figured that she would be behind a Weave of that magnitude, although even she would have burnt herself out without the use of a Sa'Angreal to aid her in holding that much of the One Power. Could she have possible managed to find the female Choedan'Kal that was discover near a decade past and hidden away with various wards to protect it? No, at least one of the wards protecting the Choedan'Kal would have been designed to alert someone, be it her or the nearest Aes Sedai. Not to mention that compared to what that Ter'Angreal could unleash, what occured earlier was nothing.

By the time Talana had thouroughly mulled all this over, she was standing at the entrance to the Palace Dungeons, about to start down the steps towards her sisters little play-area. Talana channeled, Weaving Fire and Air to create a glowing white ball suspended in mid air abover her sholder, and then Talana started down into the dungeons whith her more encompassing light.

When she arrived at her sisters "study", she was more than surprised at what she found. Half a dozen Aes Sedai were standing around the room while their Warders and the few bonded Asha'man stayed outside.

The room held little decoration except for the Dragon Banner hanging on the wall and the old symbol of the Aes Sedai painted onto the floor. What caught her off guard, however, was the completely decayed skeleton shackled to the wall, the large scorch mark on top of the painting on the floor, and the presence of the Accepted on the other side of the room, who was currently being interrogated by two Sisters.

"It is good you are here Talana. We have had trouble understanding what has happened here, but perhaps you may be more insightful." one of the Aes Sedai said. Talana immediatly recognized her as Lelevian, one of the decendants of the Aes Sedai that had lived in Emond's Field generations ago, back when The Dragon Reborn still roamed the earth.

"I am afraid that at the moment i know even less then you. would you mind filling me in on what we know?" Talana asked, immediately assuming the famously impenetrable Aes Sedai serenity. An Aes Sedai was expected to maintain complete calmness, even when in the middle of a tornado and surrounded by Shadowspawn.

"Well we know that it was indeed your sister channeling that massive amount of Saidar, and we know that the Weaves were just as complex as usual. We also know that the shackled skeleton was not a skeleton an hour past." Lelevian replied, looking concerned. "your sister dissapeared in a small explosion shorlty after she released her Weave at the prisoner. It appears that the Weave somehow used the prisoner's life-force as fuel for the Weave instead of your sister being the sole source of power for it."

"How do we know all this? was there a witness or are we acting upon assumtions and shadows?" Talana asked, straining to keep her mask intact. She was Seething at what her sister had done and what might have happened had it gone wrong.

"It is quite apparent that the Accepted over there has been spying on your sister as she worked in the hopes of learning more advanced and complex weaves, and saw the entirety of what had transpired, athough the weaves formed far to fast for her to comprehend most of them. I must say that it is exceptionally lucky that not even one such as your sister dares to use something as vile as Balefire, or else that Accepted would have learned the weave by now." Lelevian shot Talana a sideways glance, "I am assuming that you would like to speak to her?"

"Yes," Talana replied, "I would indeed."