• Published 3rd Mar 2020
  • 942 Views, 23 Comments

Twilight.EXE: Spirits of Tartarus - Tidal Wave2

A mysterious demon possesses Twilight and 3 victims are in danger.

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Spike flew above Ponyville in Twilight’s helicopter. (Even though he had wings) When he arrived at the meadow he was admiring the view. “Wow, this looks beautiful… no wonder Twilight likes this place.” Spike shook his head. “Stay focused, Spike. She’s gotta be around here somewhere...” Spike landed the helicopter and stepped out. He looked around and chose a path. He walked for a full minute, but then he saw something up ahead. Multiple somethings actually. He decided to get closer. When he saw what it was he began to feel sick. A few small animals were lying dead on the ground bleeding.

“D-Dead animals!? Wh-What the heck happened here!? I need to find Twilight as soon as possible!” Spike continued down the road. He grew more worried when he saw even more dead animals. He was shocked to see how they all died, they looked like someone killed them in rather gruesome ways; a squirrel was hung on a tree with with what seemed to be its intestines, a rabbit had all of its limbs ripped off, a chicken had his eyes gouged out and his throat slit, and a pig had its head impaled. More animal corpses appeared. Some in piles. “It’s only getting worse and worse! What if I’m next!? Maybe I should go back and tell the others?” Spike shook his head. “No Spike, you have to be brave. I think I see someone in the distance.” Spike continued walking down the road and the trail of dead animals ended. He got closer to the figure and saw it was Twilight with her back turned. “Twilight! Thank Faust I found you!” Twilight didn’t respond, as if she was completely unaware of Spike’s presence. “T-Twilight?” No response. Spike began to slowly walk towards Twilight. When he got to her, Spike reached out and put a claw on Twilight’s flank. Twilight opened her eyes and turned to Spike.

“Spike? What are you doing here? Didn’t I tell you I’d be back soon?” Twilight asked

“Sorry Twilight, I just thought you needed help.”

“Is the helicopter here? Come on, we have work to do.” Twilight started walking in the direction Spike came. Spike was about to follow but he noticed some strange red liquid on Twilight’s fore hooves.

“T-Twilight, w-what’s with your h-hooves?” Spike asked nervously.

“It’s nothing, okay?” Twilight said. “We need to get a move on.” Spike thought for a few seconds. He then put the pieces together: the dead animals, the blood on Twilight’s hooves. Spike knew what he had to do: RUN! “Okay Twilight, let’s go.” Twilight began walking in the other direction. Spike quickly turned around and started to fly away. He flew for about a minute, because he didn’t notice Twilight flying behind him. The moment Twilight got to Spike, she teleported both of them to another location.