• Published 21st Feb 2020
  • 1,566 Views, 21 Comments

The Silver Shoals Move In - Lonely Fanboy48

Celestia and Luna, now retired Princesses move in to Silver Shoals with the employees and elderlies in disbelief.

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The Silver Shoals Move In

The Coronation Ceremony from Canterlot has come to an end. Twilight had taken the throne as the new ruler of Equestria while her friends returned to Ponyville. The two retired princesses left the land they had lived on for so many centuries. They knew since the first day of their reign, they will eventually need to pass the torch.

With the sun setting, the two alicorns took the train to their retirement home. By the time they had arrived, the moon had risen in the sky with stars shooting in all directions. When they got off of the train, everything outside in Silver Shoals seemed too quiet, mainly due to the fact that the retired elders were either sleeping or having a private dinner while watching a band perform for entertainment.

The two sisters made their way to The Silver Stable Retirement Community, where everypony gets their own room to live in. The two alicorns remained quiet. They knew what was coming if somepony happened to spot them. They entered into the main hall of the building where two elders are playing a game of chess.

When they heard the door open, they turned around and focused their attention. They couldn’t believe what they were seeing. They’ve heard about the former princesses and how much they wanted to meet them, but nothing like this.

“Is that who I think it is?” The green elder checking her glasses.

“Celestia and Luna?” The pink elder blinked.

Luna looked at the two elders and only smiled. She knew the following day, the community of Silver Shoals will never be the same again. The two alicorns then walked up to the main desk.

“Excuse me?” Celestia said in a sweet tone. “May my sister and I have a room please? We’ve only recently retired.”

The employee pony also couldn’t believe it. She’s speechless to see two grown, but former rulers here out of all the retirement communities in Equestria. Nothing but silence between the three ponies which made Celestia adore the reaction, despite the fact she’s afraid it will wear off in time.

“Well? It’s getting late. We need plenty of energy for the morning.”

“Not to mention making new friends around here.” Luna commented.

“Sorry, I heard that you two are retired, it’s just so unusual to see you here.” The employee replied. “Do you think you two still have more to do before you stay here?”

The sisters didn’t expect a question so curious ever since they left Canterlot. Celestia does have plans for herself, but it’s personal.

“Not much.” Luna answered. “Sure we’re still in our prime even after a millenium long reign, but there’s no other option on where to stay.”

“You’re serious?”

“Yes. Like my sister said, we’re making friends around here.” Celestia smiled.

The two elders heard everything from the two sisters when their attention was still intact. To think their lives couldn’t get anymore better, hanging out with two alicorns, formerly as princesses became a community miracle.

The employee liked the fact Celestia and Luna wanted to spread happiness in the Silver Shoals. Even if she wanted to give them praise, she can’t because they’re no longer princesses. In order to make things right for everypony, she takes out a Silver Shoals booklet and gives it to Celestia.

“This booklet contains everything about the Silver Shoals community and the activities available.”

Celestia and Luna looked at the booklet as they both smiled. “I think we’re going to love everything here.” Luna replied.

“I’m sure you two will feel comfortable. Let me show you the apartments.” The employee left her desk and took the two sisters to the apartment rooms.

Out of all the rooms the alicorns could choose, they picked a medium sized apartment. The employee pony accepts their choice and gives them their apartment keys they'll be using from now on. Celestia and Luna enter inside their apartment, along with all the other elders as their new neighbors.

“It’s so good to finally be retired.” Celestia yawned.

“Feels like the old days before we became rulers.” Luna tucking inside her bed. “Expect we really have nothing to do anymore.”

Celestia knew her sister wasn't wrong but at the same time, she still has something left for herself. She had her new goals set in her mind months before she gave Twilight her throne. “Well…” She spoke as she also tucks into her bed. “There’s one more thing I want to do.”

“What is it sister?” Luna lifted her head up from her pillow.

“I want to marry somepony.”

Just when Luna was about to close her eyes and drift into a deep slumber, they suddenly shot open. Her sister often made decisions that took her by surprise, but this one took the cake. “You mean...You're not kidding?” All that her sister did is nod. “Why would you want to do that?”

“Because if there’s one thing in my whole life I wanted to do after I retired, it was being in a family with a pony I love.” Celestia said, being mesmerized by the pony of her dreams.

Luna had no idea Celestia had more to continue unlike her. She wasn’t the type of pony who was into romance and knowing her sister will take the next step is something ponies don’t usually do when they retire.

“You really want to start a family?”

“Yes. For the many years I’ve spent ruling Equestria, I wondered what it’s like to raise foals of my own. I’ve met young fillies before, but they gave me the feeling of wanting to be a mother myself. A mother who takes care of them while also doing so many things that I’d love to do. I don’t know who that pony I marry is going to be, but I will give him the time of his life.” Celestia said before closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep.

Her sister meanwhile, had no words to describe how happy she felt. While she had little else to do in her life, she would still support her sister no matter what. When the day comes when she sees Celestia being proposed to by the colt she loves, she will do everything to make sure the wedding is the best thing her sister will ever have.

Three minutes later, she fell asleep in her bed. The two alicorns, formerly the rulers of Equestria, are now retired citizens in the Silver Shoals. While one is looking for love and the other has no particular goals, the next chapter tomorrow will keep them together forever, while making the community of elders a great place for a retirement home.

Comments ( 20 )

I think discord would do well for Celestia.

An unexpected ending.
Nice work :ajsmug:

No offense but Discord isn’t going to be Celestia’s husband. After watching The Ending Of The End, I’m never forgiving him.

I understand.

But much worst things have happened than what discord did.


For instance, the three biggest villians in Equestria could have stayed in prison instead of being freed and gaining nigh-unlimited power.

You mean because he helped in turning the villains into stone?

If that's literally the reason why he's getting no punishment, I'm starting to convince that Hasbro is only doing this for Discord fans. What he did pretending to be Grogar was a huge slap in the face.

Ok, I admit the Discord/Grogar thing was a huge surprise, but am I the only one who thinks the writers forgot about one certain thing Discord had said back on Season 2 Premiere?

"I don't turn ponies into stone."

Then his reform personality is my biggest problem. If he stayed as a villain in this show, things would of been different but better.

Then, he would still be turned into stone and nobody would remember about him, right?

Aw, that was so sweet! Celestia saying she wanted to love someone and raise a family.........oh it's so fluffy I want to hug her! :yay:

-sigh- I still can't stand Celestia's and Luna's Retirement. :/

I don't know.... It just seems wrong for two reasons:

1. Leaving Twilight to rule alone, which is gonna wear her out entirely.

2. Why would Luna even want to retire as well given that she didn't rule as long as Celestia has, plus in addition given the whole Nightmare Moon Incident for her which caused her to be in the moon for 1,000 years.

I guess that is a good point. I honestly think the reason she retired is because she wants to be with Celestia since their sisters.

One of the many reasons Season 9 sucked eggs. And I had such high hopes after the disappointment that was Season 8...

Honestly I feel like there could have been a compromise for Luna to be with Celestia but also still ruling to make up for the lost 1000 years.
Or at least some freaking conflict of Luna being torn between ruling for at least 1000 more years or give that up to be with Celestia.
Rather than being completely fine about this.
Just felt like there should be issues from Luna retiring like that.

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