• Published 24th Feb 2020
  • 563 Views, 0 Comments

Yin and Yang - Blackraven

A small colt sits in his home .tired and frustrated from school work to his constant rejection from his fellow classmates , but all of this will be forgotten as tonight will be the last night of his normal life

  • ...

The return of the king

A dreary silence holds the colt in place. As he falls asleep he hears whispers of a voice long forgotten. He hears the simmers of his father calling out to him.

"No “he whimpers shifting in his bed. trying to shake off the voice he hears. Button lingers on the threshold of his deep sleep. quickly falling asleep then reawakening minutes later. he closes his eyes and covers his ears. trying to unheard his patriarch screaming for him. his eyes held shut. with the hustle of struggle, the clawing hoof of sleep finally strikes the colt. sending him into the realm of Luna.

He finds himself walking in the dense of the ever free forest. A thick blanket fog covered the ground. He traveled aimlessly throughout the night. leaping of intertwining roots under oak wood log holes. hoping to find a way out of, what seemed to be, never-ending woodland.

"Button" a masculine voice beaconed from behind a mighty white ash tree.

The colt slowly turned towards the voice.

With a swift slash. the white ash tree turned to cinder and its dust fell to the ground .in its place a monstrously big pony in golden armor and with gigantic white wings stood firmly, a milk-white cloak covered his face. His pinion spread out in its full glory as an aura of white-coated itself onto his wings.

"haaaaaaa" the young gamer galloped away from the creature, running through the vegetation of the forest. the looked back as he was running and found that the foreign entity had vanished from sight. with the treat gone he rested his body .3 hooves on the ground, resting whilst another one laid limp on his chest. heavy puffs of air escaped his lungs.

"My son take heed in my words “Button swayed his head to the side as he had found that the angelic creature was towering right over him. His chiseled gold armor covered him from hoof to make. his left-wing now held a sparkly silver shield and his right-wing contained an iron war hammer.

"My blood fears not it is your father".

"what. How in Celestia could you be my dad?”.

The unknown being stepped back. His shield and weapon faded from view and his wings withdrew. The warrior held his hood in his hooves. The angelic warrior looked towards the floor as he slid down his cover.


"Hello, my son".

Button stared at the angelic warrior of a father that now stood before him but before the son could say a word more several cold chains sprouted from beneath the ground and hooked the young foul. each clammy black chain latched itself onto Button and slowly began dragging him under.


"You shall not TAKE MY BLOOD FROM ME".

Night Fang s cold heavy war hammer materialized in his wings. with all his might the stallion raised the hammer to its highest peak before slamming it onto the ground. the land shattering explosion ripped the ground in two. Button fell to the bottom of the cesium trapped in between dirt and stone. however, the cold touch of chains had vanished and Button was no longer being sucked into the earth with the claws.

"my son. where are you".

"I’m haaaaa I’m here dad".

"I can't see you. LET MY WINGS LIGHT THE WAY".

With a thunderous clap of his wings, the cassia erupted in blue light.

"I see my own “the angel took to the sky. flying to the edge of the clouds before diving straight into the ground. the beastly pony severing the earth crack even further, with the dust quickly settling Button looked at his father. who was offering a hoof. Button too reached with his own and the family grappled each. his father slowly picking him up from the destruction of rubble.

The stallion, holding his son, flew up into the air. passing the layer of clouds and flying towards the moon.

"Dad what was that, why do you look like an angel. Where am I, am I still asleep. Is this all a dream? "Button rambled on. his face constructing a face of fear and confusion.

"you fell asleep at your home my son, that is the truth and in your body of rest you were transported and awoken in the forest."

"why dad? “Button asked anxiously. his hooves tightly imprisoned in his father's armor.

"There are many things you have to learn and learn you shall in due time".

The colt witnessed the shrinking of the forest and in doing so caught glimpse of his home suburb. the houses and marketplace, the boutique, sweet apple acres, and his home.

"Dad .........home.... mom".

"We are to go home to my son but for now you have to visit my birthplace. After that, we shall return you to your home".

"Why dad, just let me go “Button demanded, he looked to his father right in the eye but yet it did not affect his previously thought, missing caretaker.

" I will my son, just let me show you my home and I promise to the high heaven I shall return you to your home ".

