• Published 8th Feb 2021
  • 275 Views, 21 Comments

The creatures - Blackwatcher

an unknown creatures had roam the land of Equestria, but here are more then just one in this world

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Chapter 2

In the next morning in Ponyville the Alicorn Princess, Twilight walk around the hallway while reading history books, she suddenly heard a knock from the door, Twilight approach and opening the large door reveal a bright blue pegasus stallion with a black mane, dark purple eyes wearing a mailpony outfit and a saddle bag with blue shield matching his coat color.

"Hello, Princess" the Stallion greet

"Rush Feather? your a mailpony?"

"Surprised to see me got a job?"

"Yeah, never seen you work before... So what did you got?"

He grab a grey envelope from the saddle bag "Just this letter to Spike, from Gabby the Griffon"

"Oh sweet!" Spike exclaimed coming downstairs, grabing the envelope from Rush and go back upstairs. "Thanks, Rush!" Exclaimed Spike

The two look at the dragon leave and stare at each other again "so how's your job as a mailpony?" Asked twilight

"Not bad at all, I kinda enjoy exploring all over Equestria delivering boxes and mails"

"It's kinda strange... I just thought you hate working, no offense"

"I didn't hate working, it's just nothing else to do but lazing around, i did try find other jobs, but most of them didn't suit me, and others are just boring. At least this job isn't that bad compare to work as a Royal Guard, the only thing they do is just standing there like a statue waiting for shift to end. Anyway nice to have a chat with you Princess, better get going or i'll be late, see ya!" Rush leave the castel and fly to the air with speed

"Good luck on your new job!" she wave goodbye and close the door, Twilight reach the library and read some books about more biology and creatures in Equestria, she's trying to find some clue about what type of animals are those things that keep mention in the newspaper and the one she spotted, she spend hours and all of the books were all stack up in the desk, she already read twelve books and nothing had her answers, she rubbed her eyes and continue reading....

"Twilight? Twilight?" A raspy voice were heard inside the Castel

"I'm over here, Rainbow Dash" she answered

Rainbow Dash enter her library and speak "Twilight, i need to talk to you"

"What is it?" She asked

"This may sound crazy but yesterday, when i go back from the Wounderbolts practice, i just saw a large monster wandering below my house"

"Monster? What kind of monster did you saw?"

"Well, i don't know exactly what it is, it look's really wierd, fleshy skins, spikes in the back and the limbs were kinda glowing... I know that's sounds dumb but i saw what i saw! I'm telling the truth! You believe me, right?"

"I may not believe it at first but there are reports about mysterious creatures were spotted through out Equestria this year. And some witness the monster's look are similar like what you described."

"You mean to tell me that one of those things in the newspapers are in Ponyville!?"

"And it's not the only creature around here"

"What do you mean?" She asked hovering down

"Yesterday, Spike and i are on our way back from shopping, both of us spot a black creature with wierd oval shape head. I was trying to find some information about it in the books, but there were no record or history about this things"

"We should do something about it, they could cause trouble if we didn't do something"

"Just stay calm, Rainbow Dash, we will get the bottom of this. But i still need some clue where the creatures went and why are running loose all over Equestria"

"Well make it quick! I don't want that thing wandering around my house"

"You live in a cloud, i'm sure you and Tank will be fine. And it didn't have wings so you don't have to be worried about it"

"But what if it can jump high?"

"I'm sure no monster can jump high to-" her word cut when the door suddenly burst open, both mares flinch from the loud bang, they looking at the door and saw Applejack gasping for breath and leaning on the door, after she get enough air she start to speak "Twilight... Trouble!"

"Applejack, what's wrong?"

"Something horrible happen in ma' farm!"

"What happen?!" The Alicorn asked "is anypony alright!?"

"There are some are not, come quick, i'll show ya"

The three mares run to Sweet Apple Acres when they reach the place they saw their other friends and Applejack's family looking at the trees, the Pegasus and Alicorn gasp in shocked at the sight.

They saw three wounded earth ponies lying on the ground and a cutted rope in the ground circling the apple tree.

The six confront the three, their faces, stomach and back were filled with scars and bite mark, one of them reply that a large creature attack them, but they didn't remember how did they get tied up.

The citizens that heard about this were in panic and terrified, but the mayor and Twilight assure them that it's going to be fine and the Mane six will deal with this treat.

