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Twilight...II: New Moon

Twilight Messes up a Spell, Gets a Human named Mary Sue in Equestria, Starts a War, and Viciously Murders Everypony except Rainbow Dash, Whose Wings She Clips Before Realizing that I am Her True Love II: New Moon [GRIMDARK][SHIPPING][HUMAN-IN-EQUESTRIA][OC][CROSSOVER][GORE][COMPLETE]
by G-Money

Chapter 3

Fluttershy gazed across the valley towards the cascading waterfall. The majestic water tumbled over the cliffside, nesting peacefully in the basin below. A multitude of friendly animals gathered to drink the water, nourishing themselves with the essence of life.

She glanced at the red morning sky, streaked with color as the sun ascended over the horizon. The cool summer air brushed her mane, gently refreshing her with the soft breeze streaming through the valley.

Fluttershy pondered how things had gotten this way. Not long ago, she had been deceased, embraced in a comfortable but solitary postmortem experience of tangible light and idyllic mountainsides. Not unlike this one, she thought.

Aha! Finally it started coming back to her. It was Paulina the atom.

You see, the universe had long since ended. As the fortifications of Los Pegasus fell, the apocalyptic fury had challenged even the most noble of warriors, who of course would be me. I was unable to defend my wall of the city.

Twilight too was eschatologically overcome. Not long after I had perished in the fires of haste did the second wall of the impenetrable fortress fall. This collapse downgraded the rating of Los Pegasus from impenetrable to partially penetrable, providing a moral boost for those who opposed our cause.

The third wall was not supported. Its poor showing in recent debates rendered it incapable of upholding public opinion. No one voted for it to remain in office, and an exogenous membrane assumed the position, filling its Cabinet with members of organizations such as Amoebas for Godiva Chocolate and The Lichen Institute for Liking Likings. Rick Ross supervised the investigative committee to determine the prudence of pressing charges, so it comes as no surprise that the lack of judicial aggression preceded the most cataclysmic occurrence since Charlie’s entrance into Equestria (Money, 2011).

It was not long before the fourth wall was broken. The denizens of Los Pegasus all looked up into the sky, my readers, in hope of finding someone to support them. I looked at them and condemned them to an early demise, and I destroyed the universe to boot.

But there was an atom. It was a persnickety atom named Paulina, and somehow it decided to collapse. I am not familiar with the neurological capabilities of atomic particles, so this event was rather unprecedented in my limited experience as Supreme Ruler of The Nothingness That Is. The particle’s decision rendered my nothingness not, and the blatant floccinaucinihilipilification of my lack of matter ZOMGBBQPIZZA.

Paulina’s instability let out a nebulous gas that I unfortunately could not smell due to symptoms related to a common cold. Regardless, this gas was emitted seamlessly and smoothly. The gases inside this nebula conspired against all volition to incept unsightly blobs of matter. These large balls made the most unpleasant hissing sound, the cacophony of which still perturbs me to this day.

The balls were so terrible that they didn’t even like themselves. Some of them exploded. The explosions created more artifacts, which millions of years later might be considered valuable due to their Rarity. Fluttershy and Applejack soon followed, and thus Equestria was made. There has been no attempt thus far by revisionist historians to blot out the transitionary stage of the universe from a helio-hydrogenic decentralization to the nascent planetary formation and development.

Ponies lived. Some even died. Others chose to omit this stage entirely.

And then the end ended again.

Comments ( 6 )

a work of art

OK yeah really fucking confusing dude.



That's a long ass title

Favorited just for the title.

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