Button felt weary and sick but looking around he had no choice. if he struck his father, and through the will of a miracle, Fang loses grip of his son, he has a high plummet and a hard ground to meet. defeated he rested his head on the golden shoulder guard of his angelic warrior.

"Dad where are we going?”.

"We are going to my home son".

The wings of his father were pushed against the cold winds of the night and into the moon.

"Dad, the higher we fly the colder it gets and the less air we have to breath".

"We are to fly above stars but we are not to fly to the moon my son".

Suddenly a burst of light showered in the sky. Button looked straight at a white spiral in the sky floating amid the clouds.

"Ready yourself, my son, for we are to fly to the heavens".

in the last chance, the gamer looked back at his home town taking in the last sight before it disappeared into white nothingness.

The tunnel of light the ponies were flying through came to an end and with it then came the view of white fluffy clouds but there was nothing else but the texture and view of clouds till the horizon. the sky dawned a blue.

“ummmm nice place you got here dad Ummm very good view of the stuff"

"Yes it's even more beautiful if you turn around and look at it"

The colt turned around to bear witness a golden gate. the edges of the gate encrusted with emeralds and diamonds. Its gold shining walls reflecting the gleaming shine of the sun. In front of the castle walls stood oceans of clouds that drifted and curved as they so, please. Patterns and design made from clouds

Behind its sold walls rested a golden tower the stretched as far as the eye could see. piercing the sky and shooting infinitely above.

"Open the gates, the king has returned with his son.

The sound of tremendous machines echoed as the gates opened to reveal its heart-wrenching contents.

"Welcome to my birthplace my son ".

The two ponies entered the city behind the gates of heaven. it’s traveled upon roads was made by nothing but gems, each home as far as the eye could see was a palace made from the more exotic material known to pony kind. from exotic ores to near un-achievable material, each crafted with a frightening skill of craftsmanship.

Both father and son passed through the great city. The young gamer walked in shock and awe. Disbelief made manifest on this face.


Same in size as his father a guard covered in silver armor stood in their way.

"Who passes through these holy grounds? ".

"It is I, your king. Have you not known I am your ruler? ".

"No my sire but who is the young pony that follows you, according to your laws.no being of lesser purity shall touch the lands of heaven unless through the passage of acceptance "the king looked at the guard in his eyes was a strong burning in his eyes but it was masked by his cool calm face.

"Bow down as you are in the presence of your prince" he erupted with a mighty pride in a voice.

"Aah" with a gasp the mighty fighter bent down on one knee and lowered his head “forgive me prince “he pleaded.

Button looked at the guard flabbergasted "Prince ...of...heaven................ AM I DEAD?”.

Fang looked at his son before directing his sight back upon the guard "Your king forgives you on the prince's behalf guard, now patrol and go about as you where".

"Yes, thank you, my king and my prince".

The guard expanded his wings and flew off into the crystal blue sky of the great city. Of to perform his last assigned task, which probably was to patrol the gates.

"Dad am I dead?”.

"No son, you are but a resident in the bones of heaven. come now my child sit with your father as we have much to ..........discuss".

Button followed his father. He traveled along the path of glimmering gems. Each shined their color and danced its yaks along the way to the tower.

The colt followed his father until they had reached a park. The lavish roses stood shining, but Button looked closer at a daisy to find that the bendy flower was made from polished crystal.

"son, we can smell the flowers later, we are to have work to be done “with the command of his father Button begrudgingly followed suit. his eyes could not help themselves but look at the vast are of heavenly plants and decorations but his attention of the plants was short-lived for he had come up to a river, but this was no ordinary river of mere water but a stream of light.

Button ran to the flow of lights. just at the edge starring into strings of lights "Dad what's this".

the father approached, his wings fell across his son’s shoulders "that my son is the passage of acceptance".

"Passage of what?”.

"Think of it as a road for those who have passed away, you see each strand of light that flows in this stream is a soul, a soul that has been accepted into heaven.

"But dad aren't we in heaven so where are they going?”.

"Well yes my son we are in heaven, but we are at the gates of heaven, they are to travel to the heart of heaven where they have been promised endless joy. Come now, let’s not get distracted .........we have many decisions to make “his father turned away and continued his journey along the path. Button followed his father in pursuit but as he walked with his caretake. the young colt turned his head one last time to see the stream of light. a bright mixture of white and blue. intertwined with each other as they traveled to their reward for living and leaving a good life.

