• Published 13th Mar 2020
  • 390 Views, 0 Comments

A Chicagoan in Phoenix - Split Scimitar

I spend a long weekend with Sunset Shimmer, since we’re free and haven’t done anything together yet.

  • ...

Never Gonna Bring Me Down

After we roll back into Phoenix, Sunset breaks formation so she can go home and says,

“Get dressed. And dress up. I want to splurge tonight.”

“Where do you have in mind?”

“Don’t ask questions. Just trust me on this.”


With that, I head home and put my uniform on. Done in no more than 5 minutes, I decide to pop over to Sunset’s since I’m pretty sure she’s still getting ready.

I decide to wait in the car for a few minutes to allow her some time to get more ready so that I’m not standing at her door for too long.

After a couple of songs from my music, I then head to the front door. She has a video doorbell, so I ring it and stare into the lens.

No response after the first, so I ring it again, and shut one eye and stare into the lens as if it’s a pupil recognition scanner.

“The door’s open.” She says over the doorbell.

I then gently open the door and lock it behind me.

“Don’t come upstairs. I’m not quite ready yet.”

“You really didn’t have to dress up that much for me.”

All the response I get is a shutting of her bedroom door.

Checking to see if any additional responses showed up on our photo, I find a swarm of likes of course, along with 3 new comments.

“Awesome!!” Says a comment from who else but Rainbow Dash.

“You two look real cute together,” say Applejack.

“So nice that you’re finally together.” The last one says, from Rarity.

“Did we just ignite a frenzy?” I ask rhetorically.

For the hypothetical argument’s sake, I check the likes list.

  • Pinkie Pie
  • Me
  • Rosalina
  • Twilight Sparkle
  • Applejack
  • Fluttershy
  • DJ Scales ‘N Tail
  • Rainbow Dash
  • People with and without glasses in their profile pictures who I don’t recognize

Combing through the list all the way to the bottom, Rarity is not among them. Thinking nothing of it but getting a slight weird-laugh over both Rarity’s perceived reaction and me even worrying about it, I wait for Sunset to finish getting ready.

As I continue to check my feed, a weird thought goes through my head.

“If Sunset wants a steak dinner, I’m gonna crap meself.”

“Hey Max.” Sunset calls from her staircase.

“Holy...” I say but am at a complete loss for words. “Sunset, you look…”

“If I’m going to keep rendering you speechless, I should probably send you home before I discover too much about you.”

“Amazing!” I finish but trying my best to conceal my awe. There’s no way this dress could not have come from Rarity. It frames absolutely everything it needs to while still remaining within the boundaries of both good taste and modesty.

“I guess I don’t need to ask if you like it.”

“Please tell me Rarity made that.”

“Of course she did. No one else I’d be willing to go to or pay for could do as great a job as her.”

“I have no idea how she designs dresses that can do what they do to the wearer. They frame everything that needs to be but doesn’t reveal much if at all.”

“You should see some of her earlier work. She used to be all about pizazz and more “stage” style outfits, usually for performances when the seven of us girls were a band.”

“I’ve heard some stories. And while what you wore at the wedding I imagine wasn’t part of that ensemble, I have a general idea of what you’re getting at. I gotta say though, I thought today’s sunset was beautiful. Now I have two.”

“Do you want to drive or me?” She asks rolling her eyes, making no effort to hide a quickly spreading blush.

“You can. You know where we’re going.”

“Alright then.”

After she puts her shoes on, we head out in her Vette.

When Sunset joins the main road, I let the scenery roll by, since I’m letting her do all the driving and navigating. Of course, I know virtually where we are because I can orient myself to Camelback Mountain as kind of a general idea. Naturally, passing freeways and other major roads I know helps greatly, but Sunset does have her sat nav up, though it’s not programmed for anywhere.

25 minutes later, Sunset pulls in and parks at Ruth’s Chris.

“Shit.” I think to myself. “Welp, get a mop.”

To my surprise, there aren’t many people here tonight. The few that are, are mostly inside. One is outside smoking. The smell obviously does trigger some parts of my brain, even though I haven’t inhaled a cigarette firsthand since I was young.

“Hi, reservations for 2 under ‘Sunset.’”

“Perfect! You‘re all checked in, we’ll have you seated shortly.”

“Thank you.”

“I can’t believe you wanted to go to a steakhouse for dinner.”

“Well, I’ll let you in on a little secret. I’ve been itching to do the “red wine and steak” thing.” She says as she slyly tries to force her keys into my hand.

“Damnit. Now I can’t drink.”

“Sorry. Gotta take one for the team.”

“Eh, well? I’m usually the designated driver anyway. No exception here.”

“Thanks. You’re the best.”

