• Published 10th Jan 2020
  • 291 Views, 0 Comments

Pup In A Basket - NatetrixNarratorBro

A strange pup just appears in front of the pony's castle one late night. Now the pony would find this pups home.

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Pup In A Basket

So let me start from the beginning here where I last left off in the book of my daily reports. I know it's been a week since I last wrote in my diary but something strange, but also some words that I can't describe the whole situation. I just felt like time was going by so quickly during the week, like a flashing memory in a dream.

I know I haven't written anything in the logbook during the situation. But I felt that this whole situation was important to me than my daily checks of the universe to make sure that no major problem occurs (Like somepony if they wanted to destroy Equestria entirely) that was my job. But nothing like this wouldn't happen but I always need the check the O.U.G to watch the universe, not just Equestria but other Planets as well.

As I write most times in my logbook I stay above the universe in my castle all the time, meaning I don't usually leave my lonely castle at all. I do have company every once in a while, which I'm very much happy with the guest that are welcome to stay and chat.

Like Princess Twilight, she would come to check up on me and then we would sit down and chat over hot chocolate with marshmallows while reading the Darning Do books over, and over. Until she would fall asleep on the couch and I would have to take her home and usually Spike would be waiting, knowing that Twilight was with me the whole time.

Speaking of Spike, he has come over every once in a while to talk with me about his day and all that, and we would usually play a game or two. Even the Princesses would come up to me about my logbook and my daily reports to tell her always "Everything is still fine."

But I had an 'unexpected' guest last week, and really I won't forget those moments that we had during the week of this hard work, but also what so much we had done. I can't explain much during that week of what it was like, I would say it was like an adventure but really I think there was a bond of friendship between me and my guest, leading me, in the beginning, to look after him. I will like to write before telling the whole situation is that I hope that he is doing ok now, and this whole situation was a lot but I knew I had to do the right thing, for him in the end.
This is what happened.....

So, as usual, I was working on the O.U.G on the very top of the last floor of my castle. Mostly my castle would have two small tower-like structures on each side and one big tower in the center. My floor was mostly a mess of papers on the stone floor, I don't clean often since I'm working all the time maintaining overwatch duty, and learning has many spells as possible to store and learn into my head. I guess you could say that the floor where I work was some sort of library, and believe me you would be right. Ten large bookshelves with loads of books on each side of this one big room, and only having a door that leads to the staircase to go all the way down. I have a huge spell pot to mix spells into one, but I got to be careful what spells I put in, mostly I made to many of those mistakes by accidentally dipping four spells instead of three. Those that want to learn demonic spells and learn how to mix it in a pot, just be careful not to miss one step in the instructions.

Moving on, I was working on the last check on the O.U.G (Onlook Universal Globe) the last check was to look into Equestria one last time before hopping off the stool and going over to relax on my comfortable chair. I must have been close to sitting down onto the chair, to get a nice moment to relax when suddenly

I heard a roaring sound of a thunder strike, that was way to close by. This was very unusual cause one I lived above the universe and outside of my castle was just darkness and stars that were so far away. So as you guess I had no weather where I was, cause well space doesn't shoot loud lighting. Two I was the only living being in my castle so either there was something outside of my home or somehow there was the weather where lived, I didn't believe in the second theory, but I had to investigate that strange thundering sound. So I trot down the flight of stairs and yes I know I had wings and magic but me being a magical pegasus I did the normal by taking the stairs.

