• Published 18th Jun 2020
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Lightning and Stitch (#2) - LightningStar626

After chasing a homeless puppy in a violent, record-breaking thunderstorm, Lightning Star and Karly Crystal get involved in a terrible accident.

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Chapter 7: Whispering Riddles

Chapter 7: Whispering Riddles

~Lightning Star sped through the broken forest, filled with a great sense of urgency. As she noticed the storm now after her, she felt the adrenaline beginning to race through her. The seven Rainbooms, Stitch and Spike hurried after her too, but had a hard time keeping up. They were all trying to remain calm. They wanted to stop and wait for the storm to come and go, but that was not an option anymore. They left Woodrow's tree cottage almost thirty minutes ago, so it would simply take too long and be pointless to turn back, they had to move on. Sunset Shimmer tried desperately to find some shelter. She knew that they couldn't go on any further like this.~

"Lightning, slow down!" Twilight cried.

"I gotta find her! I gotta find her NOW!"

~Flurries of water began to patter on their heads, growing heavier and heavier over time. Thunder began to boom and lightning began flashing behind the clouds. Lightning was the first to look up, and, as she stepped back, another bolt of lightning lit the sky hiding behind the clouds, and Lightning caught a glimpse of it.~

"Looks like anotha storm is brewin' in." Applejack said.

"This is not good," said Rarity.

"Lightning! We need to settle down!" Sunset called, cupping around her mouth.

Lightning turned back to face her, narrowing her eyes through the rain. "No! Not right now! If Karly's made her way up to this pathway here, she may be in great danger!"

Stitch made to protest. "But, Lightning- "

~Bang! Flash! Boom! Flicker! The sounds of lightning flashed again, startling the girls. Then suddenly, it felt as if the last bout of bolt struck Lightning right in her already damaged eye. The world seemed to grow dark and quiet around her after the thunder continued flashing, and she pictured herself in and at the exact moment she hit her head on that steel beam back at the site. Both of her eyes regained sight, but, from the witnessing and feeling the pain again, her head began throbbing. Suddenly, without any control in herself, she took off again, blindly. Everybody shouted.~


~Lightning ran completely blind-sighted into the kinked root of a tree that sent her tumbling down a grassy, muddy slope. She cursed with every painful bash she took to every part of the body, until finally, she stopped by crashing into another tree at the bottom of the hill. A huge branch then came down from the leaves, and struck her hard. It hurt excruciatingly, but Lightning was past caring. Then, she passed out from the injuries.~

~Stitch immediately smelt blood and leapt over in a panic. In the stunned silence, the Rainbooms also jumped and approached, checking on Lightning's well-being. But she didn't move.~

"Lightning?! Lightning!?" Stitch barked. He rubbed his nose against her in an attempt to wake her up. "BOSS!"

~He howled and scratched at the ground with worry until finally, there was a groan and a cry, and Lightning got up slowly. She was holding her left forearm in her right hand while her left hand held her head. She looked pale. She closed her eyes again, kneeling among the pile of twigs and swayed slightly before speaking groggily.~


"Lightning! You're okay!" Stitch smiled, wagging his tail.

She droned. "Uh-huh. Wait. Did you just call me 'boss'?"

Stitch stood over her, blushing. "Uhm…"

"Oh, never mind that now. What happened?"

"You, uhh, took a rather nasty fall…again." Applejack answered.

"Yeahhh, is getting hurt a hobby of yours, or something?" Spike asked.

Lightning groaned while laughing. "Not if it's intentional." she pulled her hand away, revealing a smear of blood dripping from underneath her head bandage. "Ahhh-ow-oww!"

Rarity cringed. "Ooohhh. Hold still, darling."

~Rarity snatched up a bandage from her rucksack and pushed Lightning's wrist aside. Then, peculiarly, she smiled and began sewing the bandages together and around Lightning's head so they'd pin together with the thread and needles she carried with her. After she was done, the fashionista stared at the bloody but less disarrayed wound, and considered it done. Lightning felt it and found it was pretty secure. She smiled.~

"Huh. Thanks, Rarity."

"Not a problem, darling. It's what I live to do." Rarity smiled, packing away her stuff again.

"Okay, now that that's been sorted out, where have we ended up?" Rainbow quired.

~The girls looked up past the rain, but realised that they were literally in the middle of nowhere once again. They could still see the towering trees, and overgrown shrubs, just not the pathway. It had disappeared completely. Fluttershy began to panic.~

~As the sun began to set, it made the forest a lot more terrifying and dangerous than it already was again, adding darkness. Twilight had to light the way with her torch as they began trudging through. Most of the trees were destroyed and knocked down along the straight way they were taking, with branches and gravel littering the floor. The ground began to feel damp underfoot, too, because of the rain, but it wasn't so bad. Sure, their feet sank in the mud, but it wasn't so deep. Only Rarity was left in horror.~

~But, before she could make a slight complaint, Twilight, who was leading ahead, stopped in her tracks and silenced. A decaying, sweaty smell in the air made them retch, and they heard low growling coming from all directions. Stitch took a glance, then gasped. Rainbow saw it too.~

"Hey guys, look! There's someone there!" she pointed.

