• Published 30th Jan 2020
  • 1,540 Views, 14 Comments

The New Storm - ChaosKing23

A Newcomer Crashes the Final Showdown, neither side knows who he is but they soon realize what he is capable of.

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The Bargain Of Two Lifetimes

Twilight was beginning to panic. She didn’t understand the storm king was gone. He wouldn’t be coming back. He couldn’t have come back. Twilight new that for sure. His statues remains were still within Canterlots vaults and no one could get close to them. Guards watched the vault nonstop and even then the vault was sealed with a magic key that both Celestia and Luna hid from everypony. Not even Twilight or Cadence knew because it was that important.

She knew for a fact that the vault was secure she had been assured by both Princesses that no one had ever broken in. Besides discord but that was because he didn’t obey any laws. Not even the laws of nature.

But then that meant that this couldn’t be the storm king. It was impossible. Twilight slowly started to think over everything in her head, spending several seconds breathing heavily before thinking everything over. ‘OK, the storm king was tall, had white fur, black armor with a blue sigil,’ Already Twilight started to note the differences between the two. ‘This creature has more armor, and a red sigil’. ‘Not to mention it’s eyes are red and the storm kings were blue! so, who is this? Why did it attack me’ Twilight started rapidly thinking up question after question as she tried to find an answer. Was this another old villain that was locked in Tartarus years ago by the Princesses? Twilight wasn’t sure what to do next.

As Twilight was having her small panic attack and still trying to recover and understand what was going on. Every other creature was trying to find a way to approach this newcomer. Most failed before they even started. Having Twilight as a hostage had given the ponies and their friends a scare and made them rethink any hostile actions. So they tried to figure something out while on top of their very comfortable hill.
“We have to do something, Twilight is in trouble. She's being used as a carpet by that jerk we should go over there and..” Rainbow Dash began to say before she was interrupted.

“No Rainbow uses that head of yours for once, we can’t just rush down there and start brawlin. Don't you remember what happened when we did that with the other villains. We got out flanks dished out on a platter because of them” Applejack replied harshly trying to knock some sense into her.

“Applejack is right Rainbow Dash, this needs to be solved another way. We can’t risk Twilight getting hurt or injured in any way. We need to approach this more carefully.” Celestia said calmly getting in between them.

“My sister is right Loyalty, we don’t know what we are dealing with here. We have never seen this creature before, we are as surprised as the rest of you”. Luna said quickly agreeing with her sister as she trotted up next to her.

“The dragons stand behind you Princess, Twilight has helped me in times of need, I stand behind you Princess”. Ember said.

“We’ll help too, Me and the Changeling owe a lot to Twilight for all she has done to help us thrive with our new ways, I’ll help if I can”. Thorax said quickly trotting up next to Ember to show his support.

“Yaks help too, Purple pony friends with pink funny pony” The yaks all agreed and cheered together.

The Gryphons and Ponies all gathered around and showed their support by nodding to one another showing determination and fearlessness.
All of them showing true strength in the eyes of a new opponent.

Only one pony had hesitated to join the rest. Looking down at the newcomer she saw something all the other didn’t. And it frightened her to the core of her very being. Her past was back to haunt her no matter how far she was from the source.
Magic ran up her horn and sparked as it reached the cracked end.

Across the way on the opposite side of the clearing. The 3 villains had been having their own little conversation.

“What do you mean stay put, I don’t take orders from you. Were working together until we defeat those ponies and then we're through” Tirek said angry that the ‘Queen’ was trying to order him around.

“What I mean is that we need to play this smart”. Chrysalis hissed at him getting closer showing that she wouldn’t back down.

“But look at them, they are distracted and weak now, and whoever that is has Twilight in its clutches. We can crush them easier than before now”. Cozy said joining Tireks side opposing Chrysalis’s sudden outburst.

Chrysalis groaned and put a hoof to her forehead before speaking again “Are you two that daft?!?. We were seconds away from being blasted by Rainbow magic before that thing interrupted it. We would have lost before we could have gotten out of the way”.
Cozy and Tirek looked at each other for a few seconds before accepting Chrysalis’s point.