Button walked by his father's side .as he trotted on the gem-encrusted road, he laid bare witnessed to dozens of angels. each one of them as big as his father but colored in silver armor or dawned in a slim cream cloak. their white wings stretched as far as his father’s, their armor, not as colorful but looked as strong as his parents.

"Who are they, dad?”.

"They are angels, some are guards that protect this gate, some angels have specific roles. those who wear armor are warrior angels and this who wears a clock are not fighters but they have an important role in heaven.

Their beauty pulled his eye in admiration. That is until he laid eyes on a peculiar entity. He was not dressed in royal gold armor nor silver but was outfitted in black armor. his weapon was a scythe that he held by leaning it on his shoulder and there was a cold presence in the air as Button looked into the endless void of the dark angel's black wings.

" look away young one " he whispered. his voice drowned in a bone-chilling tone.

After a few more minutes of walking the pony and creature had reached a bridge that leads towards the tower. the bridge was an arc bridge of cobblestone "hold my son" the angel held a hoof to stop his son.

"What is it, Dad?”.

"This is one of the last defenses of the high heavens. only one creature is allowed to cross the bridge of faith".

"Why only one?”.

"The only angels that are allowed to enter are kings queen, heirs and messengers No soldiers. You are my only blood and I believe that only one messenger is enough."

"Well it’s a bridge but why can’t pony’s-".

"Creatures my son".

"Right creatures, why can't creatures just fly over the bridge and to the tower".

"There's a shield around the tower .no matter how powerful the creature is, even a king of heavens will be killed".

"Why do you need such a heavy security dad?”.

"That is why we are here Button .to talk in solitude without unwelcome black eyes ".

Button was the first to cross, he had forgotten to ask his father what were to happen if 2 creatures crossed the bridge at the same time but the young gamer has quite the imagination. if the king of a kingdom that existed in the life-after-death can be destroyed by flying towards it. Celestia knows what will happen to the poor two creatures that unknowingly crossed over the bridge.

This dangerous thought clouded his vision as the colt had unwittingly rammed his muzzle into the wall of the tower. scuffing his nose, the colt tried to re-adjust his muzzle.

"That is an interesting way to knock on the door son".

"DAD. How did you cross the bridge so fast?”..

"Son, I said traveling across the bridge can be done by only one creature, but I didn't say you can't run".

"Ow ok".

"Come, son, we have much to discuss".

With an embarrassing blush, Button gathered himself up and walked through the golden doors with his father, as he entered the building he looked up to see a never-ending spire of stairs leading higher into the sky of the heavens.

"This is going to take foreveeeeeeeeeeeer" the colt moaned, flopping to the ground.

"Son you are right".


"Those stairs my son, are never-ending, they are designed to fool intruders into thinking that the king of heavens lives at its very peak, ever constructing, never-ending".

"Then how or where are we supposed to go?”.

"Button, this is the reason I brought you. this will test to see if you are worthy".

"Worthy of what".

"You will see, go to the center of the floor and press your hoof directly on the center of the ground".

Button looked at his father with a curious stair but soon looked back towards the floor. he slowly trotted towards the center of the room, raised his hoof and gently placed it at the core of the floor.

"Nothing’s happening dad".

"You are supposed to press, hard against the ground”.

And so he did, as soon as Button pushed the ground the floor cracked and shattered into pieces. the angelic being fell and so too did his son.

Button screamed and flailed helplessly as his body was hurled through the white emptiness.



His father only stared at him with a sly smile on his face.

Button continued his ear bleeding scream, that is until he had landed face-first onto a floating platform. the angel on the other hoof gently descends onto the floating discus.

"Son are you in good health?”.


"Say again".

Pulling his face from the ground Button turned fiercely towards his father. his teeth gritting with each other and his eyes narrowed at his father "I’m a fine dad".

"Good I thought my blood had animosity from the face falling".

With the roll of his eyes, Button looked around. they were standing on top of a floating discuss that lamented in the whiteness of nothing .it was only milk-white till the horizon in which Button could stare into.

"Welcome to the throne of heaven".

Button examined the discussion and a very important detail had caught Button's eye.

"Ok, then where is the ...throne... I mean the place that is named the throne of heaven should have a throne ".