Twilight turned her torch in her direction. "Wait, really?"

Fluttershy gasped. "I think he's in trouble! He's surrounded by those timberwolves!"

~Everybody spun around expectantly, their hearts pounding. There, they saw pairs of slant yellow eyes, about six of them, creeping out in the darkness ahead. Then, they also saw a man with slicked, white, pointy hair, and his face masked by the piercing shadow. He petted the timberwolf nearest to him as he revealed himself to the girls. He was armed with a staff and a fearsome axe. A long sheathed knife hung from his broad belt and a crossbow was slung across his back too.~

"I think it's another forest man!" whispered Pinkie, though this one looked far too stern to be like Woodrow or even anyone from a kind nature spirit.

"Oi!" he cried.

~Holding back the timberwolves, he immediately approached the girls and gave them a frosty look. Stitch and Spike hid behind their feet.~

"What are you strangers doing, trespassing on our domain?" he demanded.

"Please, sir, we didn't know we were on anybody's private property," Sunset replied politely. "We were washed up by the river below and are travelling across the forest to the city beyond."

The man eyed her suspiciously. "Why do you wish to come this way?"

"It seems to be the only way." Lightning replied.

"Actually, we are a bit lost too. If you'll kindly show us the way, we'll leave your land as soon as possible." Rarity added.

"You are by the lair of the Timberwolves," the man replied. "You can call me Whitey, and I'm a timberwolf whisperer. This is our domain. None pass down here except with my permission, and I give that to a few. Why should I grant you a pass?"

Lightning was at a loss for words, but Fluttershy stepped forwards. "Please, sir, we don't wish to intrude but nor do we want to go all the way back. Have pity on us travellers and please let us through..."

"We also need to find someone." Rainbow spoke up.

"Yes. Have you seen a shy teenage girl anywhere?" Applejack asked.

Sunset comforted Lightning as she spoke. "She has two different blue eyes."

"Her hair is ashy dark brown." Twilight described.

"And she is wearing a light, impractical, causal dark purple coloured sweater with a magenta scarf." Rarity added.

~Whitey narrowed his eyes, until he looked with interest down at Stitch and Spike, and then at his timberwolf. Its lips parted in a sort of toothy grin.~

"Ahhh, yes. I do believe I have seen someone like that. Very well. I will grant your request." he said with a smile.

"Really?" Twilight perked. "Well, then- "

"But," he interrupted. "It shall not be for nothing. What will you pay me for my pains?" his eyes gleamed. "Gold I like, and silver and money. Do you have any?"

~The Rainbooms shook their heads, hiding their geodes from his greedy eyes. Then Lightning was about to say something when Stitch gave her a sharp but sly bite on the ankle that made her cry out in pain. She turned to him incredulously. Stitch gave an apologetic look, but as she bent low to rub her ankle, he whispered through the side of his snout.~

"Keep quiet. Say nothin'."

Whitey eyed them inquistively. "Are you sure you have no money for me?"

"The only thing we can offer is what food we have in your packs," said Fluttershy with dignity.

Whitey looked disappointed and hesitated for a moment. Stitch really did not trust his cunning eyes. "Very well." the wolf whisperer snapped. "I shall take all you have as the price for your passage."

~Lightning obviously didn't want to, but for the sake of getting a clue to finding Karly, she obliged. So, one by one, they handed over their sacks. He flung a couple of them across his shoulders and gave the rest for his wolves to carry. Then, he stomped off, leaving the girls and dogs to follow. After skirting the trees for a while, he came to an abrupt halt. The Rainbooms wondered what he was about to do. He turned to them.~

"You cannot traverse the forest lair, but there is a path beneath the woods that leads to the next path. I shall take you that way."

~With that, he tapped his staff against some low leafy branches. Immediately it opened back to reveal a dimly bushy path between the packed trees. He strode in. The girls and Stitch and Spike hesitated.~

"I do not wait for strangers," he growled. "Come on."

~With much misgiving, they entered, with the pack of timberwolves slanting behind them. At once, the branches rumbled back into place, shutting out the most daylight with a resounding whoosh. Whitey gave a hollow laugh that echoed and boomed along the road. Whitey removed a torch from one of the backpacks and lit the pathway and trees, marking spooky shadows dance on the rough bark. The eight girls hesitated with trepidation as the whisperer's laughter echoed in the silence and mild hooting of a single owl.~

"What's wrong? Are you afraid?" he boomed. "I mean you no harm. Have we not struck a bargain? I shall honour the value of what you have paid me. Come, follow me."

