• Published 30th Jan 2020
  • 1,540 Views, 14 Comments

The New Storm - ChaosKing23

A Newcomer Crashes the Final Showdown, neither side knows who he is but they soon realize what he is capable of.

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Shock and Awe

Tempest was afraid. That much she was sure of. As she locked eyes with this creature she tried to think of anything she could do to get out of this situation.

Tempest had found a nice peaceful town to settle in after the entire Storm King issue. She had finally stopped her voyage of hate and quest for something she had lost long ago, but she had come back because of Twilight Sparkle. Twilight had shown her that life wasn’t all about power and that pain would heal no matter how deep that wound was.

So that's why she came back, she had laid low for so long but now she was back to help save Equestria from a new threat. But now, she didn’t care why she was here or how she even got here, She just wanted to leave and never look back.

Tempest had been wary of something before Twilight had even begun her speech and began charging her friendship power. She was the only one who had noticed the clouds darkening and becoming more twisted and angry. She had spent many years around storms but none had seemed like this, It made Tempest feel uncomfortable in her own fur.

“I truly wasn’t sure how long I had to wait, but now with you here It was worth every second”. He said still staring at Tempest.

“The tales of your ruthlessness and willingness to seek power were a tale throughout the entire Storm Lands. Everycreature knows of your position and your strength”. He took a moment to pause before speaking again

“But now, look at you. You are a shamble of what you once were. A rat hiding in a hole. I truly thought I would have to drown you out of the hole, but it seems luck has favored me. Of course you hadn't expected me to be here because of something else”. He looked behind him finding the three distractions he was referring to before turning back to look at Tempest.

“Tempest shadow has been pardoned. She is a free pony now, you have no sway over her”. Celestia stepped in.

“I don’t need to sway over her for her to understand what is happening. This does not involve you. It involves these two”. He pointed at both Twilight who was still below him and Tempest who was beginning to feel that weight of the situation fall upon her. She could feel something about to happen but she didn’t know what it was… yet.

“Involves them how? The Storm Lands have gone back into isolationism, they have done nothing in any countries and have retreated back to the storm Lands after the incident with the Storm King, who are you?” Celestia demanded. She was losing her patience quickly.

“I am a survivor. That’s who I am. I’m the one who has lost everything only to come back from the dirt from which I was put in. I am the remnants of an empire and the memories of a conqueror. My name means nothing to those around me. But my title means everything to the ones I have come for, and I will not be stalled any longer”.

He was speaking not just to Celestia but to everycreature around. He was speaking to the heroes and the villains. He was not just speaking to the creatures around him. He was speaking to all of Equestria. To every changeling that hides in a disguise. To every pony that ran and hid from the danger. And even to the wendigos that had caused the storms and cold winter to form in the sky.


The ground shook as his words pierced their ears and struck their minds. Realization came to many. Some looked on in horror while others had faces of anger and sadness.

The emotions of the weak played no part in his plans. Only two ponies mattered to him and they would be judged.

Celestia and Luna now realizing the importance of both Tempest and Twilight. Tried to come up with some plan or single thought of action. But they would not be fast enough.

As Tempest stared on in horror at the knowledge she had just learned she failed to see the blue light that was forming at her hooves.

The light grew brighter and she eventually noticed it. Looking down she saw some sort of magic taking place. It gave a spark of electricity before it flashed brightly and she was forced to close her eyes in order to not get blinded.

She reopened them a few seconds later looking at the ground. The magic was gone but she felt no different. Did the spell fail? She was confused and shifted her gaze upwards before realizing what had happened.

She was now in front of the Cyclone. She had been teleported towards the one thing that had made her afraid.

She quickly tried to back up but was stopped before she could even lift a hoof. Cyclone’s eyes pierced through her like a knife through butter. She hesitated and froze before him. She was stuck.

The two things Cyclone desired were within his grasp. And Cyclone didn't even need a second to reach out and snatch them.

His armor glowed a light blue and as he lifted his right arm his right claw began to glow a light blue much like the magic that had teleported Tempest. It crackled with small fissions of electricity before exploding outwards in a small ball of magic.

The ball hit the Tempest before she could react. She had not expected magic to come from this creature. She had sensed no magic or even a pulse of energy the entire time she was watching him. Where had it come from?

As she was thinking this. The spell took the time it needed to complete its task. The ball hit her directly on the chest and it began to summon constructs of magic. Light blue chains sprang from the ball as it attached itself to Tempest Shadow. The chains started from the ball and soon covered her entire body restricting her movement and completely immobilizing her.

She tried to spark out some magic quickly to try and overload the spell, but was unable to summon any magic from her horn. When she looked at her horn it was covered in chains as well, these chains were glowing more and seemed to have more sparks of lightning coming from it. Realization came to Tempest right when the spell had finally completed.

She was now trapped.

Twilight Sparkle was in a sense of disbelief from what she was seeing. Not only was this creature using a new form of magic which excited her intellectual side a lot, but he was also the son of an enemy that had almost conquered Equestria in a single day. Her mind was running a million miles an hour.

But as Twilight watched Cyclone capture Tempest she saw a chance to escape. Twilight had paid close attention to Cyclone the entire time he was holding her down. She noticed his leg tense and his paw would squeeze when Twilight made any attempt at moving and even when she made a noise. Now however he was distracted and when Twilight moved she realized he wasn’t squeezing his paw against her.