Night Fang stared at the center of the floating platform with a genuine small grinning from ear to ear "A king is never on the throne but with his loyal subjects. I never sit on the throne son, we always stand next to our soldiers and besides our scholars".


Night Fang slowly looked away, his gaze fixing on the blank horizon. as he slowly steps towards the edge.

"Button you have come across many angels, some wearing mere cloaks and others wearing the protection of heaven".

"Yeah some wore armor, and you keep on saying angels but you look like a pony dad. I mean all the angels look like ponies but you refuse to call yourself ponies?”.

"We are beings of light Button, we do not have an original form but your eyes fixate itself upon what it has already has known, so for you, we are dawned the skin of a pony, for a griffin we shall uptake the feathers of its kind. that is why we say angels, not ponies, yet we appear to you as one of your own. As for the first part of your question, we have guards to defend us but has the question crossed your mind, why?”.

"Of Course....not".

The angel turned around his eyes met his sons and a small frown came upon him. “I have word that hell".

"WAIT for HELL?”.

"Yes son, hell. I have word that hell is about to make a huge push towards the home you call Equestria".

Button slowly stepped back. his eyes dashed across the piece of metal that they walked on.

"We-we. We have to stop them".

"I shall Button but I am afraid that this fight will cost us dearly".

"What will it cost".

"Hundreds upon thousands of my warriors and Me".

The colt stood. His head became light and his hind legs felt numb. "y-you’re an angel dad, how can you die".

"Son we do not die, when an angel or.... demon dies. We are scented to the heart of our worlds. An angel is sent to the heart of heaven and the demons are scented to the heart of hell where they shall have risen anew. but...".

"But what".

"This takes many life cycles to complete".

"Life cycles?”.

"My son I am afraid that I will be gone, for what you pony call. Millennials, before I can return".

"No, no. I didn't have you in my life for so long and when your back, I’m just going to lose you, why can't a king that died a millennium ago just take over?”.

"Button, when great rulers fade away and reborn at the heart of heaven, they return but not as a king but return as guards or another angel".

The young colt stood silently, he looked at his father right at his crimson eyes. An oddly fiery burn singed at Buttons chest, a small dreadful pain. a pain he did not understand.

"Do not worry my son., we have many many moons and many suns, so when I am to be re risen. I want to know that my kingdom is in the hooves of good, so why do you say, my son?”.

"...........YOUR INSANE".


" I still love your dad but.............all of this, I just can’t, all I did was go to sleep one night and all of this happened. First I was being dragged through the ground by this cold claws and then I am the prince of heaven and soon I’ll be the king of heaven and then I have to go to war with actual demons. WHAT ABOUT Mom... I don't know if you noticed, and I doubt you did, but I had a life down there. Sure I didn't have friends but I had a loving mother and a great life. How do you now I am fit to be king? And what about us dad. You went, left us, the only things I know about you came from mom. The first time I saw you were in a picture, not you in the flesh. Did you ever think to come and visit your son? Did I and mom ever mean anything to you? Or was this some plan so that you could have an heir. "


Night Fang erupted, he slammed his hoof on the ground and stood towering on his hind legs. “I have been with you for your entire life. every single day I sit on the edge of heaven and behold the happy smiles of my beloved family, son. the day you came into this world I stood and watched you as the doctors carried you away. The day you took your first step. I saw it. the day.

You spoke your first words. I heard it. Do you know how it feels for you to scream your hardest and yet not be heard by the ones you love? To touch the ones, you care about just for it to go unnoticed"

With tears in his eyes. Night Fang glared at his son "I have watched you my entire life. From the day you entered that school till now. You don't remember this but when you were small you made a drawing of you and your mother ............without me in the picture and it hurt me so badly. Like a rusted blade cutting the throat. I’ve watched you. For so long. I’ve watched you for all of your life "

Night Fang shook his head and regained his composition, his wings slowly slipping away the tears on his jaw, breathing in some cleansing breaths and letting go of his frustration and pain” I know you won't be ready to rule so that is why I have scholar angels and highly educated angels left behind to teach you .to show you how to be a king. like I said, we still have time before this grand battle is endured."