~The girls, with no choice but to trust him, began to file after Whitey. The branches began to feel not very high, and Applejack and Lightning had to stoop most of the way, which made it a very uncomfortable journey for them. Their path twisted and turned but all the while rose steadily. Where or to what they led, none could guess. They trembled with the knowledge that they were completely at the timberwolf man's mercy. He was moving fast. At length, the path dipped slightly and they entered a lofty open-ish area from which several paths led off in different directions. Here, Whitey stopped. He turned to the girls and gave them a shrewd look from beneath his beetled brows. The Rainbooms said nothing.~

Then, Rarity spoke. She fixed the timberwolf whisperer with a solemn look. "You gave us your word you would lead us to the exit and to our friend."

"Ah, yes…my word. As truly as you gave me yours. Indeed. All you had to give me was your supplies, eh?" Stitch and Spike feel uncomfortable under his piercing gaze. The man continued. "Let us play a little game before we proceed. Do you like games? I will ask a riddle or two. If you guess the answer correctly, I will lead you further, but if not…"

"But that's not fair," interrupted Lightning.

“Wait a minute,” said Pinkie Pie. She laid a restraining hand on her spy friend’s arm. “I think that’s a great idea, Mr. Whitey! Only, let’s make it more interesting.” she pulled a cheerful, but sly look while tapping her fingers together. “We’ll ask you a riddle as well, as you are older and wiser, we only have to answer yours if you can answer ours. If you can’t answer, you must lead us on.”

“Pinkie, I don’t think- ”

“Trust me, Lightning.”

~The spy girl bent down in fear but saw a subtle wink come from Pinkie’s eye. She knew what she was doing. The whisperer and his wolves looked irritated, and Pinkie wondered if he would take up the challenge.~

"Oh, very well," he snapped. "But I ask mine first." Pinkie agreed. Whitey peered at each of them in turn before speaking. "From whom fly ten, to Whitey's lair; colourful, bold and rich, and seems so very fair?"

~The girls gave uneasy glances. They knew the answer and tried to guess the whisperer's cunning's purpose. Whitey smirked. Pinkie Pie, however, was not to be outdone.~

"Okay! Here's mine," she said. "What's the difference between a wet day and a lion with a toothache?"

~Whitey frowned and muttered to himself. The girls and Stitch and Spike waited anxiously as he strode round and round in small rapid circles. At length, he stopped.~

"I give up," he said angrily.

"Then we don't have to guess the answer to yours," said Rainbow firmly. "Now you must keep your bargain and lead us to the end."

~Whitey growled to himself but reluctantly agreed. They set off through one of the trees, the girls almost running to keep with him.~

"Well done, Pinkie Pie," Applejack huffed. "Where did you get that one?"

"Holiday cracker," she replied with a giggle. "Do you know the answer?"

"I think so," Rarity answered. "Umm, one is pouring with rain, and the other is roaring with pain."

"Yep!" she giggled. "Pretty bad, isn't it? Hehehehe!"

~On and on they hurried until the girls lost track of how long they had been walking along the pathway. There was nothing else to do but keep up with the flickering torch as it wound its way ever upwards along this endless road. Ages later, it seemed, they came to another fork in the road. Whitey called a halt and promptly sat down.~

"Time for the next game of riddles, I think."

~Lightning, the Mane 6, and the dogs glanced at Pinkie Pie, hoping she had a good one ready.~

The whisperer recited: "Trailed beyond the sea, with a heart full of red; who can this be, people never dread?"

~Everyone looked at one another in dismay. Whitey knew too much. If they had to answer this one, he would surely demand to know more information from them. Then, the game would be up. He's after something from them. But what?~

Pinkie spoke up. "A hissss, a bellow, and a 'gloop'; four lines on yellow, then they stop. What is it?"

~The wolf man sank his head on his chest as people do when they are thinking. He muttered Pinkie's riddle over and over again to himself. Even Twilight, Sunset and Lightning looked puzzled. Pinkie just smiled. At last, Whitey leapt to his feet and glowered at her.~

"I don't know," he growled.

"Then lead us on, please, as we agreed," Sunset said quietly, though she felt afraid.

"Very well," Whitey snapped. "But be warned, you shall not get the better of me again." With that, he stomped off, leaving them to follow once again.

"Whew, well done, Pinkie," whispered Twilight. "What's the answer? Even I can't work it out."

Pinkie chuckled. "Oh, it's easy, Twi! It's an elephant skating on a bowl of cold custard!"

Lightning wrinkled her nose. "Oh, that's pathetic."