When I made all the way down the steps I went down another flight of stairs to the front big oak wood doors that stood in front of me. At an instant, I push open the doors but to my surprise and me scratching my head, there was no sign of anypony. There wasn't a being on the pathway dirt pathway, and nothing in the sky just pure darkness, and the sound of silents. I wanted to go out and around to check to see if they were invisible or something so I move my hoof forward when suddenly my hoof hit something. I look down at my hoofs and there it was, a small yellow basket with a blue blanket on top of it. I didn't know what to think to expect

"Who put this here?" was all my mind could say, I took one more look around my surroundings. Still nothing, not a soul around. I look back down again to the basket again, only this time I saw the blanket shift, it made me take a step back but slowly I reassure myself lean my head down towards the now moving blanket. The small basket was moving and saw an outline of some small head sticking out of the blanket. With a swift motion of my hoof, I took off the blanket off of the top of the basket, and to my discovery that was just sitting on my steps, was a wolf pup.

"Woah.." a wolf pup sits on my steps but something was weird about this pup, sure the pup looks cute but it had big glasses on its snout, and more strange was the fact it was wearing clothing of a vest and large purple tie around the collar. The clothes looked too big on the wolf pup and thinking that the clothes on the pup was used for dress-up by some creature who left it here, but it got me thinking actually that this was the pup's clothes.

Furthermore, I didn't realize the pup tilting its head at me. I guess I was to amaze, but got into deep thinking that I didn't pay attention. This pup was looking at me with its big beaming blue eyes, and then it lets out a cute little bark sound. It sounds like it was happy, but I didn't know why? was it happy to see me? That was my thoughts and I would turn out right later on.

I didn't know what this pup was doing here and so many questions ran through my mind. Was he brought here by that thunder I heard? to many questions.

I pick up the basket with my telekinesis with the little white pup still inside. Then I saw the pup shiver and I knew that I had to let this pup inside my warm little home. So I got the pup inside and got him out of the basket to take him all the way upstairs. This pup was weird it out with him floating, guess my magic got him curious a lot but I guess him seeing it as my magic and he seems to be comfortable with it. But I had to get this pup upstairs to sit near a warm fire in the fireplace.

After getting the pup warm near the fire for a while, I have gotten up for some hot chocolate in the drawer of my library room. I had one of those machines that Pinkie Pie gave that makes the best hot chocolate ever, sure it gets me awake but it tastes pretty good really. But the machine took some time to make the hot chocolate so I went back over to the pup, who was still lying near the fireplace still but turning over to look at me, and that pup perks its fluff ears and was showing that happy impression, and wagging his tail.

I would get my hot chocolate, and lay next to the pup under my wing for warmth. I guess the pup fell asleep a few minutes later and me just looking at the pup with a soft smile. I slowly got up, not trying to wake the pup and moving and sliding a piece of paper from the floor and onto the pup as a blanket, and let it rest.

After that, I have gotten the basket from downstairs and moved back upstairs with the basket in my telekinesis grip. I wanted to examine and look through what was inside the basket.

Earlier as well I have taken off the large clothing off the pup so after a few moments I was kind of trying to put the pieces together. Firstly the clothing was fine and decent and well perfectly made. So I expected that Ms. Rarity knew this pup and made these clothes. Second, when looking at the basket I realized that it was magically made and not made from craft (Tiny magical fuzzlets all over it). Thrid was again the clothing, It was what stallions or males would wear but this clothing looked professional meaning in my thoughts that the clothing was some sort of work or casual wear. It ran through for a while that maybe this clothing, that look professional like i consider it to be business-like clothing or doctor clothing. Fourth and final was the size of the clothes, and that the pup was to small to wear them, then it hit me like a brick.

Putting all the pieces together, somepony or someone with some high magic must have cast an age spell on a wolf turning him into a pup, also when putting pieces in I realized that this pup before could talk (Some sort of magical wolf?). I started putting the clothing back in the basket and trot over to the pup, where I quietly cast a reserve spell but something wasn't right

"Wait there's a password to this spell?! Why would somepony do this?"

Somepony put a password on the spell, which for me I couldn't reverse the spell without learning the spell "Breaking spell locks" also even the password i couldn't get the password, there would be thousands and millions of guesses for a password that it would take years before unlocking it. I went to the bookshelves to find the highest spell books in Equestria but it would take me time to find on this one bookshelf.