The six ponies gather around the scene where the three victims were tied. But something left the question from Twilight, the three ponies were attack by a large strange monster and they've been tight up in a tree. Who and how did they get tied up and what kinda monster they've encounter.

"So, got something?" Applejack asked the purple Alicorn

"I could see the rope length is 12 meter, long enough to tie three ponies together. but the trick question is who did this?"

"You don't think the monster tied them up? "Rainbow asked

"That's ridiculous, there is no way a creature smart enough to tie ponies and make a perfect knot" said Applejack looking at the cuted rope with well made knot shape. "And those folks said the monster big, no way they're large claw or paw can tied rope this small"

"Then who did it?" Asked RD

"I don't know...but i had a feeling that someone had involved in the attack"

"But who?" Fluttershy asked

"That's the confusing part..."

"Applejack, did the injurt ponies tell more about the thing's apperance?" Twilight asked

"Yeah, they said that the monster is a wierd looking one if i belived one, the face look like a skull and had a pinkish fleshy skin, and the limbs are glowing yellow. Those ponies may had a messed up eyes, but they said they seen what they see, i heard them talk and the eyes they're shown weren't a lie."

"... Fleshy skin...glowing..." Rainbow pounder and her mind begin to realized something "sounds like a creature i saw under my house"

"You spot it, too?" AJ asked

"Yesterday when i was home from practice, i saw that thing walking around under my house, staring at the sky for hours and gone back to the Everfree Forest"

"I think that proved that the monster Rainbow Dash spotted are the one responsible for this mess" said the farm pony

"But what about the tighty up part?" Pinkie asked holding the rope "must be somepony or anyone done this"

"We will find out who did that later... Right now let's focus on searching the monster first" replied AJ

"So what are we gonna do? Go after the creature and capture it?" Rainbow asked

"Not yet" Twilight said "we need to learn about it's nature and how it adapted"

"But Twilight, that thing is to dangerous to run loose, if we don't stop it now everypony will be in danger" said Rairty

Rainbow add "Yeah, those monster is so dangerous even the Everfree monsters are afraid of them. asked the Manticores in the Santuary"

"I know this mysterious is dangerous, but we are not prepared to face this kind of treat yet, we need time to get our plans ready. But right now let's go back and keep the town safe and watch for another attack"

"Alright, Twi... alright..."

After the group leaving the crime scene and head home, except Pinkie Pie, closely gaze at the looping knot shaped on the rope "hmm...this knot shape look fimiliar, but where have i seen it before...?" She pounder

The sun rise up and the moon goes down, morning's coming, Twilight, Spike and Starlight were having breakfast. Twilight are reading a stack of books while eating and make a quite mess in the tabel.

"So, got anything interesting?" Starlight asked Spike that read a newspaper that come out this morning.

"No, just normal news about this... And that... And... wait... guys hear this." Spike clear his throat. "A group of teens were found heavily wounded near the street in Canterlot, the victims explained that they were attacked by a white color monster with no eyes"

"White monster with no eyes? I heard that news a few years ago" Starlight replied "about a white creature attack the home of a nobel family and the victims had two small hole on their neck and losing a couple of blood, But the attack were mentioned once, but now the attack continued"

"Since when a creature that were only mention a few years back become active now and becoming popular?" Spike asked while scratching his head

"That's what still bothering me, why did this things are attacking everypony right now. Many question, little answers!" She said nearly in averge on losing her insanity

"You should calm down and relaxed your head, it's not like another monster will appeared in Ponyville and this time it's a size of a house" Starlight said sipping her cup, then a loud bang on the door startled the purple Unicorn and spit out the tea into the newspaper that Spike read.

"Twilight!" Shout Applejack

"Applejack? Is this about the monster again?!" The alicorn asked

"Yeah, we saw it moving near Fluttershy's house, the other already in there, come on!"

The other follow them to Fluttershy's cottege, and saw the other in the road to Everfree Forest.

"What happened here?" Twilight asked

"Fluttershy saw a monster in her Santuary and escape to the forest" said Rarity "those poor animals are so scared even Manticores were hiding from it"

"They also said that it's the same monster that drive them out of their home" said Fluttershy

"I saw it move here and to the trees, that thing is big as a house!" Said Rainbow Dash

"You got to be kidding me..." Starlight mumbeled

"Where is creature headed now?" Twilight asked

"We saw it running to that derection" said Rainbow Dash pointing at the darkness in the forest

"Are you sure, we should go there?" Asked Spike

Twilight speak "We need to know what kinda animal we're dealing with...if you don't you can go back to the Castel"

"I rather stick with you guys, going home alone with unknown creatures running around near Ponyville is a bad idea"

The group begin to explore the forest, while keep a look out incase they saw movements, they stop when the group heard a deep growl and it's coming from the large bush, the ponies and Spike clear of the bushes and stop their track when they saw a strange creature in front of them.

