• Published 21st Dec 2019
  • 316 Views, 2 Comments

The Twilight Temple - Kentavritsa

In twilight, a temple is raised; in the name of the one, known as Twilight Sparkle. Her mark is the symbol, and the material used, is a mysterious purple crystal. Naturally, the temple is hoarding invaluable printed works. Knowledge.

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Revealing: 2

There are no torches in this room, yet it is obviously well lit.

As the door is closed behind me, I can no longer see the torches in the hall; but I could see the hall being stark black. Of course, there is no point in the effect of torches; when I can't see the light. What's the point?

“I hope you like tea, because I do!” she points out.

“Tea?” I inquire; “Of course!” I then add; “Who does not love a good cup of tea?” I ponder, quietly; without a word, smiling inwardly.

“Good, because I will be brewing tea; for the both of us, and I would hate to see you not enjoying it with me!” she exclaims.

This room seems rather small, but it could as easily have been a kitchen. Then again, there is the kitchen-sink. I know, partially; because it has a tap, from which she is effectively extracting fresh, cold water for the tea.

The desktop could have been made out of a single stone, polished to perfection; or stain-less steel. Who am I to say? Either way, it is three feet deep, and ten feet long. The sink is clearly on the right side. There is a seam, three inches under the top-surface, other than that; it is perfectly smooth, and spot-less. This is a temple, but still.

Of course, there is one unexpected event taking place. As I look towards the origin of the spoken words; I see my companion, clear as daylight. She is in fact quite real; a lavender Pony mare. Her features, quite equine; just not the Pony, or Horse I had been expecting from the sounds of her hooves. How could I have been expecting a living, breathing Unicorn; standing before me, speaking and brewing tea?

“Sorry, if the revelation startled you!” she pronounces, just as I gasp, in obvious surprise.

“I think I prefer this, over the rumoured Ghost!” I offer.

“Thank you, dear!” she says; “I am very much alive, just like you!” she then adds.

“Oh!” I exclaim; “Though I guess the option of a dream could have been pleasing, too!” I put forth.

“This will become quite clear, after a cup of tea; I assure you!” she points out.

“I guess the tea would be quite nice, right about now!” I respond.

“Since you can see me in the flesh, it would be in order for me to present myself!” she points out; “I am Twilight Sparkle, a Unicorn!” she presents herself.

In embarrassment; I am momentarily looking down, at my own feet. Or; what had originally been my now bare feet. My feet still very much bare, but now clearly purple, in a hue, matching her coat-colour. Though, it is looking more; like a vague approximation of what had been my feet.

With feet like these; I guess I could stand to show up bare feet!” I realize; “Even if they would stand out, anywhere else!” I ponder.

Though it is nothing that could not be fixed, with a little bit of Make-up magic. Even a simple girl like me, could carry that out; so long as it is not unexpectedly hot, or humid at the time. Then again, how well could I manage to walk on the side of the swimming-pool, with wet tiles?

Could, or would I put on nail-polish; even if I just made due, with a clear coat?” I ponder, not saying anything right now.

Maybe I should wait, until after the tea, or when I leave? Would asking her, hurt her feelings? Would it hurt her more, if I assumed the answer? Maybe she would prefer, I ask; learning the truth, so that I could avoid damaging these wondrous shoes?

Of course, there is another question; much more urgent, pressing here and now. Aside from, what teas she could be having. What kind of a temple is this? I have no idea, as to what the Twilight temple really is.

Had I forgotten to ask, or is it better to wait; until after the tea, when she may be more eager to answer questions? I do not know; but I have the impression, she is very eager to have her tea. Right now. Maybe sharing it, makes her happy? If so, I would be only too happy; to share the tea with her, as well. She gave me no reason, to believe it is anything wrong with the tea; anything that could hurt me, if I drank it with her.

She pours water into the crystal-clear teapot, as I am watching her. Once it had been filled up, she inserts the net; filled up with fresh tea-leaves. I notice a faint, purple glow around the pot; before the water is starting to heat up, then boil. No need for electricity, when you have a Unicorn at hand?

I watch her, as she is extracting the spent tea-leaves; dumping them into a bucket she readily stashes away out of sight. Now she is producing a pair of large tea-cups.

“Would you take it with sugar, or milk?” she inquires, courtly.

“Two lumps of sugar, please; but no milk!” I respond.

She picks up two lumps of sugar, dropping them gently into my cup. I watch the sugar dissolve into the hot brew. A vortex appears in the brew in my cup, as the sugar is spreading evenly in the tea.

“I hope this will be to your taste!” she offers, generously.

“Thank you, Twilight!” I respond, smiling.

“Have a seat, please!” she offers; as she is pulling the chair out, for me.

“Thank you, Twilight!” I respond; as I accept the seat, and comfortably sit down.

She is standing on the other side of the table, picking her cup up; as my seat is sliding on, and I pick my cup up with her.

“Cheers!” she exclaims, lifting her cup in a warm salute.

“Cheers!” I respond, lifting my cup.

“I hope you are comfortable, here with me!” she now puts forth.

“Oh, yes; Twilight, I am quite comfortable here!” I respond; “Though I am still struggling with the situation; I had not exactly expected to see you here, or anyone like you!” I then confess.

“Since you did not run away; or ignore me, as if I had not been here!” she offers; “I do enjoy having you here!” she puts forth, grinning.

She takes a sip, of her tea, and I follow her example, enjoying the tea she had offered me. I guess the guys at the pub would have compared it, with how they enjoy sharing a glass with a friend. Maybe I am mistaken, but it is my impression.

“I am curious!” she offers; “I am a very curious Pony, and I love learning new things and meeting new friends!” she then continues.

“It hurts me, when they run away; as if I had been a spectre, or a dangerous beast!” she puts forth; explaining her situation, further.