"Ahhh, don't be a party pooper," Pinkie retorted. "It did the trick!"

~Some while after, they began to reach a starlit sky and the cold rain shining beneath its light. Brighter and brighter it went as far as the torch was no longer lighting. Chill air blew upon them but it did not matter. Anything to be out of hateful forest and away from the wily man. The girls plodded wearily after the tireless Whitey. They dropped by the time they reached the light.~

"Thank you for leading us," said Fluttershy, stepping forward. "If you'll just show us which is the path, we'll be on our way."

But Whitey suddenly barred their way with his staff. His lip curled in an evil leer. "Not so fast, if you please. I do not feel satisfied for my labours. Nor do I believe you have told me all you should. So, I have one more riddle for you, and this time you shall answer first. If you are wrong or cannot answer, I shall keep the mongrels." he pointed to the dogs. "If you guess correctly, then we shall speak of what you might pay me for the last part of the journey. Now here is my riddle." he smiled sardonically. "Where meets in the forest, and is white and blue, who's responsible for her, the little dog two?"

~Stitch knew the game was up. Whatever answer they gave would betray them and himself. Without a moment, he rushed at the timberwolf man, dove for his legs and bit down as hard as he could. The unexpected move caught Whitey and his wolves off guard and balance, so it gave the girls their only chance.~

"Scram! Now!" Stitch cried, as he scrambled to his feet and leapt onto Lightning's shoulders.

~Nobody needed to be told twice. After Fluttershy snatched Spike off the ground, they sprinted toward the exit, while Whitey the whisperer bellowed with rage as they slipped around him. Springing up, he pointed his staff at them and muttered an order at the wolves, which triggered them like a sound of rumbling thunder. At once, they chased at breakneck speed after them.~

"Run faster! They're coming! Ahhh- !" Spike cried.

~The wooden beasts began speeding up, barking and snapping closely. It's like they could smell his fear, and it was giving them energy. Suddenly, up ahead was a half of a wedged, spiked boulder. Lightning stopped abruptly and turned around. She dug her hands into the ground and as an aura of bright blue conjured around her and emulated from her geode, ice replaced the dirt and the timberwolves slid across it and past the others into the spiked rock. Throwing her legs up first, Lightning then pressed down over the rock and boosted herself over it, ensuring that she landed on her feet safely so she could continue running. The rest of the girls followed around it.~

~Just then, Fluttershy heard voices. High, cold voices that filled in her head as if they were coming from inside of her. She couldn't see the faces of the creatures that were speaking, but she knew that they were saying these words. Her geode began to glow with a vivid light pink intensity that lit up the forest.~


"What a waste!"

"A little waste, but what a taste."

~Confusion set in. Who…what was saying that? Was it the trees, or the wolves? Their mouths weren't moving. Was it just a trick her mind was playing on her? Suddenly, she and Spike were surrounded by the horrible deformed wolves, all alone. She tried to let out a scream, but all she could manage was a cracked 'Eeep!' Slowly, fearfully, Spike raised his paw and pointed it at the nearest creature, a particularly dark and repulsive timberwolf monster that was just barely feet away from him and Fluttershy.~

"Shall we eat them then?"

"Yesss, let's feed our hungry stomach now."

"And have ourselves a tasty snack!"

~They began dancing around the frightened girl and dog. Rainbow Dash saw this as she turned to check, and alerted Lightning and Stitch as they passed.~

"Lightning! Fluttershy and Spike need help!"

"What?" Lightning turned to see them. "Ahh! Oh no! H-How are we going to get to them?"

"I have a plan! But you'll have to Trust me!"

The words rang in her ears and she was surprised. Lightning looked across to Stitch, then back at Rainbow confidently. "...Okay. I've got your back."

~The two locked fists, then prepared to fight. As a signal, Rainbow gandered down towards the left with her head, and commanded Lightning to head to the right. They bolted in opposite directions. As Fluttershy and Spike thought there was no hope in escaping, a voice came out from outside the circle. The timberwolves stopped dancing and froze. Literally. Their stoney, wooden paws were stuck to the floor by ice as Lightning appeared, now in her lizard form. She blew a current of fire, and drew it in a circle around herself and her friends. There was a sudden blast of flames once the circle was complete and it knocked all the wolves back in one fell swoop. Then, Rainbow appeared, speeding and kicking rocks into their mouths as they roared with rage. There was sudden chaos. The creatures then fled from the clearing, whimpering and choking, clearly running away, afraid of Lightning and Rainbow Dash. The Rainbooms came out from hiding and checked on Fluttershy and Spike. Sunset spoke firmly.~

"Let's get out of here."

~The Rainbooms nodded sincerely and turned to go- and that was when Whitey appeared, and made his threat.~

"Just you wait, you little brats. I'm going to get you for this."