“Don’t stroke my ego. It inflates worse than Rainbow Dash’s.”

“That’s not possible.”

“But it is, just not in a loud, boisterous way.”

“Fair enough.”

Soon, we get seated, and by golly, do we get a whole room to ourselves, complete with tinted windows, dim lighting, and a bottle of some kind of red wine waiting at the table, just waiting to be uncorked.

“You have a favorite red wine but have never wined and dined before?”

“No. I haven’t had a steak with red wine. Wine-tasting though is one of my hobbies.”

“Ah. You have had steak before right?”

“Carne asada, sure. But not a steakhouse steak dinner.”

“Well then, you’ll be in for a treat.”

I decide to splurge and order two rounds of sparkling water while Sunset settles for still ice water.

“I think Rarity left an influence on you.”

“She didn’t. I always had an appreciation for things generally accepted in Europe but not necessarily in America. Rarity just delimited those inhibitions.”

“Hey, I’m not judging.”

“No, but she may be judging us.” I say in reference to our picture at the Grand Canyon.

“I’m not bothered. It’s just Rarity being Rarity.”

“Fair point. I know she likes being dramatic. It is as you said rather endearing. Besides, you and I both know what the picture means, in spite of other reactions.”

“Yeah, about that. Look Max, I know we’ve been pretty intimate especially in our banter and such, but I can tell you’re interested in me. I’m honestly flattered, but I don’t think that’s the best thing for us. I’m a bit of a workaholic, and throwing in the obligations of a relationship would be too much.”

“Of course I’m interested in you. You’re an awesome friend, one who is willing to put up with a lot of my shit, and bullshit. The fact that you aren’t visibly agitated shows either how much you can tolerate me or how much discipline and restraint you have as a person. You know what you like, you know what you want. I admire that about you. Yes, you are a very attractive person, both inside and out, I cannot deny that. I’m appreciating your beauty, which by what you seem to imply, makes you uncomfortable. For that I’m sorry.”

“Oh, no need to apologize. I understand. You wouldn’t be the first. Your little tics I will admit are interesting for me to pattern out subconsciously. And I do have to admit, seeing someone of your caliber willingly “expose” themselves without fear of retribution is kind of cute. I enjoy people who are emotionally vulnerable, because to me, that shows you’re being true to yourself and sometimes those around you. I think you know what I mean when I say that I have a low tolerance/threshold for sugarcoating.”

“I do. You know how much of a trigger the revelation of being lied to is. ‘Tis a fate worse than a jilted lover, because in a way, there is an element of “jilted lover” involved.”

“I won’t argue, though lab work might dispute that claim. Nevertheless, I know the feeling. And, since I know it has been mentioned, I think that may explain your attraction to Applejack.”

“She’s the most honest person I know. She hasn’t lied to me once. Forgive me if I’m discrediting the rest of you, I for some reason, when it comes to honesty, have made Applejack an exemplar model.”

“I mean, she is. Her Equestrian counterpart bears the element of Honesty.“

“If I did find out she was lying to me, I’d be more than heartbroken. But I don’t want to talk about the others. I’m here with you so the two of us can get closer as friends.”

“I’d say that you accomplished just that.”

“At the risk of crossing the line, can I just say that we may well be another old married couple, since we’re both pretty open with each other. I know that Applejack, honest as she is, didn’t seem willing to be that with me, but I understand she has her reservations, since I literally professed my love for her.”

“Well, to be fair to AJ, she doesn’t wear her heart on her sleeve like you do. I know she’s always felt a need to actively avoid that part of her life, yet she’s also made it clear that she does want to get married one day, for the sake of the farm.”

“That’s what Mac and Bloom also said. And I don’t blame AJ for being emotionally “unavailable.” She went through a lot of childhood trauma from a very young age. I’m desensitized in a lot of respects too, albeit for a different set of reasons, but I understand where she comes from because in a cosmic sort of way, I’m the same way.”

“Yeah, but we all knew that. No one else I know would have that dark a sense of humor without some connections to some sort of major ordeal. And your family abandoning you is no small feat.”

“Well, no better way to cope with fear of abandonment, rejection, and commitment issues than dark humor. Even if it’s so abrasive, it makes everyone around me mad for sounding overtly morbid.”

“Just one of your many defense mechanisms.”

“It does come in handy from time to time.”

“Your jokes for example.”

“Hey, I tell jokes when I’m nervous, and I’m always telling jokes.”

Sunset can’t help but laugh at that one. Worked with Pinkie, though she felt more pitying than entertained.

“That’s a good one.”

