• Published 18th Jun 2020
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Lightning and Stitch (#2) - LightningStar626

After chasing a homeless puppy in a violent, record-breaking thunderstorm, Lightning Star and Karly Crystal get involved in a terrible accident.

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Chapter 6: Woodrow the Wise

Chapter 6: Woodrow the Wise

~By now, the sun had risen on day three of the search for Karly Crystal. When they awoke suddenly, Lightning and the Shiba discovered that they were lying with each other in a heap on the cave floor. Spike started to bark. They pulled away immediately and awkwardly. The Shiba looked with a doggy grin on his face, but Lightning felt flustered.~

~Soon enough, not wanting to waste more time, since the day dawned bright, the girls gathered together their supplies again, fixed Lightning's bandage, carried Spike, and began travelling quickly across the forest again. The Shiba Inu followed, dragging his leg behind him. Lightning could sense he was following them, but couldn't quite understand why. He told them what they needed to know, they didn't need him anymore. Finally, Lightning spoke.~

"I know you're behind us."

~The Shiba said nothing. After a few more steps forwards and feeling frustrated, Lightning yelled.~

"Come on, Shiba! You already gave us all the information we need to know, you don't need to follow us!" she grabbed a stick off the ground and threw it in his direction. "Go on! Go back into the forest!"

"Lightning, he wants to come with us," said Fluttershy. "Can't you see it?"

"W-well, yes, I can. But why?"

"Why?" Twilight laughed. "Didn't you see what happened last night? We saw something between you two in that moment."

"Yeah!" Spike piped up. "You two were getting along!"

"Yup! And now, he's stuck to you like caramel on a toffee apple!" Applejack winked.

"Really? You think he's taken a shine to me, or something?" Lightning asked discreetly.

"Most definitely!" Rarity agreed.

"So, you think he should come with us?"

"It would be best," agreed Twilight. The others nodded.

~So, like that, Lightning quietly gave in and accepted the Shiba as their new travelling companion. She even learnt how to beckon and make a gesture with her hand to encourage him to come over. She twisted her wrist a few times to reach out to him and whistled, he flashed towards it like a wolf and came over swiftly.~

"Looks like you just learned how to call him over. Bravo!" cried Pinkie.

~Lightning turned to the pink-haired party girl, who smiled elatedly. Even the Shiba puppy knew what was going on and barked as if he understood. The ten began making their way through the landscape once again. The Shiba's leg still proved to be in a bad way, but despite it, he could still move exceptionally well. And, thanks to Fluttershy's healing skills, it cleared up rather quickly. Even Spike was beginning to walk properly again, after he insisted to Twilight that he could.~

~After an hour of walking, the wind faded vividly and a heavy stillness hung in the air. The only sound was the chilly tinkle of the brook nearby. Then, the world seemed to go uphill. Rising from all sides were steep slabs of fissured rock that appeared quite impassable.~

"Never seen this part of the forest before," said Sunset.

"Have we been going in the wrong direction?" asked Fluttershy.

"I hope not!" Rarity gasped.

"Well, even if we are going in the wrong or right way, we still need to find Karly first." Lightning reminded them.

The Shiba began tapping his paws loudly. "Hmm. Oh! Wait! I know where we are! 'ey, an' I know someone 'ere that can 'elp." he barked.

"You…You do?" Twilight quired.

He nodded. "Anyways, 'is name's Woodrow the Wise. 'E lives not too far from 'ere. C'mon!" With that, the Shiba raced up and off as fast as he could, leaving the others to follow.

"There's a guy living in the Everfree Forest?" Sunset questioned.

"Apparently." Rainbow shrugged.

~That led them to ask so many questions. Who was this Woodrow the Wise? Why is he living in the forest instead of with the rest of human society? How long has he been living here? And why? As they journeyed and crossed the slabs that laid ahead as well as they could, the Shiba stopped. Lightning and the Rainbooms felt confused. Just then, they heard a voice. Each one whirled about to see where it came from. Was it Karly? Surely they couldn't have found her already?~

"Who ya lookin' for?" cried the voice again.

"Who's there? Show yourself!" Applejack demanded.

