• Published 20th Dec 2019
  • 2,864 Views, 65 Comments

Equestrian Mewsings - Void Runner

Most sane people think twice about making a deal with an imprisoned god. I know I did, so I thought I knew what I was getting into when Arceus sent me to Equestria as a Mew. I was wrong, but at least not all of it is bad, and the friends are better.

  • ...

Settling In

Chapter 2: Settling In


"Down this hallway and to the left are the kitchens, and up those stairs further down is the private quarters of the palace, including my own."

I've been following Princess Celestia for most of the afternoon as she gave me what could only be the most comprehensive tour of Canterlot Palace in its history, as well as an impromptu briefing on recent events, including Princess Luna's return and Discord's escape and subsequent re-imprisonment. I technically didn't need either event explained to me but the information on events in Canterlot would be useful, and in that time the sun has gotten low on the horizon. I've also been introduced to Celestia's primary administrative staff, Kibitz and Raven Inkwell, as well as a plethora of other auxiliary personnel. In fact, the only pony we encountered while wandering the halls that Celestia hadn't introduced me to was a rather gaunt, pale grey stallion with a slick dark mane and a goatee she told me was named Neighsay once we had passed out of earshot of him.

Her reason for doing so was no mystery to me, as I'd been able to glean an abundance of other information from the surface thoughts of every encounter. The Chancellor of the EEA's distain for anything non-pony was blared across the Psychic waters the instant he laid eyes on me, but he only muttered a polite "Princess" as he walked past, his thoughts betraying his assumption that I was some exotic new pet the Princess had picked up somewhere.

I did the perfectly mature thing and stuck my tongue out at the back of his head the moment I was no longer in danger of being seen by him.

The encounter with the maid Pine Fresh shortly after was much more enjoyable, and I'd been able to subtly inform the princess that she should be expecting an application for maternal leave from the mare in about nine moons, but that she didn't yet know she was expecting twins. The smile on the Princess' face at that news would have outshone her own sun were its brightness a manifestation.

Between meeting and greeting the staff and dignitaries wandering the halls, or brief explanations on the history of the locations and artworks I was being shown or recent events, we chatted more casually and I came to know a great deal about the Princess that had never been covered in the show while she learned more about me without giving away that before today I'd been a completely different species or that I knew a great deal more about the goings on in Ponyville over the last year than I should have. As time wore on, however, the strain of being connected to so many other minds began to wear on me, and my gifted experience could only do so much to help me alleviate the strain.

"Is something the matter? You've been rather quiet for the last hour." Princess Celestia asks me, shaking me out of my thoughts. There's a subtle hint of concern in her voice, but she betrays no other hint of worry.

[Sorry,] I weakly project, rubbing my temples slowly with the pads of my paws to ward off the headache I was trying to distract myself from. [I'm still unused to the full breadth of my powers while around so many sophonts. The 'noise' has given me a headache, and I can only reduce my sensory range so far without cutting myself off from the rest of my powers.] To emphasize my point, I flip upside down and swing a long loop around her head, earning me a chuckle.

"My apologies then," she smiles apologetically to me, the expression reaching her eyes. We make our way to the kitchens and my stomach growls like a wounded animal as soon as the smell of sugar and dough hits my nose through the doors. Celestia chuckles as she opens them but stops as soon as she looks inside, her expression morphing into a calm mask. I float over her shoulder and peer in to see what put her guard up.

The kitchens are a long room with cupboards and counters lining all the walls and an island stretching through the middle. There are four large ovens set into the far walls and no less than six range tops spread around the space. This late in the evening the room is moderately staffed with various chefs and assistants, their thoughts centered around preparing dinner for the denizens of the palace. Celestia's attention isn't directed to any of them though. Instead she's looking at the large dark blue mare sitting at the island with an entire pot of coffee and several thick texts next to her. It takes me a moment to recognize Princess Luna, more through the power radiating off of her than her appearance, as her mane hasn't quite become the full starry mass it is in the show. After a moment of study, I see a few wispy tresses starting to develop even as I watch.

Her thoughts are just as guarded as her Sister's, but even without pressing on them I can sense a fragility to her mental barriers, like obsidian spiderwebbed with cracks. The feel of her aura is also odd, seemingly comprised of two parts blending together. The core of her aura I sense is like a Super Wolf Moon, powerful and dominating as it watches the world from above, but spreading outward, mingling and mixing more fully with the Psychic Field than any pony I've encountered before now are tendrils of power that I can only describe as "Dream".