She activated her magic and tried desperately to teleport away before he would notice her. She closed her eyes and pushed as much power to her horn as possible in order to travel as far away as she could, but her horn gave her away all too quickly.Cyclone reacted in an instant and sent magic to his foot.

The magic came from his chest and quickly moved to his foot that was holding Twilight before it began glowing brightly.

Twilight magic cancelled out in an instant. She opened her eyes and saw that Cyclone was looking at her again. She gasped as she felt her magic completely leave her. She could not even feel it within her anymore. It was as if it had been ripped from her very being in an instant.

Tirek had done a similar thing when he had drained the magic from Twilight but it was never this quick and it felt so different.

“How… what did you do” Twilight weakly said, looking up at him with sadness and a confused expression. Being unable to comprehend what was happening.

“You ponies and your magic. You don’t advance yourselves you hold yourselves back. Magic doesn’t make everything easier. It makes you weaker. My father……. he thought very highly of you ponies because of your magic. He wanted it all for himself because he thought he would be the strongest. But he was wrong. You don’t win with magic. You win with power. That's something you ponies will never understand”. His voice was threatening and determined. His aggression seemed to soften when he mentioned his father but picked back up again.

“Speaking of power. I suppose there is one more thing I should take before I leave”. He said turning away from both Tempest and Twilight.

His gaze turned to where the villains had gone. He saw them flinch slightly as his eyes stared into their very souls. His gaze quickly left them which made them sigh in relief before following his gaze to his new target.

The Bewitching Bell that was left out in the open field.

It took the three villains a few seconds to realize what they were looking at.

“What? You idiots didn’t grab the bell!”. Chrysalis said to her two “Allies”.

“Me? I thought one of you two had it. You're the one who came up with the plan to run away”. Tirek pointed an accusatory finger at Chrysalis.

“Uhmm…. Guys?” Cozy tried to put it into their argument but was promptly ignored by the other two villians.

“Just because I came up with the play doesn’t mean I kept track of the bell! That was your job!” Chrysalis said putting her hoof into Tireks chest to emphasize her point.

“My job? I'm not one of your subjects oh mighty ‘Queen’ I'm only working with you is so I don't have to listen to that annoying brat all the time by myself.” Tirek said getting even closer to Chrysalis as the argument got heated.

Cozy decided that she would ignore Tireks' comment for the moment. She realized that the two were getting into a heated argument.

She quickly flew up to the two as they were almost face to face and pushed their head in the opposite direction.

“You dofuses. Look!” Cozy said getting the attention of both the villains.

While the Centaur and the Changeling Queen were bickering like an old married couple. Cyclone had already retrieved the Bell with his magic.

He had sent out a pulse of magic which exploded outwards in a large radius in front of him which hit the Bell directly. The bell shook for a few seconds before zooming across the field towards Cyclone.

Cyclone extended his right arm and caught the bell just as it was about to hit him. The bell shook for a few seconds in his grasp before going still once again. Cyclone pushed magic into the bell and it seemed to glow yellow like it had done before.

It glowed brightly before opening a portal like it had done before when activated. It was pointed into the air instead of in towards any specific creature. As everycreature watched in wonder about what was happening. Three creatures let out shrieks magic was sucked from them by force.

The Wendigos were being drained of their magic. The action was swift and quick. The Wendigoes had no time to react as their bodies were stripped of their ancient magic. They seemed to fade from the sky as the bell stopped it’s glowing and closed once again.

Cyclone pushed magic into the bell once again activating the spell again. The portal opened once more above him but there was nothing left to take from the Wendigos. They were gone. So what was he aiming for?

The bell started glowing a dark red instead of a yellow and the portal seemed to shrink until a small barely visible hole was visible.

The villains watched in awe as the bell had done something they had never seen before, but while they were distracted something happened.

They were all beginning to glow a light red and had not noticed until it began to burn them from the inside. Chrysalis Cozy and Tirek all let out cries of shock and anger as the burning sensation became worse. Then it began pulling something from them.

Cyclone had activated the magic inside the bell to retake the magic that was given. It drained Chrysalis Tirek and Cozy of all the magic that they had taken from the bell. They all collapsed to the ground as the magic was ripped from them.

Cyclone seemed to admire the bell for a few seconds before looking at the ground that he was standing on.

He raised his left arm above him and gathered a large amount of his magic in his claw. It grew larger and larger until it was the size of a basketball.

Everycreature around him watched as he held it above his head for a few seconds. Then he slammed the ball into the group while going into a kneeling position.

Magic flowed through the ground at an alarming rate before creating a large rune that surrounded everything around him.

Cyclone back up and looked at the Villains who were watching in shock as they had been defeated at their prime without even a battle.

Cyclone looked over to Equestria and its allies that were watching with confusion and uncertainty as the events unfolded before them.

Celestia and Luna realized too late what was happening.

Celestia shouted in a her royal Canterlot voice “WAIT DON'T”

While Luna could only stare at the events that were unfolding.

A second later.

Cyclone Twilight and Tempest had vanished from the field.

Author's Note:

Windigoes? wendigoes? Wherediditgoes?
I'm never sure which it is.
Sorry this came out late trying to figure out the details of where I want this story to go.

Hope you all Enjoyed :)