• Published 19th Feb 2020
  • 197 Views, 4 Comments

Random Oneshots - Error403HRD

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Scootaloo was having a good day. She was having a great day. Everything was just peachy, but someone had to go and ruin it.

"Young stallion! You should mind your manners and hold open the door for a lady!" Scootaloo didn't believe it, had she just been mistaken for a colt?

"Um, sorry miss, but I'm a filly..." The mare huffed and shook her head, "No amount of growing out your tail will fool me. Speaking of, you should really get that cut, it's quite long for a colt your age." Scootaloo just stared in shock. Did she really look that much like a colt? Time to find a mirror.

She decided not to follow the mare into the restaurant, like she'd planned, and instead went to go find a body of water, since she didn't have a mirror and there was no way she was going to go around town to look for one.

Upon reaching the pond that Rainbow relaxed at sometimes, Scootaloo looked at her reflection and almost jumped when Rainbow's appeared beside her's immediately after she'd sat down,

"Whatcha doin' squirt?" Scootaloo blushed a deep red at being caught, but she wasn't going to lie to her idol/sister, "Oh um, some mare mistook me for a colt and....I don't look that much like a colt, do I?" Rainbow went silent, observing her, "Well, you do, but you'll grow out of it. It shouldn't bother you though, being mistaken for a colt can grant you a few privileges, take advantage of it while you can squirt."

They sat there in silence for a little while, but Rainbow eventually huffed and shoved Scootaloo in the water, jumping in herself not a second later.

Scootaloo didn't know what went through her mind when she let a mare, the same one that yelled at her in the restaurant, usher her into her house. And proceed to cut her tail. It worked for passing as a colt.....but what else was a shorter tail good for?

"There, now you look like a proper young stallion. Off you go." She was ushered out of the house as quickly as she was brought in. She looked back at her tail dubiously before hopping back onto her scooter, and....noticed that it was easier to ride since she didn't have to accommodate for the longer tail. It wouldn't get stuck in random branches, nor would it risk tangling up in the scooter's wheels if she fell.

Maybe she should keep it short, after all, only earth ponies could use their tails as actual useful appendages.

Scootaloo should've known this was what she was signing up for when Sweetie Belle said Rarity gave her money for a shopping trip. Applebloom wisely ducked out, saying that Applejack needed her help back at the farm since Big Mac had gone off to see his fillyfriend. Scootaloo decided that she didn't have anything more important to do and decided to tag along.

Now, she was Sweetie Belle's personal porter. An old stallion saw her predicament and gave a chuckle. He caught his wife's attention and she had a chuckle at her expense too. They walked over as Sweetie Belle darted away to look at some more expensive jewelry. The old women cooed at her,

"Aw dear, already a delegated bag carrier, better get used to it, your fillyfriend seems to enjoy shopping." The old stallion patted her on the shoulder before Scootaloo could protest, "Mares are insane son, it don't get better with age, I can tell you that! Good luck." And they were trotting away, making light hearted conversation about "young love", ew. Scootaloo decided that their deteriorating vision was to blame and went over to where Sweetie Belle was struggling to choose between two necklaces.

Scootaloo saw Trixie's wagon and gave slight pause, it'd been a while since she'd seen it,

"The Great and Powerful Trixie wonders what this young colt is doing, staring at her wagon?" Scootaloo turned and saw a suspicious Trixie trotting up behind her. She was so done with correcting people and decided to just take it in stride, so she shrugged,

"I was wondering why you parked it all the way over here, since you're friends with Starlight and she lives in the castle." Trixie let out a scoff, as if she were offended, "The Great and Powerful Trixie would not be welcomed if she parked too close to the castle. It seems Twilight still doesn't trust her." Scootaloo raised a brow, "Okay then. I thought she forgave you?" Trixie looked so done with the conversation, so her next statement was a bit of a shock,

"Shouldn't you be oggling Rainbow Dash somewhere?" Scootaloo's eye twitched and she raised a brow, "She's not here, I've looked, besides, my friends are all busy and I'd rather not go home just yet." Something flashed in Trixie's eye and she gave a small smirk,

"Well, the Great and Powerful Trixie supposes that she could spare the time to grant you a free show. Nothing too grand of course." Scootaloo proceeded to sit down and smiled at her, "Sure, your shows are cool." That seemed to kick Trixie's ego into gear and so started a chaotic night of light shows and illusions.