It's decidedly curious. The auras of Ponies in general are alien to my gifted memories, like little islands of light and power entirely independent of the psychic plain. I can only assume that this represents their "Magic", and its effect on the ebb and flow of the psychic waters that surround them is minimal compared to their unguarded thoughts. I can tell that the "Dream" of Luna's aura isn't a psychic or aura manifestation or projection like my own powers, but I know instinctively that if she decided to she could use those tendrils to interact with the Psychic Plain to bypass many of the upper layers of thought entirely and dive straight into the realms of the unconscious and subconscious. It only takes me a moment to realize that this must be how she is able to monitor dreams and assist people with fighting their nightmares.

"Hello Luna." Celestia says quietly. Luna looks up from her study, startled at being addressed. Small smiles come to both sisters as they make eye contact, but the Night Princess quickly notices me, as I've drifted over to one of the dream tendrils and am examining it more closely without actually touching it.

"Good Evening, Sister. Pray tell, what manner of creature is this? It is not one we have seen before in the gardens."

[Good evening to you too, Princess Luna.] I project. To my disappointment, all this earns me is a raised eyebrow, though her critical gaze sharpens significantly.

Celestia nods at me as I turn to face Luna and perform a midair curtsey. "This is Elsa Keyes. She is a Mew; a Guardian Being, come to our world from another. Apparently, some creatures from her world found their way to ours thanks to Discord, and she was tasked to locate and watch over them as they adjust to their new lives here, as none of them have the means to return to their home. While she says her needs are minimal, I have nonetheless offered her a place here at The Palace to rest and set out on her search from."

"And what manner of powers are these of hers, that We can sense the presence of her Dreams yet sleep she does not?" Luna asks. I turn more focus on her, startled, and put a bit more power into my passive scans. This earns me further narrowing of her eyes and sure enough, though I haven't directly interacted with the tendril next to me, I can now feel the subtle sensory 'ping' coming from it that's rebounding off of my own psychic radiance.

"She is powerfully psychic, and unbound by any contract or agency." Celestia says simply, and if it were possible, I would swear the temperature in the room dropped a few degrees. The cooks and assistants who were bustling about preparing for the evening meals all pause for a moment and shoot Luna worried looks reflecting their thoughts before quickly turning back to their tasks and desperately hoping Celestia is able to de escalate the situation. I'm not particularly worried, though getting along with Luna would be preferable to the alternative.

Celestia continues. "She has also explained her code of ethics regarding using her abilities to my satisfaction, and I do not believe her to be a threat to our little ponies while she is here unless she is provoked."

Luna's gaze turns more evaluating as she glances between me and her sister. Apparently coming to a decision, she nods. "Very well, We shall simply have to trust Your judgement on this matter, Sister." She focuses on me again, narrowing her eyes once more, "But be warned, Elsa Keyes, 'Guardian' or no, should you give us reason to Doubt our sister's judgement We will not hesitate to end you."

I'm still not worried by the threat, my gifted memories letting me know I have at least a dozen methods to get away unscathed, and every Ability, Move and Power ever known by a Mew ever to fall back on even if I can't. I'm still confident it won't come to that, though, and instead of making these thoughts known I favor the Night Princess with an equally serious look and project, [Understood.] and like a switch being flipped, the tension leaves the room as Princess Luna sighs and turns her gaze back upon her books.

Celestia joins her, sitting across from her at the central island and quietly placing an order for her and myself with one of the assistants. I lick my lips in anticipation of the apple pie as it's brought to me, the smell alone making my mouth water, but I resist the urge to simply shove my face in and scarf it down like Celestia is doing with her Cake. Instead I use a slight pressure of psychic force to slice it into sixteen pieces, startling the unicorn cook who was about to do the same with her knife, and happily bite into the first piece as I lift it firmly in my psychic grasp. My actions garner some interested attention from the Staff, and a curious glance from Luna, but a moment later she returns her gaze to the text before her.

I'm starting on my third piece when she grumbles, "Fie upon this infernal studying. As fascinating as the modern world is, We would much prefer to experience it for ourselves."

"That may be so, however given your reaction to a vacuum cleaner, this is still for the best, at least until you have a better understanding of what to expect in general." Celestia returns, somehow not a speck of cake having gotten stuck on her coat despite the devastation left on the plate in front of her.

"An Understanding we feel We have already gained, yet still you insist there is more to learn." Luna complained.