The colt walked closer to his father. the mighty angel knelt towards his son. tears still crossed down his cheeks. his son raised a hoof to his father's runny eyes and swiped a tear that ran down at the base of his cheek

"I’m so sorry dad" he whispered and quickly Button speared his father, clutching him tightly and firmly. his hooves coiling around the chest place and the back armor plate of his father

"It’s the ok son and I’m so sorry for leaving for all of this burden onto you "

"It’s ok dad "

The father and son neglected time as they held each other in the milky void. A strange satisfaction came to Button, despite the hard sensation of his father's mysteriously made armor that pressed against his soft coat, Button nevertheless felt comfortable and safe. A sense of inner strength surged his body as he clutched his father.

Night Fang, too, felt a small sense of pride. A pride that he always wishes to truly feel with his son in his hooves. A sense that he wouldn't want to forget and never will.


A drumbeat echoed through the white void.

"Dad, what was that? “Button asked, a sliver of fear dancing in his heart.

"Do not fear my blood, there seems to be a messenger angel at the door"

In a flurry of seconds. the angel grasped his son with an armored covered golden hoof and flew into the sky. a small rim levitated in the sky and that was Night Fang s target .as they passed through the circle. the floor repaired itself. aligning all the shattered pieces and in moments the floor was once again how it was. A normal floor with proper decorations.

Night Fang hovered over the floor. gently placing Button-down and dashing to the door

"Sire". An angel covered in a cream coat hoofed a letter to the king. As the king opened the letter the messenger walked away, crossing the bridge. Night Fang opened the letter with a strange look on his face a rather amused tone hummed from him

"What is it, Dad?”. Button asked

"Well, it seems that you'll learn your first lesson right away come with me" Button climbed into his father's arms and in an instant, the duo was found flying through the skies. over the palaces that resided behind the gates of heaven. gliding through eh soft clouds and over great buildings until finally they are reached their destination

They had returned to the gates of heaven. Button and Fang gently glided to the top of the armored gates and placed both himself and his son at the top of the gate

"What are we doing here dads?”.

"Here's your first lesson my son. Try and look outside of the gate ok"

"INCOMING" a guard called and in the midst Button found himself in a huge clutter of angels settling at the top of the gate

However, Buttons height had come to have its revenge as he also finds himself surrounded and his view broken from the open fields of clouds

"I got you, my son"

Night Fang picked his son up and placed him on top of his head. granting Button an unparalleled view of the cotton floor outside of the gates. suddenly in the distance, a blue cloud slowly approached them. The gamer stared intently on the blue figure until he realized. that I was not of a fluffy hue like other clouds but it was a small cluster of dust traveling towards them

"Now watch this son “Fang whispered into his son’s ear"

"Button listened into his father's advice and scanned fiercely the blue dust .in a spark of light the dust flew right over the beings. with the dust tipping the edge of Buttons muzzle as it soared over their heads. Night Fang and Button gave pursuit to the mysterious entity as it swerved and twisted into the city streets and over rooftops .as they tracked it, Button noticed the unbothered ness of the fellow angels

"Dad, why aren't they chasing it like us?”.

"This happens every day Button. the only reason I’m excited is that I get to have the chance for my son to see it with his own to eyes "

Button clung onto his father as the fierce chase continued until it had reached its destination. lying next to the river of light the dust cloud rested. its grainy essence now laid lump next to the strings of light

"Dad “Button whispered. Both father and son taking refuge in a nearby shrub "what is going on? “he asked, rubbing his hoof on his copper and caramel mane.

"Son, you know where we are laid to rest as we pass away. You know of the passage of acceptance. you know that heaven bears the many different angels. now you shall know how we are created

The young gamer stared at the blue dust, still not settled on his father's exceedingly happy smile that just laid inches past the hood.

"Button look"

Something has happened, the brown colt gave his full attention towards the blue dust. static electricity scourged and it once again levitated into the air. a sphere of electrical energy engulfed the blue dust. finally, in a blinding flash of blue and white light, the clump of dust exploded.

The gamer shielded his eyes with his hooves. His teeth gritted as the flash began to pass. With the light vanished, Button laid his eyes on a gorgeous filly that stood where the dust once was. Her body was a slim cream figure. her mane and tail milky white.

