• Published 21st Aug 2012
  • 1,166 Views, 15 Comments

The Blood of The Dragon; a WoT fic - herander

fist fic so dont be overly-expectant. crossover between MLP and Robert Jordans "The Wheel of Ti

  • ...

New Friends and a Dragon of a Different Sort

Pinkie Pie slowly led Pelane through the pony-filled town and over to what appeared to be a missive tree that was hollowed out and made into a dwelling of sorts. "We're here!" Pinkie announced cheerily.

Pelane looked dubiously at the "house" and stepped inside after Pinkie's insistance. there were books ligning several shelves on the walls, proclaiming this to be either a shop or a study of some sorts.

"OH TWILIGHT!!" Pinkie shouted. "what can i do for you Pinkie?" a purple unicorn asked as she came around a corner, reading a book even as she walked. "I met a new pony outside the town and I wanted you to meet her." Pinkie announced.

Twilight, for that must be her name, looked up from the book she was reading and smiled when she saw Pelane. "Ah i see that you have. and may I ask what your name is?".

Pelane returned the smile, although a little wary of what this Twilight might do. "My name is Pelane, and may i say it is a pleasure to meet you madam...?" Twilight giggled "oh just call me Twilight. would you by any chance want a drink?"

Right as Pelane was about to politely decline the offer, a voice came from down from upstairs. "whats all the noise about? you guys woke me from my nap." Twilight rolled her eyes. "thats just Spike. he can be sometimes be grumpy if he's woken from a nap, although that can be said of most dragons."

at the word 'dragon' Pelane attention pricked up. "I'm sorry, but did you just say dragon?" "yes, i did. spike is a baby dragon." twilight replied, as if it were no matter of consequence.

"are you bragging about me again twi?" a small scaled creature with spines running down his back said from halfway down the stairs. Pelane scoffed as soon as she saw the little reptile. "a dragon? looks more like a Racken youngling to me!" "what is a Racken?" twilight and Pinkie asked simultaneously.

"It is a flying reptile used by the Seanchan to transport troops and scout areas" Pelane explained. "what are the Seanchan?" Pinkie asked."They are the..." Pelane hesitated, not wanting to reveal anything about the war, "you know what? forget i said anything..."

"Okay!" Pinkie smiled, while Twilight took on a confused look. Who is the Seanchan? And why was this strange mare so hesitant to talk about them?

"So... where do you come from?" Twilight asked, hoping to get some of her questions answered and perhaps reveal more of Pelane's past. "I'm from Caemlyn" Pelane replied, trying to avoid mentioning the palace.

"Caemlyn? wheres that?" Twilight said with interest. Pelane shook her head. "I could not tell you, for any answers i give you will likely only lead to more confusion. I may be able to show you, though it might take some time." Pelane could still feel Saidar courcing through her, although she did not know what effects this place might have on the True Source, or the Gateways themselves.