• Published 3rd Mar 2020
  • 945 Views, 23 Comments

Twilight.EXE: Spirits of Tartarus - Tidal Wave2

A mysterious demon possesses Twilight and 3 victims are in danger.

  • ...

Spike & Rainbow Dash Duo Survival

Spike had just arrived from the portal safely. He looked around and noticed where he was. “The Everfree Cave? Rainbow Dash should be here. I hope she saw my message...” Spike ran out of the cave to find the Treehouse of Harmony. He quickly ran inside. “Okay, the Treehouse of Harmony is here, but where’s Rainbow?” Spike started to worry. “I hope Rainbow is okay, but I have a feeling Twilight hunted her as well...”


Rainbow Dash just arrived. “I need to get to the Treehouse of Harmony.” She got out of the cave and spotted the treehouse. She quickly flew in. Spike was glad to see her.
“Rainbow! You’re alive!” Spike said with relief. “How long were you here?”

“I saw your message Spike. What the Hell happened to Twilight?”

“It’s a long story, but I’ll tell you.” Spike began to explain what he knew.


“So Rainbow, what’ll we do?” Spike asked. “Since we escaped, should we call the others for help?”

“I think we should protect Treehouse of Harmony, well maybe not.” Rainbow said. “We should be safe here.”

“Indeed you are.” Spike and Rainbow turned to see a glowing version of Twilight Sparkle.

“TWILIGHT!?” Rainbow shouted, getting in a defensive stance.

‘Wait! She’s different.’ Spike said as he took a close look at the figure. “You’re not Twilight are you?” The figure shook her head. Spike thought for a moment. “Wait! Smolder told me about you! You’re the spirit of the Tree of Harmony!” The figure nodded.

“So, can we just call you ‘Harmony’?” Rainbow asked. The Spirit nodded. “Great! But can you help us?”

“Of course. I did save you with those portals. But I’m afraid Cozy Glow was haunted too and suffered a terrible fate.”

“Poor Cozy. She was bad, but she was just a filly.” Spike said. “Do you know what happened to Twilight?”

“Yes, take a look.” Harmony glew and the two survivors saw the meadow. Twilight was looking at her watch then looked up. Suddenly, a black gas flew into Twilight’s mouth. Twilight closed her eyes, shook her head and opened them back up to reveal black eyes with red dots. The vision ended.

“Wait, are you saying that some demon fused with Twilight?” Rainbow asked.

“I’m afraid so.” Harmony answered.

“We must save her! But, can it be done?” Spike asked.

“I know about some strange stone that can destroy evil spirits, but Twilight would have to hold still.” Rainbow pointed out. “For once, I’m actually glad I went to one of her boring lessons.”

“So we need traps to stop her...” Spike started. “How about teleporting to Klugetown? That place has lots of distractions!”

“It’s risky, but it might work.”

“But who’ll distract her?” Rainbow asked.

“I could do it!” Spike said. “Don’t worry, I already had an experience with this Twilight, unfortunately.”

“Okay.” Harmony said. “I’m sending you there now. Good luck!” Harmony glew and in a flash; Spike and Rainbow Dash were gone.


Spike and Rainbow Dash appeared in Klugetown.

“Okay, she’ll be here any minute! What do you have, Rainbow?” Spike asked.

“I have a Harmony Crystal. With it, this demon will be obliterated!”

“Alright, the Harmony Crystal will hide you from Twilight. Now, let’s find a better hiding place.” Spike and Rainbow started down the road. As they walked through Klugetown, they noticed that windows and doors were locked. “You think they’re hiding from Twilight?”

“If they are, then Twilight’s already been here.” Suddenly a flash of light appeared and Twilight was standing a few feet away from the two heroes.

“Ha, you think you can trap me?” Twilight asked. “Hahaha! I’d like to show you something...” Twilight pulled out a strange glowing red crystal.

“A red crystal?” Rainbow asked.

“Yes, but this one is perfect. I don’t know how you survived the illusions, but this time… your death is certain.” Twilight threw the crystal at Rainbow who ducked. The crystal ended up in Spike. The dragons pupils shrank. “I don’t need Spike, but I’ll still take him. Twilight teleported away.

“Oh no.” Rainbow said as she looked at Spike who was under an illusion. Rainbow ended up having to carry Spike the whole way until they got to the edge of town. “Spike, please, snap out of it!” Spike finally opened his eyes.

“Wow, that was something.” He said. “Was I asleep?”

“Yeah… now come on! Get up!” Suddenly, a portal appeared. Rainbow trotted toward it.

“NOOOOOO!!!” The 2 turned to see Twilight flying toward them, but when she was 6 feet away from Spike she face planted on the ground. After 2 seconds, Twilight raised her head, and her eyes were normal. “S-Spike, run!” Twilight shouted. Spike felt terrible seeing Twilight this way. A part of him wanted to help her, another said to do what she said. Spike thought for 2 seconds and made his decision. “I’m sorry Twilight.” Spike said sadly before going in the portal. Rainbow followed before it closed.


(Outside of Equestria)

Spike, and Rainbow were now in a location none of them had ever been to before. They turned toward the sunset.

"Is this over yet?" Spike asked.

"So many deaths... and for what!?" Rainbow said with anger.

"We can stop that demon, right Rainbow?"

"I hope so, but for now... prepare for the worst." Spike nodded as the 2 of them viewed the scenery.