Soon after, our waitress returns, and just telling her what I want makes me salivate to the point where I poke fun at doing it. My usual steak order is a bone-in ribeye, rare, so it’s soft but not too tough, and in case it gets overcooked, I can be fine with a medium rare or medium. Sunset opts for the bone-in filet at the recommendation of both our waitress and me, since she wants a leaner cut of meat but still wants lots of flavor.

“You really that hungry?” She asks after we place the order.

“To a fault. I haven’t had a steak dinner in forever. You would think someone like me would do it every night, since I obviously have the money to eat like this three times a day every day of the year, but believe it or not, I haven’t had a dinner like this since Manhattan.”

“What say we get dessert at Culver’s again?”

“I’m game. Their cyclical and daily flavor rotations basically guarantee a different experience every time, and at each location.”

“That’s the fun of it.”

I use the bathroom and return mere seconds before the food arrives.

I cut in to my steak, just the way I like it, and give my stamp of approval. Sunset likewise affirms her order and we dig in.

As Sunset chips away at the wine bottle, I monitor the bottle’s level, so that I can make sure she can still cooperate with me. I really don’t want to have to deal with drunk Sunset, on the off chance that something bad happens.

I get halfway through my own steak as Sunset crosses through the approximate halfway point on the bottle. Now I have to keep an eye on her.

Fortunately, Sunset, despite herself and the slightest hint of hazy vision and glazed over eyes, she calls it quits and asks for the check.

I immediately take it, since the waitress luckily gave it to me, and Sunset gets agitated.

“Nooooo! Let me take care of it!” She pouts.

“You can take care of Culver’s.”

“But I want to pay for this one…!” Sunset whines.

“No buts about it. Steak dinners are always my treat.”

“Fine.” She concedes.

After I pay the bill with a tip of about 25% to account for the private room, we make our way out. Now that Sunset’s a little more uninhibited, I have to be careful more than I usually am, because one wrong move could lead to trouble. I mean, she drank half a bottle of wine on her own. That really isn’t much in the grand scheme of things, but for someone like Sunset, to even my surprise, she’s quite the lightweight. This coming from the person who has Asian flush and was raised in and grew up surrounded by prohibitionists.

Nevertheless, I readjust the seat then do a quick check of nearby Culver’s to see what the daily flavor is. One of my favorite flavors is at one of the locations at the outer edge of the search radius, but not an unreasonable distance away. So, with a sobering reminder that I have an inebriated date (never mind the air quotes, this is a weekend date) and am driving her car, I head for the Culver’s just as Sunset dozes off.

After a quiet ride across town, I park right in front of the doors and wake Sunset up by grabbing her hand. She giggles and gives me these eyes that can only come from someone in her position.

“Let’s get some dessert, then get you home and into bed. You’ve had a long day.”

She follows me in without a response, so I take my time and order when she knows what she wants. She tells me before she heads to the bathroom. I place the order and make sure Sunset’s okay. Fortunately, she comes out soon after the person behind me places his order, the smell of alcohol only now apparent when I get close enough.

I receive our order in a bag and decide to take a few bites of mine while Sunset mildly struggles to put her belt on. Once the chime is silenced, I put her in reverse and head back to Sunset’s.

I roll gently into the garage before Sunset is woken up by the sound and slight tremble of the engine shutting off.

“Okay, Sunset.” I say as she tries to open the door to the house. “It’s locked.”

“I knew that.” She semi-slurs out.

“Are you gonna eat right now?”


“Alright. I’m not gonna leave until I know you’re good for tonight.”

She doesn’t respond but instead digs in to her third Culver’s of the trip. Of course, I keep my distance for my own sake as I eat my own, making sure Sunset is both eating and not passing out.

I finish my dessert and gather my trash, but Sunset is eating a bit more slowly.

“You look cute with a dairy mustache.” She giggles.

“Do I? I’m not a fan of facial hair.” I say as I wipe my mouth.

She only giggles and attempts to appear seductive by licking her next spoonful of custard in a rather funny way; nothing unusual, just licking the spoon not once taking her eyes off me.

I avoid obliging her by smiling in return.

When she finishes, with maybe one or two bites left, I “return” her previous action.

“You have two bites left, one if you really try. Just finish it.”

“But I don’t wanna!!” She whines.

“Young lady, you are finishing this tiny portion whether you want to or not.”

Unamused, she crosses her arms and scrunches her face.

“Don’t try that on me.”

“Fine. Feed me.” She says indignantly.

Summoning all the courage and gall to act like a parent again, I gather the last of the Culver’s into one last spoonful and make sure it doesn’t drip.

Sunset then looks into my eyes, a mild glaze now clearly over them. God, she looks like she can be taken advantage of so easily, but I’m not about that life. And I’m pretty sure Sunset’s just toying with me. Not that I mind. Bantering with her, especially at such a personal level, is a lot of fun. A relationship between two people of the opposite sex does not require sex to be intimate.