Celestia opens her mouth to reply, but rather than rebuff her sister again she pauses, rubbing a hoof under her chin in apparent thought. "Perhaps you are right." Luna looks up sharply and Celestia continues. "I am still not entirely convinced that you are ready, but in two and a half weeks' time will be Nightmare night. Perhaps it would be in your interest to attend the celebration in Ponyville, and if you feel comfortable with the experience afterward and are able to relate to the Ponies there, I will allow you to retake some of your more public duties."

"Only some?" Luna questioned irritatedly, "and what, pray tell is Nightmare Night? We are unfamiliar with this event, but it sounds an affront to our duty as guardian of Ponies Dreams."

Celestia answered, "For the first, you are still recovering your strength. Better acclimated or not, I won't have you exhausting yourself by taking on more than you are ready for. To the second..."

Here, she hesitated, contemplating the glass of milk tea set before her with the rest of her meal before heaving a sigh. "Nightmare night Began as a... 'celebration'... of Nightmare Moon's banishment." Luna's face twisted in anger, and was about to retort, but Celestia cut her off, talking quickly. "When I first learned of it I tried everything I could to stamp it out. Unfortunately, it has proven as difficult to eradicate as convincing Our Little Ponies that we are not Goddesses was in the olden days." Luna still didn't look happy, but rolled her eyes and nodded in understanding at the analogy before Celestia continued.

"Originally, Ponies would burn effigies of the Nightmare or other offerings at a communal bonfire, thinking it would somehow protect them from the gaze of the Mare in the Moon, which was said to be cursed, along with other, worse, practices and superstitions, before and after the primary offering. For better or worse, while I have been unable to completely eradicate the holiday, I Have managed to tone it down so that today most cities host some sort of carnival featuring night time games and performances, while foals dress in costumes and go from door to door in their neighborhoods requesting candy, half of which is usually left as an offering with an effigy or statue of Nightmare Moon so that she won't 'gobble them up'."

"Still a most appalling tradition" Luna grumbled. "We will have to see about changing it when we visit Ponyville."

Celestia smiled as she stood and said, "I wish you the best of luck doing so. Now, I still have to show Elsa where she will be sleeping before lowering the sun and turning in myself. Good night, little sister "

"Good Night, Celestia. Elsa Keyes" Luna acknowledges as she turns back to her text.

I blink at the abrupt end to the conversation and then blink again when I realize my pie is gone, the taste of apple and cream still lingering on my tongue. I yawn as I float upward to follow Celestia, but on a split-second decision turn to Luna instead and rub my back affectionately under her chin, much to her surprise. [Good night, Moon Princess] I project as I drift to follow the bigger alicorn out the door.

Celestia gives me a sly look and a pleased smile as the doors close behind us, to which I affect an innocent stare. She chuckles before turning towards the access stairway she had shown me earlier and trotting off. I follow at a leisurely glide, and a comfortable silence settles between us as we ascend.

The hallway up the stairs is just as elegantly appointed as the rest of the palace, with alabaster walls and red and gold carpeting; clear testament to Celestia's longtime occupancy of the building. I'd seen subtle signs of Luna's influence starting to creep into other areas, and it was no different here with the drapery cutting the motif with tasteful splashes of blue and silver shades that didn't clash with the rest of the décor. Heavy, dark stained doors line one side of the hall while windows let in the light of the evening on the other, but other than the occasional tapestry or painting there was very little in the way of ornamentation.

Halfway down the hall and across from a door leading outside Celestia stops. "These shall be your rooms." She said, opening the door on the interior wall we were in front of. "Should you need anything, or should they not be to your satisfaction, please let any of the servants know, and if your requests are reasonable, I will see what can be done."

The bedroom was more lavish than anything I'd ever seen in my life, so the chances of me complaining about it were nonexistent. Rust red carpets covered the floor and the walls were covered in white silk with gold leaf patterns embossed on it in real gold. A massive four poster bed made of a white wood and gilded in gold, with crimson curtains lined with gold tassels dominated the wall to the right and to either side of it sat two end tables made of the same wood and gold leaf. Along the opposite wall sat a vanity and a door that exploration showed lead to a private bath. Equally spaced along the far wall from the hall door were three tall windows with the same blue and silver curtains as the hall outside, and under the middle one sat a writing desk with parchment, quills and ink at the ready for the room's occupant should they need them.

Hovering in the middle of the room, I turn to my hostess and bow. [Thank you, Princess.] I project my gratitude along with the statement, earning me a smile.

"I must go set the Sun, now, but I hope you have a pleasant night, Elsa Keyes." She nods and turns to leave the room.

[Good night, Princess Celestia] I reply as she closes the door behind her.