A large green monster walking in four with a gorilla body like shape, large frill on the side of it's head and a long sharp teeth, the large frills fold back to it's head and the beast sit down on the ground making the ponies almost loose balance.

"holy guacamole!" The little dragon whispered "it's big!"

"What kind of creature is that?" Rarity asked

"I don't know, i never seen a creature like this, it could be a new type of creature" Twilight said while writing the notebook "a new lifeform, a unique one...big frills, large teeth...amazing!"

"Is that the thing you were talking about Rainbow Dash? The creature that roaming in your house and attack ponies in Applejack's farm?" Asked Spike

"No, the thing i saw are pinkish flesh and had a spikes on it's back. This one is new"

"Whatever it is, it dosen't look well" said Starlight, the group look at the wound of the creature's left arm, it look like a bite mark from a predator and the arm start bleeding red.

"That bite mark...is similar to a Timberwolf" said Fluttershy

"How do you know that?" Rarity asked

"I studied Timberwolf, the bite mark are very similar"

"So it was having a fight with those stinky breath?" RD replied "wish i could see that"

The creature winch when holding it's wounded arm, it saw the tree and approach it, the large monster grab a few leafs on the tree and put it on the arm where the bite wound is.

"Is that thing use leaf to cover it's wound?" AJ asked in surprised

"Facanating, it can use inviorment to heal itself" she wrote more words in the notebook, the scribbling sound from her quill are heard by the creature and turn it's heads around looking where the sound coming"

Applejack notice the creature attracted by the scribbling sound from Twilight's quill and she speak "Twilight, can you stop writing, it heard the noise!"

"I can't just ignore this new discovery. I need to learn more about it...it also had sensitive hearing..." the Alicorn keep writing, the creature heard the sound coming from the bush where the group hiding, the ponies sink their heads, Applejack pull Twilight into cover but her notebook were drop to the ground and exposed to the eyes of the green creature.

"My notebook!" She try to levitate it but AJ hold her horn

"Twilight don't! It will know where we hide..." the farm pony whispered, they saw the creature approach them and they try to keep quiet

Spike saw the large green creature coming right at them, he feel his body trembled "it's coming this way! It's coming this way! we're do- mmph!" Spike mouth were coverd in Rainbow's hoof and she shush him.

"Stay quiet or we'll be spotted!" Rainbow whispered

The monster looking down, staring at the notebook, it grab it with it's large claw and smell it, and the creature suddenly put the note on it's mouth, chewing it.

Twilight saw the horror that her notebook, that had valuable answers were eaten by the creature she study. After a few second chewing the notebook, It spit the papers to the ground and stomp it with it's large arm.

"No!" She quietly shout but the monster hear her voice, it retreat from the area and go further to the forest, after it's left the group come out of hiding.

"It's gone..." said Rainbow Dash

"All the valuable information... gone..." Twilight said looking at her destroyed notebook with a sad expression

Spike tap Twilight's back "There, there, Twilight, i'm sure you still remember some of it or you could fix it with a spell"

"We need to do something about it." Said Applejack stare at the large footprint, and then look at the others "wierd looking Monsters are wandering close to Ponyville, scaring and hurting ponies...we need to stop this"

"We should keep a look out in Ponyville and keep ponies safe"

"That's a good idea RD, and also we need a plan to drive them away from the town or send it far away so it won't hurt other folks"

"I had an idea" said Twilight "when we find the creature we track it until we know where their hideout or nest, and then we make a plan to capture it"

"Are you insane!" Rarity shout "we almost get trampeld by that big green thing!"

"I'm not asking to really following it, we just need to gather some lead to where the creature lives and study it's behavior. And we use what we learn to our advantage, It will also give us clues for why did the monster and other mysterious creatures begin coming to towns and cities, hurting ponies and causing damaged."

"Understood, Twi, let's go home everypony, and keep an eyes incase that darn thing come to town again" AJ said

The group nod and return to Ponyville, Twilight levitate the notebook or what's left of it and leave the forest along with the others.

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