In a rush, Button left his father and pushed himself into the aid of the sleeping filly. he ran to her. his body stopped right next to hers. he searched for anything that could help .any sign of life, any signs of movement

"Hey, are you alright?”. a nervous colt asks

Button question was left unanswered at the beautiful pony raised her head and opened her eyes. Her eyes were a crispy ice blue and her wings spanned the distance of a mighty griffin. her beauty struck the colt like a hammer hitting the nail.

"Greetings young filly, “the king said as he approached the foul “welcome to heaven"

He raised his armored hoof in assistance. Button stared into her eyes and she stared into his and without a word, the colt gave her his hoof. In a moment the filly chose the hoof of the young mash.

"I have arrived “an angel in a robe spoke, holding in his wing was a smaller clock

"Ha come, get dressed young one "the king spoke “you have much to learn"

The filly looked at the king, with a blank toneless expression she left Buttons side and traveled to the robe dawned angel

"Come little one, let’s get you sorted out"

The foul and the angel rose their wings and in one push, they vanished pas the constructs of heaven

"Dad, what was that?”.

"That my son is how an angel is brought into this world"

The colt could not help but stare into the distance where the mysterious filly had vanished.

"Well my son, “the father said with a small grimace of a smile on his face “I take it she likes you"

"Huh? "Button jumped. blushing red crimson smothering his cheeks

"Naa just messing with you. or am I?”.

Again the colt did not pay heed to his father's words but stood stoned "dad. Where does the blue dust come from?”.

With the weight of the armor hitting the ground heavily. the fan walked to his son and placed a hoof on his shoulder.

"The mighty angels we see here. that you see here Button is created by you ponies".


"Ha-ha. son, when a good deed has been done. the essence of that good deed is transported to heaven and is turned into an angel".

Button stared at his father. His jaw unhinged and stood hanging from his mouth "are you telling me our good deeds are turned into angels?”.

"Yes, son. from as small as donating 1 bit to a poor pony to defending the weak. the noblest of deeds and the tiniest deeds are turned into angels. it’s a pretty .......humbling experience when you learn that you were created because a foul threw away a plastic bottle in the recycling bin instead of a trash bin or you were created because a stallion paid for anther ponies latte".

The colt looked at his father as it was Fang's turn to blush furiously. “I was created because a foul fed a monkey a banana. “his father said with a tainted scent of resentment on his tongue

"Button looked at his father with a smirk and a small snicker but his father's frowning face gave him enough encouragement not to laugh but instead a gentle hug ensued between father and son.

“you may have been born because of a monkey but I was born because of you”. he said with an awkward quality but his fathers pushed it aside and hugged him back.

"Dad “Button said as his embraced tightened "may I go home".

But Button's words fell on deaf ears as Fang only held him without a semblance of centration of hearing. only enthralled in the warmth of his son.

"Dad “his son fought on repeatedly.

Finally, Fang broke loose and stared at his thri-colored eyes. a small but firm crimson red growing into a tea rose orange and finally converging into a custod yellow.

"Yes, son but before you go. you may want this".

Fang held his wing to the sky and a cluster of blue and pink petals descended from above. Each blade gently coating his armored hoof. At the moment his hoof was concealed in petals. The father slowly lowered the wing to his son.

Button laid a hoof on the petals. he looked at his father once last time before looking back at the colored hoof .in one trust the petal flew aside and on his clamped armored hoof rested a chain. a sapphire dawning the end of the metallic jewelry.

"This my son is how we are to see each other once more. lay the collar sapphire onto your heart and whisper heaven into its reflective surface and be gifted with wings to fly to heavens peak ".


"Press this against your chest and whisper 'heaven’. that’s how we will see each other ".


The prince dawned on the new garment. The chain circled his neck and the sapphire rested peacefully on his chest.

In a flash. Button found himself floating in the sky. his body held by blue lighting that erupted from the ground. Each tentacle of electricity held a firm grasp on his small body.

"son “Fang shouted "do not resist. they are to grant you the final gift "

Button for once understood a proportion of his father's phrase. with a deep breath in and large gasp out, the colt relinquishes his will. the strips of blue energy slowly coiled Button. each strand covering his body until he was a floating blue mass of static electricity on the sky.

His father stood his shield and hammer materialized in his wings. As the father looked up, the ball of blue energy erupted. A small implosion upon himself created a mighty wind. as the dust settled: the light shown through the dusty air. Fang stared at his reborn son.

"You are ready to return home my son"

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