Nevertheless, when I present her the spoon, she gives the most jarring look, one that Rarity has attempted to use on me before. The term I and some others may agree on, is “weaponized guilt.” I can’t help but smile at it, because while it appears cute, I find it funny mostly because I can tell she’s playing with me, so once I get her to open her mouth, she takes the Culver’s and giggles as she relishes the chance to literally be spoon fed.

When she finishes the last bite, I throw the trash away and take out her near-overflowing kitchen trash bag. When I return, Sunset is standing right next to the kitchen sink. As I wash my hands, it hits me.

“There’s no way Sunset can actually be drunk.” I think to myself. “But I’ll humor her.

“Hey, Sunset?” I call as I return to the kitchen.

She looks at me with obviously-feigned innocence.

“It’s your bedtime. Do you want me to carry you?”

“Yes please.” She says as she opens her arms childishly.

“Okay, hop on my back.”

Feeling nervous because I’m crossing my own boundaries, Sunset climbs on and hangs on like a monkey, giggling as I shimmy her up so I can support her legs with my arms. Once I know she’s secure, I trek up the stairs and find her bedroom.

Turning the lights on is a bit of a chore, because her switches are farther from her entry door than I’m used to. After fooling with all three switches, I get her main lights on, and I gently set her down in her bed.

After she sprawls out, I make sure she’s okay and make my way out.

“Don’t leave me.” She calls right before I sneak out,

“You can drop the act then. I know you’re not drunk.”

“What gave it away?” She says with a pout.

“Even if you’re a lightweight, half a bottle isn’t enough to knock you down.”

“Fine,” she then sighs, “you win. Stay with me tonight though, please? I kind of…wanna cuddle with you.”

“Alright. Let me pack up from my place.”

“Hurry back.” She smirks.

When I return to Sunset’s, she points me in the direction of an open bathroom so I can brush my teeth. Once ready for bed, I change into my sleepers and pull her comforter down so she can climb into bed. In spite of this, I wait for Sunset to get warm and comfortable underneath.

“What are you waiting for? You pulled the comforter.”

“Yeah, but I don’t want to mess up the neatness of the bed.”

“I think Rarity’s rubbing off on you.”

“I’m not so sure about that. I’m still pretty crass.”

“Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Just get in here and hold me.”

After I inch my way under her covers, I slowly place my arm over her and make sure she’s not on the other so it doesn’t cut off circulation. Once I have her in my grasp, she puts her hands on top of mine and snuggles up to me, much inclined to take advantage of a secondary heat source under her blanket.

“Thanks for letting me do this.” I whisper into her ear as I brush a couple strands of hair out of my face.

“No need to thank me. Like I said, we’re just making up for lost time. Besides, you deserve it.”

“Deserve it? All we did was hang out. I’m not someone who exploits my friends for favors.”

“No, but you came here so we could hang out. I was willing to go to you, but you decided to come here.”

“Well, Waffle House, Lou Malnati’s, and Culver’s are a few reasons to come. Then there’s you.” I say as I get a little too into it and nuzzle myself behind her, getting a nice sniff of her hair in the process.

She giggles but shortly after wriggles her way free, grumbling “Sorry, gotta pee.”

As soon as she runs to the bathroom, I sit up against the headboard and play games on my phone to pass the time.

She returns after a few minutes and hesitantly climbs back in.

“If it’s that bad, I can go.”

“Sorry Max. I think I just started my period.”

“Oh.” I say as I get out from under her covers. “Should I just go then? I’m not bothered if you do.”

“Yeah, I think that’s best.”

“No problem. I just need to use the bathroom and brush my teeth.”

“Go for it.” She says pointing to the master. “I’m really sorry I have to send you away like this.”

“I understand. If anything, I should give you your space.”

“I appreciate that.”

After I wash my mouth and find the cheapest petrol station on I-10, I cautiously ask for a hug, but Sunset understandably declines on account of abdominal pain. Cramps.

“I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”

“Don’t even trip. Maybe next time we can actually cuddle, for reals.”

She smiles weakly as I grab the last of my things. She then follows me to her front door as I remote start the car so the engine can warm up.

“Well Sunset,” I say as I step outside. “I had a lot of fun. I’m glad we’re such close platonic friends.”

“So am I. Hopefully we can do it again sometime.”

“I’d love that. Good night, Sunset.”

“Safe drive, Max.”

Author's Note:

One of my shorter stories, but it’s tough to cover a long weekend in more than 18,000 words.

Dedicated to my old flatmate, whose girlfriend is a Phoenician. Their first date occurred when I started writing this! Sometimes the stars do align.

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