“Curiosity, killed the Cat; you know!” I tease her.

“Still, curiosity is vital; for the personal growth, and enjoyment of life!” I offer, generously.

I take another sip, leaning back in thought; considering the situation, and what she is just telling me. I nod.

“I can't help, but sympathize with you!” I then offer.

“When I heard you, I felt summoned; thus I teleported up, to greet you!” she puts forth.

“You heard me, as I entered the temple?” I inquire.

“Yes, but of course; though I guess it is not quite like you would describe hearing, but rather a sense of something interesting I just had to investigate!” she explains.

“Summoned? How do you mean?” I inquire.

“Technically speaking; I could have ignored it, and you!” she explains; “Though there are some things, one can simply not ignore!” she adds; “I felt, as if it had been knocking on the door, or I had been summoned to this place; to greet you, and to learn more about you!” she concludes.

“Like hearing the doorbell of your home, or when your Boss asks you to perform your job; as opposed to a Daemon, or Ghost being summoned?” I inquire, hoping to gain some additional understanding and knowledge here.

“I guess that description, is as good as any I could have conjured up!” she responds.

“That is reassuring, to me; and I guess, that would feel good for you too!” I put forth.

“Thank you, my dear; yes, it actually does!” she points out.

Just as curiosity had opened the door, between us; familiarity is pushing fear away, leaving us in a warm and friendly situation. I relish in the new-found friendship, sharing a moment with the mare I had never expected to see.

Once the cloak of differences and alieness had been cut away, we are free to enjoy a moment together. I can see and recognize the friendly smile, on her face; where previously, I could see nothing recognizable. She is the friend, I had not previously met. Even when her facial details and expressions was completely different, from expected cues; I can learn to interpret them, for what they are. By listening to her voice, and what she is saying; I learn, what she feels, and how she is feeling about her world.

Of course, that could be said; from the perspective of the mirror, helping her understand me as well.

“Then I can put all these Ghost-stories to rest, knowing you are just like me; just wearing a different skin, with a very different life behind you!” I offer.

“A friend, is indeed a friend; even if you may have to go through hard times, to realize it!” she puts forth.

“You can never get too many friends, right!” I suggest; “Just as a good cup of tea, can save the day!” I offer.

“That does sound, just like an old friend of mine!” she responds; “Exactly!” she merely puts forth.

Then I look at her, smiling back at her. As I observe her, from the other side of the table; I see the purple coat of fur, the horn, and finally the mark on her flank. A large, deeper purple star; with a group of five diminutive companion stars, surrounding it.

“Nice tattoo!” I probe; “How did you come up with it?” I inquire.

“That is not a tattoo, it's my Cutie Mark!” she points out; “It is a sign of who I am, the Element of Magic!” she explains.

“Magic?” I exclaim; “Oh, yeah; you are a Unicorn, right?” I offer.

“Yes, exactly!” she responds; “You know of Unicorns?” she inquires.

“Yes, of course; though most of it is from legends, and mythology of old!” I respond; “But it seems, at least some of it is true; since you are standing before me, drinking tea!” I then add, hastily.

“Myths and legends, we do have these too!” she responds; “Most of the time; there is a core of truth behind it, distorted and twisted by time and countless retellings!” she explains.

“Makes me wonder; who these ancient Unicorns were, and how they lived!” I offer.

“There are two possible answers to that question!” she puts forth; “I only know one of these answers; assuming you speak of people from my own past; coming over here, seen by your ancestors!” she explains.

“That would be a very convenient answer; I half by half wish that is in fact true!” I respond.

“Convenient, but only one possibility!” she offers; “Still, better than the degraded myths and Ghost-stories!” she adds.

“What if Ghost-stories, is a means to explain; events you experience, when your mind refuses to acknowledge the witness of your own senses?” I propose.

“That could account for a good deal, of these stories!” she responds.

“Exciting; now I am growing even more eager, to get to know you!” I point out.

I take a sip; stop and observe the Pony, standing before me. A smile spreading over my lips, as I enjoy the situation she had invited me to share with her.

“In that light, there are a few things I need you to see!” she points out; “If you like, what you see; maybe I could invite you back, to see more?” she offers; “I do know; you are enjoying the tea, with me!” she concludes.

“Yes, the tea is lovely!” I confirm; “I would love to see, what you want to show me!” I add.

As her tea runs dry, when she takes a sip, she pours herself another cup. She takes a sip, as she is intently observing me. I note a curious look, on her face.

She seems the curious, inquisitive character!” I ponder, giggling at the observation.

“You need another cup?” shew inquires, as she notices my cup being empty.

“Yes, please!” I respond.

She pours up more tea, for me; in the delicate white porcelain cup. First now, I actually notice the curious design. Not a Human design, by any means; but clearly a cup, intended for a Pony to use. Maybe the design is responsible; for the slightly awkward feel of the cup, I had been drinking from?

She clearly handle her cup, expertly; with the grace of long practice, and perfect control. I am finding myself envious, of her; the delicate control of the cup, she is demonstrating, as if it had been nothing. I can't help it, and I can barely hide or disguise it; hoping she is not bothered, by it. She says nothing, letting me know; she understands, where I come from.

This is a Royal design, intended for Unicorns; not even for Pegasi or Earth-ponies. She made no mention of these; even if she is clearly more than just aware of them, but clearly value their friendships.

Comments ( 2 )

Wait, where in Equestria is twilight? I'll admit I haven't watched every episode, But I don't recall any location in the show with that name.

Maybe Limbo is closer to the show-description?
The locaton or phenomen goes by different names for a fairly similar description.

Oh, and yes; I bwelieve I have been missing a few episodes, too.
Particularly the latest of last season, based on the quelity of the first episode.

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