Over the past five days was again couldn't really explain it myself. I would always search through the shelves but I would get distracted at some points by that adorable fluff of a pup looking and rubbing his head against my hoof. Eventually, I would play with the pup showing him cool tricks with my magic and even serving him a cup of hot chocolate when it got to night time. It was a long time that I had someone to be with that would stick around and to have somepony or somepup to be so caring. We would spend time walking and playing around in the hallways of the castle to me reading him storybooks before he would doozy off and sleep.

When he slept I would work really hard and not getting any rest until I found that spell and eventually, I did and I had to read each word of the spell and concentrate on the symbols that followed on the spell, I knew it would take time to read the symbols over and over again but I blackout and fell asleep.

The next day Rarity sent me a letter that she did indeed knew who the clothing belongs to, as I sent a letter earlier to Rarity for any clues on a name and some other details. When looking over the letter, Ms. Rarity said that his name was Doctor Wolf, and that he helps ponies with problems that are troubling them and such.

"Psychologist? Interesting"

I would like to one-day help ponies with friendship problems one day but Twilight didn't really get back to on that. Plus I wasn't really leaving the castle as much so I don't really interact with ponies outside of my home. The only ponies I would talk with would be Twilight and her friends, Celestia, Luna, Spike, Starlight, Sunburst and the first time I got to be friends with the Pillars over a group discussion, It's a long story though but I will write about it another time.

Some hours later and putting the Doctor pup to bed on the chair, I got to finish the spell and walk over to where the pup was sitting, was now sitting near the fireplace again and looking at me.

For the first time, he saw my face turn upside down when really what I was about to do was going to add an effect that struck me. In the book of the spell, it said.

"When used, the target would reverse back to normal but would lose the memory of what happens over the course of the spell turning younger and its time during being young"

Doctor pup had a worried look in its eyes and was confused as to why I was so upset. I couldn't stop thinking about the moments we had together but I work hard on reversing the spell. I started to have flashbacks, the pup got closer and for the first time I heard these words.

"It's ok"

He said those words to me and i sat down in front of him as he huggled onto my hoof, I couldn't help but let out a tear, after what I lost before I didn't want to lose someone I cared about ever again but he was older back then and surely by now his friends are worried about him where he has gone.

"I'm so sorry, please be ok and thank you."

With me saying those words I light up my wings, doing the spells. First to break the password, then reserving the age spell before finally teleporting him back to Equestria.

When I open my eyes, no pup, just me. Being the only soul again.

Over the next couple of days and now things were getting better. I started to get out of the castle more after finishing my work. I even now visit Twilight and got to hang out with her friends as well. I even got to do some amazing things, soaring in the skies again with speedy Dash again, and going to the Crystal Empire to meet the next Princess.

I guess life got better with friends coming over everyday now to my home. Even i made some unicorn friends along the way to teach new magic to them, but still, I will never forget those times i had when that pup always was stuck with me. I had a bond a very strong one indeed. But I knew that what I did was the right thing to do, I'm sure his friends are happy to see him still around again, and hoping now that this wouldn't happen again. I'm going to have to find out who that pony was that cause that to happen but it's the less of my worries now.

I gotten permission from Headmistress Starlight to be a teacher at the school of friendship as some sort of consular and teacher, so I was looking forward to that but I gotta ask Starlight if I could teach new magics but not dangerous ones.

This is all for the log, I will continue writing more another time.

- Natetrix

Putting the pen and books to the side, Natetrix lay back on the comfy chair and rest before a knock came from his door and opened.

Natetrix turns his head around behind the chair to see that it was the doctor to see him. As the doctor stood by the door, standing with two legs, adjust his glasses and smiles.

"Greetings, Mr. Natetrix correct?" said Doctor Wolf

The magical pegasus Natetrix, smiled back and nod.

"Yes that is correct, Doctor Wolf."


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