~The voice sounded deep but goofy-like. Lightning stared, glaring through the trees. The voice sounded very close. But, no one was there. That is, until a pair of yellow, derpy eyes opened. Then, approaching them across the darkness of the trees was a tall, skinniest, bearded, human-like figure. He strode with such ease that it would be forgiven for thinking that those slabs were flat ground. He wore a sheepskin jerkin with leather breeches and had his arms stretched out so his body was in the shape of a religious cross. On his arms and shoulders were over ten birds and bats. Some were perched on his open arms and some were hooked underneath, hanging upside down, and onto his legs.~

"It's me. Look. Here I am."

"Are you…Woodrow the Wise?" asked Twilight.

"I am. Brilliant, ain't it? Who are you strangers?" he replied.

"We are the Rainbooms, and we need your help."

~He drew near and stood, legs astride, before them. He didn't look hostile at all. Suddenly, he saw the Shiba puppy below Lightning and greeted him with a scratch under his chin.~

"'Ello, Woodrow." he barked.

"Stitchy! Oh, I 'avent seen you in ages! How are ya?"

"I am well, fank you."

"Huh? Did he just call you Stitchy?" Fluttershy said.

"Oh. Yup. 'E gave me that name after I constantly got stitches when headin' up these 'ere slabs. Can't complain 'bout anyfin' else other than that now, can I?" 'Stitchy' chuckled.

Just then, Lightning had an idea. "Huh. I…actually kind of like it." she said. "Reminds me of a certain favourite Disney character of mine. Mind if I also call you that? Though, for me, I think it'll be better if I called you Stitch."

"Stitch?" the Shiba repeated. "Huh. I like that. Yeah. Okay."

~Like that, it was decided that the Shiba would be called Stitch. And the fact that it was Lightning's suggestion, really made Fluttershy think she was growing much closer to the dog. She was about to say something about it, but Rainbow coughed intentionally.~

"Ahem. Hello? Can we pay attention to this again?"

"Right! Have you seen a brown-haired, different blue-eyed, teenage girl anywhere? She's gone missing, you see." Lightning said politely.

"Oh yeah! I think I remember seeing a girl like that come by! How is she? Oh right. Ya just said she's gone missing. I shan't bother."

"You…can help us find her then, right?" Sunset asked.

"I can. Fantastic, eh? I wonder how I will do it?" he questioned.

~He gazed up at the sky, thinking, and when doing so, his heavy head almost made him fall on his back. Rainbow suddenly started getting mixed flags and feelings for him.~

"Does anything out of this guy's mouth make sense?!"

"Yeah, Stitch, are you sure this is the all-mighty Woodrow the Wise guy you rely on?" asked Lightning.

"Absolutely. Fanks for usin' my new name, too." Stitch smiled a doggy smile.

Twilight stepped forward and helped the man. "Please, Mr. Wise. This is serious. We need your help. We are kinda lost ourselves as well, so we'll need a way out."

Woodorw nodded vigorously. "I see, I see. Well, if it's serious, we're gonna need a seriously good solution. I think I 'ave one back at my place. Follow me."

~So, Lightning, the Rainbooms, and Stitch and Spike, followed their strange guide onwards through the forest.~

"Better watch ye selves though." Woodrow said. "These woods- are not a happy world."

~Song: The Forest Canopy- (Original song)~

Woodrow: Entering the forest canopy…~

What lies ahead is a mystery,~

Many twists and turns you will find in this place…~

No time to lose, better pick up the pace,~

There are many secrets in this grove…~

Search and you might find a treasure trove,~

Many hidden gems if you look hard enough…~

What's an adventure without shiny stuff?~

Lightning: Deeeeep in this wooood, we are loooooo-oooooost,~

(Now I know we) Gotta find a way out of this maze…~

But all the turns put me in a daze,~

I don't wanna know what awaits at the end…~

But I suppose I must always defend,~

Everybody's wishes will be rendered…~

Not void or surrendered…~

When such evil might coooooome!~

Stitch: We're on this adventure too, wot do you know?~

That's why we go…~

Through these woods togetheeeeeer,~

Woodrow: Following the light ones,~

Following the light ones,~

Following the light ones,~

Following the light ones,~

Fluttershy: (Take my hand and) We can go together through the trees…~

Applejack: Fightin' our way ta the end with ease,~

Spike: Now that we're together, we need no fear…~

Sunset: Look to your side, we will always be here!~

Rainbooms: We will make our way across the land…~

Up to the sky and below the sand,~

Twilight: Something tells me that we're about near the end…~

Pinkie: Well I'm just glad we have made a new frieeend!~

~End of song~

~After moving deeper in the darkness, they found themselves outside a dilapidated, decaying building. It was lit by one lamp which glowed an ominous green. But, there was nothing to fear. The man of the forest, Woodrow the Wise, was to be trusted greatly, as Stitch knew that positively.~

"Welp. 'Ere we are." Woodrow announced.