Scootaloo could bet no one else was having such a great night.

Diamond Tiara was a bitch. There was no looking past it, she was a bitch. Scootaloo could understand her teasing them for being blank flanks, she could handle the teasing about her appearance, even the teasing about her being a pegasus. But Diamond Tiara crossed the line.

Scootaloo was bawling her eyes out near the lake that she and Rainbow hung out at. She wanted to kill Diamond Tiara with every fiber of her being. She couldn't take the senseless bullying anymore. It wasn't the first time that Diamond Tiara had crossed the line, or Silver Spoon for that matter, but it was the most extreme circumstance.

Somepony put a wing around her and Scootaloo took the opportunity to bury her face in the pony's coat. An unfamiliar scent flooded her senses, it smelled vaguely like muffins and lightning.

"Would you mind telling me what happened?" Scootaloo looked up and saw a somewhat familiar face, it was Dinky's mother, and she might've been Rainbow's coworker. She seemed trustworthy, and nice....

Scootaloo looked down and scooted closer to the friendly mare, "I....Diamond Tiara was making fun of me being flightless....I can take that, but she was being so mean about it, and I don't even know if I'll ever be able to fly since I've never been to the doctor's." Scootaloo could tell that the mare knew that wasn't the whole story, so she resisted letting the tears burst out again and decided not to lie to the kind stranger, "A-And she was making fun of me for being an orphan. Rubbing it in at every possible opportunity. Saying that my parents gave me up, or that they killed themselves because I was that horrible. She said that I probably lived under a bridge or in some alleyway. I-I don't, not now, but at one point I did and that makes this so much worse." Scootaloo couldn't hold back the waterworks as the nice mare held her, stroking her mane and holding her close.

"You're a wonderful colt. Nothing will ever change that. No matter what Diamond Tiara says, you've made it this far, and I have faith that you're strong enough to make it to the very end. You'll change the world. You have everything you need. All you need to do, is have faith in yourself, and believe in yourself, even if no one stands behind you, or even if everyone in Equestria supports you, you should always be your strongest supporter, because only you can make yourself grow and change and ultimately achieve your goals, whatever they may be."

Scootaloo didn't respond. Mulling over her words. The rest of the afternoon was spent in relative silence, until the grey pegasus noticed the sun starting to set,

"You're welcome to stay in my home if you want?" Scootaloo shook her head, knowing this mare had at least one other pony living with her and wouldn't want to disrupt, "No thank you, the orphanage is enough." The mare gave a small smile, ruffling her mane, "Okay then, my name is Derpy if you ever need me. My door is always open." Scootaloo gave a smile and the mare flew off, likely to get back home and start dinner.

She wasted the next few hours staring at the pond, before begrudgingly remembering that she had school tomorrow, and headed home.

After Derpy's pep talk, Scootaloo examined herself. She noted down everything she liked and disliked about herself, and strove to improve as much as possible.

The issue?

She had no qualms with being called a colt. And it worried her. Especially when she realized that she preferred it! She was not-He was not telling anybody. He did not want another reason for Diamond Tiara to insult him. He didn't want Rainbow Dash to think differently of him. It was just something that he had to keep to himself.

He wished that it had started out slowly. He wished that he had only gradually come to realize that he had to tell his friends. No, that very very first day, the day when he overanalyzed everything about himself, that was the day when he noticed everything. The annoying pronouns, the grating comments that "she" was too masculine. Even the offhand remarks of him possibly being a lesbian! He couldn't take it. His friends noticed, but he couldn't bring himself to tell them, and he was most definitely not annoying Derpy so soon after the pep talk. But Rainbow was also off the table for obvious reasons, so who did he turn to!?

Luckily, a very very fortunate thing happened, Derpy told her daughter to keep an eye out for Scootaloo. He didn't count on the unicorn filly approaching him out of concern, nor him deciding to tell her. After dragging her to a more private area, he nervously let out his greatest secret,

"I....I don't think I'm a filly."

Author's Note:

This might be a copout, I don't know. I personally don't identify with this since mine was more of a "holy shit why the fuck don't I care" than the "why the hell do i like this" sort of thing. Hopefully I did y'all justice, feel free to destroy me if i did an absolutely shit job!