“Then what do you suggest we do? Sit here and wait for them to resolve their differences. We still have a chance to strike while they are distracted” Tirek said continuing the argument. Cozy was quick to nod in agreement.

“That's exactly what we should do. If we wait this out then we have a chance to find out who this new creature is and what we have to do about it” Chrysalis said as she looked back at the newcomer.

Tirek scratched his chin in thought before looking back at Chrysalis”Fine but we don’t wait long, I still want to crush those puny ponies for what they did”.
All 3 villains nodded in agreement before they backed up getting farther away from the commotion, fading into the distance but not going too far. They would listen, learn and then decide what to do next.

Twilight had barely moved since she was pinned to the ground. But the newcomer had.
Eyes shifting back and forth the newcomer was listening to all their conversations intently and had not liked what was being said. It wasn’t a being to be thought less of or used as a distraction. They would find that out very soon.

Princess Celestia and Luna both stood strong in the face of this new adversary. They were at the front and showed no fear. They would be strong for their subjects and friends. Twilight had helped them both become better ponies and had saved Equestria many times. It was time they helped her instead of sitting on the sidelines.

Just as Celestia opened her mouth to speak. The creature made its presence known to those around, it spoke.

““She will not be released until I have what I want.” He said, his voice resonated with power and authority. It was not the happy voice of a pony nor the gruff voice of a griffin or dragon. He was not loud like a yak or quiet like a changeling or sea pony.

His voice told them everything they needed to know. He was not here for games or friendship. He was here for a purpose. And he would sink his claws into that purpose no matter who was standing in his way.
That was a fact.

Celestia took a step back after hearing his voice. It was a he that was obvious now. His voice was gruff and had no sign of any feminine traits

His eyes and posture showed strength and power as he stood above the Princess of Friendship holding her down with only his foot.

He spoke again giving no time for the Princesses of the Sun and Moon to respond to what he had said.

“What I want is something you can’t give me” He spoke slow and strong. Letting the ponies soak in what he had said before he began speaking again.

“I already have a piece of what I came for”. He looked down to Twilight for a moment seeing her flinch slightly.

The red eyes that seemed to glow through the slit in his helmet closed for a few seconds in thought. ‘Pitiful, to think this is what has caused me so much grief’.
“What do you mean a piece? What is it you want from Princess Twilight?” Celestia asked in confusion. She would not let her pupil be treated like some piece on a chess board she had earned her right to respect just like the other princesses, even more so for all the good she and her friends had accomplished.

The newcomer took a moment to look at Twilight once more before looking back to Celestia.

“Isn’t it obvious Princess?. What I want is Twilight Sparkle”.

“You cannot be serious Twilight Sparkle is a pony. She has the freedom to make her own choices and choose her path”. Celestia Responded harshly not liking where this conversation was leading too.
“Let me make things a little more clear then Princess”. He seemed to turn more threatening and made the Princess of the Sun glare at the newcomer.

“You have no magic, no power, and are no threat to me. You are not what I came for and you will not be able to stop me when I leave. The only thing you can do is try to negotiate with me”.

“You already made yourself clear, and so have I. You want Princess Twilight and you will not take her, no matter what”. Celestia said determination radiating off her, inspiring the other creatures around her.

“Actually there might be one thing you have that may make me reconsider”. He said staring at the hill.

Celestia noticed that he was not staring at her or even anywhere near her. She tried to see where he was looking but was unable to see where it led to. There were too many creatures around her to know for sure who he was talking about.

“It took me a very long time to get you out of hiding, but I guess I only had to wait. Honestly those 3 idiots did most of the work for me, but now that you're here. I’m going to get my revenge for what you did’. His voice became much deeper as he said those final 3 words. He let out a low growl as his eyes and posture became more rabid. He seemed to shake with anger as he stared at her.

“The hero and savior who risked everything to stop the Storm King, Tempest Shadow”.
“So glad that we have finally met after all this time, we have so much to talk about”.
His red eyes stared at her blue ones.

Tempest was not fearful of many things, but some things are meant to be feared. Especially things that come from the past.