~Upon entering the building the girls were very much welcomed, despite the interior not being very well presented. What they saw was a long, dingy room with a low ceiling, lit by the same green lamps outside the house. The walls were made of stone, with a build up of rot and wet moss that made them look unnaturally slimy in the light. There was one large table in the middle of the room covered with a mess of paper, books and strange objects, such as a rolled up pile of brambles that looked like a bird toy. As the animals settled in before they did, Woodrow made a drink made of hot water and tree sap and offered it to the girls. They all refused politely, expect for Pinkie.~

Woodrow got down to business. "Now. About your friend. What 'appened to her exactly?"

~At that, Lightning and the Rainbooms began telling the story to him up to the point where they met Stitch. How Lightning and Karly were injured, how they were swept away by the river, and how Stitch came to them and was rescued. Then, he shared his side of the story, as he knew precisely what happened and what he did to resolve it.~

"She's been missing for almost three days now… We were wondering if she came through here. And according to you, she did." Lightning said.

"An' if she came through 'ere, she might've passed this place an' taken the light pathway." Stitch barked.

Upon hearing about that, Woodrow's eyes turned frightened. "NO! NO-NO-NO-NOOO!"

"What?- What is it? Do you know where that pathway leads?" Sunset asked, shocked by his reaction.

"I do. I mean- I do! Ye-yeah! I do! It belongs to the wolves."

"Wolves!? Wh-what wolves?!" Fluttershy stuttered.

"I'm afraid I can't tell you. I would be in way too much danger…"

~He peeked out from his windows to check if somebody was watching, then closed his mossy curtains.~

"I'm really sorry, but there is nothin' more I can say."

"Why? Is something going to happen? Is…someone going to come after you?!" Fluttershy cried.

"Look, you must tell us if we're going to find Karly!" Lightning insisted.

"Ohhh- alright then."

~Woodrow drowned his voice out in that last sentence, seemingly feeling like he didn't want to speak. But, after clearing out the house and boarding up the windows and doors with logs to soundproof the area, he leaned in close to the girls until his lips were directly on Lightning's ear. His birds and bats remained still. Then, he whispered.~

"It's the Timberwolves."

"Timberwolves?" Lightning questioned.

"They are giant wolf-like beasts whose bodies are comprised entirely of twigs, logs, and leaves." Twilight explained.

"They have horrible breath, too." Woodrow added. His mouth suddenly dropped in dismay. "OHHH NO, I 'ave said too much! Now they will surely come after me!" he suddenly stopped. "Actually, thinkin' 'bout it, I probably 'aven't said enough."

~He laughed off his mishap, while the others looked on with disappointment. They waited impatiently for what he had to say next.~

"Look, if ya need to find your friend, what you need to do is to keep headin' north from 'ere, an' you'll find the territory, trust me, ya won't miss it."

"Are you positive that Karly might have gone there?" Twilight asked.

"Most definitely. It's the only delicate pathway out of the forest. That's why they lurk there though."

"Oh my god…" Lightning breathed. "Then…that might mean… Karly!"

~Without a second thought, Lightning bolted out the door, sending the entire barrer blocking the door off to the side. She didn't wait for anybody. As the Rainbooms gathered together their thoughts, they screamed after the spy.~


Rarity turned to Woodrow. "Th-thank you, Woodrow- Your wiseness- Sir!"

"Y-yes. Seems as if we are going north." Twilight spoke hurriedly.

But before long they got up to leave quickly, Woodrow yelled. "Hey! That was my idea! Well, it's alright, you can have it. Welp. Goodbye, ladies wearing wigs. I will never forget you."

Twilight and Rarity looked confused, until Rarity spoke, "Um, excuse me? These aren't- "

"Come on, you two!"

~Rainbow Dash dragged the last of the girls out and between the smashed logs and together with the dogs, they chased after Lightning to the light forest pathway. Storm clouds pitched into the sky.~